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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Some problems of adaptation of moslems in the non-muslim world: problems and judgements

Islam is not only one of world religions, but also the comprehensive way of life including beliefs and ceremonial practice which find the place in a wide context of adjustable public relations, economic duties and privileges, political ideals and fidelity to the communities.

In the modern world the Islamic factor plays a great role not only in the cultural plan, but also in political, legal and economic. "One of the brightest features of modern Islam, as M.Hatami writes in the book" Islam, dialogue and a civil society ", - its readiness for dialogue acts. Speech can and should be about dialogue of civilizations, about dialogue between the East and the West, about tolerant mutual relation of cultures in the present epoch. The Moslems calling for dialogue of civilizations, are carriers of a powerful civilization and rich culture. They understand human relations as the relations based not on violence and compulsion, and on the  reasonable approach and dialogue. Dialogue of civilizations means equality of the people and the states" [1].

It is necessary to understand that between an Islamic civilization or to tell more precisely, civilizations of Moslems and our today's life there is so-called "a western civilization" which has a lot of achievements and whose consequences, especially for those who lives outside of the Western world, innumerable. Our epoch is an epoch of prevalence of the western culture and a civilization that it is necessary to realize clearly. However that comprehension be effective and useful, it is necessary to go further superficial understanding of this civilization  and to comprehend its theoretical beginnings and basic values. Opposing movement is also so necessary. It is well-known that followers of Islamic religion are one of the most conservative. For last decades, having entered   an epoch of global communications and integration processes, certainly, the way of life of Moslems has changed. Hence, in given article we would like to consider, how the way of life of usual Moslems is influenced by such factors of modern life as migrations, the Internet, mass-media and information war, conflicts and other. And as there was a history of mutual relations of the Islamic world and Europe. As within the limits of given article we can't consider completely essence of the given problem, therefore we will make consideration attempt only its  some problems, the basic questions of the given theme.

The problem of development of Islam in the modern world is very actual in view of the political events which were taking place for the last twenty years. In our opinion, a great number of citizens of the western countries including the CIS don't know Islam’s real face, - traditional Islam. So, for example, world mass-media accuse religion of Moslems in many problems of the present that is frank slander. The radical extremists, the corrupted services and simply gangsters use Islam as a mask and cover for their illegal, criminal activity.

For today of a problem of Islamism occupy actual enough position in process of globalization and modernization of the modern world. Hence, a question on research of position of a modern Muslim society in the countries of the West and in the world as a whole; revealing of the problems, exciting, as well as Moslems, and a society surrounding them society in the appeared new possibilities during an epoch of global integration. As questions of adaptation of Moslems in a non-Muslim society, the countries of Europe; and also what reasons are the cores for their migration from the Muslim countries are the most actual and play great value in the further development of the modern states of EU.

The sacred Koran and based on it and khadis Prophet Mohammed the doctrine Islam has arisen in VII century, that is fourteen centuries ago, and now there is a tenth year of the twenty first century. For these centuries economic, social and spiritual living conditions of Moslems have essentially changed. Now they live in conditions of general globalization when the developed television and the Internet have increased the degree of their knowledge. Sitting at home, in far Arabian desert or the African small village, people learn about everything what to be created in the world, get acquainted with customs and traditions, moral and legal representations of other, non-Muslim people. Hence, the fact of loan culture is natural. But at the reference to history we will notice that mutual enrichment of cultures occurred long before an epoch of global events and general economic and sociopolitical dependence.

Now there are integration processes, and migration is one of globalization symbols. The Muslim diaspor (in particular, migrants-Moslems) has the features: for many Islam is a way of life, not simply religion. Now the people who shrive this religion, have possibility to go there where never was places of compact residing of Moslems or they were very insignificant.

The Muslim diaspor in the European Union is considerable, there more than 20 million Moslems live [2]. The statistical account is combined: for example, in France a confessional accessory is a private affair of citizens. He is a citizen of the country, and faith is his private affair. But under the various data, in EU territory about 20 million Moslems live, and their general number in the world from 1 to 2 billion persons, the dynamics can be considered on the following schedule:

Number  of muslims in the world

Dynamics of growth of number of Moslems in the world  

Schedule 1. Dynamics of growth of number of Moslems in the world 

What does the Islamic world represent? This term is conditional enough. It is impossible to say that there is a Muslim world which resists to a western civilization. The Islamic world is a conglomerate of the Islamic states in which there are contradictions. There is strong enough opposition between Sunnites and Shiites some opposition inside sunnism. There are interstate contradictions, the most sad phenomenon – war between Iran and Iraq. But thus any Moslem coming to Europe, feels itselfa part of a Muslim generality.

The second moment: the Muslim world, in general, is now in a condition of backwardness from the Western world (except for the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia), first of all in technological, but also ideological, sometimes – in the political plan. The Muslim world goes in a channel of a policy of the Western world, except Iran.

If we address to history of mutual relations of the Islamic world and Europe, in the early Middle Ages the  Islamic world in the name of Arabian caliphate where sciences, and arts prospered, had serious military-political potential. Scientific achievements of that time have made enormous impact for the whole world and technical progress; we understand it from top of modern time.

In territory of Spain there was an Islamic state, the Arabian armies have reached the middle of France. Only in fight at Poitiers Christian sovereigns managed to stop approach of Moslems to territory of Europe. Then there was a decline, but influence remains, also the genofund of southern Europe "was enriched" that is well-known fact [3]. One more example known: in the early Middle Ages in respect of hygiene the Islamic world was above, than Europe. If to speak about a modern situation in many backward Muslim countries (Bangladesh, for example) the basic problem is backwardness first of all.

The first wave of migration to territory of the Western Europe has begun in the XX-th century beginning that has been connected with the European industrial boom. Peak it has reached in the First World War. In the beginning of the XX-th century Moslems were at war on party Antanty, they were basically inhabitants of the North Africa, magribinets. They could remain in France, be on welfare, habitation. When the industrial boom was outlined in France, Belgium, it was required many workers, and they accepted representatives of the colonies to load the industrial capacities.

In Britain there were similar processes. In Britain they were natives of India, modern Pakistan and South East Asia. In Germany a situation a bit different, it had colonies in the east of the African continent. The diaspor part is presented by Turks. Before the First World War there were communications between Germany and Osman empire, and this process of resettlement proceeds now. In Italy which had colonies in Libya, not so  many Moslems, there, basically natives of the African states and the Eastern Europe, especially from Romania, there a lot of gipsies.

The second wave is 1960th years, it is the second boom of industrially developed countries, workers again were required. The factor of the Algerian war has affected also.

Today in France 5 million Moslems live, in Germany and Britain – on 4, in Italy and Belgium – it is even less. In France, England, Belgium there is a considerable quantity of the organizations which take up the problems, adaptation of migrants [4].

Schedule 2. Number of Moslems the EU countries and in the Russian Federation for 2009.

Number of Moslems the EU countries and in the Russian Federation for 2009.

If to tell about a problem of assimilation of Moslems in the countries of the West that here with confidence can notice that "Islamic France" is a vivid example of local integration in the global world.

On an example of France it is possible to consider what occurs to the countries of the European Union. From 5 million Moslems in France 85 % are magribinets. Islam became the second faith in the country, but being secular is a defining factor. The church is separated from the state but what does the secular state mean? Nicolas Sarkozy defines secular as possibility to profess the religion or not to profess any [5].

In France there is a Muslim party. It exists halflegally, about their headquarters it was not possible to find the data, but they have a site where the program is published. It is necessary to tell directly that this display of true democratism in France. In France there is a large quantity of the Muslim organizations which protect the rights of Moslems in the European states. The Turk became the head of one of departments "Party of greens", and there anything bad in it. Thus it would be desirable to notice that as a result of such sociopolitical changes as it isn't paradoxical but the fact that Islam, has taken roots in Europe.

Nevertheless, in France the policy of assimilation operates, but now this term have replaced with "national integration". About this, in the Constitution of this country it is noted: « first of all you are the citizen of France, and you should know language, culture of France, to observe the French laws. If you are the citizen you accept the constitution, and the confessional accessory is personal» [6].

Other model is the British model of multiculturalism. They recognize minority to influence the Muslim surrounding. There is a Bengalese community, Pakistan, and the authorities deal not with each Moslem, as in France, and with the head of a community. For example, in Britain the question which is lifted also by the Supreme judge, – about a partial recognition sheriyat laws for Moslems is discussed. It causes criticism. The British legislation has been changed to correspond to system of Islamic banks.

The third model is in Germany, there was policy "guest workers". It was supposed that migrants come, fulfill and come back. But it has not turned out.

In Belgium, as well as the policy of assimilation also is spent as in France. In Italy Moslems are not many, therefore there is any certain policy in relation to Moslems, there the general policy in the relation to all migrants.

Having studied the French forums and blogs in a worldnet, respectable editions and, first of all, and endurances from scientific articles (last years and in translation into Russian), it is possible to notice with confidence that Frenchmen sincerely trust in integration of Moslems. There the interest to Moslems is greater, than Moslems in relation to the French culture. Thus, the fact is elicited that the opinion of Moslems isn't uniform too: the secular Moslem is one, the scientist-Moslem is another, they do not differ from Frenchmen, the third is when you speak with the imam.

Both in France,  and in Belgium there are examples  when Moslems  achieve  success.  In  France  there were   2 ministers - Moslems. A lot of Moslems are in business.

It is important to recognize the fact that there are some tendencies in Islam. First of all is Euroislam. So, for example, its ideologist – Tarik Ramadan says that Moslems who accept Islam as faith, but completely divide the European cultural values, is already other Moslems, not that Moslems from the Islamic world [7].

Other direction is individual Islam. It assumes that it is not obligatory to Moslems to have umma – a community. It is not that Moslem, for which Islam is a way of life. First of all, it is the citizen of the country, and then already the Moslem. It is his personal form. This position corresponds to position of Europeans which concern religion as an element of private life. There is also a neofundamentalism which proclaims that all Moslems are under its aegis. They preach the concept of a generality, a commune, creation of zones where two kinds of laws operates they are laws of democratic republic and Sheriyat laws. There is also a radical Islamism. There are such mosques, basement garages where these Moslems gather and can not involve in itself another's sights.

70 percent of Moslems actively don't practice Islam. They, more likely, belong to individual Islam, they do not completely carry out Sheriyat laws, don't pose itself aggressively. From the remained 30-20 percent are practising Moslems, they go on a prayer 5 times, but are tolerant to the French laws. 5 percent are fanatical enough Moslems who reject integration and assimilation. And about 1000 Moslems to all France and Belgium are radical Islamites, not adherents  of traditional Islam which practise "pseudo-Islam" in garages and cellars and represent danger [8].

Thus, it would be desirable to notice that many analysts hold the opinion that the situation will change. In Europe there is a process of selective migration, there is a dispatch of those who isn't ready to live under the European laws. But migration will grow. For Moslems the family is sacred, at they have many children. There is even a forecast that 3/4 inhabitants of Europe will be Moslems. In our opinion, there are three possible variants of interaction of cultures – preservation of distinctions, cultural convergence and cultural hybridization.

What will be actually, there is no saying. But it is possible to do conclusion, that is the French society accepts Islamic culture, and in it there are no dangers as the Islamic culture is based on traditional Islam, belief of  kindness, as any other world faith. Though there are also other opinions – that the Islamic culture branches out western civilization roots. But how do the Moslems who have appeared in a non-Muslim society feel? The  reasons can be different: from search of the best life, till getting the education.

Hence, summing up, it would be desirable to notice that traditional Islam, being culture of  the world  and mutual understanding, can't become the tool of destruction of the world in a modern society. It can be only the consolidating factor if leaders of the Muslim countries will support traditional values and to build relations with foreign colleagues on the basis of the good put in the doctrine of Moslems.



  1. Gajnutin I "Islam in the XXI-st century or how to live to the Moslem under the Koran in Russia". – Kazan: the Islamic book, 2009. – 142 p.
  2. Njubi "the Short encyclopedia of Islam" (the lane with English) - the Fair-press – 2007. - 384 p.
  3. Chapova N. World religions. – Moscow: Education, 2001.
  4. Sjukijajnen L.R. Globalization and human rights issues in the light of moslem-legal culture. Islam and modern international – Moscow: the Scientific book, 2001. – 276 с.
  5. In the same place. – 234.
  6. In the same place. – 236-239.
  7. Chumakov N. Globalization. Contours of the complete world. – Moscow: the Prospectus, 2009. – 428 p.
  8. Dolgov D. Russia and the Islamic world: partnership for the sake of stability. – Moscow. – 2009. – p.27.

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