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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

The peculiarities of the ransfer rights according to bill of exchange

Some peculiarities of the transferring rights according to bill of exchange are considered in the article. There are also some controversial issues in bill of exchange circulation dealing with legal effect, arising the transfer rights on bill of exchange in accordance with volume and content of transferring rights, committing by different types of endorsement, considered by the legislation on bill of exchange. Also in the article attention is paid to the issues dealing with the parties’ responsibility of bill of exchange liability.

bill of exchange relations development makes us  draw  our  attention  to  issues  concerning  legal guarantee of realization of the parties right, where ways of protection the holder’s right are also considered to be one of the main factors related to it. there are also some controversial issues in bill of exchange circulation dealing with legal effect, arising  the  transfer  rights  on  bill  of  exchange  in  accordance  with  volume  and  content  of  transferring rights,  committing  by  different  types  of  endorsement,  considered  by  the  legislation  on  bill  of  exchange. that is why our research is aimed to investigate the legal nature of an endorsement.

in accordance with the republic of Kazakhstan legal  norms  «about  the  circulation  of  bills  of exchange»  [1]  (see  later law)  endorsement  must be  written  on  the  back  of  the  bill  of  exchange  or on the slip attached thereto (allonge), authenticating the cession to another person of the bill of exchange. From  the  foregoing,  we  came  to  know  that  the meaning   of   «endorsement»   deals   with   relevant inscription on bill (transferring inscription), on the other hand, arising from writing inscription on bill of exchange, it constitutes legal effect which means cession to another person concerning the bill. thus, cession  has  general  and  civil  sense,  appearing  in the  process  of  altering  person  in  liability  and  one form  is  deemed  to  be  order  security  by  means  of transferring inscription (endorsement).

order and legal effect of transfer rights on order security to align the Civil code of the republic of Kazakhstan are equal according to the legal context, defined  by  certain  laws.  besides  this,  it  would  be significant  to  mention  that  bill  of  exchange  is considered  to  be  order  security  according  to  the most   of   government   legislations.   General   and civil  norms,  regulating  the  transfer  right  on  order security are used in legal materials to investigate the nature  of  endorsement  on  bill  of  exchange.  From the foregoing, we want to pay our attention to the possibilities of implementing general and civil law analogy requirements concerning identifying some legal  effect  of  the  accomplishment  endorsement according to the bill of exchange.

While   transferring   person’s   right   on   order security,   the   endorser   undertakes   responsibility not  only  for  existence  of  the  right,  but  also  for its  carrying  out.  according  to  Civil  Code  of  the republic of Kazakhstan (article 132 (3)) «the right associated with order securities shall be conveyed by means of making on that security a conveyance inscription,   the   endorsement.   the   person   who transfers the rights associated with an order security (endorser) shall be liable not only for the existence of the right but also for its exercise.» on the basis of the law (article13) an endorsement transfers all the rights arising out of a bill of exchange.

Despite the fact that endorsement on bill of exchange authenticates the cession according to bill of exchange, the main characteristics of this endorsement is that it is a special mean of transfer rights to align legislation on bill of exchange. and it has specific distinctive peculiarities from the cession, identified in accordance with general and civil norms.

before making legal analysis concerning peculiarities of  fulfillment  endorsement  on  bill of exchange and its types, it would be necessary to   compare   definitions   between   «cession» and «endorsement» to figure out similarities and deduction between them.

Contemporary legal materials give us several deductions   between   cession   and   endorsement, where  a  number  of  scholars  name  the  distinctive features   towards   two   terms.   like   for   instance, scholars likewise l.G. efimova, l.v. Novosselova show  the  main  deductions  between  the  terms  by giving the following definitions:

  • cedent is responsible before a new creditor for the invalidity of conveyed him demand, but endorser is reliable before an endorsee and next bill of exchange holders for the validity of demand, and for its
  • endorsee takes demand on endorsement, where is no right defects from previous predecessors, whereas, in contrast cession has all defects according to the bill inherited from previous [2] another scholar a.a. vishnevskipoints out differences between the cession and endorsement, saying that «in the process of cessioncedent, yielding demand to the cessionary, is responsible only to the invalidity of the transferred demand, but not to its fulfillment for realization, whereas endorser, conveying bill of exchange to endorsee is responsible to the latter not only for its validity, but also for the fulfillment of transferring demand, taking role of a recourse debtor towards the endorsee» [3].

v.a. belov enumerates three basic deductions between the definitions. he says that the main deduction deals with the legal directions diversity, legal purpose of the transactions; real deduction is deemed to be legal characteristics and procedure effect of legal succession, but formal deduction deals with specific external decoration of deductions with legal characteristics [4].

taking into account these classifications, firstly, we want to pay our attention to the key deductions between  the  cession  and  endorsement,  making  up different legal directions of the transactions.

law   (article   10)   reads   that   every   bill   of exchange,  even  if  not  expressly  drawn  to  order, may be transferred by means of endorsement. the purpose   of   committing   endorsement   is   transfer rights  on  bill  of  exchange,  the  result  which  is occurrence  of  the  rights  in  accordance  with  the bill  of  exchange.  the  Civil  code  of  the  republic of Kazakhstan (132 (3)) reads that an endorsement executed  on  a  security  shall  transfer  all  the  rights certified by the security to the person to whom or by whose order the rights associated with the security (of the endorsee) are transferred.

thus,  according  to  legal  context  endorsement is  a  transaction,  dealing  with  transferring  rights on bill of exchange while a person is taking bill of exchange liability.

Well-known lawyer and civilest G.F. shershenevich inscription that if a person, transferring bill is  aimed  to  transfer  such  right to another person then it is deemed to be an endorsement [5].

thus,  according  to  the  P.P.  tsitovich  one  of the  main  characteristics  of  bill  of  exchange  deals with   endorsing,   pointing   out   two   functions   of endorsement:

а) endorsing function; and b) guaranteeing function. [6] in first case transferring bill is not deemed to be endorsement, which is characterized as unbroken set of endorsement. in second case endorser undertakes responsibility for payment and acceptance of the bill of exchange.

legal effect of transfer rights on bill deals with the following circumstances:

1) this type of endorsing (transferring) gives right to endorsee to demand fulfillment liabilities from parties. 2) endorser is responsible before holders for the fulfillment the demand rights concerning bill of exchange. in first case endorsee, being as decent holder of a bill of exchange, has rights in accordance with bill of exchange context, independent from the event, as removal bill of exchange from endorser’s legal possession. in second case, an endorser is deemed to be the drawer who undertakes bill liability, ensuring  payment and acceptance according to bill of exchange, except circumstances, when he is free from the responsibility, just by writing relevant    inscription «without endorsing me back».  as it was mentioned above, endorser is responsible not  only  for  validity,  but  also  for  fulfillment  bill liability,  whereas  in  contrary  cedent  is  responsible before   new   creditor   for   invalidity   of   demand, having endorsed to him, but not for fulfillment the demand   by   debtor,   except   circumstances,   when cedent  undertakes  mandate  for  the  debtor  before a  new  creditor  (the  Civil  code  of  the  republic  of Kazakhstan (article 347)). the person who transfers the rights associated with an order security (endorser) shall be liable not only for the existence of the right but  also  for  its  exercise.  (the  Civil  code  of  the republic of Kazakhstan (article 132(3))).

endorser   is   responsible   for   acceptance   and payment if there is omission of any back conditions. however,  endorser  is  free  for  the  responsibility before parties where bill of exchange was endorsed by  the  means  of  protest  for  accomplishment  for further  endorsement  in  favour  for  them.  there should   be   mentioned   phrase   such   as   «without endorsing me back» or «no responsibilty»

this    situation    arises    from    the    fact    that endorsement is a one-sided deal, since the effect is bound to the endorser to due to the specifics of the legal nature of bill of exchange.

endorsee   (the   purchaser   by   endorsement) receives  demand,  free  from  flaws  (defects)  and predecessors, and he is deemed to be an independent creditor   where   is   unacceptable   to   make   any defences , and the assignee ( purchaser by cession) receives  a  request  with  all  disadvantages  inherent rights  predecessors,  that  is,  the  extent  and  under the  conditions  that  existed  at  the  time  of  vesting, unless  otherwise  stipulated  by  legislative  acts  or the  contract.  thus,  the  scope  of  rights  depends on  the  successor  rights  predecessor.  endorser  is responsible before any acquiring person of the bill of  exchange,  each  liable  person  undertakes  joint responsibility, but cedent is bound before successor.

G.F. shershenevich emphasizes another deduction between cession and endorsement, which means transfer rights according  to  liability, must be grounded, but transfer rights according to bill of exchange can be abstract [7]. From the foregoing, it could be concluded that bill of exchange is deemed to be abstract and one-sided liability of a debtor to draw payment on bill of exchange, since bill of exchange has  been  endorsed.  in  addition  to this, it has unconditional character, so actually bill of exchange the holder must be drawn a determinate sum of money at the time of payment. and cession is deemed to be civil and legal transaction,  which is made under conditions likewise suspensory or resolutory.

Creditor’s rights on liability can be transferred to another person to align legislative acts. as well as this, there is no cession on liability, where personality of a creditor means substantial sense for the debtor.

in  addition  to  this,  there  is  formal  deduction between cession and endorsement. there is enough one signature on bill of exchange for endorsement, while  committing  cession  it  is  necessary  to  make written  contract  by  signing  more  than  two  parties of the deal.

an endorsement must be written on the   bill of exchange or on a slip affixed thereto (allonge). Cession, based on transaction can be done in written form, separated from the document and there appears the right to the third person concerning bill of exchange. according to the participating sides a cession multisided transaction, but endorsement is considered to be one sided transaction.

Cession is done in favour of a certain person, while  endorsement  is  made  not  only  in   favour of  a  certain  person,  but  also  is  bound  to  include statements   of   order   or   should   be   endorser   as bearer  of  bill  of  exchange.  the  thing  with  the endorsement is that it is deemed to have unbroken line  of  endorsement  on  bill  of  exchange.  in  fact the  endorser  of  each  endorsement  is  the  endorsee according to the previous endorsement.

legislation on bill of exchange defines several types of endorsement. it can be inscribed bill, bill of exchange by order and at sight. bill of exchange at sight constitutes an endorsement in blank.

an endorsement must be written on the bill of exchange  or  on  a  slip  affixed  thereto  (allonge).  it must be signed by the endorser. the endorsement may leave the beneficiary unspecified or may consist simply of the signature of the endorser (endorsement in blank). in the latter case, the endorsement, to be valid,  must  be  written  on  the  back  of  the  bill  of exchange or on the slip attached thereto (allonge).

an endorsement transfers all the rights arising out of a bill of exchange. if the endorsement is in blank, the holder may:

  • Fill up the blank either with his own name or with the name of some other person;
  • re-endorse the bill in blank, or to some other person;
  • transfer the  bill  to  a  third  person  without filling up the blank, and without endorsing it (law (article 13)).

Next type of endorsement is an endorsement by procuration. this endorsement means inscription on the  bill,  written  by  the  holder  by  giving  authority to the endorsee to exercise bill law demand instead of   endorser.   in   accordance   law(article   17)   if the  endorsement  contains  the  statements  `value in     collection’     (‘valeurenrecouvrement’),     `for collection’ (‘pour encaissement’), `by procuration’ (‘par procuration’) or any other phrase implying a simple mandate, the holder may exercise all rights arising out of the bill of exchange, but he can only endorse  it  in  his  capacity  as  agent.  it  means  this endorsement   does   not   transfer   neither   property right  on  bill  nor  demand  rights,  arising  from  the bill  to  a  new  creditor,  but  it  is  determined  by  the person, who acts according to endorser interests on endorsing determine actions (mandate). as well as this, a representer does not have rights to transfer the bill.

in this case the parties liable can not set up against the holder defences founded on their personal relations with the endorser, unless the holder, in receiving the bill, has knowingly acted to the detriment of the debtor.

the  holder  has  rights  to  present  demand  on payment to the liable parties, and to be drawn  on bill, and in case of non payment he can protest on bills on the basis of an endorsement by procuration.

G.F. shershenevich says that  an endorsement by procuration is expressed on bills by having authority to act in favour of other person’s interest. From here,  it  goes  without  saying  the  content of the inscription, where is mentioned things likewise authority, authority’s name and signature of an endorser by procuration.[8] according to endorsement by procuration the holder of the bill is deemed to be an endorser by procuration, and rights on bill are transferred to the authority person.

a  pledge  endorsement  appears  when  there  an endorsement  which  contains  statements  «value  in security», «value in pledge» or any other statement implying a pledge, in this case the holder exercises all the rights arising out of the bill of exchange, but an endorsement by him has the effects only of an endorsement by an agent. (law, article (19))

this   endorsement   as   an   endorsement   by procuration does not have right to transfer claim of property for bill and claim to demand on bill. the endorsement establishes pledge right of an endorsee on  bill,  belonging  to  endorser.  though,  this  right is  unlike  to  pledge  right  according  to  general  and civil  norms  and  endorser  cannot  exercise  rights, according to civil legislation, regulating pledge. so this guaranteed endorsement is independent one.

the parties liable of pledge endorsement cannot set up against the holder defences founded on their personal  relations  with  the  endorser,  unless  the holder, in receiving the bill, has knowingly acted to the detriment of the debtor.

an endorsement after maturity is an endorsement, having endorsed after  fixed date of payment, has the same effect as the previous endorsement. Nevertheless, an endorsement after protest for non-payment, or after the expiration of the limit of time fixed for drawing up the protest, has effect of ordinary cession. it means that the endorsement does not obligate endorser liabilities on bills, who has only rights to demand all the rights concerning the bill with defects.

according to legal materials, there is the     term «recta endorsement» which means an endorsement containing an order for ban of transferring the bill of exchange to another person with the «recta» clause. actually,  recta  endorsement  is  new  endorsement by the means of adding statement «not to order» or any  other  phrase  implying  discharging  endorser’s responsibility concerning bills before next holders.

in this case bill is endorsed according to forms and effects of ordinary cession.

in  this  case,  the  rights  of  the  first  creditor  are transferred  to  new  creditor  with  the  same  amount and conditions, having been existed till the moment of transferring rights. the debtor has rights against demands of a new creditor’s defences, what he had against the first creditor till the moment of getting notification    on    transferring    rights    concerning liabilities to a new creditor.

transfer rights on bills can be done whether with the help of contract of civil and legal cession or by relevant phrase of cedent and cessionary on bill. this way new possessor gains the same rights what the endorser has possessed. in other words, endorsing bill transactions must be regulated according to bill legislation  norms,  taking  into  consideration  their specific features, besides this these transactions are regulated by general norms of civil law, identifying order  and  ground  of  transaction  fulfillment  and carrying out the liabilities.

Protection  of  parties’   rights   in   bills relations is based on solidarity of bill liability of all persons according to given, accepted, endorsed bill of exchange or written aval before holder. however, according to its volume bill responsibility is  differentiated from bill solidarity, determined to align general and civil norms, concerning specific features of bill of exchange liabilities of direct recourse bill debtors. so these issues are not covered in this research as it considered to be the subject og another investigation.

there   is   legal   project   on   amendments   and additions  to  the  Civil  code  of  the  republic  of Kazakhstan concerning bills role as the security is being discussed. this situation allows to implement civil law conditions, identifying legal statue of order securities  in  legal  regulation  of  bill  circulation. investigating legal nature endorsing of bills in depth as  one  of  the  basic  directions  in  development  bill which  allows  legal  implementation  in  practice  all possibilities, dealing with endorsement to align bill legislation.



  1. vedomostiParlamentarespubliki Kazakhstan. – 1997. – N 8. – s. 87. – 2001. N 24. – s. 338.
  2. Novosselova l.a. veksel v khozyaistvennomoborote: izd. 4-e. – M., 2003. – s. 3031; efimova l.G. bankovskoepravo. – M., 1994. – s. 241-242.
  3. vishnevski a.a. vekselnoepravo: Uch.Pos. – M., 1996. – s. 10-11.
  4. belov v.a. o Uchebno-consultativnyi center «Urinfor». – M., 2000. – s. 222.
  5. shershenevich G.F. Kurstorgovogoprava. t.3, izd-vo «statut». – M., 2005. – s. 93.
  6. tsitovich P.P. trudy potorgovomuivekselnomu pravu.t.2, izd-vo «statut». – M., 2005. – s. 213-223.
  7. shershenevich G.F. Kurstorgovogoprava. t.3, izd-vo «statut». – M., 2005. – s. 94.
  8. shershenevich G.F. Kurstorgovogoprava. t.3, izd-vo «statut». – M., 2005. – s. 105.

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