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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Social-political control and its implementation

In society often there is a situation when it is necessary to estimate and qualify in any way acts of people. Such assessment is carried out through the system of social-political control. Social-political control is the group and individual, organized and unorganized observation of behavior for the purpose of prevention, prevention of deviations from social, moral-political norms, punishment or correction of deviants.

Social-political control is a system of methods and strategy by means of which society directs behavior of individuals.

In ordinary sense social-political control is reduced to system of signs and sanctions by means of which the individual coordinates the behavior with expectations near and own expectations from the surrounding social, political world. In relation to individual behavior social or moral-political control is shown as limiting external force – how on our behavior have restrictive influence physics laws. The child, who burned a finger, learns carefully to address with fire and further in the behavior reckons with physical laws.

However, such schematically understanding is insufficient. It is generated by a mechanical  determinism  and the simplified psychologies’. Actually social-political control is purely external in relation to the individual only in early years of life when the behavior of the child is corrected constantly from the outside by parents, tutors, teachers. During this period compliance of acts of the individual to the accepted norms is provided with external sanctions.

In the course of a growing and socialization there is an internalization of social, ethical, political standards. It means that the behavior of the individual copes with internal regulators more and more: its personality integrally joins the standards of behavior which he perceives as a component itself (himself), «the second nature». The situation when there are all possibilities to make with impunity and without the knowledge of others favorable or pleasant for us, but immoral from the point of view of social, political standards an act is familiar to all of us, but we don't act, because we «aren't allowed by conscience». The voice of conscience is internal self control, which represents inside control and the control from the society side.

Sociologists, political scientists and psychologists always aspired to open the mechanism of an inside of social or moral-political control. For example Emil Durkheim, said about «moral education» as the thinnest  and perfect tool of coercion by society of the individual. The Austrian doctor, psychologist Z.Freud came to  the same idea some other way. He showed that in structure of the personality there is a special layer – «over – I» – formed by assimilation of a parental ban in the childhood; «over – I» functions as the internal censor which is out of the sphere of consciousness and is imperceptible for the last forces out and doesn't pass to understanding socially, politically forbidden inclinations and impulses.

If Freud's thought continues further as T.Parsons interpreted it, it is possible to tell that social or moral- political control is based on ability of the actor to look at the act eyes of other actor. And in order that such point of view wasn't perceived by the actor as the violence, going from the outside, it is necessary, that I and Another in the interactions recognized that adhere to the same standard system. Therefore, social-political control is irreducible to coercion, let even to the symbolical. It is not social or political dresser, and a society appeal to an autonomy of the individual. That here is understood as the word "autonomy", actually represents ability of the individual to operate own development. Efficiency of social or political control is provided with its inside when it is perceived by the individual as own free decision.

Social-political control carries out in the society the function close to functions socialization [1]. The difference is that socialization assumes komformny behavior. In spite of the fact that the majority of people periodically break social, moral-political norms, they trust and are guided by those values which dominate in this social group, the people and society. Therefore, the temporary and insignificant deviation from social, is moral-political norms (for example, violation of the rules of crossing of the street or smoking where it is forbidden) doesn't mean unsuccessful socialization. But there are also more negative and even types of deviations  dangerous  to  society:  criminal  offenses,  political  mistakes,  crimes,  alcoholism,  drug addiction, prostitution, foul language, roughness. These and all other deviations from social, moral-political norms and it  is urged to regulate socially-political control.

Social-political control can be shown as in a type of direct reaction of the next surrounding social, political sphere (for example, approval or disapproval by our relative, friends or chiefs, political elite of our any acts), and in the form of continuous or periodic influence of social, moral-political norms of society (through mass media, on work, in educational process etc.). It is important that in this case social or moral-political  control isn't given in system, operates occasionally and as its carriers is not professional controllers, but people of other professions. Such socially-political control is called as informal [2].

Where professional controllers of social, moral-political norms act, systems of professional control are usually created, which follow the observance of certain social, moral-political norms, fix violations and apply sanctions which are provided by the legislation. Such socially-political control is called as formal [3].

It is necessary to tell that in system of socially-political control the important place belongs to types of informal control for implementation of socially-political control. American sociologist Dzh. Crosby allocated four main types of informal control:

  • Social They are expressed in such forms, as smiles, approving nods, handshakes, words, the whole speeches and toasts, attention of women, politicians, goodwill of seniors and chiefs etc. Social compensations encourage observance of the standard norms and rules (comformality) and indirectly condemn their violation (deviation).
  • It is a question of informal of social or political condemnation. The forms of informal punishment are dissatisfied look, intonation, a mimicry expressing offense, a dissatisfaction, the critic, an aggressive pose, pressure, threats, verbal boycott, ostracism, physical, political violence. Punishment is, as a rule, directed against concrete violations of social, moral-political norms.  Application of these or those forms of punishments depends as on a susceptibility of the violator, his understanding of degree of fault and a behavior comformality, and from a level of development of personal qualities and the needs of people of a direct surrounding which are carrying out punishment.
  • This type of informal control consists in such impact on a deviant which forces it to comprehend the acts, social, moral-political norms, and to change the behavior. The belief carries more neutral and tolerant character in relation to the violator. This type of informal control affects more consciousness, than on feelings and emotions. The one who is engaged in belief, operates, as a rule, after careful consideration: selects arguments, tries to show all social, political benefits of change of behavior for a deviant, to explain, in what his interests and interests of group consist, which aren't observed in case of violation of norms by it, etc.
  • Reassessment of It is, according to J. Crosby, the most difficult type of socially-political control. In this case the behavior which was considered as deviant, is estimated as normal. For example, in the past if spouses got divorced, children remained with mother. Now judges pay attention to desire, possibilities and behavior of spouses, than on their sex. Therefore in the West there were many single fathers. This process in Kazakhstan only still begins. It is an example of reassessment of norms on the scale of society. But social, moral-political norms can be overestimated in concrete groups too. For example, norms of relationships in Armed forces of Kazakhstan now evolve in the direction of humanity, friendliness, democratic character, smaller cruelty.

Important component of multilateral system of socially-political control along with informal types of socially-political control of implementation of control functions are formal types of socially-political control. Known American sociologist T.Parsons offered classification and gave the analysis to three main types of formal control for implementation socially-political control:

  • This type of formal control is applied to separation of inveterate or most dangerous deviant from society. Forms of isolation are preliminary (in pre-trial detention centers – PDC) and imprisonment, and in camps and prisons – so-called «shizo» (a penal insulator). Such type of formal control allows to support the high status social, is moral-political norms, deleting them constant and malicious violators from society and depriving «is exemplary for imitation» those who is inclined to deviation. Isolation, according to T.Parsons, doesn't provide rehabilitation attempts.
  • This type of control provides restriction of contacts of a deviant with people around, i.e. not full, but partial isolation from society. At deviant possibility to return to society when they will be ready to carry out social in this case remains, is moral-political norms. Forms of isolation can be, for example, a placement to psychiatric hospital for limited term, prohibition to be engaged in political activity the reference or expulsion from the country.
  • This type of formal control prepares a deviant for return to society, to execution of the social, political roles. Rehabilitation is necessary, for example, for the military personnel, a long time being in conditions of operations. Social psychologists create the special programs of rehabilitation considering features of isolation of deviant and violation by them social or is moral-political norms.

The system formal socially-political control is formed by the professional organizations; this system create and coordinate state authorities. She affects a basis of acts. A main objective of system formal socially-political control – creation, a reconstruction and order maintenance, observance of the rules established by the legislation. This system consists of the following organizations (institutes): police, court, prison which carry  out the state policy, directed on overcoming of deviant behavior.

  • As a result of continuous interaction with various deviant representatives of law enforcement bodies have a peculiar vision of world around and an assessment of the people getting to a field of their sight. It is necessary to remember that they not so much "carp", how many fulfill requirements of chiefs for service and the functional duties. There fore at contact (detention) to them it is necessary to separate accurately the behavior from deviant and to show the positive attitude to an order and the persons providing socially-political control. Then from their party it is possible to expect the positive or indulgent relation;
  • A court task as the organizations socially-political control is definition of fair punishment for the criminal considering weight of violation by him of social or political norms. Feature of organization, its difference from police consists that the last can detain any suspect of the violator, isolate it from society. Courts recognize someone as the criminal only after presentation of proofs, and at their absence set the suspect free. Often courts agree with committed a crime that in exchange for recognition of fault and cooperation by it will give minimum possible term under this article. It becomes proceeding from complexity of search of   proofs and full PDC (pre-trial detention center);
  • In what prison punishment consists? According to the American sociologist Olson, the prison deprives deviant «of freedom, the goods and services, the sexual relations, independence and  protection».  They become a part of special social or political group which exists in the special social, political system consisting of social groups of supervisors and prisoners, each of which has the statuses and roles, the social or political types.

The American sociologist Garabedyan revealed the following types of prisoners: "legislative" – participate in programs of rehabilitation and maintain the normal relations with the staff of prison; «worthy guys» – don't accept participation in programs of rehabilitation and avoid contacts to the staff of prison; "politicians" – take active part in programs of rehabilitation and come into wide contacts to the staff of prison and other prisoners, but do all this insincerely, without repentance; "outcast" – undermine prison discipline, are completely isolated from employees of prison and other prisoners, carry out more than others time in penal insulators; "calls" – behave inconsistently; usually evade from contacts both to the staff of prison, and to other prisoners.

It is necessary to notice that one of negative norms of the prison world is aggression of prisoners. Sociologists Ellis, Grasmik, Gilman revealed seven major factors, promoting aggression manifestation: young age; presence of other prisoners inclined to aggression; the big time spent in prison; black race; bad conditions of the contents; visit rarity from the outside; long imprisonment term. Especially important role is played by  age [4]. The youth always yours faithfully concerns those who is able to fight (therefore, is independent) while more elderly consider such as "blockheads".

As N.Smelzer considers, deviation is a street with bilateral movement. Therefore nature of relationship between the violator social, it is moral-political norms and the staff of bodies socially-political control turns an outcome of this process.

In system socially-political control over deviation the important place belongs policy-educational, social related work for example, activity of bodies of social security and various public organizations, charity foundations, mercy societies. These organizations and employees acting in them, unlike police, court, prosecutor's office and furthermore from prison, are inclined to consider deviating from operating  in the society of norms behavior not as malicious intention and as a problem of social, political trouble, unused possibilities of the individual or personal emotionally – the moral immaturity, demanding not sanctions, and sympathy, mercy, patience, support, and it is frequent also treatments. Therefore they are focused not on crime measures of restraint, and on socially – the psychological, medical, reeducational measures directed on rendering of the social help to the personality, on it socially-psychological rehabilitation. This very important direction in democratization of ways, means and forms socially – the political control helping each person including a deviant, to design in the consciousness and behavior the positive, constructive personal project to become the master of his own live.

Due to the problem socially-political control there is interesting and very important for sociology, political science a question: as far as in general gives in socially – to political control individual behavior and how to estimate a control role in society?  Representatives  of a functionalism consider socially-political control as  the inevitable requirement without which performance society will be lost as its normal functioning becomes impossible. They consider as alternative of effective social or political control chaos and an anomy – absence  of management. For example, representatives of a social behaviorism consider possible and admissible application «technologies of social control» - a manipulation as consciousness of individuals in interests of dominating social, political groups. Other directions in sociology, political science estimate socially- politological control not so optimistically. For example, conflictologies consider that in real society the system socially-political control works for saving of the status quo in interests of dominating social, political groups and to the detriment of all as the rest. Theorists of the Frankfurt school considered socially-political control as means of social or political coercion. According to E.Fromm, society possesses the mechanism of the psychological pressure, allowing to force out from consciousness of individuals the social, political experience menacing to saving of the status quo. This mechanism operates by analogy to the Freudian censor, to that only with a difference that has the social nature. To G.Markuza considers that in modern western society, so to  lerant to the individual and his wills, privately there is a soft form of the social, political control functioning as smoothly, as control at a totalitarian mode. Such form of control is a control through requirements. To  Markuza argues that the consumer society deforms and subjects to total control consciousness of people, creating and imposing them the false requirements which are not resulting not so from their real needs.

So, advertizing and masses-media form needs for a certain type of fashionable clothes, entertainments, shows, readings etc. From culture which becomes mass, its deep measurement leaves, it becomes one- dimensional and forms the one-dimensional person – special type of the character  consumption becomes  which basis [5].

Whether society without everyone socially-political control is possible? Hardly. Such society where social or political control would be entirely internalizovanny where there would be no need for external sanctions and mechanisms of their application would be an ideal of free society which would show a trust maximum to the individual. Such society always was a subject of utopian dream. Nevertheless, to reach such condition in the history it was not possible. And still social, political development of mankind obviously goes by the way of mitigation of forms socially-political control and its including is more increasing. To what finally will lead this process – will show the future.

On the basis of above stated it is possible to conclude that socially-political control represents a way of self- control of the social, political system, providing ordering interaction of its components (individuals, groups, generalities) by means of standard regulation. It includes set of norms and values which possess in relation to the individual compulsory force, and also the sanctions applied with a view of implementation of these norms and values. With reference to deviating behavior socially-political control means set of efforts of surrounding individuals, groups and the social, political institutes directed on prevention of deviation, to the aid,  punishment of deviant or their correction. The orientation and the contents socially-political control, ways and forms of its implementation depends on historical conditionality socially-political, economic, ideological, socially-ethnic, sociocultural, family – household and other features of this social, political system.


  1. Sozialphilosopche, politische und rechtliche Aspekte der Modernisierung – Berlin, 2012. – S. 95-101.
  2. Сергеенко А.Т. Социально-политические прцессы. – Ростов-на-Дону, – С. 92.
  3. Андреев И.М. Девиантное поведение. – СПб., – С. 115.
  4. Новейший социологически словарь. – Минск, – С. 735.
  5. Петров Г.А. Культура и потребление. – Казань, – С. 56-57. 

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