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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Substantive-procedural model of professional self-determination of the student's personality

The article deals with the problem of professional self-determination of the student's personality. The development of their individual qualities and abilities adequately and responsibly treat this process.

On the basis of the analysis, the essence of self-determination is defined, which consists in the conscious choice by the individual of his place in the system of social relations on the basis of awareness of his personal qualities and moral values, his own position, goals and means of self-realization for choosing the direction of future professional activity.

It is emphasized that professional self-determination has its specific content, expressed in the active search for the sphere of professional activity and the correlation of its capabilities with the requirements and conditions of professional activity. The content-procedural model of professional self-determination of a personality is revealed. The following components of professional self-determination of the individual are distinguished: diagnostic, educational, psycho-physiological, social, psychological, interdisciplinary.

The stages of professional self-determination are defined and described in detail.

A number of difficulties associated with the situation of choosing a profession by schoolchildren are revealed.

It is pointed out that the process of professional self-determination should be considered in the context of activities such as vocational guidance, profile education, upbringing and self-education, in which the system of public orientation of schoolchildren interacts in matters of choice of profession and personality as a self-regulating system.

Social and economic modernization of the state requires from the general education school the creation of conditions for effective professional self-determination of students, the development of their individual qualities and abilities to adequately and responsibly treat the problem of professional self-determination.

At the same time, the school's task is not to persuade students to a certain profession and prepare for a non-alternative choice. A holistic approach to this problem presupposes the consideration of professional self-determination of adolescents as a deeply personal, internal activity aimed at the independent construction of one's own life, on a meaningful choice of a professional path on the basis of awareness of one's own characteristics. However, the adolescent needs to independently and constantly choose the sphere of professional activity, focusing not only on his own interests, but also on the needs of society, the prospects for its development.

Our analysis of this process allows us to consider that the essence of self-determination consists in the conscious choice of the individual's place in the system of social relations on the basis of awareness of her personal qualities and moral values, her own position, goals and means of self-realization for choosing the direction of future professional activity.

In the scientific literature, the following areas of professional self-determination of the individual are distinguished:

  1. Diagnostic is represented by the works of Turner, R.Kettel, R.Amthauer, is drawn to the identification of the individual's possibilities for adaptation to the environment.
  2. Educational reflected in the concept of Wallon, R.Zazzo and A.Leon, where there is a need for the formation of professionally important qualities under the condition of active individual personality selectivity
  3. Psychophysiological was characterized in the works of Lazarsfeld, S.Bühler, S.Axelrod and others who identified three age periods characterized by different motivations in choosing a profession: fantasy (410 years), active trials (11-17 years) , a realistic choice (18-24 years). They came to the conclusion that the choice of a person's profession is influenced by various subjective factors and that his decision about a professional future depends on the overall development of the individual.
  4. Social based on the ideas of the life path (Sh. Buhler, Super) and given a kind of periodization of professional development, a description of its successive stages and stages, differing typical tasks (awakening, research, consolidation, preservation, reduction), starting with 4-10 years and ending with the retirement from professional life after 64 years. [1]
  5. Psychological is represented by the works of Maslow [2], who proposed the concept of professional development and singled out as the central concept "self-actualization" as a person's desire to improve, express, manifest himself in a meaningful business for him. In his concept, concepts such as "selfactualization", "self-realization" are close to the concept of "self-determination".
  6. Interdisciplinary is the study of the Japanese scientist Fukuyama, who views professional selfdetermination as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, in which economic processes are combined with social, educational with psychological. [3]

Obviously, the attention of researchers is aimed at the subjectivization of the process of selfdetermination, but it is equally obvious an attempt to link together the desires, cash and possibilities of the individual with the requirements of others and society with elements of obligation.

It should be noted that the professional self-determination of a schoolboy is directly related to the process of choosing a profession. In this regard, we should describe the process of choosing a profession, by which we mean a process consisting of a number of stages, each of which has its own social situation, environment and atmosphere, the duration of which depends on the external conditions and individual characteristics of the subject of choice of the profession.

Professional self-determination is considered by us as a process that covers the whole period of a person's professional activity: from the emergence of professional intentions to the exit from labor activity and permeates the whole life path of a person. However, the peak of this process is the act of deciding on the choice of profession, which falls on adolescence.

V.V. Chebysheva sees the choice of the profession as "a complex, long and often multiple process, inseparable from the development of the personality as a whole" [4]. This provision confirms our point of view on the professional self-determination of a person as a process characterized by a multitude of interdependencies with various personal manifestations in the life activity of a person.

G.P. Loginova and E.M. Borisov's professional self-determination is regarded as "the process of selfrealization of the individual in professional activity on the basis of the most complete utilization of his abilities and individual psycho-physiological capabilities. This process can not be limited to any one stage, it takes the entire period of active labor activity and preparation for it "[5]. In this case, researchers point to the existence of a direct relationship between the processes of self-realization and professional selfdetermination. Consequently, in the process of professional self-determination, a person realizes his abilities and individual qualities, relating them to the sphere of work and specific professional activity.

N.S. Pryazhnikov, emphasizing the inseparable connection of professional self-determination with the self-realization of man in other important spheres of life, generalizes the philosophical essence of professional self-determination as an independent and conscious finding of the meanings of the work performed and all life activity in a specific cultural and historical (social and economic) situation[6].

Thus, the process of professional self-determination is inseparable from the living space in which a particular person is located. At the same time, professional self-determination as a process has a movement, conditioned by overcoming dialectical contradictions, which are created both by external circumstances of life, both by internal resources and by the needs of the individual. In addition, professional self-determination has its specific content, expressed in the active search for the sphere of professional activity and the correlation of its capabilities with the requirements and conditions of professional activity. 

Consequently, professional self-determination of personality can be considered in the content-procedural model. Due to the fact that this process has a gradually increasing complexity, it is natural to talk about its phase. Therefore, we refer to the stages of professional self-determination the following:

  1. Awareness of the value of socially useful work and the need for professional training (the value-moral basis of self-determination).
  2. Orientation in the social and economic situation and forecasting the prestige of the chosen
  3. General orientation in the world of professional work and the allocation of professional goals-dreams.
  4. Identification of near professional goals as stages and ways to a long-term
  5. Information about professions and specialties, relevant vocational schools and employment
  6. The idea of obstacles that complicate the achievement of professional goals, as well as knowledge of their own merits, contributing to the implementation of the plans and
  7. Presence of a system of reserve options in case of failure in the main option of self-determination.
  8. Beginning of practical realization of personal professional perspective and constant updating of the planned plans on the principle of

However, it must be taken into account that there are a number of difficulties associated with the situation of the choice of a profession by schoolchildren. Among these problems, the most significant is the discrepancy between the professional and educational plans of schoolchildren to the needs of the country's economy.

Modern society is characterized by a high degree of activity in the economic sphere. The profession market is constantly changing, some professions disappear and new ones are formed in return. Not always the professional plans of young people directly correlate with the needs of the country in the specialists of a certain profession and qualification. Therefore, there is a high probability of unrealized these plans, which is practically not taken into account by the growing generation. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct constant propaganda work on informing adolescents and young people about the opportunities and prospects for their professional self-determination and employment. In this case it is necessary to pay attention to the organization of pedagogical activity on professional self-determination, carried out within the framework of educational organizations.

At the same time, this activity should be carried out at two levels: gnostic (reorganization of consciousness and self-awareness) and practical (real change in a person's social status) [7].

Schoolchildren in previous years of development have a certain attitude to different areas of labor, an idea of many professions and a self-assessment of their capabilities. After reaching the senior school and youth age, a person begins to orientate better in the social and economic situation, acquires an idea of "spare options" for choosing a profession and many other things that characterize the state of internal readiness for professional self-determination that persists for a long time.

Consequently, professional self-determination is not limited to the act of choosing a profession and does not end with the completion of professional training in a chosen specialty, but continues throughout the professional life.

G.P. Loginova and E.M. Borisova in the process of professional self-determination identified two major components [5, p.119]:

  • the formation of a person in professional activity, the formation of his individual characteristics and personality traits, the choice of the life path;
  • creative development and enrichment of the person with the most professional

S.I. Vershinin, M.S. Savina, L.Sh. Mahmudov regards professional self-determination as "a long-term process of determining the positions of the individual in professional activity. Unlike the choice of profession, professional self-determination does not carry a clear goal-orientation, but reflects only the formation and orientation of the positions of the individual at each particular moment of the given selfdetermination "[8].

Consequently, the personality acts as the subject of this complex activity. Self-aware, self-appraising and self-assertive subject this is the self-determining personality. Professional self-determination is associated with the activity and independence of graduates of educational organizations in choosing the field of future professional activity and a particular profession.

T.V. Kudryavtsev and V.Yu. Shegurova views professional self-determination as a "core", the most significant component of professional development, as a synonym for the professional development of the individual. Specifying its content, they distinguish four stages: the formation of professional intentions, vocational training, professional adaptation, partial or complete realization of the individual in professional work [9]. According to the understanding of researchers, the basic mechanisms and dynamics of professional self-determination should be sought in the internal space.

Initially, there is a need for professional self-determination, which affects the self-awareness of the individual. As a psychological neoplasm of schoolchildren, this need activates the search, the analysis of their capabilities and the formation of a self-assessment of professionally significant qualities. Then begins the process of forming the attitude of the individual to himself as a subject of future professional activity.

P.A. Shavir defines professional self-consciousness as an electoral activity of self-consciousness, subordinated to the task of professional self-determination. In the most general form, it manifests itself in the awareness of itself as a subject of future professional activity [10].

The idea of professional self-determination as a choice of professional destiny conscious, personally free is central to the research of A. Shavir. It is most clearly outlined the meaning of human activity in its own self-determination, stressing that professional self-determination is not only to focus on the choice of a particular profession, but also in finding the internal psychological reason for this choice, the driving forces of the process the researcher considers not the order of society, and emerged a variety of contradictions, which in a generalized form appears as a contradiction between the need and requirements of the preferred activity, as well as knowledge, skills, methods, to realize goals that are set before a person.

Thus, the process of professional self-determination must be considered in the context of those activities in which the interaction of the system of public orientation of schoolchildren in matters of choosing a profession and a person as a self-regulating system is carried out. Such activities include professional orientation, profile education, upbringing and self-education.



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