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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Kazakhstani historiography about relationships between republic of Kazakhstan and the European union

The problem of cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union are actively studied by Kazakhstani scholars. The experts in the field of international relations, international law, history, political science, law, economic sciences are interested in variousaspects and levels of this issue. Historiographical review is devoted to analysis of research by Kazakhstani scientists about the relationships between the European Union and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The study of various scientific positions, the analysis of all major current trends makes possible to compile the most complete picture of Kazakhstani scientific research in the sphere of relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union. 

Relationships between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union in the various aspects and levels of cooperation is in the process of learning and scientific understanding of the experts in the field of international relations, international law, history, political science, law, economic sciences as in Kazakhstan as in other countries.

The first general treatises on foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan were the proceedings by K.K. Tokaev: the book "Under the banner of independence" published in 1997; the monograph "The foreign policy of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization" published in 2000; the monograph "The diplomacy of the Republic Kazakhstan" which was published in 2001[138]. In these writings considerable attention has been given to Kazakhstan's policy in relation to international organizations, in particular the European Union, the problem of finding by Kazakhstan of its place in a changing world, and the country's foreign policy priorities [1].

Scientific School for the Study of European Integration, headed by Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Zh.U. Ibrashev, was developed in Kazakhstan in the second half of the 90s. It included such researchers on issues of European integration as Zh.U. Ibrashev, K.I. Bayzakova, I.L. Burnashov, M.Sh. Gubaydullina, F.T. Kukeeva, M.T. Laumulin, K.N. Makasheva, G.A. Movkebaeva, I.A. Chernyh.

Kazakhstani researchers in their works paid attention to studying general issues of bilateral cooperation, different aspects of cooperation of Kazakhstan with the European Union, trends and challenges, which were reflected in the individual articles and collective monographs by Kazakh scholars.

We must highlight the first two collective monographs devoted to the issue of cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and the EU: "The European Union and Central Asia", written by a team led by Professor Zh.U. Ibrashev which was published in 2000 and "Central Asia in the foreign policy of the European Union", created and published in 2004.

The monograph "The European Union and Central Asia" consists of investigations of the basic directions of activity of the European Union in the new independent states of Central Asia, the mutual interests of the European and Central Asian regions, the analysis and comparison of general trends manifest in the Eurasian region, have been raised in this monograph for the first time in Kazakhstan's science. Focusing on the integration of the Central Asian space in the world economy and trade, the authors note that an important and necessary condition for such integration is the "European Union's cooperation with Central Asian states. The interaction of the Central Asian states with the EU is also one of the factors of success of democratic reforms and the transition to a market economy, especially now that the EU has become a major component of economic and political development of Europe, a center of attraction for most of the countries of the continent" [2, c. 7-8].

Following questions were considered in the collective investigation: the establishment of the EU relationship with Central Asia, political and legal framework of cooperation; priorities for EU activities in Central Asia; experience of European integration and its application in the territory of Central Asia; activity of programs TACIS and Tempus in the Central Asian region; economic, investment and trading activities of the EU member states in Central Asia.

Collective research "Central Asia in the foreign policy of the European Union" [3] was devoted to the study of the establishment of the EU's relations with the newly independent states of Central Asia; program "TACIS" in Central Asia; EU interests in the Caspian region; energy security; EU Environment Program for Central Asia; political and legal aspects of the fight against terrorism; experience of European integration and its application in the territory of Central Asia.

Monograph by Professor Zh.U. Ibrashev and E.T. Ensebayeva "The European Union in the foreign policy of Kazakhstan" was the first attempt of the comprehensive study and lighting the various aspects of the fruitful cooperation between Kazakhstan and the European Union.

In 2003, E.T. Ensebaeva had defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences "The European Union's foreign policy of Kazakhstan".

In these papers, the authors studied in detail the issues of political, economic and cultural cooperation between Kazakhstan and the EU in the first decade of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, carefully analyzed The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, signed in 1995, summed up the first results of our country's activities in this area [4].

Articles and monographs by known Kazakhstani scientist and diplomat M.T. Laumulin have made an important contribution to the study of the questions [5,etc].

In a special chapter of his monograph "Kazakhstan in the modern international relations: security, geopolitics, political science," the author examines the history of the development of relations between Kazakhstan and the EU, reveals the problems and prospects of cooperation from the perspective of economic, political and strategic interests of the EU.

In the last ten years, Kazakhstani scientists pay considerable attention to the study of the basic directions of development of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the European Union.

One of the main specialists in this field of investigation is the professor, doctor of science K.I. Bayzakova [6, etc].

Bayzakova K.I. examines the legal framework of building relationships between EU and Kazakhstan and practical results of its implementation, analyses the prospects of development of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the EU in the context of a new agreement on cooperation, analyzing new opportunities that will get by our country as a result of its use.

Regional security in the framework of Kazakhstan's cooperation with the EU is in the center of attention of K.I.Bayzakova and studied in many of her articles and publications.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gubaidulina M. Sh. considers the problems and prospects of implementation of the EU Strategy for Central Asia in her monographs and articles [7].

She examines the priorities and perspectives of the European Union and Kazakhstan's cooperation in that context. The object of her attention is also building a relationship between the SCO and the EU and the role of Central Asia and, in particular, Kazakhstan, in the process.

Works of the author characterized by a very broad empirical basis, in-depth analytical approach, the use of a wide range of research methods.

Movkebaeva G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, is one of the leading experts in the field of European Union foreign policy. She is the author of monographs, textbooks, manuals, articles on the theory and practice of foreign-policy strategy of the European Union [8,etc] .

Research of this scholar in the field of formation and development of relations between the European Union and Kazakhstan first and foremost concerns of issues of regional and energy security. In her articles Movkebaeva

G.A. analyzes major components of the EU-Strategy in Central Asia with regard to security, EU security issues, cooperation with the Central Asian countries in the field of security, measures to ensure security in the region and the decision level to ensure security.

Kurmanguzhin R.S., Candidate of History, associate professor conducts fruitful work on the study of the interaction between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union [9,etc].

The scholar analyzes in his articles the contribution of Kazakhstan to the formation of this process, examines all initiatives and proposals developed and put forward by Kazakhstan since 2000 to the present. He carefully analyzes the Kazakhstani program "Path to Europe", its features and the results of its implementation. The subject of the author's research are also prerequisites of concluding a new Enhanced partnership and cooperation agreement between Kazakhstan and the EU, its preparation and application prospects.

An important issue is the study of the new expanded Agreement on Cooperation between Kazakhstan and the European Union. In the opinion of Medukhanova L.A. and Balaubayeva B.M., ―The expanded PCA is an important milestone for the further development of relations and the strengthening of cooperation between the EU and Kazakhstan‖ [10].

Analyzing the historiography of this issue, we must also highlight the writings by Arystanbekova A., D.Mukhamedzhanova, S.Nurdavletova, J.Medeubayeva.

The foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the country's cooperation with the leading political actors active in the region, including the European Union, is a subject of international conferences, round tables, scientific discussions at the highest level.

To sum up, the evolution of relations of Kazakhstan and the European Union, the theory and practice of development of this process, the prospects of its development in the futureare actively and effectively studied by the Kazakhstani political scholars, historians, and analysts during last twenty six years.



  1. Токаев К. Под стягом независимости. – Алматы, Бiлiм. – 736 с.; Токаев К. Внешняя политика Казахстана в условиях глобализации. – Алматы: АО «Сак». 2000 - 584 с.; Токаев К. Дипломатия Республики Казахстан. – Астана: Елорда», 2001. – 552 с.; Токаев К. Казахстан – Европейский Союз – отношения делового сотрудничества // Казахстан и Европейский Союз: Сб. документов и материалов – Алматы, – С. 8 – 13
  2. Европейский Союз и Центральная Азия. – Алматы, – 353 с.
  3. Центральная Азия во внешней политике Европейского Союза. – Алматы: «Домино», – 248 с.
  4. Ибрашев Ж.У., Енсебаева Э.Т. Европейский Союз во внешней политике Казахстана. - Алматы: «Домино», 2001. – 369 с.; Енсебаева Э.Т. Европейский Союз во внешней политике Казахстана. Афтореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. ист. наук. – Алматы, КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби, 2003 – 30 с.
  5. Лаумулин М.Т. Казахстан и Европейский Союз // Центральная Азия и Кавказ. – - №2(8). – С. 64-77; Лаумулин М.Т. Казахстан и Запад: ретроспектива отношений в 1990-е гг. [Electronicresource] URL: http://www.ca- c.org/journal/cac-08-2000/07.laumill.shtml (дата обращения 15.07.2017); Лаумулин М.Т., Сейфулина Т.А. Интересы и политика Европейского Союза в Центральной Азии и Каспийском регионе [Electronicresource] URL: http://kisi.kz/ru/categories/geopolitika-i-mezhdunarodnye-otnosheniya/posts/interesy-i-politika-evropeyskogo-soyuza-v- central-noy-a(дата обращения 12.08.2017)
  6. Байзакова К.И., Каракулов Е. Перспективы развития сотрудничества Казахстана и Европейского Союза в контексте нового Соглашения о сотрудничестве. // Вестник КазНУ. Серия Международные отношения и между- народное право. – Алматы, 2014. - № 4(68). – С. 16 – 11; Байзакова К.И. Развитие полномасштабных отношений Казахстана с Европейским Союзом. [Electronicresource] URL:http://pps.kaznu.kz/kz/Main/FileShow2/12070/99/359/ 1190/БайзаковаКуралайИртысовна/2015/2 (дата обращения 02.08.2017) ;BaizakovaK., BekovK. The Kazakhstan and European Countries: Cooperation in and towards Regional Security // Contemporary Political Society. - III, No. 1. - Winter 2015. - P. 21-30; Baizakova K. Republic of Kazakhstan and European Countries: cooperation for regional security // G-Global. - 22 December 2015 [Electronic resource] – URL:http://group-global.org/en/node/28909(датаобращения 02.08.2017).
  7. Губайдуллина М.Ш. Приоритеты и перспективы сотрудничества Европейского Союза и Казахстана: крити- ческий аспект // ҚазҰУХабаршысы. ХалықаралыққатынастаржәнеХалықаралыққұқықсериясы. - - №3-4 (53- 54). - С. 36 – 42; Губайдуллина М. Ш. Европейский Союз – Центральная Азия – Евразия: динамика интеграционных процессов // ҚазҰУХабаршысы. ХалықаралыққатынастаржәнеХалықаралыққұқықсериясы. - 2010. - №5-6 - С. 40 – 45; Gubaidullina M. Bridges and Convergence of the EU, Central Asia and the SCO as a Security factor in the Development of Dialogue // Contemporary Political Society. - Vol. III, No. 1. - Winter 2015. - P. 134 – 159.
  8. Movkebaeva A. The European Union Strategy in Central Asia in the context of Regional Security // Contemporary Political Society. - Vol. III, No. 1. - Winter 2015. - P. 185 – 196; Movkebayeva G. The European Union Strategy in Central Asia in the context of regional security // G-Global. - 02 June 2015 [Electronic resource] – URL: http://group- global.org/en/publication/23784-european-union-strategy-central-asia-context-regional-security (дата обращения 02.06.2017).
  9. Курмангужин Р.С. КазахстанскиепредложенияпосотрудничествусЕвросоюзом[Electronic resource] – URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kazahstanskie-predlozheniya-po-sotrudnichestvu-s-evrosoyuzom(датаобращения 06.2017); Kurmanguzhin R.S. Kazakhstan and the EU: from Cooperation Strategy to the New Agreement on the Advanced Partnership // Comparative Politics. – 2016. - 1 (22). – P. 106 – 115. [Electronicresource] URL: http://www.comparativepolitics.org/jour/article/view/390/393(дата обращения 13.06.2017); Курмангужин Р.С. К Соглашению о партнерстве и cотрудничестве между Казахстаном и ЕС. [Electronic resource] – URL: http://www.imemo.ru/files/File/magazines/rossia_i_novay/2015_04/K_soglacheniyu_Kurmangujin.pdf(датаобращения 15.06.2017)
  10. Медуханова Л.А., Балаубаева Б.М., Бейсембаева Р. Двусторонние отношения между ЕС и Казахстаном в сфере торговли и инвестиций: итоги 2014 года// Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Международная жизнь и политика». - №2(45). – С. 155.

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