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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Methodological aspects of environmental education in educational excursion at the Museum of the Palace of the type of John III Sobieski (Warsaw, Poland)

The museum excursion is a traditional form of work with visitors. Excursion is rich pedagogical features and has perspectives for further development. Educational Excursion is a type of traditional and common form of teaching. This type of excursion involves in-depth study of the theme, systematic and purposeful work for museum visitors. Widely used in the Palace Museum of Jan III Sobieski in Warsaw in the study of biology and environmental education.

To date, there is a problem facing humanity ecology. Therefore, environmental education is a challenge for modern society. Ecological culture is an indicator of the practical man's relationship to nature. This knowledge about the environment and natural resource management. Large role in environmental education belongs teachers. That teachers transmit the knowledge of the richness of nature and the beauty of his native land, show the enormity of change in nature, which is linked to human activity. Experience of teachers and trainers shows that love for the subject of interest to a particular field of natural science is often born by skil­fully guiding. This substantiates the urgency of the topic chosen, the materials of which are based on the ac­tivities of the education department of the Museum of the Palace of King Jan III Sobieski (Warsaw, Poland).

This article explains a technique and organization of the educational museum excursion type. Analysed the nature and methodology of educational tours on natural type in the museum. Also identified the theoreti­cal foundations of organizing and conducting educational tours.

Museum Palace of King Jan III Sobieski is located on the southeaster outskirts of modern Warsaw. The palace was built in 1677-1698 years. Augustine Locci for King Jan Sobieski. Is a masterpiece of Baroque and registered in the State Register of museums. To date, the educational department of the Museum of the Palace of King Jan III Sobieski spends most educational work with visitors to the palace and park complex in history, culture and natural history. Relevant to employees of the museum is the problem of protecting the environment and wildlife. Program, in accordance with which the museum is built educational activities pur­posefully creates practical exercises and skills for Nature Conservation, creates and develops environmental thinking and consciousness of visitors.

The main audience of these educational activities are young people, children and their parents. Aware­ness of man's place in the world around us is especially important during childhood and adolescence, when formed cultural and moral values outlook of the person. With its rich flora and fauna of the park Wilanowska museum staff can show visitors the natural beauty, the role of nature in everyday life that teaches not only appreciate and love, but also cares for its resources.

Educational program in which the process of training and education, museum visitors, modified each year. The purpose of the educational activities of the Museum of the Palace of King Jan III Sobieski can be defined as the creation of optimal conditions for the formation of ecological culture of youth, children and their parents [1-5].

To achieve this goal are the following objectives:

  • The development of environmental awareness of visitors and promotion of knowledge about the biol­ogy and ecology through active and socially relevant forms;
  • Creating conditions for the development of practical skills of museum visitors in environmental ac­tivities;
  • Ensuring the availability of creativity on environmental issues;
  • Formation of interest in research activities in the field of ecology and biology;
  • Education of the younger generation of active citizenship.

Knowledge that acquire visitors to the museum, to help them in school, in the classroom, in life in the care of plants and animals, improve job skills, valuable attitude towards their health and nature, get personal development. Thus, the main activities are:

  • Creation of the necessary conditions for employment of children and young biologists and ecologists, the organization meaningful leisure;
  • Identification and development of leadership qualities, creative inclinations;
  • Social adaptation of children and persons with disabilities.

Probably there is no man on earth who would not interested in the life of animal life, not to admire the beauty of the rivers, lakes, flowering meadows and did not try to get to know them. Palace and park complex in Wilanow has adequate biosphere, where you can study animals, plants, nature reserve, engage environ­mental management, how to navigate and survive in the environment. The total area of the museum is 88 hectares of 7495 m2. Of these, the direct area of the Museum of the Palace of King Jan III Sobieski, which includes: Wilanow Palace Wilanow Lake, South Pond, Canal Sobieski. A total of 44 hectares of 9795 m2. Adjacent to the park Wilanow Marysin reserve with an area of 44 hectares in area 7700 m2. Wilanow lake covers an area of 15 hectares and has a length of 1500 m, a width of 50-100 m, depth 5.1 m should be noted that Wilanow park is very popular among visitors. For example, according to statistics for 2012 Wilanow park visited 910,297 people who took part in educational activities on nature to be performed by the mu­seum. It should be noted that in the winter the entrance to the park is free and everyone can visit [4].

Palace and park complex in Wilanow is the territory of protection of cultural monuments and sights of nature. This complex originated with the palace in the second half of the XVII century and was completed together with the palace. Wilanowpalace and park complex includes the following parts: North landscaped park, dam, 2 parts of northern greenhouses, 4 pieces assumptions, greenhouse Ruzhany Chief yard, English-Chinese park, Mount Bacchus (located on the territory of the Chinese — English Park), Garden Komisar's, South Island, Eastern greenhouse with high and lower terraces. Each of these parts of the park is decorated in its design style, such as the ancient, Renaissance, Baroque, Chinese or English. On the territory of the palace and park complex located gazebos, statues and fountains.

Important compositional element in the park is water. Wilanowska lake and Sluzhevetska river, since artificial pond in the park of King create specific microclimate. Biosphere Wilanow park is rich enough and diverse. Educational activities of the museum pays special place dedicated to topics of local history flora and fauna of Wilanow park. The program includes the most interesting topics to increase knowledge about the flora and fauna [6, 7].

Park Palace Museum of King Jan III Sobieski is a special place bringing local biosphere. In his space formed methods and routes presentation biosphere Wilanow Park, focusing on the park visitor who can deeply comprehend the whole complex characteristics such as terrain park, flora and fauna, especially cli­matic conditions, etc. Leading form of presentation is a tour of the park audience. Educational potential tour is very popular among teachers who rely on the principle of visual learning. Given the experience of museum development and the dynamics of its educational activities, define a tour as a form of education (educational) activities, the content of which is complex (visual, verbal, emotional) perception of the proposed excursion route visual objects in order to acquire knowledge and experience.

Benefits museum excursion over other forms of education that the objects of perception are the origi­nals, and their range is very wide — from natural monument to art. They have great potential cognitive, re­flecting processes of nature and civilization particular era, the fate of the park. Contact with the original teaching to understand and feel the world around us, assess the creative possibilities of man, i.e., attaches to knowledge and culture basics. By their nature hike is a contact with the museum educator, mediator between the viewer and the natural monument. Communication with him enriches visitor perceptions, develops his capacity for independent judgment and interpersonal interaction. But all this can only happen if a mediator has the proper psychological and pedagogical training and a good command of the specifics of the excursion and forms of analysis.

Elements of an educational nature are present in any tours, but they are of primary importance in the educational tour type. Educational excursion can be addressed a wide audience of all ages and all social groups. However, the most frequent visitors of such trips are children, teenagers and young adults. Depend­ing on the level of the audience and the specific educational objectives of this type of tour can solve a variety of educational tasks. These problems may have a direct connection with the program curriculum of the insti­tution, or may be relatively independent.

Leading goal educational tour — improving knowledge. The emphasis shifted from general information on the posts deeper disclosure of a particular subject. This is different from the educational tour excursions trial (review) character.

Educational tour at the Museum of the Palace of King Jan III Sobieski focuses on in-depth study of any area of biology and environmental knowledge, involving the exposure of the material or demonstrate the ob­jects of nature, flora and fauna. In this case they act as a learning tool, not the goal, while in the excursion leading purpose is to study the museum's collection, the exhibition itself, the biosphere park and palace com­plex [8-10].

Specific learning objectives are determined by its theme tours. Thus, a hike on the theme «With musket hunting for Wilanow palace» may be given the following tasks:

  • To give an idea about the traditions of hunting in Poland in the XVII century;
  • Explain the meaning of hunting characters in works of art of the Palace of King Jan III Sobieski (paintings, statues, frescoes lampshades, furniture, etc.);
  • The show features hunting with hunting dog breeds and a falcon;
  • To characterize the hunting equipment and arsenal, their practical application;
  • Show the kinds of birds and animals which were hunted.

To tell and to characterize the decrees of King Jan III Sobieski of the Nature Conservation [5, 8, 10]. Range of tasks and topics educational tour in order to correlate with the specific group — its level, the wish — and the amount of time allotted for a tour. They may to some extent in contact with themed tours of developing type, such as «Shine and shadow, or what they see, hear and feel animals», «Beagle — one year in the life of the tree». In this case, it is only necessary shift in focus from developing goals for education, which is justified, provided knowledge of biology visitors made preliminary excursions developing type. Educational nature of these excursions involves a slightly different understanding of their objectives and content. Thus, if the disclosure of the theme «Beagle — one year in the life of the tree» leading task is devel­oping tours skills of observation, research and care of trees, the educational tour on the same subject has cognitive bias: it is explained in the role of forests in the biosphere.

Difficulty perceived material and its method of feeding, and the method of its submission to the educa­tional tour also depend on many factors. Here, as in other types of tours, need to focus on age and social characteristics of the audience. Application forms, means and methods of pedagogical work depending on age, type of professional activity and specificity of education.

Duration educational tour is different and explains its goals, objectives and audience age. Installing the expansion and a deep familiarity with the material and requires a longer duration trips. Here it is advisable to call to form a tour cycle, giving the possibility of purposeful and systematic training.

Educational tours are often a sightseeing cycles that are devoted extensive familiarity with the material through a series of interconnected themes and designed to visit for an extended period of time (months, six months, a year).

Depending on the thematic focus of this type of tour at the Museum of the Palace of King Jan III Sobi-eski can be classified. Art and Historical tours are subject to clarification of its flora and fauna elements in works of art (paintings, sculptures, covers, etc.). In particular they are characterized by: -   Flora and fauna in the artistic works of the palace («Sarmatian culture», «visit the King», «On the hunt with a musket and binoculars... «, «interior decoration and symbolism of the Palace») [7, 10].

Preparations for the historical and art-museum tour requires a deep knowledge of the teacher and holis­tic view of art and history, i.e. enough free orientation in historical and cultural process. On the tour of this type may be brought information to create historical and cultural background on which more vividly revealed the contents perceived artistic works.

Thematic tours, during which topics are considered separate species of flora and fauna. For example, «Wilanow club nature» — a meeting aimed at families with children. During the meetings, learning takes different methods of watching nature. Hosts a variety of topics on this subject, which concerned the birds, dragonflies, butterflies, trees, mites, some plant species in the park, plankton, amphibians, aquatic inverte­brates, beetles.

Educational objectives, content and methods of thematic tours of its implementation is defined by its purpose and specificity leading the audience for which it is intended. Great value of this kind of tours are for children, adolescents and young adults. This will allow them to reflect on the prospect of his own moral growth, promote the realization of a wide range of issues related to the identified problems.

Series of thematic tours may be the foundation for a deeper and more serious comprehension of biology course content and assimilation problem excursions, different high level of complexity of presentation.

Historical, regional tours devoted to the biosphere in the historical context of the development of the palace and park complex in Wilanow. In this area to offer such tours as «King of the gardener», «Meeting with Rovakom otter», «The Secret Garden», «Styles in the gardens», «On the hunt with a musket and... bin-oculars». Visuals such trips is quite extensive and varieties. In addition to general education for all excur­sions working methods (use of elements of dialogue, as appropriate techniques developing techniques rely­ing on age and social specificity of audience, etc.).

Problematic excursions include trips to the increased complexity, as they require the viewer especially careful, thoughtful perception of information, the ability to compare, analyse and summarize experiences, feelings and thoughts that arise in the process of communication with the museum and monument of nature, flora and fauna. In other words, it is necessary to form on the basis of previous experience internal installa­tion and high level of knowledge in biology. For this reason, tour type of problem can be addressed only to high school students, students and adults who are interested in biology, as well as the visual arts in which there are elements of flora and fauna. Visuals such trips can also be quite extensive and varied, but in no way should not be overloaded, the available secondary importance to the disclosure of its themes. In doing so, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of its problems and a deep understanding of the environmental problem to be opened, based on the exposition or natural material. In the story, the guide should be a clear statement of the problem and the logic to solve it. It is extremely important not to «go» in the speculative «arguments about»: each hypothesis, every position and every conclusion should be confirmed by specific observations and impressions. For more convincing method is useful to consult the comparative display.

As such excursions in Wilanow be called the history of cultivated plants, such as medicinal herbs «Re-sults of various herbs and strength «coloring herbs», «Colors of Nature» coffee «Journey with coffee «, etc.

As educational tours for visitors of school age and older. This allows us to assign them to the form of art. Tasks such trips are made to the examples of specific products:

  • Introduce a pitchfork art — painting, sculpture, graphics;
  • Introduce different genres of art — portraits, landscapes, still life, history painting, etc.;
  • To show the role of the art form in the disclosure of the content of works of art;
  • To introduce the elements of figurative language (art form different types of art — color, tone, line, form, texture, etc.) [1-3, 9].

Visuals such trips should be not more than 6-7 pieces. It is extremely important to them as an art form can be clearly and convincingly disclose specific pedagogical task associated with the display of the work. So artistic and imaginative role of the biosphere most convincingly revealed by the example of those works exactly where elements of flora and fauna are the most substantial load.

Due to the fact that the material excursion requires concentration, visual acuity, known emotional stress, and the need to think analytically, tour should not be long, and it does not exceed 45-50 minutes. Overly stretched in time tour in this case leads to the neglect of sightseers, reduces the ability to observe, and crea­tive mental activity, the emotional experience of the image.

Thus, the type of educational tour, being a traditional and very common form of excursion work in­volves in-depth study of the topic, systematic and purposeful work with museum visitors.



  1. Czerniecki S. Compendium ferulorum or gathering food,240
  2. Dumanowski J. Tatar herb in sugar or Old Polish sweets, Warsaw: Payroll Museum in Wilanow, 2011, 923
  3. Dumanowski J., Pawlas A., Poznanski J. Cook Secrets of Stanislaus Czerniecki. The provisions of the oldest Polish cookbook from 1682,Warsaw: Wilanow Palace Museum, 2010, 144
  4. J^draszko-Dabrowska D., Gorecki G., Brzezinski, M., Gortat Inventarisation o fauna of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals in the complex and park in Wilanow payroll, Warsaw, 2006-2007.
  5. Educational information Wilanow Palace Museum. The school year 2013/2014, Warsaw: Payroll Museum in Wilanow, 2013, 50 p.
  6. King gardener, Warsaw: Payroll Museum in Wilanow, 20
  7. Picturesque location, Warsaw: Payroll Museum in Wilanow, 2006, 20
  8. Royal Theatre. Wilanow Palace Museum. Repertoire, Warsaw: Payroll Museum in Wilanow, 16.
  9. Wielqdek, Wojciech. Cook perfect. Warsaw, 1786, Reprint, Warsaw, 2009, 452
  10. Green expedition, Warsaw: Payroll Museum in Wilanow, 20 p.

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