This article proves Jack London’s novel Martin Eden belongs to eco­ socialistic novels. Firstly it has political view which is not capitalistic, nei­ ther socialistic, something in between, which totally identify Eco–social­ism. One of the main concepts of this theory also is humanism. And as we all are very familiar, there are bright signs of it. And the last, but not the least, is harmony between human and nature, which is also Eco–socialist direction. All of these analyses are shown in this article.  

Higher education in Kazakhstan is experiencing a new stage of devel­ opment associated with the modernization, based on the dominance of the personal educational vector of future specialist, of a competent in their field. Preparation of students takes into account the innovative processes in the system of higher education, having the status of the translator tar­ get orientations in preparation scientific and pedagogical personnel. The growth of the subjective factor by improving and intensification of student autonomy, increasing the role of self evaluation and creativity require fun­ damentally new approaches to the organization of educational process, especially at the time of the direct inclusion of the student in a situation which is a educational practice of Folklore – one of the most important components of the training specialist­philologist. In the present publication describes the experience conducting practice in the educational program of preparation students of the Russian branch the Faculty of Philology and the world’s languages in Al­Farabi Kazakh National University with access to new vectors in methodological level.

The article deals with the initial considerations on polysemy in phraseology as part of a large research project on polysemy. To investigate the interrelationship between polysemy and its constituent parts and the influence of context and style on the rise of polysemy is viewed as a context­based network of semantic variants

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science