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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Features of the political culture of young people post-soviet period

In any society, along with the political culture there are different political subculture. Analysis of the political culture of young people a unique opportunity to study the political and cultural norms, largely formed in the new political and institutional environment.

In the literature, a subculture is considered as a set of political orientations that differ significantly from the orientation of the dominant in society. We are talking about the features of the political cultures of different socio- demographic and professional groups. So, distinguished political subculture of youth, women, intellectuals,  creative elite, public servants, rural, urban, ethnic subculture, etc. The features of each of these political  subcultures to differences situation of social groups in the economic and social structure, as well as ethnic, racial, religious, educational, age and gender and other features. [1]

Young people in the community owned and has a key position. This is - the age group, which eventually leads the way in the economy and politics, social and cultural spheres of society and in the XXI century. Will solve the problem, the contours of which are now difficult to distinguish. Considerable attention is paid to younger generations of the world, state, public and private organizations and institutions, international organizations. In the main document of the UN Conference on Environment and Development states: "Young people make up almost 30% of the world population. The involvement of today's youth in decision-making on issues of environment and development in the long term is critical to the implementation of Agenda XXI Century". [2]

Among young people today, there are several distinct age groups.

Younger - is a cohort of 15 to 17-year-olds, "pure post-Soviet" generation of youth.

Average age group (18-24 years) - a sort of "transitional age" from youth to a state of "young adults". Seniors in this group are the pioneers and Komsomol members, they remember well his Soviet childhood, but he is treated uniquely, are in pore formation, training, building a life script.

The older age group - 25 to 30 year olds. They have already taken the brunt of the consequences of the reform of society and reflect is far from over. It should be noted that within the group there is a certain antagonism, and young people with a difference in age of 3 years often speak different languages (not just metaphorically, but literally - their slang, and a set of the most commonly used vocabulary may differ significantly).

Youth realistically assess the government's attitude to itself and society as indifferent or openly consumerist. Maybe that's why today's younger generation imprisoned in his own little world. Young people are absorbed internal problems of survival in a difficult and cruel time. They seek the culture and the education that will survive and succeed. Hence - the consumer is clearly related to these core values

Market relations have expanded the possibilities of personality, undermined the power of tradition and gave   the space a wide range of ideas and values, providing freedom of choice. But then he did not come out for all surmountable obstacle in the implementation provided by the market opportunities. Their implementation depends on the available material resources. This fact, as the analysis has not yet become a fact of youth consciousness. After all, most of them - dependents. Parents are often the main culprits in the unrealized market claims and consumer ambitions of their children. It is on this basis seems to arise is intergenerational conflict. [3]

In recent years as a result of ill-conceived state youth policy was rejection of the younger generation from the cultural and historical values that are lived and still lives through which the older generation.

Young people already do not have the social and moral alertness to wealth in general. Tendency to regress sociocultural youth today, unfortunately, is not compensated by government measures to improve the quality of  her life. Lack of it leads to a crisis of identity, lose awareness of their mission in society. The absence in the consciousness of young people is often replaced by the ideal of the worship of idols of show business and sports - a kind of "idol." This is followed by the fetishization of the sphere of consumption lifestyle products and services.

Because of the lack of any clear state and supported by all the objectives of social development, mobilizing the values and ideals of youth loses the sense of homeland.

Most of the respondents prefer to implement their activities in non-political organizations. The main form of such organizations - the so-called party, formed on the basis of common interests: sports, music, etc. This category of young people are formed not install on creative self-realization, and the passive consumption of (quasi- consumption) of education, culture and labor.

Values and ideological orientation of young people, of course, largely a product of a systemic crisis that exists in Kazakhstan. Obviously, there is a destruction of human potential in the vital areas of society, as industrial production and science.

The question: "How would you describe the political situation in the country at the moment?" The answer of the respondents indicated the following, how to safely - 30.2%, as more prosperous - 53.5%, as more dysfunctional - 6.3% How dysfunctional - 1.3% Do not know - 8.8%. [4]

The question: "Are you interested in the political life in the country?" 19.8% answered that they are interested in the political life of the country all the time, but sometimes - 56.3% are not interested at all - 21.1% were undecided - 2.8% .

Question: "What events have attracted your attention?" Revealed the following events: President on political reform (15.1%), Presidential Address to the People of Kazakhstan (35.7%) of the Council's security against corruption (27.1 %), Foreign president visits (15.3%), Measures to promote the Kazakh language (17.8%), live broadcast of the Prime Minister and members of the government (10.3%), the course of judicial investigation into the HIV infection (31, 7%), the activities of "Nur Otan" (11.1%).

The question: "Where did you get the information about the Message of the President?" Respondents said that from television (74.7%), newspapers (44.8%), the Internet (5.7%).

The study showed that most of the young people know such as the party "Ak Jol" (61.1%), the Communist Party (28.1%), the Party "Aul" (21.9%), the party "Nur Otan" ( 86.2%), the Party present "Ak Jol" (25.1%), the Party of "Atameken" (31.2%), only 7.5% said they did not know either one of these political parties.

The question: "Let's go would you vote if parliamentary elections were held next Sunday?" The majority, and that 37.4% said yes, and went to vote, 31.2% said that they will most likely yes, would go vote, 13.1% answered that they probably would not go to vote, 1% of respondents said they would not go to vote, 7.3% did not answer the question. [5]

These figures suggest that the population of Kazakhstan in the age group of 18 to 29 years, mainly trying to keep the political process by how they are important for the country.

According to some authors, today solutions to the problems of young people are in the improvement of the system of state youth policy, as well as addressing the fundamental issues of the Kazakh society. [6] Signs of significant degradation of the younger generation is just entering into life - the warning signs indicating the presence of a deep and systemic social degradation as a result of the crisis of universal social values of the significant ideals, mass development of consumer interests.

It should be said about the factors that influence the formation of the political orientation of students. Among the most important factors determining the political orientation of the students can be distinguished above all the influence of the media. The survey showed that the media are the main source of information for students. The highest rating in TV - 94.3%, followed by the radio - 58.1%, newspapers and magazines - 45.7%. 9.5% of  students get their information from the "Internet." (Figure 1).

At the beginning of the era of market reforms and liberal revolution 1991-92. to the mid 90's it was possible to speak of priority in the student community of liberal democratic values, which together correspond to a large extent we have selected the type of ideological and political "Democrats-Western." In recent years, young people, including a student, often prefer the "national-democratic" ideas and policies.

Today, among the Kazakh youth political disengagement is no hard and politichnost serves an essential feature that characterizes the younger generation. Lost faith in all the structures of power, most young people are indifferent refers to all forms of social and political activity. Youth split not only by age but also by social groups that differ greatly in their interests. [7]

Identification of cultural and political values can be considered as a product of cultural and rational adaptation to the post-Soviet political and institutional structures.

Democratic attitudes of young people are seen by one of the products of the social and political modernization, which took place during the Soviet period. Thus, the commitment to democracy is combined with  mistrust existing political institutions, and the feeling that everything is made "something wrong." Distrust is not limited to current politicians (most of them young people, like the elderly, unhappy), but also on the institutional system itself.

The current system is considered youth as ineffective, unable to meet the needs of young Kazakhs. But it would be wrong to think of young people egomaniac that are concerned only their own well-being.

In the early stages of development-authoritarian post-Soviet state "in advance" was trust. "Collective"  incentives dominated the political and cultural values. But the confidence was not justified: the new political and institutional system was effective. "Limit" collective incentives have been exhausted, and "selective" incentives were not implemented. In contrast to the older people, the political culture of young people do not have a steady rate of loyalty and trust, inherited from the past. Hence - the lowest loyalty of existing political and institutional framework. This seems one of the manifestations of cultural rationality.

The basic rules of democratic political culture are weak in the values of young people. "Collective" incentives are already ineffective, and "selective" is not involved. Thus, the post-Soviet political culture hardly conform to  the model of "civil" culture. "Civil" culture may be not so much a prerequisite as a consequence of successful democratization. Visible forms of political behavior can not always be an adequate indicator of political culture. More important than its value content. Political values of young people are generally considered  liberal.  Therefore, if the new political system can be effective, the political behavior of young Kazakhs also can approach to democratic standards. Civic culture is formed only if citizens are interested in maintaining the democratic system. In the early stages of a new political system a key role in maintaining the loyalty of society are 'collective' incentives. Ideology, values, identities are the most important factors determining the political development after the collapse of the authoritarian regime. The younger generation, socialized in this period, sees 'collective' incentives as a primary value. But then it becomes clear that without effective economic "benefits" the legitimacy of the new political system at risk.

Socialize young people are influenced by their parents, who were brought up in the Soviet era, the political institutions. Unified mechanism for any situation that activates the value does not exist. Emerging contradictions are resolved according to a hierarchy of values, and the hook on the degree of activation of different values in the situation. Kazakhstan society that experienced serious change the value system, faced with the conflict of values. In modern Kazakhstan there a severe crisis of identity in many groups of society, especially in regard to the identity of the political and social values. The fact that in Kazakhstan there and interact with different value systems, has a great impact on the public consciousness. During the reconsideration of values in transition to different base hierarchies: for some groups characterized by the adoption of a greater or lesser extent, new values and norms in other groups is strengthening traditional values.

It can be concluded that the state of the political culture of young people, as well as society as a whole, a rather high degree fragmented. Separate groups of young people differ from each other, interest in politics, the level of involvement in political life, the orientations of the different ideological and political currents of modern Kazakhstan. But all these differences are not yet have the character of acute antagonism and do not lead to over politicization.

Youth is very different from the older generations that it has practically no illusions about the fact  that someone can for them to solve their own problems. It is individualistic and pragmatic.

The attitude to the nature of the present regime is fairly neutral, and it is associated with the expectation of positive change. So, does the younger generation in politics and government as to certain givens that do not cause any excitement, nor particularly sharp negative emotions. This is particularly evident in respect of very many young people in the political life of Kazakhstan. To some extent, youth activity is primarily due to the fact that the ongoing reforms in Kazakhstan over the past years by the youth policy as an independent socio-demographic group. Forming a youth policy, the government recognizes that youth is one of the socially active population, have an important weight in the long term potential. Last inadmissibility causes underestimation of the role and place of young people in the state arrangement. [8]

The state youth policy, in contrast to the traditional social, not limited to the development of compensatory mechanisms. It contains the active innovative and productive aspects, reflecting the labor and creativity of young people. This allows us to consider the state youth policy as one of the important strategic resources of the society.

The complexity of social change influenced the processes of socialization of young people on all aspects of the young generation. Change the content and methods of resolving traditional youth issues, which in the new historical conditions, should be considered on a fundamentally different basis.

Building a democratic society with a socially oriented economy is not possible without the moral and spiritual development of young people, the formation of the younger generation of Kazakhstan qualities such as patriotism, professionalism, responsibility, development of youth socio-cultural experience of past generations, the achievements of world civilization. The realization of these goals requires the active involvement of young people to participate directly in the development and implementation of policies related to youth and society in general. The government must create the conditions for the empowerment of young people to choose their way of life, achieving personal success, regardless of the level of material and social status. Only in this case will be the main task of an effective youth policy - to ensure fulfillment of youth.

Currently Kazakh youth understands what her bet. Dynamic pace of development, given the nation's leader Nursultan Nazarbayev, requires educated, talented, creative young people who are able to meet adequately the  most complex challenges of the modern world.

Young citizens who are peers of Independence, today shape the face of modern Kazakhstan, actively participate in the political life of the country, have the greatest opportunity for their development and the achievement of personal ambitious goals. Perhaps this is the most important achievement of the 20-year history of independent Kazakhstan.



  1. Ilyinsky IM Youth and youth policy / M.Ilinsky. - M., 2001.
  2. Koptyug, V.A.Konferentsiya UN Environment and Rio de Janeiro, June 1992: Information Review / VA Koptyug. - Novosibirsk, 1992.
  3. Kataev, Youth as a sociocultural community in terms of intergenerational relations / S. Kataev / / Theoretical bases of cultural policy. - Moscow: RIC-M, 1993.
  4. Youth of Kazakhstan in - Astana, 2010 - 30 pages.
  5. Youth of the Republic of Results of the 2009 population census in Kazakhstan. - Astana, 2010 - 119 p.
  6. Soloviev, Political Culture: Problem field meta / AI Solovyov / / Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 12. - 1995. - № 2,3.
  7. Budilopa, electorates of the major parties and movements in the 1995 elections (multivariate-statistical analysis) /
  8. Budilova, L. Gordon, Terekhin / / Economic and Social Changes: Monitoring public opinion Newsletter. Number 2 Mezhdistsiplin Acad. Center for Social Sciences. Intercentre polls. - Moscow: JSC "Aspect Press", 1996.
  9. Chuprov, VI Soaiolo! s doorstep of his youth sludge tridtsatileshya / VI Chuirov / / Sociological - 1994. - № 4 pp. 53-68.

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