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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Sustainable development issues as an important factorof the contemporary international relations

The world seems to be growing more unstable under the global economic crisis, ongoing ethnic conflicts and environmental disasters and irrational human use of natural resources. In addition to the negative impact of natural disasters on the environment, a destructive power has been arisen from the anthropogenic and technogenic phenomena, which jeopardize the safe development of future generations. Therefore a priority of the modern society is to find the ways for optimal solving of current natural and anthropogenic problems and achieve a long-term sustainable development.

Sustainable development issues are vital and urgent problems for independent experts, because nowadays the world community faces devastating phenomena as poverty and overpopulation, climate change, disability of many states for rational distribution of natural resources etc.


The world has changed and people started thinking broader and more rational about the present environmental situation in their home countries. They have started thinking “globally” about environmental situation. It is a new phenomenon in the contemporary scientific cognition and it requires a deep knowledge of theory which addresses the very beginning of Sustainability. The 21st century achievements, new high technologies and “cultural bridges” between various nations  provide  for us an opportunity to analyze the factors unfavorable to sustainable development and to identify the impediments to this process.

Sustainable development (i.e. supported development) – is a development of a society in which the human conditions are being improved and the impact on the environment remains within the economic capacity of the biosphere, so it does not break the natural foundation of human life. Within sustainable development the needs should be provided without damage to the future generations. Under the UN definition, Sustainable development is the development of a society that caters to the needs of present generations without causing this damage to the opportunities to future generations for satisfaction of their own needs [1].

The sustainable development concept comprises from the identification and the accounting of two main limits.

Maximum Environmental Boundary – that is, that level most safe number of emissions, degrees of resource depletion and wild ecosystems, which doesn't lead to destruction of the biosphere and death of civilization. This indicator is also called as the resolution of biosphere.

Minimum of Social Boundary – minimum use of natural resources, which provides the basic needs supporting human life without violation of human rights for safe and worthy life.

Most often, the lower limit of human needs is perceived as minimum consumer basket. It includes a set of products that are needed for normal human life and is tailored to the needs of a person in a variety of food, the level of its caloric content, vitamins, etc.

Sustainable development – it is the quality of human life, in which the level of natural resources consumption does not exceed the Maximum Ecological border, but does not fall below the social minimum.

Main objectives of the sustainable development are:

Economic growth – formation of socially focused market economy, providing opportunities, motivations and labor guarantees of citizens, quality of life, rational consumption of material resources;

Environmental protection – creating the life conditions for a safe environment with clean air, land, water, protection and biodiversity restoration, the implementation of the ecological imperative of production development;

Justice – providing the guarantees of citizens equality under the law, providing equal opportunities for achievement of material, environmental and social welfare;

Rational use of natural resources – creating a system that guarantees the rational use of natural resourcesonthebasisofcompliancewiththenational interests of the country and their preservation for future generations;

Population stability – the formation of public policy with the aim of increasing life expectancy and population stabilization, rendering comprehensive support to young families, mother and child care;

Education – guaranteeing accessibility for environmental education of citizens, preservations of intellectual potential of the country;

International cooperation – active cooperation with all countries and international organizations for the purpose of rational use of ecosystems, ensure the favorable and safe future.

Implementation of sustainable development purposes is ensured through:

  • Restructuring of the national economy;
  • Ensuring national security of the state, including the social, economic and environmental security;
  • Improving the organization of the environmental management process, taking into account local climatic conditions and natural resource capacity of territories;
  • Formationofecologicalandeconomicthinking, adequate processes of social transformations;
  • Equal share use of natural resources for present and future generations.

Thus, the constant – is the process of harmonization of productive forces, ensuring the essential needs of all society members, while maintaining the integrity and  gradual  restoration of the natural environment, creating opportunities for equilibrium between its potential and needs of people of all generations.

Key principles of the sustainable   development are:

  • Material domain: constitutes the basis for regulating the flow of materials and energy that underlie existence.
  • Economic domain: provides a guiding framework for creating and managing wealth.
  • Domain of life: provides the basis for appropriate behavior in the biosphere.
  • Social domain: provides the basis for social interactions.
  • Spiritual domain: identifies the necessary attitudinal orientation and provides the basis for a universal code of ethics [2].

Realization of these principles will ensure:

  • Harmonization of coexistence of the human being and nature;
  • Realization of the right for fair satisfaction of requirements and equal opportunities for development of present and future generations;
  • Inherence of environment protection in society development.

Thus, the sustainable development generalizes in itself the process of a survival and restoration of a gene pool of the nation, activation of a role of each individual in the society, ensuring his rights,  formation  of  conditions   for  restoration of the biosphere and  its  local  ecosystems, focus on reducing human impact on  the  environment and harmonization of human needs and natural resources.

However, the problem of  economic  growth and environmental safety requirements, the high proportion of resource-and intensive-power outdated technologies, raw materials for export orientation, the militarization of  production, lack of humanistic  values  in  development  priorities, as well as inadequate level of environmental awareness and consumption lead to the   deepening of crisis phenomena in economy, environmental degradation, threatening to the life and work of present and future generations.

Nowadays people have caused the climate changes in local and regional scales. There is a serious concern that further development of the industry can lead to the significant global climate change. However, the ongoing anthropogenic carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere can contribute to the warming of the bottom layer of the atmosphere, especially in widths. This topic has been promoted in mass media for 10-15 years. Now almost everyone knows that "for many centuries a human being here refers to the nature as an anarchist and so selfish that does not even notice that critical moment when a natural resource is used up, the moment is extremely life-threatening. A great philosopher Solon warned that people may die, turning the blossoming fields into deserts, but for two and a half thousand years which have passed since then, we didn't listen to this prevention.

People, both in the past and in the  present, have been actively interested in various human interrelations, but there is no particular desire to find out the relationship between humanity and nature. The increasing scale of human activity, rapid development of the scientific and technological progress has escalated negative impact of a man on the nature, led to the disruption of the ecological balance of the planet. Oil, gas, coal, copper, iron and other metals are not renewable resources, and according to  the  scientists  estimation  they  will be exhausted in a few decades. Besides, forest resources  of  the  planet,  which  would  seem  to be renewed systematically, in fact, quite rapidly decreasing. Particular threat to the life of all mankind is the pollution of the planet which has increased significantly over the past decades. So, the world ocean is being constantly polluted due to the expansion of oil production in marine fisheries and because of its mass transportation. Millions of tons of lead, phosphorus, sulfur, radioactive waste are reset into the ocean. And the consequence of the dead ocean can bring to the dead planet.

Essential problem is to optimize the conditions of human existence as a major trend in the development of the noosphere. In the twentieth century, along with outstanding positive achievements, there was a barbaric, predatory, unscientific and irresponsible intrusion into the environment, which ultimately jeopardized the very existence of human beings.

Nature is harmonious and therefore it is being saved and exists. Fortunately, the international community begins to realize the vital importance of this environmental problem. Modern global society pays due attention to the concept of "sustainability". It dates back to the first world models of the 1970s, in particular, the popular theories of "limits to growth” and "sustainable growth”. An important milestone in the development of global "stability" theories was the publication of the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: "Our Common Future" (1987).

By the end of the 1980s the most discussed concepts of "sustainability" have accumulated the global forecasting experience. Unlike many previous projects they had no emphasis on abstract design strategies and schemes; they had an attraction to the principles of world development, on which the international measures could be undertaken. These principles had been chosen based on a universal perspective with the involvement of reputable experts and the public of different countries

Approaches to the study of sustainability issues Defining the fundamental principles of contemporary  and future   world   development required a combination of different methodological approaches and levels of theoretical  understanding of the problem itself.

First, the formation of "sustainability" ideas refers to the historical approach. It manifested itself primarily in close study of crises and catastrophes that have occurred as a result of human activity. For example, analyzing the lessons of the past, L. Brown and S. Pastel pointed out that the “evil” root of the collapse of the social and political structures in Maya civilization (that existed in what is now Guatemala, El Salvador and Southern Mexico) was the burst-up of the agricultural production system.

Secondly, at an early stage of their formation the concepts of "sustainability" had a futurological orientation. Peculiar influence of exploratory and normative forecasts contributed to  the  designing of projects, in which the prediction of possible consequences of their implementation for global development was the  most  important.  Thus,  in the frames of sustainable development there were predictive regulatory developments that had to outline "a sustainable future".

Sustainable development – is considered to be as the changes preserving balance-harmony between the emerging parts of the system and reproducing them hierarchically. A problem of sustainability is hardly perceived by this definition.  Sustainability is the characteristic of constructive development, associated with self-complication of systems, creating a new mechanism of harmonizing relations between the elements. For instance, the authors of the discussed concept paid much attention to the global environmental situation. At the same time they emphasized that current knowledge about many parameters of natural systems’ functioning, the connections within them and the impact of human activity on the environment have been studied very incomplete [3].

Therefore, development of sustainability issues of these systems in terms of the ever-increasing anthropogenic pressures on them is extremely difficult without the relevant research  in  the sphere of ecology, medicine, natural sciences etc. On the second level we can see a direct extension of the new theoretical provisions and practical recommendations. First of all, it concerns the general issues such as the development of alternatives previously unknown to the modern civilization and evolution of ideas about the world in general.

Third, since its formation the concept of "sustainable development" has begun to be considered as interdisciplinary [4].Whole range of "sustainable development" problems is investigated under the methodology of system analysis. However, the basic systems of global development are being considered in different ways. The modern world is implied as consisting of a number of interrelated and interacting systems. And there are two types among them. The first are the life systems on our planet: environment, energy, biological, climatic, etc. The second type – the systems that can be considered as the foundation of mankind social life: economic, political, social and others.

Fourth, in comparison with many other globalist-futurist theories the concept of "sustainable development" has proved an essential aspect of political science. Along with purely theoretical issues the most important is a preparation of materials that could benefit those who engaged in practical politics. Thus, it can be noted that the concept was created using quite diverse methodological toolkit and in the early stages touched upon a very wide range of global scale issues. However, the main challenge for these studies was to determine the concept of "sustainable  development".  After  all, it was supposed to consider the main idea of the concept, which distinguishes it from all various theories and projects of global forecasting.

Some researchers have focused on the etymological meaning of the word “sustainable”, noting that in general terms it suggests the ability for resisting pressure from any phenomena. In essential sense sustainability often is derived from: 1) intrinsic characteristics of the system, 2) the nature and pressure of damages affecting the system,  and human activity that can bring to the emergence and strengthening of these pressures and damages, or vice versa to overcome them.

Clarification of interpretations on the "sustainability" concept, formation of generally accepted views on this issue has contributed to a more in-depth understanding of the definition of "sustainable development". The well-known form of sustainability definition was formulated in the report of G. H.  Brundtland  commission,  where, in particular, it says: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs [5].

It contains within it two key concepts:

  • the concept of 'needs', in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given;
  • the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs.

Thus,  in  these  formulations  it  is  obvious that the idea of "sustainable development" was considered by its supporters in various aspects: socio-economic, technological and environmental. Some authors have drawn attention to the need for analysis of its ethical, political and other principles. By the end of the XXth century this theory fully reflected the global studies experts’ views on the world development as a number of interrelated, dynamic relationships within global processes affecting virtually all major spheres of human society. Besides, a powerful industrial potential and rapid economic growth will not be enough in order to achieve the pure "sustainable development". Only  balanced  and  effective  policies  in  the field of environmental protection and natural resources are necessary for mitigation and the subsequent overcoming such sustainability problems.

Pursuing such policy is impossible without achieving  high  social   spirituality,   widespread of moral and ethical principles, lifestyle, as appropriate to the needs of the present and future. "Sustainability" of modern civilization cannot be achieved while there are social and political tensions in countries, regions and in the world as a whole.

Sustainability indicators

The main sustainable development indicators are economic, social and environmental  factors that comprise the basis of a triune concept of sustainability.

Today some scholars distinguish another, the fourth domain, –institutional or good governance aspect.

Economic component involves  the  optimal use of natural resources and  environmentally sound technologies, including the extraction and processing of raw materials, products, minimization, recycling and disposal.

Social component of sustainability is focused on human rights and aimed at preserving the stability of social and cultural systems, including the reduce of tensions and conflicts between people. An important aspect of this approach is a fair sharing of benefits. It is desirable to preserve the cultural diversity and equity on a global scale, as well as a more complete use of sustainable development practices available in the non-dominant cultures. In order to achieve those sustainable development aims our modern society should establish a more efficient decision- making system taking into account a historical experience and encourage pluralism.

Within the human development concept a human being is considered to be as a subject of development. Based on the expansion of human choices as a main value, the concept of sustainable development implies that a human being should be involved in the processes that shape the scope of his life, it promotes the adoption and implementation of decisions and controls their realization.

Environmental component maintains the integrity of natural biological and physical systems. Particular importance is for the ecosystems which influence on the global stability of the entire biosphere. Moreover, the term "natural" systems and habitats can be understood broadly to including the man-made environment, such as, for example, cities. Devastation of natural resources, pollution and loss of biodiversity reduce the ability of ecosystems to self-healing [6].

Indicators of sustainable development should reflect the economic, social and environmental aspects of meeting the needs of the present generation without restriction of future generations’ requirements for satisfaction of own needs. To make development sustainable we must take into account the economic growth achievements, but ensuring its balance with the needs of a society for improving the quality of life and preventing environmental damage.

Coordination of these  sustainability  factors and their interpretation into definite measures, which are the means of achieving sustainable development – is a task of enormous difficulty since  all  three  sustainability   indicators  should be considered in proper balanced way. The mechanisms of interaction between these three concepts are also important. Interacting with each other, economic and social elements can generate new challenges such as achieving equity within a generation (e.g., in respect of income distribution), and making assistance to the poor. The mechanism of interaction between economic and environmental elements  has  brought  new  ideas  on valuation and internalization (accounting in economic accountability of enterprises) of external influences on  the  environment.  Besides,   the   relationship of social and environmental elements generates interest to issues such as intragenerational and intergenerational equity, including respect for the rights of future generations, and public participation in decision-making.

Development of the sustainable development indicators is available at three levels:

  • Global,
  • Regional (region, territory, autonomy, )
  • Local/national (districts, municipalities, cities, etc.).

All these three levels can be designed with their own system of indicators that have individual characteristics. Thus, indicators developed at the global level will not always be equally useful for various levels of government. Not all regional indicators of sustainable development can be applied with equal efficiency at the global or local (national) levels and vice versa. It is also important to make an assessment and analysis of existing powers and resources at the regional and global levels, which can be used to promote the implementation and use of indicators at the regional level [7].

The UN and EU programs on Sustainable Development

Sustainable development concept of was first defined in the World Conservation Strategy of Nature (1980), developed at the UNEP initiative, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).The concept has been refined in the course of a global political debate since the 1970 report on the limits of economic growth (The Limits to Growth), Brundtland Commission (1980) and up to the significant solutions of Rio Summit (1992).

In 1987, in the  report  by World Commission on Environment  and  Development  (WCED): "Our Common Future", focused on the kind of "sustainable development" that meets  “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

It has included three main aspects: Stable and sustainable environment, Economic development, Social justice (both within one generation and between the generations).

In 1992, at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the UN Conference on Environment and Development (byname Earth Summit) governments of the participant states adopted the agenda for the 21st century and Rio Declaration on Environment and Development – documents that set out the principles, priorities and activities aimed at sustainable development.

The UN World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002 reaffirmed the commitment of the entire world community to the ideas for long- term sustainable development that meet human needs preserving the basic life support systems of the planet Earth.

In 2003, UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) has initiated the Marrakech process under a 10-year framework of programs in support of regional and national initiatives  to  accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production that will promote economic growth without environmental degradation [8].

Nowadays about 35  countries  in  the  world are developing their programs on sustainable consumption and production.

A fundamental principle of sustainable development is "Think  globally,  act  locally". That is in order to achieve the global goals of sustainable development outlined in the Agenda 21, it is important to realize as much as possible local projects on sustainable development. Thus, the environmental, social and economic problems have no borders, and only improvement of the integrated strategies with the cooperation at various levels of all participants in the process can be successful for sustainable development.

EU Sustainable Development Strategy -2001 (Gothenburg 2001) refers to the Rio de Janeiro Declaration and contains four long term objectives:

  1. Limit the climate change process, and increase the use of clean energy
  2. Improve people's health
  3. Responsible management of natural resources
  4. Improve the transport system and land-use management [9].

The strategy has based on the principles of development of different areas as agricultural subsidies, protection of environmentally sensitive areas (NATURA 2000), water management (EU Water Framework Directive, 2000), transport, science and technology investment, environmental monitoring.

EU Environment Action Programme for 2001- 2010 has focused on four priority areas:

  • Climate change mitigation
  • Nature and biodiversity – protection of rare species and natural resources
  • Environment and public protection
  • Sustainable management of natural resources and water management

It is noteworthy to mention the EU documents on environmental protection (EP), establishing goals and objectives of activities, standards and other requirements (6 progams since 1972); 7 Thematic strategies (air pollution, prevention andrecycling of waste, preserving marine environment, soil protection, sustainable use of pesticides, sustainable use of natural resources, urban environment).

Thus, main objectives of the sustainable development are:

  • ensuring rapid socio-economic growth;
  • preserving the environment;
  • rational use of natural resources’ potential to meet the needs of the present and future generations by building up high economic system, productivity in scientific and technological progress, social orientation.


Sustainable development is a unique and difficult phenomenon. It touches upon almost all spheres of human life and requires an adequate and proper decision making on some urgent  problems at the social, economic and environment levels. Solving these problems includes:

  • Sustainable development of rural regions and settlements;
  • Macroeconomic transformation and state protectionism;
  • Economic policy formation at the state level;
  • Provision of spiritual, physical human development and social safeguards;
  • International collaboration.

Nowadays it worth mentioning that countries cannot promptly undertake new and radical measures to restore the natural resources and make a rapid implementation of the sustainable development concept. In some countries there is a tendency of transition to the so-called rational use of natural resources and the search for renewable sources of socio-economic, environmental and other spheres of life. Some countries have already adopted the concept of sustainable development and started its phased realization. This process of implementation seems to be difficult and multifaceted due to the existing vital and vulnerable socio-economic issues at the level of national units (states).



  1. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future//http://www.un-documents.net/our- common-future.pdf (posted on September 24, 2012)
  2. Ben-Eli Sustainability: The Five Core Principles//Planet2025 Network //http://planet2025.net/sustainability-the-5-core- principles-pt-1/ (posted on July 09, 2009)
  3. Brand Sustainable development and ecological modernization -the limits to a hegemonic policy knowledge//Innovation. The European Journal of Social Science Research. – June 8, 2010.- Vol. 23, № 2.- P.135-152
  4. Hopwood , Mellor M., O'Brien G. Sustainable development: mapping different approaches// Sustainable Development. – February 2005. – Vol.13,№1. – P. 38–52 
  5. DAC & CITIES.Brundtland report: our common future//http://www.dac.dk/en/dac-cities/sustainable-cities/historic- milestones/1987--brundtland-report-our-common-future/(posted on January 21, 2014)
  6. Edwards A. R. Thriving Beyond Sustainability. Pathways to a Resilient Society.- Canada,- 2010.- 91
  7. UN Institutional framework for sustainable development//http:// pnuma.org/forodeministros/18ecuador/Reunion%20 Expertos/Marco%20Institucional%20para%20el%20Desarrollo%20Sostenible/ENGLISH%20Marco%20Institucional%20para%20 el%20Desa%2016%20DEC%202011.pdf (posted on February, 2012)
  8. UNEP Marrakech Process on Sustainable Consumption and Production// http://www.uneptie.org/scp//marrakech/dialogue/ pdf/4-%20OECD-%20UNEP%20Marrakech%20Process%20SCP%20for%20Development%20July10.pdf (posted on July 10, 2010)
  9. Summaries of EU legislation. Environment. SD//http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/environment/sustainable_ development/l28117_en.htm (posted on December 18, 2009)

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