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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Universities in modern World

Stable and dynamically developing society can be built only by up-to-date educated people, able flexibly and cleverly react on the constant changes, possessing developed sense of responsibility for their destiny and destiny of the country. Thus, the leading development of secondary and professional schools is becoming the necessary condition of bringing up of such stuff. And for its realization the government needs to think out strategy oriented policy in sphere of education. One of the major role in this process must play Universities as key element of system of professional education. Existing in Europe more than 900 years and in Kazakhstan about 90 years the Universities made outstanding contribution in the development of civilization and formation of modern science. Universities can be referred to the etalon centers of culture promoting saving and developing of diversity of cultural achievement of mankind.

As many analysts today in Kazakhstan has been no measurable progress in establishing an innovative economy. At present, very few industrial companies have expressed interest in the products produced on the basis of domestic research and development. Overall assessment of the situation suggests that the formation of effective support mechanisms and innovation remains the weak link of the national innovation system. In this respect, is a very significant public policy aimed at encouraging investment in innovation.

The country's economy is predominantly raw-material orientation with low value added. The main production assets match the level 40–60s of the twentieth century and present day environmental and technological hazards. The technologies used allow only the second and third conversion. In the high prices of raw products, which are observed in the world at the present time, the company is not interested in investing in a high, high technologies. It is promoted and tax breaks for large companies, especially those for export. As a result, the economy showing symptoms of «Dutch disease» when the investments are not invested in the development of high-tech industries and human capital, and go to the resource sector, which inevitably leads to instability of its position, the imbalance, the development of inflationary processes. At the state level, innovation is not seen as a tool for solving economic, technological, environmental and social issues [1; 38].

A key role in today's economy belongs to the innovation. Now in the acute competition in the markets the new knowledge create competitive advantages of individual countries to a greater extent than their natural resources. Today 90 % of Japan's GDP is provided by the introduction of innovative technologies and new competitive products. In the U.S. the figure is 70 %, and we have it is negligible.

In an economy based on new knowledge, innovation and high-tech business, the key role played by science and human capital, the demand for their business, and government support for new beginnings [1; 59]. Innovative development necessarily involves pooling the efforts of science, business and government,  with their inherent potentials and destiny. It is important to build an innovative nation's susceptibility.

We have economic growth but also to ensure that economic development is needed to diversify. If we turn to the experience of developed countries, then they started to support initiatives in the field. For example, a triangle of high-tech development in the USA: Silicon Valley, North Carolina and South Carolina, area universities, Oxford and Cambridge, etc. occurred at the beginning of activity in the field with the active support at the state level.

All these years we were carried away creating adding, which are invested great resources. In the structure of local government is not even science department. State support should be directed to the establishment of innovation infrastructure, which includes small businesses engaged in innovative entrepreneurship, technology parks, universities, high-tech development zones, etc. State under this by developing, for example, small business needs to decide on priorities, necessary incentives and other measures to support their innovation activities.

World experience shows an important pattern: the development of innovative processes requires highly qualified scientific and technical staff, a solid scientific and technological base, a growing market demand for the results of scientific innovation, mechanisms for protecting intellectual property.

In the new conditions, one of the most important sectors affecting the socio-economic development, it is high school, and its products — human capital — determine the future of the country. But education is a great blessing, if it is the highest quality, otherwise it is useless. These words of Rudyard Kipling are as relevant as ever in today's realities of Kazakhstan. An interesting analogy can be drawn between national education system and the situation that has arisen from an accident on our roads. It is known that their high rate — a consequence of bad roads and poor driver training in driving schools. But it is no secret that many of our schools actually become a «diploma mills» [2]. What are the socio-economic consequences of this lead?

As in other rapidly developing countries, Kazakhstan is changing the role of universities — they must ensure the establishment of a «smart» economy, which not only had time to changes in the world, but would allow for advance work on certain priorities.

World practice shows that a key role here belongs to the innovative — the business — the universities, which train the next generation of quality professionals who can turn knowledge into the ultimate high-tech products with high added value. These are important links in the innovation economy, power, and whose importance is increasing rapidly. Thus, the annual budget of the University of Texas is $3 billion, Stanford —

$1 billion more, with a budget of the University of Oxford in the $1 billion revenue of small high technology companies surrounding it, up $4 billion over the last ten years in the PRC was established more than 50 national university science parks, which was established more than 2,500 businesses based on high and new technology.

There are universities in the country, drawing on international experience, where a model of innovative university «University — Industrial Park» is introduced. Such model is based on the basic principle of transformation — the integration of education, science and industry. As a result, changes are successfully developing innovative education and innovation infrastructure, formed the corporate culture and competitive environment in the university, the new management structure to them.

The university created a choice of learning paths depending on the abilities of students. Some of them received training from the traditional use of information technology and interactive teaching methods in accordance with state standards and specialties are bachelors. Others have an opportunity to reveal its full potential by getting innovative education, which implies the mastery of basic competencies, innovative learning technologies. At the stage of commercialization of research and development and management of innovative projects such graduates are the subjects of an innovative economy and create innovative enterprises, hightech firms. Movers, engaged in fundamental science, complete graduate school.

Now more universities are tend to have more problem-oriented and project-organized orientation which allow obtaining not only the traditional knowledge and skills, but also the core competencies.

But all these are quantitative indicators. And as they move into high-quality components, it is primarily the students' attitudes to learning not for grades but for the sake of knowledge, their desire to enter the labor market with its developments. This is facilitated by the university system is used in the division of training and supervision, which allows for an independent assessment of their knowledge based on modern technology. As a result, student generated motto «rely only on themselves,» which is the normal basis for a healthy society. The university implemented a continuous practical training of students, making it possible to obtain the necessary working skills. There is a system of continuous mathematics, the ability to obtain additional education in foreign languages for professional activities, etc.

The attitude of teachers towards their work, their orientation appeared to increase their competence and competitiveness associated with the motivation of high performance work and the appropriate payment for it. As a result, in recent years has doubled the number of doctors and a half times — candidates of sciences. Another eight employees of the university awarded the title «The best teacher of high school.» This is the best indicator of technical colleges and universities in the region of the republic, and the number of holders of the title of best in the annual competitions is steadily growing.

For training and retraining of teachers of technical institutions and their international certification for the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the university opened a training center of European teachers who (only in the country) has received accreditation at the international level — at the International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP). One of the steps in a strategy of innovation economy is the entry of the Kazakhstan Society for Engineering Education (KazSEE) to the International Federation (IFEES). Not by chance the second semester in college is the six professors from top foreign universities the U.S., Germany and Poland, which introduce advanced international experience in the educational process and conduct joint research at the university.

Speaking about the problems and the need to address them at the state level, it should be noted that the current situation of universities in Kazakhstan does not allow them to be active participants in the innovation economy and become the market structure. Status of republican state enterprise is a hindrance to the development of their innovation, which is constrained by many legal restrictions. Paradoxically, in excess of the proportion of income derived from research and innovation — 10 % of the total, higher education institutions have to pay corporate income tax, which may exceed the entire income from such activities. Universities cannot establish new and innovative structures, joint ventures. There are other restrictions, adversely affecting their development and transformation of innovative universities involved in the commercialization of knowledge.

For the innovation economy in Kazakhstan bet must be placed on the development of innovative university-based regional research and education centers or hi-tech zones, which must become engines of economic modernization in the regions, and eventually the whole country.

It is time to create points of growth innovation-based economy. These should include infrastructure, along with educational institutes and departments design institutes, based on the material base of university laboratories open, business incubators, technology parks, venture funds, SEC, closely interacting with development institutions. This integration will provide a multiplier effect for the operation of the technological corridor: an idea — an innovative proposal — research — technological project — a prototype — production — market.

More effective, these processes will proceed in state regulation of innovation through the institution of science and technology or technical-promotional type. Especially telling in this regard the experience of China in which there are 120 areas of new and high technologies at various levels, among them 53 — State of destination. The most effective development of Chinese technology parks is marked at their establishment in the territory of special economic zones (SEZs), which was quite widespread in the world economic practice. The same path moves and Russia, given the status of SEZ technical-promotional type a number of regions.

Unfortunately, in Kazakhstan, the legislation does not provide this type of SEZ. Giving it the status of high-technology zones to attract investments in high technology development. In these circumstances, to conduct joint research and technology transfer in these offices will house leading international companies. Their development will implement innovative university graduates, making a real contribution to the economy. Especially important to note that there can find their place graduates of the program «Bolashak», which will get jobs in areas of high technology and knowledge-intensive firms to open offices. On his return to Kazakhstan, they bring new knowledge and technology on the leading fields of science and technology, which will be relevant in the innovative development of the country.

Document defining the long-term priorities in education, is the «Strategic Plan for Development of Kazakhstan till 2020», designed to implement long-term strategy «Kazakhstan–2030». State program for educational development in the RC 2020 was developed based on the Concept of Development of Education RK 2015, approved by the government in February 2004. The purpose of this program was the creation of society's need for a radical modernization of the education system to improve its competitiveness, human capital development, ensuring sustainable economic growth and welfare. The program will be implemented in two phases: first phase — 2011–2015 years, the second phase — 2016–2020 years.

The total amount of funding the first phase of the Programme is 3,846,920 million tenge, including by means of: the national budget — 3,762,641 tenge, including extra — 419,436 tenge local budgets — 84 million tenge in 2789, from them more — 30,955 tenge. The program provides the following key areas of development: the transition to 12-year general secondary education, the creation of technical and vocational education, providing a three-tier system of professional training — bachelor-master-doctorate (Ph.D), based on a system of academic credits, consistent with the Bologna Declaration and international standards, the creation of a national system of education quality. The main directions of the program legislatively in the new Law of RK «On education», approved July 27, 2007 that meet the needs of economic and social modernization, and take into account international requirements for new delivery systems.

Therefore, the most important here is the adoption of a law providing economic incentives for cooperation of science and industry (U.S. experience), the provision of innovative high tax benefits to enterprises, accounting for all of their costs, production modernization and introduction of new technologies in the production costs and government support for high-tech exports.

In general in this area, from creation to transform knowledge into a commercial product to use for the system of government support measures, not excluding the creation of new tools for us. For example, in France, to promote and enhance the status of scientists, they are classified as civil servants.

Increasingly strong position in modern society is intellectual property, which becomes the foundation of an economy based on knowledge. The number of applications filed in the Patent Office, is an indicator of the ability of nations to innovate. In this area, the main work must be aimed at making the intellectual property assets in the economy. Necessary to strengthen the participation of Kazakhstan in the international market trade in licenses of intellectual property as patents abroad is the basis of legal security of exports of goods and licenses. While all this is in our infancy.

To date, the most urgent is to improve the regulatory framework on the following issues: participation in the profits of the authors or their selection as the owners of intellectual property's equity investments, determination of the size of the share capital in the form of intellectual property rights, the creation of economic incentives for commercialization of R & D and development of innovative products.

To form a strategy of scientific and technological development and realization of state policy to establish the Government of a coordination body to conduct an inventory of research and development programs carried out on a national scale, to make in accordance with the priorities elaborated foresight to develop the spectrum of measures to facilitate the implementation of the best scripts.

Planning and management of research and innovation sector and its organization should be based on a «rolling» method, which allows you to use effectively and efficiently manage innovation, while reducing the time for projects and their financial costs.

Kazakhstan has the determination to maintain higher education role in supporting the education system, but it does not exempt educational institutions from the need to independently develop and implement its development strategy. In these circumstances, the universities are vital task of reforming its operations to meet the needs of modern society, the analysis of international experience and adapting it to our traditions. Mechanical copying of models and principles created in completely different historical, social, cultural, economic conditions — it ineffective and unnecessary, but their critical thinking and the application in accordance with our conditions and culture is essential.

In higher education, today there are enough holders of doctorates. In the sector of higher education there is excess of exports over imports of technology. The main objective today — making it a powerful intellectual potential of intellectual capital that can bring it to the owners of real income, which will significantly improve the quality and competitiveness of Russian universities [3].

One way to solve this problem — increase the quality of training by increasing the role of university research, its results to improve the education and development of new high-tech, real integration within the university education, science and innovation. This would increase student learning through the development of not only theoretical knowledge but also research and innovation and entrepreneurial skills to raise the status of the teaching staff through the commercialization of their intellectual development, to obtain from this facility to improve material and technical basis of teaching and science use the production facilities of collaborating with the University of enterprises in educational and research purposes, to increase the prestige of the university as a whole, not only as a supplier of skilled personnel, but also a developer of high technology.

A similar version of which is widely used today in other countries (examples are the universities of Stanford, Massachusetts, Nice, Birmingham and others), is real and in Kazakhstan context, despite the many difficulties and gaps in existing legislation. Government had taken the strategic decision to strengthen the resource base of higher education, including through the establishment of university facilities and research universities.

The main concept of «university complex», in our opinion — is the underlying process of integration, and integration of not only levels of education, but also in areas of activity — teaching, research and innovation. Last logically implies close cooperation between universities, not only with other agencies, general and vocational education, but also with its industry and other regions. This is especially significant for technical colleges. Partnership of universities and industry can develop in the field of training, and research and development, and in the creation and production of innovative high technology products. At the close partnership of this kind and there are real scientific training and innovative university systems — in the form of a single legal entity (if innovative companies are part of the university as its structural units) and as an association of legal persons, if the university is a center around which are grouped industries and businesses in need of qualified professionals, new technologies and development [4].

After years of efforts of several universities in the country already has several major educational, research and innovation (training, research and production) of university facilities, which include both educational institutions at various levels (institutions, colleges, high schools, the structure of postgraduate and further education), so and small and medium-sized innovative enterprises, innovation and technology centers, technology parks, research and design organizations, objects of innovation infrastructure[5]. As a result, achieved such important results as improving the quality of education based on the integration of teaching, research and innovation, the concentration of all phases of the innovation cycle under controlled institutions of innovative structures (which reduces development time, reduces costs and increases the profitability of activities), to consolidate the efforts of universities, regional authorities and interested businesses and organizations in innovative activity in the regions.

The latter seems particularly important. In the current political and economic situation, universities should actively liaise with local authorities and business community, not only in the plans, no suggestions of his intellectual production but also in terms of building demand. To form a culture of innovation and incentives — one of the priorities of Kazakhstan's universities as centers of production and dissemination of knowledge. That's higher education institutions through its main product — skilled — can have the greatest impact on society, instilling a culture and value system.

But we must bear in mind that for the full realization of this task, high school itself should develop in such a culture. The development of a scientific and pedagogical workers is striving for professional and personal self-improvement, creative thinking, the breadth and flexibility of perceiving the world — an indispensable condition for the formation of these qualities and the students.

One of the ways of professional and creative self-employees of higher education can be a revitalization of university research and innovative entrepreneurship. Opening of teachers and researchers of its own affairs in order to make their research ideas into commercially profitable product market and attract students to it as a junior staff — one of the most effective ways to integrate teaching, research and innovation. Especially here in broad perspectives of young people, not burdened with a load of old habits and norms. In addition, providing opportunities for young scientists to provide a decent living by intellectual work can help solve the problem of flight training and aging stuff of high school. 



  1. Technical Change and Economic Theory / Dosi G., Freeman C., Nelson R., Silverberg G. and Soete L. (eds). — London., — 142 p.
  2. Rahm , Kirkland J., Bozeman B. University-industry R&D collaboration in the United States, The United Kingdom and Japan.— Kluwer: Academic Publishers, 2000.
  3. Knowledge management in the learning society. — Paris, 2000. — P.
  4. Kastels M. Informational epoch: economy, society and culture. — М., 2000. — P.
  5. Hodzhson Social and economical consiquences of progress of knowledge and increasing difficult // Keys of economy. — 2001. — № 8. — P. 445.

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International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science