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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Using the principles of cooperation pedagogy in teaching raf

Model of cooperation pedagogy is one of the trends in modern language teaching. In the annotated article the authors attempted to use the variant of this model in teaching Russian as a foreign language. Cooperation pedagogy gives an impetus to the creative activities of many teachers, initiated the activity of author’s schools.Modern educational technology (in particular, learning in cooperation, project method, structuring of sentence patterns, mapping, computer animation, etc.) helps to implement the learner-centered approach in training, provide an individualization and differentiation of teaching taking into account students ‘ abilities, their knowledge level, etc. Described in the article method of pedagogical interaction in teaching Russian as a foreign language is one of the innovative methods in teaching foreign languages with its efficient implementation.

Today a lot and constantly it is referred to the application of new technologies in language teaching. In this case, refers are not only technical means but also new forms, methods, approaches and technologies used in the learning process.Knowledge and skills are becoming priority values in human life in the information society. To be aware of trend ideas in the world, you need to have information not only in their native language but also foreign. In order to create conditions for practical mastering of the language by foreign students, it is necessary to choose such teaching methods that would allow each of them to show their activity and individual creative approach, aimed at involving students in the learning process and the formation of desire to obtain new knowledge [1].

Model of the pedagogy of cooperation is one of the trends in modern language teaching, in our case, we tried to use a variant of this model in teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Moving on to the description of the pragmatic use of this method in teaching Russian as a foreign language, we refer you to the following addresses:

http://psyvision.ru/help/pedagogika/43- ped-tech20/492-ped-tech15, http://www.osp.ru/ os/2011/04/13008788/,in which you can read more about the provisions and principles of the pedagogy of cooperation.

However, we can say the following briefly. Pedagogy of cooperation is the direction in Russian pedagogy the 2nd half of the 20-th century, which is a system of methods and techniques of education and training on the principles of humanism and a creative approach to personal development. Among the authors: sh. a. Amonashvili, I.P. Volkov, I.P. Ivanov,

E.N. Ilyin, V.A. Karakovskiy, S.N. Lysenkova, and B.P. Nikitin, V.F. Shatalov, M.P. Shchetinin, etc. All the authors have had large practical experience in school (over 25 years) and developed the original concept of training and education. The initiators of the Association of teachers-innovators became the chief editor of «teacher’s newspaper» V.F. Matveev and publicist S.L. Soloveichik.

A number of provisions proposed by the authors of the pedagogy of cooperation was denied the traditional system of training and education, so this theory has caused much debate. Pedagogy of cooperation gave an impetus to the creative activities of many teachers, initiated the activity of author’s schools.

The process of learning, I think, it is possible to base on the theory of the pedagogy of cooperation, where the emphasis is on the involvement of the learner in the learning process, the joint work of the teacher and the student in a collective and individual process of obtaining language skills. The essence of the method is that it is not based on the classical principle «do as I say» and «do as I do» [2].

For the start, is a big goal, and then strongly supported a belief in its feasibility. Main is the real works closer to accomplishing his goal.

The traditional educational system in the teaching of languages focused on the formation of students a fixed set of knowledge, which is typically standard form of education. This contributes to students ‘ creative activities, in this case, completely absent an individual approach to learning when developing their own creative quality of the student taking into account his individual characteristics [3]. A few years ago, while working on study guides «the people of the world» and «ethno-cultural communication in monologues and dialogues» [4, 5] in collaboration with Professor W. K. Valeyeva under the idea of heuristic learning, we invited the students to build the trajectory of his education in studying the subject, programming is not only language knowledge, but also personal purposes of learning, their training program, methods of development of themes, presentation and evaluation of educational outcomes. Personal experience of the student became at this moment a component of its education and content of education was created in the process of students [1].

In the beginning 2000-x years at the preparatory faculty for foreigners appeared first on the group threshold of the advanced level of proficiency.

Tutorials for working with this population was not, so we students decided together to start collecting materials for a new book. The book should have been that she liked us all and topics and grammatical content. So, spontaneously, our students became the participants of the innovation project on creation of the textbook of a new type and participants of heuristic learning. That is, the group inadvertently ended up in the heuristic educational situation – in a situation activating the ignorance, the purpose of which was the creation of students personal educational product(ideas, problems, hypotheses, versions, texts), from which, in the end, the training manual had been compiled.

When the future undergraduates appeared on the faculty, on the subject «specialty Language» was not relevant teaching materials, we were faced with the necessity of their creation.

Having experience in heuristic learning, we understand that not all known principles of heuristics can be used by us in the present moment. In the past we have worked with students of an advanced level of training. So we could talk to students as equals, together, to choose the necessary grammatical or textual material, choose the controlling materials.

Now the task is complicated by the fact that prospective graduate students know everything about his profession in his native language, but we offer them to talk about their profession in the target language, realizing that students are at the initial stage of learning. When creating the textbook «the Language of occupation: the art», we decided to try to work in a different format.

The effectiveness of the learning system significantly increases with the use of the pedagogy of cooperation, focused on the involvement of the learner in the educational process, as well as the joint work of the teacher and the student. The pedagogy of cooperation focuses on education partnerships and suggests a number of principles:

Teaching without coercion isto make the student a co-author of the lesson, to instill in him the confidence to remove the feeling of fear is natural for every first-time learners of new language, to see him as a full employee. You need to put before the students a challenging goal, to point out its exceptional difficulty and to inspire confidence that the goal will be achieved, the topic is well learned. In our case, the proposal for the joint preparation of the training manual on the «Language of occupation: the art.» Offer motivated Afghan students to study sophisticated terminology, they offer to the study subjects about art, bring texts in their native language. Tests are translated and adapted, ready to study and analyze: lexical, grammatical, syntactical, but without coercion and according to their own will. However, do not think that the process is uncontrolled. The logic of the occupation, its structure, purpose and fundamental tasks does the teacher skillfully guiding the enthusiasm of the students in the process of language acquisition side.

  1. Theidea of support includes in subject-verbal information reference signals, which means the development of memory, logic and spatial thinking. It’s not a scheme, and the set of keywords, signs, and other reference signals, specially arranged and showing the logic of the studied material in the form of a compact shape (sometimes colored) reference circuit, which greatly facilitates the memorization and understanding of the material and eliminates the possibility of cramming. For us, it’s use in the classroom animated model of the Russian proposals, preparation of proposals for models, preparation of virtual constructions in real sentences, but using the new terminology of language specialty.
  2. The lack of negative assessments is only to controlling the classes can be split students into achievers / under-achievers. This applies particularly to the Afghan audience. It is the students who have received higher education at home, worked in the University teachers. There is no need to demonstrate but their ignorance. The lack of negative assessments makes the atmosphere in the classroom easier and makes you want to do.
  3. The idea of free choiceoffers the opportunity to develop the individual qualities of language personality ofstudent; student can create a task that he is interested to solve. Shatalov gives the disciples a hundred tasks that they chose to resolve any of them in any quantity. Freedom of choice – the easiest way to develop creative thought. In our case, freedom is in the choice of themes and texts together with the students to study.
  4. The idea of advancing the student acquainted with the topics ahead of his current training. This happens due to the fact that the student proposes a topic to study, for example, «Fine arts of Afghanistan.» Given the task to find short texts on a given topic. Then together we select the need to study, and then the teacher adapts the text and prepares it for occupation.
  5. Theideaoflargeblocks is the learning process does not consist of individual lessons or training sessions, and blocks of «immersion» in different topics, working with hypertext. The material comes in large blocks; it is possible to increase the volume of the studied material, easier to establish the logical connection, to distinguish the leading idea of the trend.
  6. The idea of introspection is to teach students individual or collective introspection, the study of language.
  7. The idea of personal approach is to use such techniques in which each student feels like a person feels the attention of the teacher personally to him.
  8. The idea of dialogical thinking is the dialogue of the teacher with students, friendly and attentive attitude to the statements of students, encouragement of ideas, thoughts students, even bad or wrong, promote the activity of students, cooperation between teachers and students in finding solutions to educational problems, issues, contributes to the development of their creative abilities, and motivation to language learning.
  9. The intellectual background of the joint

activities in the learning process and outside of it museums, leisure, etc. The goal of every teacher, the end result is always a variety of specific pedagogical actions and tasks. It requires a teacher of creative solutions, creative thinking, new ideas, and unconventional approach [3, 6].

The apology of method of cooperation pedagogy proposes the following concept:

  • The idea of joint educational activities of the teacher and the student, bound by mutual understanding and joint analysis of the progress and results of this activity.
  • Collaborative relationships are multifaceted; but most important is the relationship «teacher – student». Traditional education is based on the position of the teacher as subject and student – the object of the pedagogical process. The concept of collaboration, this provision is replaced by the idea of the student as the subject of its training activities.
  • Two subjects of the same process have to work together, to be companions, partners, to make the Union more experienced with less experienced; none of them should stand above the other [7].

Understand the basic principles and concepts of the pedagogy of cooperation, taking them as a basis, we proceeded to the creation of the textbook

«the Language of occupation: the art», intended for students preparing to study or studying at the Academy of arts of Kazakhstan.

As an example, we offer one of the moments of the textbook, to have an idea about the level of dialogical lessons on the language of specialty.


You need to clarify the point of view of the interviewee, a statement of own point of view.

Task 1. Read the words and expressions. Explain their values. What question is answered by words? How is it changing? Write down the new words in the dictionary.

To find out, to outline, point of view, my opinion, my position, your point of view, the interlocutor, to look at the problem, to consider, to think, to treat the problem, treat it, to discuss, to argue.

Clarifying the point of view of the interlocutor A statement of own point of view

In the conversation people want to find out the other’s point of view or to explain its position. For this there are special formulas of expression point of view.

Task 2 – Disassemble the table. What is this table? What expressions do you like best? Choose which you prefer and remember these formulas of expression, point of view.

Table 1

Figuring out point of view Presentation ofown

of interviewee point of view

What do you think about the problem (question)?

I look at the problem (question) so...


I think..

How do you think?

I guess..

What is your point?

From my point of view,...


I suppose

How do you feel about the problem (question words, point of view, this)?

I feel...

What do you think?

I consider

And your opinion is?

I suspect

How do you consider?


What do you think?

I believe

How do you find out (in your opinion)?


Task 3. Read the dialog.

  • Tell me life is beautiful art or art more beautiful than life?

I heard in philosophy long has this argument. In Russia N. Chernyshevsky said: the best things in life are always above the beautiful in art.

In this case, (inthatcase) art is just a copy of life. I don’t like it. I want to see in the art of beauty! And gray life? And so it is gray.

  • There is an alternative concept. For example, Hegel and Alexander Herzen said: beautiful art above is beautiful in life. The artist sees or rather feels stronger and brighter. It can show the ugly beautiful.

I like this concept. I want to watch a movie, a painting, read a book, listen to music and have fun.

  • This is the eternal debate. Friends, who is right? True life and true art often do not coincide with each other. The artist’s task is to convey through art the truth of life. The artist must honestly reveal the

truth of life.

Task 4. On dialogue a talk on its contents. We split up into groups. Argue on a given topic. Use in dialogues formulas from table 1.

  1. According to N. Chernyshevsky, the best things in life are always above the beautiful in art. Explain how you understand it. Express your point of view.
  2. Express your attitude to the following statement: «Art is just a copy of life.»
  3. Hegel and Alexander Herzen argued that the beautiful in art above is beautiful in life. What do you think about this?
  4. The author argues that «the task of the artist is to convey through art the truth of life.» What do you think?
  5. You agree that «the Truth of life and the truth of art often do not coincide with each other» and that «the Artist must honestly reveal the truth of life»?
  1. Find out the students ‘ opinion about it. We will discuss this problem in the group.

Creation of books of this kind – the development of monologue and Dialogic speech and writing using texts, bringing to the fore professional terminology students suggests a more deep acquaintance not only with grammar but also with the scientific style of the Russian language.

Modern educational technology (in particular, learning in cooperation, project method, structuring of sentence patterns, mapping, computer animation, the use of online resources) to help implement a learner-centered approach in training, provide an individualization and differentiation of teaching taking into account students ‘ abilities, their knowledge level, etc. Described in the article a method of pedagogical interaction in teaching Russian as a foreign language is one of the innovative methods in teaching foreign languages with its efficient implementation.



  1. Chernoysova E.Lebedev K., Otkritie sistemi [Opening of the system], № 04, 2011.
  2. Lisenkova S. N., Shatalov V. F., VolkovI. P., Karakovskii V. A. i dr. Pedagogika sotrydnichestva [Pedagogy of cooperation] Ychitelskaya gazeta. 1986, 18 oktyabrya.
  3. Nurshaihova J. Ludi mira: prodvinytii yroven dlya inostrancev [People of the world: advanced level for foreigners]: ycheb. posobie dlya vyzov. Almati: Қazaқ yniversitetі, 2007. 155 s.
  4. Nurshaihova J. Organizaciya evristicheskoi aktivnosti stydentov v celyah sozdaniya ychebnih posobii [Organization of euristic activity of students for creation of train aid] Kompetentnostnaya model vipysknika v sisteme sovremennogo neprerivnogo professionalnogo obrazovaniya: sb. tr. XLIIІ naych. Metod. konferencii, 17-18 yanvarya 2013. Almati: Қazaқ yniversiteti. 2012. S. 235239.
  5. Nurshaihova J. Etnokyltyrnaya kommynikaciya v monologah I dialogah [Ethnocultural communication in monologues and dialogues]: prodvinytii yroven dly ainostrancev: ycheb. posobie dlya vyzov. Almati: Қazaқ yniversitetі, 2012. 266 s.
  6. http://psyvision.ru/help/pedagogika/43-ped-tech20/492-ped-tech15 http://www.osp.ru/os/2011/04/13008788/

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