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Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

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Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Place in the implementation steppe region of stolypin's agrarian reforms in the early twentieth century

The scientific article is devoted to the problems of pre-revolutionary Kazakhstan related to the Stolypin agrarian reforms of the early twentieth century. The article describes the attitude of different social movements and political parties of Russia to Kazakhstan land issues, which were raised in the State Duma. The article shows the real intentions of the king's government, which to preserve landlordism, used by the resettlement of indigenous lands. The paper disclosed that the government has a special place in Kazakhstan in their agrarian program, which is closely intertwined with the imperial colonial policy. 

Land and land relations in all ages of human society is the most valuable for living a particular ethnic group, ensuring its life, as well as creating conditions for the formation of its traditional, legal, cultural and religious backgrounds.

It is easy to notice that the most ancient peoples, laid an invaluable contribution to human culture, lived in the East. The largest of the Tigris, Euphrates, Nile, Indus and Ganges irrigates large areas were favored occupation of farming and living in these areas a significant number of the population. It may be noted that the climatic conditions influenced the development of the state and its legal institutions and contributed to the dynamic growth of these countries.

Young states, one of which is Kazakhstan, which arose in the XV century, formed in more harsh climatic conditions, determine the method of its production and contributed to the creation of a kind of nomadic civilization.

Since the founding of the Kazakh statehood political contacts existed between Kazakhstan and Russia, the question of citizenship at the time had not yet arisen. The most urgent it becomes immediately with the beginning of military operations with Dzhungars. In the difficult political situation for the preservation of the Kazakh state, being among the major powers of the Russian Empire and China, maneuvering between them, the Kazakh khans were forced to sign an agreement about the entry of Kazakhstan into the citizenship of the Russian Empire, thus saving your ethnicity, culture, traditions, language and religion.

To protect themselves from the northern and eastern borders from Russia, Kazakh zhuzes as a result of military action were victorious in several major battles and was forced to resign Jungars outside its territory.

It should be noted that the Kazakh lands were distributed among its birth the aristocracy and the ownership existed for centuries, and as the population is constantly roaming, nomadic Kazakhs path never crossed since ancient times were determined invisible border between births, and the process was stable. Therefore, every nomad know who owns this or that land and violation of pasture boundaries, summering or wintering occur in very rare cases, as it was punishable.

Based on this, we note that the land has never been the private property of an individual, and belonged to the genus as a whole. As in other developed countries, they did not have special acts with boundaries defined its value, etc. For Kazakhs, this was not necessary, because economic relations and political life did not require this. However, this was the reason for the announcement of all Kazakh lands, following the accession of Kazakhstan to Russia, state-owned empire, which issues will be discussed in our article.

Due to the shape of the economy in the region, Academician S.Z. Zimanov wrote that the absolute dominant sector of agricultural production Steppe region was nomadic herding, contributed to this territory itself. Next, the scientist pointed out, this does not mean that the Kazakhs did not know agriculture, it is mainly developed in the favorable areas for the region, for example, in Seven Rivers, the Syr Darya, etc. [1; 33].

Joining steppe regions to the metropolis was for the imperial government great promise — the use of land for the resettlement movement, the use of natural wealth and resources for the Russian industry, and Kazakhstan to the empire was the window in the Central Asia — Afghanistan, India and other countries for their future-exploration and colonization.

To attach the vassal land Steppes tsarism needed decades of painstaking and systematic work to eliminate the foundations of Kazakh statehood. It consisted in the abolition of the monarchy in the person of the Khans 3 zhuzes, destroying the Sultan's estate and the organization of the new management, where all power should comply with the colonial administration.

To this end, in 1822 the release of «Charter of the Siberian Kyrgyzstan» and «Charter of Orenburg Kirghiz» liquidate khan's power in the region and introducing a new system of colonial control of the organization. At this time, all the major rivers Irtysh, Ural, Tobol, Ishim were built fortresses and Cossack villages. Rebellion, which began in Kazakhstan and will continue until the end of the 19th century, were brutally suppressed by the tsarist authorities.

It should be borne in mind that the tsarist government not only military force subdued the vast region, playing on the internal contradictions of the Kazakh elite, he skillfully confronted their interests closer to her one-clan rulers and, on the contrary, denying myself the most distinct personalities.

By the middle of the XIX century, the tsarist government began to accelerate the process of colonization of the Steppe region, this was due to several factors, one of which is the aggravation of the AngloRussian relations for dominance over Central Asian territories. Both powers had to be not only political, but also economic dominance in these regions rich in natural resources.

At the same time, in most metropolitan major changes occur in this period. Emperor Alexander II in 1861, serfdom was abolished, followed by the beginning of the bourgeois modernization of the judicial system, local self-government were introduced in the provinces and cities. Even in the armed forces, is the main stronghold of the imperial policy, the bourgeois transformation began. Against the backdrop of these reforms actively developed Russian industry and trade. Industrial and commercial bank capital demanded new objects for their investment. There is an urgent need for industrial products sales and the influx of cheap raw materials. In this regard, the expansion of the colonization of the Steppe and Turkestan became paramount for the development of the metropolitan economy.

And finally, this time to Russia was coupled Senior Horde Khanate and some emirates and Central Asia. The tsarist government for the merger of these lands with the main part of the Russian Empire, it was necessary to establish common rules for the administration and improve the administrative and territorial division. In these regions, the tsarist government wanted to have a strong power, capable to carry out the policy of Russia, and to maximize the stabilization of the political situation [2; 95].

One of the important issues for the tsarist becomes resettlement of landless peasants in the territory annexed by Russia. Thus, after the abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861, some categories of peasants were given the right to travel to new places in Siberia and Kazakhstan. This right is given only prosperous economy, since the move to the new place was long and difficult. Knowing this the peasants, having no other way out, still passed through the Urals to Siberia and Kazakhstan. Peasant colonization began with the Akmola, then Semirechensk, Semipalatinsk, Turgay and Ural regions. The flow of migrants has increased from year to year. However, the real support of the resettlement movement was carried out only with the construction of the Trans-Siberian railway. For general guidance road construction December 10, 1892 was established «Special Committee of the Siberian railway», which lasted until 1905, ie, completion of its construction.

The tsarist government was planning for 3–4 years to two hundred verst lane highway along the railway line to make the removal of eleven million dessiatines under resettlement. Railroad partially passed through the territory of Kazakhstan. In the three districts of Akmola region — Petropavlovsk, Kokchetav and Omsk — it was scheduled to dissociate 2,421,503 dessiatines of the best land, which planned to resettle 160 000 farmers. This was done by a specially created government HOAR Party [3; 74].

In early 1864, the government initiated the development of administrative reform projects in the Kazakh lands. At the end of 1867 it was completed the project "Regulations on the Administration to Semirechensk and SyrDarya regions of Turkestan general-governorship" approved by the decree of the king's July 11, 1867 In the spring of 1868 the project was completed the Provisional Regulations on the management of the Ural, Turgay, Akmola, Semipalatinsk regions, approved October 21, 1868. Edge fully gained the status of colonial suburbs, which were headed Steppe and Turkestan Governor-General.

In the «Temporary position» in § 210 clearly established the legal status of the Kazakh land. It noted that the land occupied by nomads were considered the state and transferred to the temporary use of the population [4, 252], i.e. State, if necessary, would redistribute the land of nomads. «Temporary Regulations» introduced in the province for two years, which meant that the tsarist government was waiting for the reaction of the local population to eliminate the Kazakh statehood. However, after the suppression of numerous rebellions in the early and mid-19th century, the steppe region could not provide decent resistance, as a result, so in 1891, «Temporary Regulations» have been renamed «Steppe position».

In the new document in the art. 120 stated: «Earth, which can turn out to be unnecessary for the nomads, come under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of State Property». It actually meant — the state may, if necessary, confiscate the lands of indigenous people. Subsequently, it became a legal basis for the removal of millions of dessiatines under the resettlement of peasants and the displacement of indigenous people in arid and semi-arid lands. Temporary, and then Steppe provisions, the law establishes the legal status of Kazakhstan as the state ownership of land, and the difference between them was only that they reflect certain stages of the colonization of the region, where virtually no guarantees of the rights and freedoms of indigenous people.

Successfully launched the tsarist government transformation in Kazakhstan was continued to develop. So, in 1893 the tsarist government approved the «Temporary Regulations for the formation of resettlement sites in the area of the Siberian railway». According to him on the ground created a special body dealing with migration, which were called «Temporary Committee». They solved the problem of withdrawal of certain land for the resettlement sites, deal with complaints and protests of the local population.

«Temporary Regulations» in 1893 specified the Regulation «On the voluntary resettlement of 1889» by defining the size of allotment within 15 tithes to the male soul, as well as a high priority for land peasant oldtimers [4; 256].

For other areas of the survey and to identify areas available for resettlement had to be a special study of these regions with the involvement of scientists and experts in the field of agriculture. This expedition was organized in 1896 under the leadership of the famous explorer Fyodor Shcherbin`s. The expedition lasted until 1902, during which 12 counties three areas Steppe region was investigated. In addition to identifying the number of free land designated for resettlement, the expedition was tasked with determining the amount of allotment for migrants and nomads, who wished to settle down. Interestingly, the locals took part in the expedition, among them A.N. Bukeikhanov, subsequently became a prominent public figure. He not only helped the expedition as a specialist since graduated Petersburg Forest Institute, but mostly tried to protect the interests of the nomadic population in determining the size of the allotment of the land, and in every way tried to save the land from the indigenous inhabitants of withdrawal under the resettlement program.

Resettlement movement of this period, although it was supported by the Government, but it was spontaneous, poorly funded, had many formal barriers exercise. This is largely dependent on the existence in the Russian peasant commune, not allowed to move wishing to other lands. For it was necessary to move the resolution not only authorities, but also rural communities, only in this case he could get his share of land and equipment from the sale of which rescued the means to move.

The new stage of the resettlement movement was associated with the beginning of the agrarian — «Stolypin» reform in Russia and Kazakhstan, which was named after its mastermind of Prime Minister P.A. Stolypin and the events of the first Russian revolution of 1905, which was based on the agrarian crisis that led the country to a social explosion.

Pyotr Stolypin — a prominent public figure of Russia was born in 1862 into a noble a noble family. He graduated from high school in the city of Vilna (Vilnius) and entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University, where he graduated with honors. From 1884, he began serving in the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property. In 1889 he moved to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, received the appointment Kovensk county marshal of nobility. This service gave him the first significant administrative experience up close and introduced him to the problems and needs of agriculture [5; 393].

April 26, 1906 PA Stolypin was appointed minister of the interior, and on 8 July to add to it, and as chairman of the Council of Ministers. As pointed out by Russian scientists, P.A. Stolypin was true monarchist Russian, one of the last in the highest corridors of power, for which the monarch's will and the will of Russia is one [5; 394].

The motto of the premier life is simple and logical in the circumstances: first, sedation, and then reform. However, postponing the urgent change was impossible, and the reforms have to be carried out in an atmosphere of unceasing strife. Home and the main problem was the fundamental reorganization of land tenure and the peasantry. P.A. Stolypin had long since seen the destructiveness of community existence. It was necessary to solve two closely interrelated organizational, legal and economic problems [5; 395].

It should be noted that initially the country had enough opponents of agrarian reform, especially from the opposition. In particular, the radical left forces, represented by the Bolsheviks pointed out that as a result of Stolypin's agrarian policy has been a significant growth of the kulaks, the mass of the peasantry grew poorer and ruined [6; 114].

The land crisis in Russia in the beginning of XX century, Kazakhstan was no less acute, and special glow reached during a large-scale resettlement of peasants. Therefore, the establishment of the State Duma with legislative functions were received with great hope the peoples of Kazakhstan. Agricultural requirements formed the basis of all the wishes, requirements to the Duma and the activities of its deputies. As I noted academician S.Z. Zimanov: «With the decision of the land issue was linked the destiny of Kazakh society ... the question to be or not to be the Kazakh people was reduced to its land management» [7; 101].

The basis of the discussion of the agrarian question in the I State Duma two bills have been taken: the project of 42 proposed by the Cadets, and 104 composed Trudoviks. Project 42 provides a solution to the land crisis at the expense of the landed estates by their expropriation in favor of the peasants.

Of course, the government could not arrange such a focus of legislative activity in the Duma, and so in his first pretty big statement to the Duma Prime Minister P.A. Stolypin May 13, 1906 stated that «... the resolution of the issue on the bases proposed by the Duma, of course, is unacceptable» [8; 203]. The prime minister said that there had his plan addressing the land issue, foundations, community-down on the bundle and the resettlement of peasants in Siberia and the Asian part of Russia. This P.A. Stolypin made it clear I deputies of the Duma, the tsarist government that can not even agree with the moderate Cadet project.

June 20, 1906 in the «Official Gazette» was published Stolypin agrarian project. This publication has been nothing but disdain legislative rights of the Duma as a parliament, prompting outrage in the Democratic Part I of the Duma. Democrats demanded that the Duma to make an open appeal to the people, but the Cadets, fearing conflict with the government, insisted on developing a clarification. The tsarist government, without waiting for an answer, dissolved in July 1906, I Duma.

February 20, 1907 began its work II Duma, where deputies from the Kazakh population, entering the Muslim faction, took active part in protecting the interests of the region. So, the deputy Karatayev B.B. In his speech on the agrarian question at the meeting of May 16, 1907 he expressed the pent-nomadic people pain caused by the government's resettlement and colonization policies. Resettlement, the deputy pointed out, is a government initiative and the right of the State Duma to protect the landed estates. It is carried out at the cost of destruction of the Kazakh population, while denying not only the land but also the housing. Karatayev

B.B. stressed that such a government agricultural policy is unjust. He finished his speech to the MP, the Kazakhs sympathize with the opposition to the government, the party and faction «... I hope that the Russian toiling masses and the Russian intelligentsia fail to respond where these Kirghiz-kaysakov offend» [9; 675].

Speech B. Karataev`s government and other opposition deputies, is to expose the colonial policy of tsarism, and was supported by the democratic forces in the Duma II, who demanded radical changes in the agrarian question.

Due to the agrarian disputes II Duma, as well as I the State Duma was dispersed, the government was to change the law on elections, where the democratic parties and national suburbs were deprived of suffrage.

Since the beginning of the implementation of the Stolypin agrarian reform, peasants opened opportunities for resettlement in the vacant land metropolis and its suburbs. The normative order to the peasants were allowed to obtain passports freely without community consent. Cancels and restrictions when taking them to work, allowed a free election of profession and place of residence, rural superintendents have lost the right to fine and arrest farmers without regulations parish court.

Stolypin reform was implemented in the majority of cases the royal decrees that guaranteed the efficiency of its implementation. It was based on the principle of inviolability of private property on land and resettlement of the most «troubled» part of the peasantry, demanding redistribution of landed estates, in Siberia and the Steppe Region. Naturally, give them the land should have been at the expense of the indigenous population. Immigration policy was carried out, as part of the decree of November 9, 1906 and was designed to not only provide the Russian landless peasants land, but also enhance the colonization of Kazakhstan. According to the government's plans Steppe region had become the inner provinces of Russia, where the processes of assimilation and Russification should go effective and dynamic. Thus, the government has a special place in Kazakhstan in their agrarian program, which is interwoven with imperial colonial policy.

It should be noted that the discussion in the Duma estimates Resettlement Department turned into a heated debate in which the opposition criticized the part of the agrarian policy of tsarism in Kazakhstan, and the government and right-wing majority III State Duma demanded further expansion of resettlement borders deep into Turkestan. III Duma was legally formalized looting public lands in the Kazakh Turkestan. Supplement st.270 Turkestan position in April 1909 allowed to withdraw «surplus» of the nomads. Opposition government forces boycotted the bill, revealing the essence from the rostrum of the Duma held tsarist activities. And when the right before the performance Democrats stop debate, one of the deputies of the Siberian Group said: «The majority of the Duma gagged opposition lawmakers, who want to reveal to the Kyrgyz population, what's going on violence here that with the State Duma the blessing of the government is given the opportunity to commit robbery of the Kyrgyz» [10; 2630].

Democrats and revolutionaries, criticized the government's agrarian reform in the region, demanding land of the Kazakhs and the legal protection of their rights and interests. So, the deputy group of the Siberian Trudovik Dzyubinsky VI In his speech on this occasion pointed out that land-use planning should be carried out with careful consideration and study of climate, soil and other conditions of Kazakhstan, sharply fluctuating in the region, and on this basis, to grant the nomads on the mixed farming and livestock normally, the most rational in his opinion [10; 3095].

Representatives of the right wing, on the contrary, pointed out that we first have to solve their problems, not to please the outskirts of the national [10, 3060–3065]. Often, defenders of government reforms, the speakers on the agrarian question in the Duma, was characterized by the manner of pompous and highsounding words «compassion» and «mercy» to the Russian peasantry, who was in a difficult situation in the resettlement sites. Moreover, in their opinion, to blame for their plight were foreigners. It is not difficult to notice that they considered the problem of land relations through the prism of Great Russian chauvinism.

The state assumed the cash collateral relocating farmers and their families, the resettlement budget management has grown with each passing year. So, in 1906 it amounted to 5.6 million rubles, in 1907 — 13 000 000 rubles, in 1908 — 19 million, and in 1912 — already 27.955 million rubles [11; 133]. These amounts were intended for building and furnishing the home, transportation costs, etc. The total amount of funds spent on the resettlement of over 10 years has made a huge amount of almost a quarter of a billion rubles. Estimates Resettlement Administration clearly indicate that the government has spared no resources for these purposes. These figures show us not only the support of the peasants displaced as strengthening resettlement movement and coverage of larger areas of the Steppe region.

Thanks to state support in the Asian part of Russia on the official statistics for the 10 years from 1906. to 1915 it passed walkers and displaced 3,800,345 souls, back to back are 1,038,481 souls. Record transition for Ural immigrants was in 1908 and amounted to 758 812, and in 1912 — 259 585 souls. Return back to the same 1912 98,388 serfs [12; 7].

In August 1911, there was an attempt on the PA in Kiev Stolypin's 24-year-old D.G. Bogrov — terrorist, a representative of the radical left forces in Russia. Land reform continued to carry out his closest companion — Minister of Agriculture A.V. Krivoshein [5, 399–404]. The death of Stolypin, although not significantly impact on the political course of the country, but, nevertheless, the lack of such a powerful patron and founder of the reforms in the agriculture sector, reform stripped of its ideological support.

If the life of migrants in Kazakhstan was savory, the situation of the indigenous Kazakh population was even worse. The relocation was carried out by nomads land. Government withdraws a few fertile land from the rivers and lakes of Kazakhstan, populating them migrants, and by 1910 the nomadic population of the central regions of the Territory remained almost without good reason. In these circumstances, many representatives of Kazakh intelligentsia demanded the government land of the local population in parallel with the settlers. However, the Resettlement Department first sought to meet the needs of migrants arriving every day rather than than the requirements of the indigenous people of the Steppe region. 

It should be noted that the uncertainty and largely outside the control of movement of peasants resulted in a number of regions of Kazakhstan to the indiscriminate use of land and topsoil plowing, to strengthen soil erosion, to cutting down valuable forests and drying of small rivers and lakes. Among the great mass of people were rampant infectious diseases: scurvy, dysentery, typhoid, malaria, etc.

It follows from the foregoing that the agrarian crisis and the Stolypin reform, designed to overcome it, had to metropolitan undeniably positive. Having destroyed the peasant commune, giving farmers the freedom to move and help from the government to conduct an independent farming, Stolypin opened wide opportunities for raising and further development of the Russian economy. At the same time, the Stolypin agrarian reform, which was decided by the resettlement policy was directed against the indigenous population of the Steppe and Turkestan region, as well as for the expansion of colonization and assimilation of the Central Asian region.

But at the same time, it should be noted that the Steppe Region, drawn in economic relations with the mother country had the opportunity to build cities and regional centers, railways, mining companies, there was a mutual enrichment of cultures of peoples, sharing skills in agriculture and cattle breeding. Over time, there was trust between migrants and indigenous people, equally oppressed by the colonial authorities and Kazakh feudal lords. Requirements territorial self-government, the Constituent Assembly, and the elimination of restrictions on the power of the colonial administration — became their common goal and slogans in the struggle against the tsarist government and its autocratic regime. 



  1. Zimanov Z. The political system of Kazakhstan the first half of the XIX century and Bukey Khanate, Almaty: Aris, 2009, 496 p.
  2. Abdrakhmanova B.M. History of Kazakhstan: the power, the control system, the territorial unit in the XIX century, Astana: Printing, 1998, 137
  3. Kozhahmetov G.Z. Political and legal system of Kazakhstan in the early twentieth century: textbook, Karaganda: Karaganda State University, 2003, 113
  4. History of the Kazakh SSR (from ancient times to the present day). In 5 volumes, 3, Alma-Ata: Nauka KazSSR, 1979, 544
  5. History of Russia: in 2 vols, volume 2: Since the beginning of the XIX before the beginning of the XXI century /A.N. Sakharov, L.E. Morozova, M.A. Rahmatullin etc., Moscow: AST: Astrel: Tranzitkniga, 2006, 862 p.
  6. Efremov P.N. Stolypin's agrarian policy, Moscow: OGIZ, Gospolitizdat, 1941, 144 р.
  7. Zimanov S.Z., Idrisov K.Z. Social and political views M. Seralin, Alma-Ata: Nauka, 1989, 166 р.
  8. The State Duma. Verbatim records. Convening 1. Session 1, Saint Petersburg: Gostipografiya, 1906, 1, 866 р.
  9. The State Duma. Verbatim reports. 2. Convening of Session 1, Saint Petersburg: Gostipografiya, 1907, 2, 1610 р.
  10. The State Duma. Verbatim records. 3. Convening of Session 3, Saint Petersburg.: Gostipografiya, 1910, part 3, 3140 р.
  11. The State Verbatim records. 3. Convening of the Session 5, Saint Petersburg: Gostipografiya, 1912, part 4, 3726 р.
  12. Information on the land issue in the Asian in Russia, edit. V.A. Tresvyatskiy, Petrograd: printer M.P. Frolova, 1918, 27

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