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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Housing terms of cities of Central Kazakhstan in 1960–1970

This article сonsiders the development of housing, provision of housing for the urban population of Central Kazakhstan in the 1960–1970-s years.The author indicating the growth of population in the cities in connection with rapid development of production determines the problems encountered in providing housing for people. The author shows the failings in the work of local authorities in the management of housing in the towns and cities of Central Kazakhstan, also analyzes the condition of housing and the administrative buildings in the cities. Showing the amount allocated for this industry, analyzes the process of housing, culturalhousehold, municipal construction and improvement. Evaluates the politics of the Soviet government in the sphere of social security of the population.

By 1970 years in every home has radio receivers and TVs. In apartments take a lot of place for books.  In 1960–1970 years. In the Soviet Union there were three main types housing construction: government’s, cooperative’s, individual at the expense of personal means of builders and by means of builders and by means of a government credit.

In the three room apartment with kitchen the family spends their day in kitchen the first room serves as  a parents’ bedroom, the second is especially for guests, the third is drawing room of adult children, oldest daughter or son [1; 105].

The inhabitant of Karaganda Abilmazhinova S.R. has given the description of internal planning of the apartment: about rooms: on kitchen there were a little table with chairs, a bed (when guests came, someone from boys slept there), a washstand in which poured water. The oven was in the kitchen. The refrigerator wasn’t sofa in the hall. There was also table, two beds where children slept in the hall. There were 5 children, two of them were girls. Girls slept in bedroom and boys on a floor. When the guest came, they placed them in a bedroom or in the hall. From carpets there was self-woren an alasha. It was made for our family by our relatives from Kokshetav region. Instead of a carpet there was an alasha. We contained a cat and dog from pets. Small fish were on the new apartment. Unfortunately, informant doesn’t remember how much paid for untilities because he was a child. Guests often came to them. She has remembered one more detail that there wasn’t enough sugar at home in childhood. That time for each family was given one big sugar by coupons. Every evening, when all family gathered to children together at a table, parents gave a small piece of sugar as a dessert. The washing machine was called `Kyrgyzstan. There was nothing from expensive furniture. Also she has told one interesting story from her childhood: in the late sixties parents bought curtain for the house. There was permanent queue, like on another inventory for house. When we have got curtain with rings, we argued every morning with brothers and sisters who will first open the curtain. The curtain were something new and interesting for us. The barrack was along the road, near a stop. There were many such barracks. They received apartments by queue and service (who has a more experience, they received first) with the apartment was the same, who worked well and who had more experience, there were also considered a social status. For example, informant’s father worked at the mine since forty years. Then in 1972 he received fiveroom apartment by queue, which situated 28 micro district in the Southeast. It was new four room apartment on the Brezhniev’s project. The kitchen was small and rooms were large, but with small windows. One room was made for an office with big window. It’s surprised her, that big rooms were with small windows, and the small room was with big windows. It appears, this room was intended office. First of all miners and large families received the apartment from the government [2].

In the Soviet Union, payment for utility services was calculated as follows: payment for own dwelling without cost of service was about 2–3 % of average workers and employees salary. Including utility services (сleaning stairs, refuse chute, heating, water supply, gas and electricity) average payment for dwelling was about 4–5 %. Using one square meter living space in counsel houses in a small cities with population less than 40 thousand people costed from 3 to 3.5 kopecks. In other cities  from 3.5 to 4.4 kopecks.  Highest price for the most comfortable flat, located in the central part of the city reached 16 kopecks per square meter. There were discounts for socially vulnerable layers of population. Such discounts were provided by local authorities for disabled and chronically ill people, for having many children families. For instance, family including 4 members, which depends on master of the house, had a reduction for 5 %, if there were 5 members reduction was a 10 %, if more — 15 %. By calculating the amount of rent for the living area, rates pointed above reached to 9 sq.m. per person. Place exceeded this standart and place had additional supplement for 4.5 sq.m. had to be paid in treble size. Nevertheless, there was one exception for chronically ill people. They were able to  have  additional  area  about  10–20  sq.m.  and  pay for it as for  normal  rate.  The members of creative unions as artists, writers, journalists, architects and scientists paid by preferential tariff for 20 sq.m. of additional living area. The State defrayed the expenses of repairs and maintenance        of dwellings which belonged to city or village council. Expensive overhaul and current repair were paid      by State. Citizens had to do up minor repairs as broken windows replacement, paint and paper walls [3; 20].

Inhabitant of Karaganda city T.A. Alimbaev said, that the lowest pension was 15 rubles. In 60–70th salary was 8–12 rubles, in 1965–1966 it reached 60 rubles, housemaid's salary was 60 rubles. Approximately 2–4 rubles were paid for utility services. Unfortunately, most of the interviewee could not point  exact sum  of payment for services.

T.A. Alimbaev reminisced: «In 60th in Shahtinsk construction of the houses had a very high pace, can say, that city was built from the ground up. There were many visitors. There were not communal apartments, in the main, there were «Khrushchev» block of flat. Before the War a lot of communal apartments were built in Balkhash, especially in the center of the city. In the 70–80th Balkhash had high pace of construction too. There were few barracks and a lot of «Khrushchev» houses. It could be seen on the streets, citizens said there were some streets which built by deported people. For example, street where houses were built  by Germans and Japanese. Zhezkazgan and Satpayev were constructed very fast.   Trash near houses   in the cities were removed, whereas owners of  barracks threw it  outdoor. Barracks in Karaganda were        in Tihonovka, Mikhaylovka and in the old districts of city. Country houses had been very rare till 60th, they built in Mikhaylovka, Phedorovka, New Uzenka. Country house area included about 6 acres of land. Detached houses, especially in Mikhaylovka, had own kail yards, subsidiary farms. Communal flats in cities existed till 1970–1975. People stand in queue for 1–1.5 years in order to buy chiffonier and fridge. In 80th into season came record players, black-white television sets and only in the end of 80th color television set «Temr» (huge) was discovered. If appliances had broken, there were not enough  spares. Also they had TV «Kirim» was bought from a factory» [2].

Living in a close neighborhood with foreign representatives and appeared opportunities to acquire furniture by line of the State trade caused changes in home decoration. People began to use beds, tables, chairs  and stools, wardrobes and cupboards, carpets, mirrors and factory suitcases. People did not choose furniture relying on transportability, they chose the most pragmatic, convenient, clean and beautiful ones. For shorttime napping  and relaxing people used sofas and armchairs, and for sleeping they used modern beds.

Inner planning kazak-miners dwellings mostly two-three roomed both in detached houses and flats. Appointment of apartments are the same all of the miners, although in terminology has differences.

Some of them kept Kazakh nomination of rooms, others called them in Russian.

So, the apartment with double room with kitchen include auizui serving at the same like a canteen, then parents bedroom, second room appears children’s room and having guests. They cook meat and eat in the kitchen, in which old people usually sleep.

Considered  the  city  now   multinational,   and  representatives   of   various  ethnic   groups   settled   in peremeshku as settlement of new homes did not occur along national lines, and as the priority in obtaining an apartment one or other persons employed in any enterprise or institution. A particular feature in the resettlement can be caused by a random phenomenon. So, in the early 70s. in Zhezkazgan moved from steelmakers Karsakpaya, due to the closure there smelter. Concerns about relocation undertaken by the state, and so many new homes were inhabited karsakpaytsami Dzhezkazgan. It so happens that they have occupied a new neighborhood, and therefore the area of their settlement was popularly known as «Karsakpay», ie in the  event of such a definition has played a compact settlement of people from the same area. Well, because the bulk of their Kazakhs, then, talking about karsakpaytsah have since Kazakhs arrived from Karsakpaya, despite the fact that among karsakpaytsev there are Russian, Ukrainians and representatives of other ethnic groups, and in the homes where they live, there are representatives of different nations [4; 122].

In the years 1976–1980 was planned construction of administrative buildings in the city, district and village Soviets in the amount of 3,910,000 rubles. 

On the initiative and with the support V.K. Akulintseva D.A. Kunaeva, as well as with the active participation of the N.A. Nazarbayev and S.K. Dosmagambetova Karaganda was prepared in Moscow was accepted by the Council of Ministers «On measures for further development of the urban economy, the improvement of living and cultural conditions of the working people of towns and villages of the Karaganda area number 211 of March 6, 1980, in which the construction has been provided and housing in the eleventh FiveYear in the Karaganda region in the amount of 2120 thousand sq. m. meters, of which 1065 sq. m. meters miners, public schools in the 17640  pupils,  pre-school institutions  14,700  places  of  vocational  schools  on 3590 student places, hospitals with 3720 beds. As it was planned to build the airport «Central», circus, cinema and concert hall for 3,000 people, mud baths and a number of Dru-GIH large objects. This decision  of the Government of the Soviet Union meant the full recognition of the value obschesoyuznogo region        of Central Kazakhstan industrial area as part of the Soviet Union [5; 113]. On the initiative and with the active participation of the V.K. Akulintseva major decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers for Industry of Karaganda, Balkhash, Zhezkazgan, Temirtau were adopted, which had    a major impact on the industrial development of the whole Central-Kazakhstan region.

In the mid-1970s. there was movement on the creation of youth housing complexes (SWC). Youth residential complexes have received considerable spread in the country. They built youth residential complexes future tenants themselves: as a rule, young family workers who are not able to obtain a separate apartment from the state or the company or do not want to wait for years for their turn at the apartment. The main difference from the traditional SWC home was the principle of his creation, which consisted in the participation of potential new settlers in  the process  of  building «from scratch»:  design,  construction and  maintenance of their homes. This construction has been beneficial for the population and the state. So, the most enterprising and able-bodied group of the population (25–30 years) provides a complete housing, which contributed  to the strengthening of families, reduce staff turnover in production, efficient use of labor resources, an increase in the volume of construction of houses and social facilities. The need for the establishment and practice of the houses with service was the basis of the spread in the country PMU, which is an example of improving  home,  complicating  its  functional  structure.  Youth  residential  complexes  have  been  a  kind   of benchmark in the search for and development of new design techniques and construction. Experience  SWC once again clearly demonstrated the need for close interaction between economic and social development of the area. SWC as a whole can be assessed as a successful attempt to solve the most acute contradictions of urban life.

In the program of the CPSU there was a task in during the 1961–1980-ies. «To resolve the most acute problem of raising the welfare of the people — the housing problem». Often, however, «sly» statistics blur the line between real and expected changes in the lives of Soviet citizens.

In the development of all the above cities have many common similarities. So in the second half of the 1950s. houses built on standard projects, including a reduction in the area of residential and utility rooms, reducing the height of the walls up to 2.5 m, which reduced the price of an average apartment prices by 30– 40 per cent, and quickly improve the lot of working families. So in 1958, built on standard projects 86 percent of the total housing construction in country. Home’s had all the amenities: central heating, electricity, gas, balcony and wardrobe.

In these cities at the same time carried out the construction of large-block houses with small-sized flats. But later time while these model projects revealed a number of short comings of the architectural and planning order: the small size of the  kitchen,  combined bathroom,  narrow rooms,  etc., causing inconvenience to people's lives. Therefore in the middle of the 60s, when he was eliminated acute housing shortage and eliminated the need for the construction of houses with small apartment, we began to build a series of improved homes. Сhange the layout of apartments: has been increased front, split bathroom, extended kitchen area, living rooms, etc., that will improve the living conditionally population with savings. was eliminated when an acute housing shortage and there is no need in the construction of houses with small apartment, we began to build a series of improved homes. Сhange the layout of apartments: has been increased front, split bathroom, extended kitchen area, living rooms, etc., that will improve the living conditionally population with savings [6; 119].

In 1960 to improve living conditions: separate apartment or the house have become the dominant type  of urban housing, communal distress, barracks, slum housing have become the lot of not the bulk, and a smaller part of the citizens. The scale of housing construction from 1956 to 1963 took a truly grand dimensions, as a result of which the national housing stock rose by almost two times. It must be said that the quality of new housing was low, but should be required to be in a hurry. However, it should be noted that since the housing crisis and failed to overcome.

In 1961, the cities of Central Kazakhstan, especially in Karaganda was forbidden to build a singlestorey house. Therefore erected mainly five and six story buildings in the 70th year.

Thus, the living conditions in Central Kazakhstan cities has improved since the 50s and reached normal levels by the end of the 80s. But in the years of the so-called housing restructuring housing construction has slowed its pace, and the majority of housing objects included in the list of «protracted or frozen» because     of the collapse of the Soviet Union.



  1. Григорьева А.Г. Советская повседневность и уровень жизни населения СССР в 1953–1964 гг.: дис. … канд. ист. наук /Антонина Георгиевна Григорьева. — М., 2003. — 206 с.
  2. Интервью взяла Карсыбаева Ж.А., май 2016 г. 3 ҚОММ. — 691-қ. — 1-т. — 163-іс. — 20-б.
  3. Досмагамбетов С.К. Центральный Казахстан: природа и природные ресурсы, события и люди, реформы и развитие /С.К. Досмагамбетов. — Алматы, 2003. — 562 с.
  4. Караганда. Серия: История городов Казахстана; под. ред. А.С. Елагина. — Алма-Ата: Наука, — 192 с. 6    ҚОММ. — 691-қ. — 1-т. — 1432-іс. — 120-б.

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