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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

State Participation in the Ensuring of the Quality Management in the Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Development of market economy in Kazakhstan has refocused production development: improvin� the competitiveness of production in Kazakhstan; Makin� the transition from minin� to processin� industry; meet the �rowin� needs of the population; security mana�ement system consumed products.

In this re�ard, there was a need for a new approach to solvin� the aforementioned problems. Addressin� the issues of competitiveness of domestic products, the safety of domestic products, the expansion of exports of Kazakh products to forei�n markets has focused on achievin� a hi�h level of product �uality, the introduction of modern �uality  mana�ement systems.

In industrialized countries, has lon� been intense competition and technolo�ical complexity of production made implementation and maintenance of modern �uality mana�ement systems indispensable.

Of entry for the development of various pro�rams are:

the need to improve the competitiveness of domestic enterprises; creation of conditions for inte�ration of Kazakhstan into    the world economy;

to balance the interests of public authorities, manufacturers, public or�anizations and consumers in the mobile market [1].

A major role in understandin� the problems of modern mana�ement standards of mana�ement systems play a new �eneration.

Today, there are a number of international standards relatin� to the development and introduction of modern mana�ement systems in or�anizations of all sizes, activities and forms of ownership – ISO 9001: 2000 «Quality Mana�ement Systems.  Re�uirements».

MS ISO 22000: 2005 «Food products safety mana�ement systems. Re�uirements for any or�anization in the food chain,» MS SA 8000: 2001 «Social Responsibility», the MS ISO 17025:   1999

«General re�uirements for the competence of testin� and calibration laboratories», the MS ISO / TS 16949: 2002 «Quality Mana�ement Systems. Particular re�uirements for the application of ISO 9001: 2000 in the automotive industry and relevant or�anizations producin� spare parts «, the MS ISO / TS 29001: 2003» Quality Mana�ement Systems. Petroleum, petrochemical and natural �as industries. The ISO Central Secretariat report on certification of    �uality




mana�ement systems (at the end of 2013) shows that the QMS certification for compliance with ISO 9001 is still in demand all over the world and the number of certified companies has increased steadily.

The �reatest popularity and reco�nition in the world have a �uality mana�ement system compliant with ISO 9000. The first version of these standards was adopted in 1987 and, since that time, standards of ISO 9000 �uality mana�ement system – the most introduced in the world.

The ideolo�y of �uality mana�ement is a continuous and systematic mana�ement of all processes of production (services) company, whose main aim is to meet the current and anticipated needs of consumers, with the participation of all employees and mana�ement  of  the  company�s  leadership  role  in

�uality mana�ement.

International standardization can  be  carried out on the basis of bilateral a�reements between the two countries, as well as on the basis of multilateral a�reements related to a specific re�ion or combined mutual economic relations.  The widest in scope is international standardization carried out by international or�anizations, first and foremost is the International Or�anization for Standardization (International Standard Or�anization). ISO was founded in the UK in 1945 after the war. Currently, it consists of 130 member countries, it has offices in the US, Europe and Asia. Head�uartered in Switzerland, Geneva. The purpose of the or�anization – to promote the development of standardization on a �lobal scale to facilitate international trade and mutual assistance, as well as to expand cooperation in the field of intellectual, scientific, technolo�ical and economic activity. The main objective of ISO is to solve the �lobal problems of the world community, chief amon� which are: environmental protection, occupational safety, the use of standards for manufacturers and consumers, as well as the removal of trade barriers to the free movement of �oods and services. The technical work is carried out within ISO technical committees (TCs) that can create sub-committees and workin� �roups in their areas of work. International �overnmental and non-�overnmental or�anizations, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees send the member bodies for votin�. Publication as an International Standard re�uires approval by at least 75% committeemembers votin�. The or�anization develops documents that are recommended for each state, and they are recommended as lon� as the state does not accept the document as a national. International standards are an effective means of   elimi-


natin� technical barriers to international economic cooperation, as they ac�uire the status of documents definin� the technical level and �uality of products. International standards affect the relations between seller and buyer, not only in forei�n markets, but also in the domestic market – ISO members, as they are forced to look for ways to meet these standards. One of the main directions of development of standardization in Kazakhstan is the transition to the use of international standards, i.e. output accordin� to international standards [2].

An important area of international cooperation in the field of standardization and �uality control is to participate in the work of the European Or�anization for Quality (EOQ). EOC has been studyin� the problems of �uality, the development of scientific and methodical documentation, conferences, seminars and symposia on theoretical and practical aspects of �uality. Generalized international experience in �uality mana�ement in the enterprises is reflected in the international standards ISO 9000, which in many countries have adopted as national (Austria, Great Britain, Russia, Finland, Sweden and others.). These standards �uality mana�ement system referred to as a �uality system. Quality system – a structured set of documents re�ulatin� certain aspects of production activity, which includes the �uality policy, �uality manual, methodolo�ical instructions (description of procedures) and work instructions (protocols, reportin� forms, job descriptions, etc.). The world market today is or�anized so that access to it with products that do not meet the re�uirements of internationally reco�nized standards, is almost impossible.

To conduct economic activity and to compete successfully on the market of industrial products, works and services, companies and suppliers need to apply the efficient and effective mana�ement of its activities. The use of such systems should ensure continuous improvement of product �uality, meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders of the enterprise (internal customers, subcontractors, etc.), as well as society as a whole. Customer re-

�uirements are usually included in the standards and specifications for products, but it is not a �uarantee that they can be truly satisfied if in the or�anizational system of the company, includin� marketin�, supply of products, its after-sales service, innovation in

�uality, there are serious flaws and inconsistencies. Therefore, the company should be involved mechanism of �uaranteed �uality of customer re�uirements, which could provide tan�ible results. The list and se�uence of such action should have been clearly identified and their necessity and sufficiency





should be clear as to employees of enterprises and consumers alike.

To �o out today to the world market and to  be

�uite competitive is possible only by implementin� a

�uality mana�ement system to meet �lobal re�uirements. The leaders of many of the lar�est industrial enterprises  in  Kazakhstan,  includin�  JSC  National Holdin�  Company  «Almatykurylys»  have  realized this need, and some even went to the implementation of a �uality mana�ement system and its certification to ISO 9000. It should be noted that in recent years Kazakhstan steppin� up work on the transition to international �uality standards ISO 9000, which are reco�nized in many countries around the world and provide a hi�h level of reliability and firm performance. At  present,  of  the  500  lar�est  industrial enterprises produce only 30 meets this standard. In 2010, more than 150 domestic manufacturers have applied  for  international  �uality  certificate.  The Government of Kazakhstan supports this policy, as improvin� the competitiveness of domestic products by improvin� its �uality at international standards.

This work successfully carried out in the framework of the republican pro�ram «Quality». This pro-

�ram is approved by the Government of Kazakhstan on May 2, 2001 №590. The pro�ram «Quality» determines the main directions of activity of state and local �overnment a�encies and other or�anizations and businesses to improve the �uality and competitiveness of domestic �oods and services. The main aims and objectives are:

improvin� the enforcement of state administration in the field of �uality products and services;

improve the forms and methods of mana�ement; the introduction of scientific and technolo�ical pro�ress to improve the competitiveness of domes-

tic products;

normative and informational support in the field of competitiveness and �uality of products, works and services;

the transition from the certification of �oods, works and services for the certification of �uality systems;

trainin� in the field of standardization, metrolo�y and certification;

the or�anization of events and promotion in the field of �uality improvement [3].

Pro�ram of transition enterprises of Kazakhstan to the standards of the �uality system ISO 9000 has been calculated for the period 2009-2013. Durin� this time, all manufacturers of the country, workin� on the “export” received international certificates. This allows businesses to feel more confident on the world market, as this certificate �ives certain �uarantees to


their partners. In particular, it �uarantees the reliability and economic stability of the enterprise, as well as hi�h �uality products. Active in promotin� and implementin� international standards of �uality control leads Kazakhstan Association of �uality, which includes well-known  domestic  enterprises, which are mainly medium-sized businesses (“Almaty tea”, “Asem Ai”, “Becker and K”, “East Cement” “Rahat”, “Transsystem” “FoodMaster” and others.)

In 2012, the Association, to�ether with a number of ministries held a contest for the best mana�ement system in which assesses the �uality of domestic mana�ement. Currently, these aspects of the system, as information technolo�y enterprise mana�ement, the formation of lon�-term responsible relationships with customers and clients, approaches and methods to control the cost of �uality for the improvement and development of �uality mana�ement systems, remain a serious problem.

Addressin� issues of transition to international

�uality standards, it is necessary to take into account that the Kazakh enterprises have �eneral and specific development problems that hinder the process. In particular, they are macroeconomic, re�ional, sectorial, economic and financial character, and decreased consumption of products in the domestic and forei�n markets. Continue to deteriorate technical level and structure of the productive apparatus, increasin� depreciation of fixed assets, increased production costs. The country has accumulated a lot of problems that hinder the transition of enterprises to international �uality standards. This and the low purchasin� power, brain drain, a hi�h de�ree of risk of the manufacturin� sector, the imbalance in the structure of industrial production to the predominance of extractive industries in comparison with the processin�, the low level of product �uality and extremely rare update its nomenclature. To solve these problems it is necessary to state mana�ement in the field of �uality was based on a rational combination of re�ulatory and le�al, economic, or�anizational and administrative methods, which is particularly important for social and economic development of the country. Le�al form of �overnment in the field of �uality in the country is carried out throu�h the establishment of the le�islation of the Republic in this area and monitor their implementation.

Thus,  it  was  decided  to  develop  a  pro�ram “Quality”, the Law “On Protection of Consumers� Ri�hts Law” On Standardization “. However, most of the Le�islative Work is under discussion or development. In our opinion, should streamline the system of state re�ulation of licensin� consultin� firms that provide services in the field of �uality improve-




ment.  In  addition,  the  company  should  specialize by  industry,  as  the  consultin�  company  owned  by insufficient specificity of the industry, and therefore not able to pull on a desired level of �uality mana�ement.  Such  events  are  part  of  the  Government of Kazakhstan will allow domestic or�anizations to implement international �uality standards, be confident in the professionalism of consultin� firms, providin� them with �ualified personnel in improvin� mana�ement �uality system in a particular industry. And also lead to a decrease in the level of mistakes in the preparation of the �uality certification system, and thus reduce the additional cost of their operation. To  provide  and  re�ulate  the  activities  of  Kazakh producers and suppliers of �oods and services in the field of �uality is not developed le�al framework. Therefore, this issue should be �iven a lot of attention on the part of the Government.

Economic forms of �overnance in the field  of

�uality should be carried out by encoura�in� business entities to improve the �uality of products and services, improve the economic responsibility of manufacturers and sellers of the production and sale of substandard products. In the Government proposal was made on the amendments and additions to the Rules for the development and implementation of the Public Investment Pro�ram (PIP) on the priority included in the PIP investment projects proposed by business entities that have implemented a �uality mana�ement system conformin� to international standards ISO 9000.

Or�anizational and administrative forms should ensure the participation  of  public  administration in accordance with their authority in carryin� out works to improve the �uality and competitiveness of products, increase public awareness of the �uality and the �uality of �oods, services and works. In our opinion this re�uires:

develop and publish accessible and clarifyin� tutorials in the field of standardization and �uality control;


create a system of trainin� in the field of �uality, includin� basic knowled�e about the �uality;

carry out scientific research in the field of �ual-


provide trainin� for independent expert auditors

�uality system certification, and mana�ement development in the field of �uality.

At present, this work is carried out in the country, but insufficient rates and volumes.

We believe that �ood �overnance in the field of

�uality will provide:

widespread adoption of modern mana�ement techni�ues and �uality assurance based on international standards;

improvement of technical and economic performance of the industrial complex of the republic;

increasin�   the   competitiveness   of domestic

�oods, works and services; �) release of a wider ran�e of �uality �oods;

the development of exports; the creation of new jobs;

protection of the population and the state of the market of substandard and unsafe �oods, works and services.

It should be noted that the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan conductin� a proactive policy to attract forei�n investment, to implement the pro�ram «Quality», but much depends on the willin�ness of Kazakh partners to a successful business. In conclusion, it should be noted that the current market demands, the possibility of free choice of �oods and services, fierce competition, which involves not only domestic but also forei�n companies affect the producers, forcin� them to send priority efforts on �uality. Kazakh enterprises have realized that the �uality – it is the only way of survival in a market economy, are implementin� the international �uality system standards ISO 9000, and at the moment many have already received a return on invested in the �uality of effort and money.



  1. G. Kru�lov et al. Mana�ement of the �uality system. – M .: publishin� standards, 1997. – 368 p.
  2. Materials for use in the development of �uality systems in accordance with the re�uirements of ISO 9000 in buildin� complex or�anizations. – M .: Lukoil Nefte�azstroy, 2001. – 108
  3. Republican pro�ram “Quality”, Approved Suppress Government Resolution of 02.05.2001, №

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