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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Competence managementas a factorof the organization adoptionto the external environmentin implementingthe personnel management strategy

Forthe company to besuccessful is not enoughjustto hirehighly skilled workers, it is necessary alsoto organizetheirwork so thattogetherit wasas effective as possible. Thereforeitisveryimportant to do therightchoiceHRstrategy, allowingthecompanytoobtainthegreatestprofit.

HR strategyin an organizationto tietogethermany aspects ofhuman resource managementin order to betterpromote andoptimizetheir impact onworkers, especiallyon theirlaborquality andskills andthus createa singlecorresponding toa specific targetgroup,a combination ofelements ofhuman resources management  policy. As soon asat least one element(eg, recruitment orpayroll system) fails,expectfailureand the use ofother instruments.Thus,an isolated, non-consensual useof economic instrumentsof personnel managementcan lead toundesirable consequences. In other words, the principles of the relationshipof individualitems intheir”system” combinationis based primarilyon the fact thatthe use of certainelementsperceived byemployeesas part ofa unifiedpersonnel management systemof the organization. [1, p.8]

At the present timeit is impossible togive a definite answerto the question:”What is meant by HR strategy?”.Results ofgreat scientificdebate on this issueare still verycontroversial.Thisexplainstheinconsistencyofterminology. However, at leastwith respect to certainfeatures ofHR strategyunanimityreigns: HR strategy, firstly,are long-term, notleast because oftheir focus onthe development andchange ofattitudes, motivation, skills andstructure ofthe workforce, and such changes occur, are usually onlyafter a long time; Secondly, they are derivedfrom a largenumber of factors andassociatedwith the company strategyin general.

  • So, the essence of HR strategyis as follows: careful selectionof personnelfor employment; classification ofstaffby gender, age, skills, etc .;
  • adaptation of personnelto the specific conditionsof work; developingflexiblebehaviorsin relationto each of theworkers; identification of the strengthsand weaknesses of thestaffin order
  • toattractsomeof the employeesto performcertain tasks;
  • making decisionsaboutdownsizing, transferring employeesfrom oneto another positionand others.
  • financialincentivesforemployees;  
  • availability ofa corporate culturethatpromotescohesionof staff;
  • creating favorable conditions forprofessional developmentof employees(trainings,  seminars, etc.). [1, p.32]

Selectionof personnel andtheir employmentis quiteexpensive andtime-consumingprocedure.By the beginning ofthe organizationfor the purchase ofa new employeespendsa considerable amount offinancial and time resourcesthat maybe lost if theemployee is dismisseddue to the factthat he could notadapttothe conditions ofwork.Therefore, theorganization is interestedtoaccept candidatesspentaperiodof time whenthe cost ofclosingthe vacancybecame equal tothe impact ofthe positionadopted by theemployee.

The abovesteps of HR strategyconstitutethe internal environment ofthe organization, but for the properimplementation of theHR strategyis important to considerthe external environmentofthe organization.That is, the goal of strategichuman resource managementto ensurecoordinatedand adequatestate of the externaland internal environment ofthe formation ofthe employmentpotential of the organization, based on the upcominglong period.

The external environmentis verydynamic andunpredictable.The uncertaintyof it isthatnotall economic agentsmay have accessto valuable informationof the market systemand the economy asa whole. In addition,in order totimelyand adequately respond tovarious changes, the information should be sufficientlyaccurate andpreciseas possible, which is not alwaysobserved, especially in a market economy. For example, advertising as a factor inthe impact ofproductson the structure ofconsumer demandis less effectivebecause it violates thebasic principleof its existence-truthfulness.As a result,organizations are graduallybeginning to losecontact with consumers, due to themarketcollapsethatcauses an imbalanceof supply and demand.

The organization’s successis largely dependenton the forcesexternal toit, andensure globalexternal environment. Inthe face of constantchanges in the political, economic and demographic conditionsfor the effective implementationof administrative functionsnecessary to understand theeffects of theseexternal variables. Organizations operating intoday’s complex world, objectivelynecessary toadapt to changesin the external environmentand modifyits policyof personnel management. [2, p. 28-29]

Adaptationinstrumentsare as follows: 1.Establishment of an informationsystem.

This will reduce theuncertainty in theinput and output ofthe organizationin a timely mannerto get reliable informationfrom the first person, and as a result,maximize thedegree of protection againstunforeseen circumstances.Allthis can be donethrough the establishment ofthe organizationofmarketing, logistics and, of course, strategic planning department. This isan expensivepractice, it requires a huge investmentinthe development ofthe organization. Therefore,from an economic pointof viewfor organizationswith poorfinancialmanagement systemwillinvolve expertsfromconsulting firms.

  • Prediction ofpossible changes in theexternal environmentdevelopmentand implementation ofstrategic planning.Through thisorganization canpredict thetrends of developmentstrategy andits environment, which in itselfsignificantly reduces theamount of risk.In addition, the organization iscapable ofsettinglong-term goalsand strategies forachieving them.
  • Mergers and acquisitions oforganizations, creation of strategic alliances. This tacticallows organizations tostrengthen their positionin the marketto become more flexible, adaptive,stable, especially if you are connected totwo strongandlarge However, this isan outlet forthose organizations thatare not able towithstand the onslaughtand aggressionof the environment. Goodproven wayis to jointhe competition.This contributes tothe expansion ofthe zone of influenceandstability, whichcauses a reduction inthe uncertaintyof the external environment. In addition, it is convenient inthe case whereone organizationis strongin one, the other is able tosolve other problems, respectively, and together they make up a hugetacticalforce.
  • Create a flexibleorganizational The organizationbuilton this principle, not relatednorms, traditions and development framework, is able torespond quickly tothe mostslightestchanges in the environment. Thisfirmhas an opportunityfor a minimum periodof timeto reorient, change the direction ofdevelopment, and finally, if required bythe economy, to radically change thespecialization. In addition, theadvantage offlexible structuresis thatthey areeasy to learnandachieveSTPdevelopment, introduce new technologies, develop new markets,create aqualitativelynew types of servicesthemselvescanconduct researchin the field ofdevelopment prospects.
  • The finaltoolto adapt the organizationis to partnermanagementorganization and itsstaff.If a managerknows howto delegatedecision-making process, consults with employees andgives them the opportunityto show initiativeand creativity, motivation and work efficiencyincreases sharply. Appearsrespectto the head, which determines the nature of the relationshipin the workplace. If the staff-it’sa team, the organization is able toadapt tothe mostdynamicexternal environment, since in any case, eventhe most complex problemswill be resolved. [3, p. 167-172]

One of the keyfactorsin theadaptation ofthe organization ofpersonnel management policyis to manage thecompetenceof staff.

Competenceisdemonstrated bythe ability ofthe employeeto perform certainbusiness functions. Competencecombinedabilityand motivationand describeitsproductionbehavior.This-notjustknowledgeofthestaffis-knowledgeofapplicableandappliedinpractice. An example ofmanagerial competenceis the decisionof administrative problems(data collection and analysis, identification of issues, development of alternative solutions andselection ofa course of action), the impact on others(transfer of the necessary information, overcoming barriers andresistance, the ability to determinepeople’s actions). Accordingly, thecompetenceof valuenot in itselfbut onlyinsofar as theyhelp managersachieve results. [4, p.7]

Competenceis a characteristic ofa person, notthe position, so it moved from onejob to another, together with the employee. In this case,tothe competencecouldserve as a basisfor employment, official travel, remuneration or other decision-makingin thefield of personnel management, the individual mustbe able to demonstratecompetencyin practice.

Competency modela complete setof competenciesand indicatorsof behaviorrequired forsuccessful executionof its functionsthe employeeis manifested inappropriate situationsandtimefor a particular organizationand itsindividualgoals andcorporate culture. Competence profile-is a list ofcompetencies, the precise definition ofthe level of theirmanifestations, related toa specific post.

Most modelscan be describedwith 10-12 individualcompetencies.The morecompetenciesthe modelcontains, the harder it isto implement to acorporate practice. According to experts,when the modelincludes more than12competencies, it becomes difficult to work withspecific competences, as differences between individualcompetenciesin this modelimperceptiblysmall.

Competency modelconsists of clusters(blocks) of competencies.Clustersof competenceare a set ofclosely relatedcompetencies(usuallyfrom three to fivein one”bundle”). Each clusterhascompetencelevelsa setof relatedbehavioral indicators. [4, p. 34] Behavioralindicators-these are the standardsof behaviorthat are observedin the actions ofa person who hasspecific expertise.


  • Corporate(or key) -competence, proclaimedthat supportthe mission and valuesof the company andare generallyapplicable to anyposition in the organization, oftena list ofcorporate competenciescan be foundin the presentationof informationandmaterialscompanies.
  • Managerial competenceapplicable toall levels of managementpositions used to evaluatemanagers.
  • Specialcompetenceusedfor certaingroups of postsin different departments. For example, specialcompetenciesdevelopedfor the employeesof each of thedepartments:sales, information technology, finance department, etc. Thisknowledge and skillsthat define theprofessional responsibilities, level oftheirability toapply themin practiceby certain categories ofemployees.
  • Personal competenceswithover professionallynature and requiredin any fieldof activity. Under thepersonaljurisdictionmeantspiritual maturity, man’s consciousness oftheir ownlife goalsandthe meaning of life, understanding ofself and others, the  ability  to  understandthe  underlyingmotives [4, p. 53].

Practice shows thatsome organizations useonlycore competencies, while others develop and useonly themanagement-to assesssenior managers, and some companies are developingspecialcompetenceonly to employeesof the sales department.

Competency framework canbecreatedintwoways:

The first wayis to adapt to thealready existingmodel ofa particular firm. Thesestandard modelsare createdas results of research management experience leading companies tend to beforeign.

The second wayisa creation ofa competency modelfrom scratch.Inthiscase,youcanresorttothehel pofexternalconsultantsordeveloptheirowncompeten ce. The choice ofmethodwill dependon several factors: what money, time resourcesthe organization has, how well itrepresents the process ofthis work, andhow detaileda company wantsto understand thecompetenciesthat theybegan workingtoolandjustifyall costs. The result ofefforts to collectdata, analysis and modelingof competenciesshould becomea modelof competenciesof employeesof your organizationaround which thepersonnel management systemof the company.

Competences thatareunderstandableformembers of the organizationdetailed description, which greatly facilitatestheir diagnosis,can be characterizedbytheir levels ofexpression.

The first level-the level of understanding-the employeeunderstands the need forthesecompetencies, he tries to showthem, but it does not always work.

The second levelbasic levelthe competencedevelopment of normal, an employee exhibitsnecessaryforquality.

The third level-a strong level (complementary basic level)-competencecan be manifested inthe labor process, in solving complex problems.

The fourth level-the level ofleadership (complementary baseand stronglevels) – employee setsstandardsfor the communitywhen not onlyhe, but others beginto exercisethiscompetence, the employee helps othersto exercisethe necessary skills. [5, p. 16]

Competencyassessmentis typically usedfor the following tasks:

  1. Assessment ofthe current level ofcompetenceof employeesandtheir compliance withthe required level. The need forpersonnel evaluationoccurs mainly atthe stage of stablegrowth and developmentorganizations. By this time,the company has alreadygainedpositiveandnegative experience, developed andsubject to certaincorporate standards, including personnel management. Andif your organization hasimplemented acompetency model, the competence, of course, becomean integral part ofthe staff appraisal.Competencyassessment systemto adequatelyassess not only theresults of operations(that isachievedand whetherthe objectiveshave been achieved), but also gives the employeethe opportunity to askthe right directionof development.
  2. Formation of thetalent poolofemployeeswho have demonstratedthe best resultsand the subsequent creationof individual development plansfor each employee. Competence-based approachto determinewhat trainingmust passmanagerapplying forcareer growthtothe structure of hisknowledge andability to meethisnextcareerstep.To do this,the companyshould be formedoverallcorporate system of traininganddevelopment of employeesin reserve, which includes measures to develop theprofessional and personal qualities.
  3. Developtraining programs(individual and group), aimed at Employeeswho have receivedhigh marks(regardless ofposition), can act ascoaches andmentors.Competenciesare thecriterion for choosingwhat and howto teach. Moreover,experience shows that theimpacton theprofessional knowledge,experience(iecompeten ce) easier and simplerthancompetence.Just sendpersonnelretraining courses, training, wherehe will be ableto gain experienceand improvetheir professional knowledge. Despite the complexity ofthe changes in internalsystemsof human behavior,the impact onhis motives, experts suggestitto train staffcompetencies.
  4. Selectionand recruitment, evaluation interviewsin the selection ofcandidates.Selection methodcompetencyis most often usedin companies withpoor performance, staff turnover, low percentage ofemployee retention. Duringpersonnel selectionmodelof professional competenciesa criterion for selectionof necessarystaff, it saves time andmoney spent onthe search process. Search and selectionhave becomemore specificand effective, as the companyisclearlythe one itwas looking for.In addition torecruitmentby formal criteria(education, knowledge, experience), there is a possibilityof candidate selectioncriteriafor corporateorganization, department. In this case,the candidate’s conformityto corporate andspecial competenceis an importantcondition forsuccessin comparison with othercandidatesfor the position.

Motivationas a process ofencouraging stafftoactivitiesto achieve its goalsandobjectives.If therequirements of the companyfoundedcompetence model, it is necessary todetermine the relationship betweencompetence and principles ofremuneration, i.e. competencerequire a certainbehaviorin the workplace,and the rewardmotivatesthis behavFormation ofa competency modelis necessary andto adjustthe compensationpolicy of the companyin respect ofemployeeswho have successfully completedevaluation activities. The relationship between theresults of the evaluationand the change inthe compensation packageexists incompanies wherethere is a problemwith the assistanceof qualified personnel andthere is a needto justifythe paymentof skilledemployees. [5, p. 23-28]

There is certainadvantagesstaff estimatesbased on thecompetency model.

For the organization ofthese benefitsinclude: 1.Develop   commonstandardsdescribe  theoverall performancepromotesunderstanding betweenemployees of differentdepartments andat different levels.For example,to develop a commonunderstanding ofallthatis “effective work” and that means “teamwork.”

  • Consistencyin the evaluation ofthe employee: all expertsalikeunderstand what”valuable qualities of” employee, and know thatyou mustevaluate, and whatcan be ignored.
  • The ability toidentify the strengthsand weaknessesof each employeeand use this informationforcareer planningand development.
  • There aregrounds for apersonnel reserveandcareer planning.
  • Develop standardsof qualityof work performed. [6, p. 31]

Foremployeesthese benefits are different:

  1. A better understandingof what makesan employeeandwhat qualitieshe neededandwhat the requirementsare presented to him.
  2. Ability toobtain feedbackabout theirstrengths and weaknesses, the overall potentialandcareer prospects.

There are alsodisadvantages of the methodof personnel evaluationmodelbased oncompetencies thatare as follows:

  1. Enoughtime-consumingpreparatory process, including the preparation ofa list ofcompetencies, forming a group ofexperts andtheir training.
  2. A detailed assessmentof each criterion, the levelof severitythe processis time consumingandthereforeexpensive.
  3. In the formation ofcompetenciesandpossibleerrors associatedwith the development of:
  • Similarindicatorsare used to determinetwo or three differentcompetencies-this leadsto confusionduringevaluation activitiesandreduces the reliabilityof theestimates. To prevent thiserror, you mustfind a pair ofemployeessuchthat oneof thema good command ofboth of thesecompetencies, and the otherwouldnot ownone of them.Ifsuch employeesare found, we can conclude that thecompetencedoes not intersect;
  • Toobulky anddifficult to formulatecompetenceconsiderably complicatethe work;
  • Competencemaycontain statementsthat meanopposite things – for example,somecontradictory, i.e.mutually exclusiveindicatorsof behavior.To testwhether thecontroversialcompetence, it is necessary to choose theemployee whowould ownonecomponent ofcompetence andwould have nosecond. Ifthere is at leastone such person, the competence ofcontradictory anditwillconfuse theevaluation ofstaff;

-Competenciescontained herein isnotindicatorsof behavior, butthe desired result.The indicatorshould not beindicative of the resultsof activity, as a resultis a consequence ofa good command ofcompetence, and notthe verydefinition ofcompetence;

  • Ill-definedcompetencies.Competenciesare describedin detailis notsoand behaviorswill be describedin sufficient detail;
  • Competenciesin correctly defining For example, the competence of “decision-making” (director maybe ableto make decisions, but will they beright?). The errorin the determination ofstandards isthatcompetenceis notdivided intolevels: skilled and unskilledperformersin this casereceive the sameassessment;
  • Competency model, borrowed fromanother company.In this case,it will not berelevantfor the staff-they do not seethe value ofcompetenciesin their daily work;
  • Employees canfinda contradiction between thedaily workandcompetencies, which ignores thecompetency model;
  • Employees do not understandwhy we needthe competence, management does not considerthem important, and their usein theassessment activitiesisa mere formality. Most likely, thereason for the failureis thatemployeeshave attracted littleto the discussionat the stage ofdevelopment ofa competency model;
  • Untimelyembeddedcompetencies.Whenacompanytakesa lot ofsignificant changes(introducing new products, methods of operation) that affect theinterests of the majorityof employees, the competenciesis seen as lessimportant project;
  • Indicatorsof behaviorshould not be usedas acriterion for evaluatinghardworker.It is importantto remember thatcompetence-is only a toolfor the evaluationof personnel,and itsuse does not precludethe use of otherassessments in thecertificationactivities.It is necessary toavoid substitutingbehavioralindicators definedby, theirpersonalinterpretation ofthe director ormanageron staff,members of theevaluationcommittee. [6, p. 45-47]

There are certain criteriaeffectively functioningcompetency modelsformulated byMark Parkinson.

Competenceshould be:

  • The list ofcompetenciesshouldcompletely coverall the important functionsof the workingactivities.This is easily achievedwith the help of10 -12competencies.
  • Separatecompetenceshall relate tocertain activitiesthat canbe clearly separated fromother activities.Ifcompetenceoverlap,it will be difficultto accurately assessthe workor people.
  • Eachcompetencemust be clearly defined, andshould not try touse it tocover toomuch,as is sometimes said, “Inflate” it. For example, “technical competence” should be very specific.
  • Eachcompetencyshould beformulatedin an affordable manner, so that it canbe useduniversally. It should not place undueusecorporatejargonthat may beinterpreteddifferentlyby allmanagers.
  • Competenceshould strengthenthe organizational cultureand enhance thelong-term goalsof the company.Ifcompetenceseems tooabstract, theydo no good andwill not be acceptedby managers.
  • Competency  frameworkshould be updatedandshould reflect thepresent and future(predictable) the needs of the organization.As with anymethod of analysiswork, it will requirethe contribution ofthose who have thestrategic vision. [7, p. 25]

The versatility ofthe modellies in the factthat:

  • The modelallows you to directlylink thepersonnel management systemto the strategic objectivesof the organization.This relationshipis builtthrough the definition ofprofessional and personal qualitiesof managersand professionalscore competenciesthe company’s
  • Competenciescontribute to the formationof corporate cultureandachievea common visionof the mission andgoals of the organizationasthe company’s managementand
  • The model describes theactualobserved behavior ofpeople at worksimple and accessible language tomanagers and professionals, which increases the efficiency in the useof
  • Competency Modelis the basisofwork with the staff:
  • Facilitatesthe recruitment of staff-it is possible tocompare the characteristicsof the candidatewith the requirementsof the position;Staffis givena clear idea oftheir requirements, standardsofsuccessfulperformance;
  • Increasesthe effectiveness of traininganddevelopment of employees, as The training program isto achievecorporate standardsspecified in thejurisdiction;
  • Managerreceivescriteria forevaluating the performance ofsubordinates and, as a consequence,to assess compliance withpersonnelproblems facing the company;
  • Providesstaff development andcareer planning. [7, p. 113-114]

Thus, management competenciesdetermine the course ofthe life of theindividual in the organization, from the time ofhiring.On the basis ofthe competency approachemployeesare trained, gets a boost, plan your career, go through theevaluation ofpersonneland rewarded.Such an organizationof personnel managementandgoodfor the company andforits employees: the first receivesa coherentframework for actionand analysis, andthe latter canbe based onclear guidelines, veryknowing exactlywhat to expect fromthe future.



  1. Vetoshkina “Kadrovik. Kadrovyjmenedzhment”.–M.:Norma,2008. – 156 p.
  2. Maslov I. Strategicheskoeupravleniepersonalom v uslovijahjeffektivnojorganizacii.– M.:Finpress, 2004. – 288 p.
  3. Thompson A.A., Strickland A.J. Strategic Management– :UNITY, 1998. – 576 p.
  4. Lyle Spencer, Spencer M. Sain. Competence at Work: Model for Superior Performance. – M.: HIPPO,2005. – 384 p.
  5. KelliDzh A. Theory of personality: psychology of personalconstructs.–Ed.from English. – M.: Speech, 2000. – 77 p.
  6. Hollyford S.S. Guidecompetencies.– M.: HIPPO,2008.–160 p.
  7. Mills R. Competencies:pocket guide. – M.: HIPPO, 2004. –128 p.

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