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Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

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The development principles of the culturological conception of the school text-book content

In the article a culturological model of the school text-book content is proposed, based on I.Ya. Lerner‘s culturological conception of the education content. The model consists of a system of pedagogical regularities, ontoculturological principles for creation a text-book conception and functions implementing this model. A detailed analysis of the culturological model is given and its reliability and validity are proved within the framework of culturological, ontological (axiological) approaches. The modern principles of the education content design are systematized. The urgency of the work lies in the fact that this model is universal and meets modern challenges and requirements of world pedagogy.

In this article we propose a culturological model of the school text-book content, developed on the basis of pedagogical regularities, didactic principles and text-book functions with the aim of creating a text-book model, aimed at pupils‘ acquisition of cultural identity, which makes it possible to form meaningfully a subjective space of an attitude to the personality‘s emotional-value spheres (ideals, motives, values).

The culturological model of the modern school text-book content is developed on the basis of a system of pedagogical regularities, didactic principles of the education content and the text-book educational functions. In this article, we would like to consider namely the problem of developing the principles of the education content.

I.P. Podlasii offers a system of pedagogical regularities of the education content, which most accurately and specifically reflects contemporary reality. The education content depends on:

  • public needs and education aims;
  • rates of social and scientific and technical progress;
  • schoolchildren‘s age opportunities;
  • the development level of the education theory and practice;
  • material and technical and economic opportunities of educational institutions [1, p. 164].

These pedagogical regularities of the education content determine the didactic principles of the culturological model development of the school text-book content.

In pedagogical science, there is a system of basic principles for creating the text-book content, developed from a system of principles for the formation of the education content. The most complete and harmonious such system was introduced by Yu.N.Berezin. He divides these principles in a pedagogical orientation into four groups: those expressing the man‘s interests, the interests of the society, didactic and theoretical [2].

The first group consists of principles expressing the man‘s interests: accessibility; development of potentialities and abilities; consideration and development of inclinations; self-determination in cognition; sovereignty in education; voluntary implementation of the right to education.

The second group of principles expressing the interests of the society, consists in the following: democratization; humanization; humanitarization; realism of goals; continuous education.

The third group is the didactic principles of scientific character and accessibility; systematics and the connection between theory and practice; pupils‘ consciousness and activity; the strength of knowledge acquisition and its relation to the comprehensive development of the cognitive powers of students; frontality, collectivity and individualization in their optimal combination; systemic nature of knowledge.

The fourth group of principles is theoretical: the conformity of the education content with the harmonious combination of the man‘s interests and the interests of the society; unity of teaching, learning and education content; unity of the informative and procedural aspects of education; the structural unity of the education content at every level of its formation; unity of the lesson and after-school phases of the educational process.

The Indian researcher J. Patidar offers his classification of principles and divides the principles into pedagogical and psychological [3]. To pedagogical principles he attributes the principles of correlation; planning; flexibility and elasticity; utilizing past experiences; pupil centeredness; individual differences; effective strategies and instructional material; conducive environment and proper control; diagnostic and remedial teaching; suggestiveness; progressiveness; democracy; liberasting the mind. To psychological principles he refers the principles of motivation or interest; cooperation; creativity and recreation; sympathy and kindness; repetition and exercise; readiness; change and rest; providing training to senses; feedback and reinforcement; group dynamics; creativity and self-expression; encouraging self-learning.

In the course of further analysis of the scientific literature and available researches on this topic, we have identified three groups of development principles of the text-book content: the principles of modeling, projection and construction.

The modeling of the education content was done by S.V. Abramova, A.A. Verbitskii, O.B. Yermakova, O.N. Zhuravlyova, A.Chickering, Z.Gamson, S.S. Kunanbayeva.

S.V. Abramova in her studies on the education content put forward the principles of continuity, succession, systemic nature, scientific character, integration and humanization [4, p. 17].

A.A. Verbitskii and O.B. Yermakova proposed the school of contextual learning as a model for implementing a competence approach in general education. At the same time, they singled out the basic principles of this model: psychological and pedagogical support for the pupil‘s personal and semantic inclusion in educational activities; consistent dynamic modeling in the schoolchildren‘s educational activity of holistic content, forms and conditions of social and practical activities in culture, society and industry; problematics of the content and of the process of education and upbringing; the leading role of cooperative activity, interpersonal interaction and dialogical communication of subjects of the educational process; adequacy of the organization forms of schoolchildren‘s educational activity; an organic combination of tradition and innovation; openness; unity of education and upbringing of the pupil‘s personality; consideration of each pupil‘s internal, cross-cultural contexts [5, p. 20-21].

O.N. Zhuravlyova proposes a humanitarian model of the education content, which presents the following principles for the introduction of humanities into the learning content: axiologity; contextuality; subjectcenteredness; indirectivity; empathity [6].

American scientists A.Chickering and Z.Gamson presented a system of seven principles: encouraging contacts between students and faculty; development of reciprocity and cooperation among students; use of active learning techniques; giving prompt feedback; emphasis on time on task; communication of high expectations; respect of diverse talents and ways of learning [7, p. 2].

S.S. Kunanbayeva in the Conception of the Development of Foreign Language Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan defines the following principles: continuous and successive foreign-language education; communicative and intercultural interaction; problematics; personal and individual orientation of the learning process; fundamentalism; provision of an international standard level; creative, cognitive-activity use of a foreign language; reflexive self-regulation; flexibility and adaptability to change; professionalization [8, p. 8].

The following scholars projected the education content, suggesting appropriate principles for this.

N.V. Klyuyeva in the work on the study of the projection principles of the education content and methods revealed such principles as the creative nature of development; the leading role of the socio-cultural context of development; the leading role of sensitive developmental periods; cooperative activity and communication as the driving force of development, as a means of education and upbringing; leading activities and laws of their change as the basis for the periodization of child development; identification of the zone of proximal development; amplification (expansion) of child development as a prerequisite for the child‘s upbringing; imperishable value of every stage of child development; the principle of the unity of affect and intellect or the principle of an active agent; the mediating role of sign-symbolic structures in the formation of connections between objects and actions; interiorization and exteriorization as mechanisms of development and learning; irregularity (heterochronity) of development and formation of mental actions; the principle of the education continuity [9, p. 40-41].

Ts.Ts. Soktoyeva in her dissertation research in the pedagogical projection of the subject line of school text-books, puts at the heart the following principles: the age and individual approach; creative activity of polysubjects; sociocultural orientation of education; problematic nature of tasks; situational conditioning of exercises; support and concentration in the material supply; motivation of learning; independence in collective and individual work [10].

M.Nichols (New Zealand) puts forward six principles of the education content of the twenty-first century: individualisation; meaningful interactivity; shared experience; flexible and clear course design; learner reflection; quality information [11].

The following scientists have conducted researches on construction of the education content.

L.M. Perminova defines the construction of the education content by the following group of principles: 1) consideration of the dynamics of the education content; 2) its polyfunctionality for the pupil; 3) consideration of the dialogical/ reflective nature of the acquisition of the education content; 4) the multidimensionality and multifunctionality of communication in the process of its acquisition; 5) problematics [12, p. 8].

T.Yu. Martemyanova asserts that the text-book construction should be carried out in accordance with the principles of the logical-didactic approach: a) the principle of the systemic organization of information, reflecting the functions of scientific knowledge and its structure in the learning process, polyfunctionality, potential dialogicity, etc.; b) the principles of teaching (scientific character, systematic nature, problematics, consideration of the pupils‘ age and individual characteristics, etc.); c) correspondence to the psychological and pedagogical cycle of acquisition of knowledge in the learning/ educational process: perception comprehension, understanding remembering fixing application generalization systematization reflection [13].

V.B. Novichkov, constructing the content of general secondary education, singles out such principles as anthropogenicity, sociogenicity, idealgenicity, dialoguegenicity and culturegenicity [14].

All three groups of development principles of the text-book can be seen in the ―Requirements for the development of a modern text-book for secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan‖, which are divided into three groups of principles: didactic, methodological and psychological-pedagogical. The first group includes the principles of scientific character; accessibility and feasibility; consciousness and activity; connection between theory and practice; systematic nature; consistency and succession; visibility; taxonomy of learning objectives; criterial evaluation; self-monitoring and self-assessment. The second group includes practical orientation; holistic system of knowledge; individualisation; modularity of applications. The third group includes the following principles: consideration of pupils‘ age, psychological and individual characteristics and abilities of students; observance of the subject importance of educational material for pupils; support of the pupils‘ stimulation to independent learning activities with the transition to selfeducation, self-development; providing pupils with the opportunity to choose learning problems, tasks and ways to master the learning material; support the activation of multichannel perception of educational material; support of emotional excitement and positive attitude; provision of educational materials with health-saving and environmentally-oriented properties; formation of pupils‘ self-control opportunities in the process of their learning, activation of reflection [15].

Having carried out a study of different ideas of foreign and domestic scientists on the principles of modeling, projection and construction of school text-books, we came to the conclusion that the culturological model of the school text-book content should be based on the following principles: axiologity, empathity, contextuality, problematics and dialogicality, dialecticality and polysemity, personality-centeredness, meaningfulness and reflexivity.

We will reveal the informative meaning of each principle of this culturological model. The principle of axiologity is manifested in the following:

  • the presence of culturological dominant ideas in the content: the emphasis on the value aspects of human existence (axiological accents), the introduction into the world of all mankind, national, ethnonational and personal values, moral ideals;
  • transfer of established types of cultural behavior, patterns of cultural thinking, which have been tested for a long time and objectively meet the needs of the society development;
  • questions and tasks, didactic materials that contribute to the pupil‘s value-semantic self-determination;
  • the use of emotionally colored structural-semiotic units of language that convey the attitude to the message (modal words, metaphors, analogies, punctuation marks, ).

The principle of empathity assumes the focus of the text-book content on the formation of conditions for:

  • expression by the pupil of the emotionally valuable attitude to the world and to himself;
  • development of the pupil‘s ability to recognize, describe the feelings and moods of other people, ;
  • the pupil‘s empathic understanding, that is, empathy by the pupil;
  • the use of methods of teaching and upbringing, various visual means, methods of artistic knowledge, which impress on the personality and at the same time allow the personality to express

The principle of contextuality is expressed in:

  • introduction of a complex of modern knowledge about a person, human activity, its goals, methods and results; development of a holistic view of man and the world around him (intersubject communications), consideration of the problems of human development and ways to solve them;
  • revealing the role of the studied subject in the life activity of the society, a person, in the development of his personal qualities;
  • comprehension of objects, phenomena, events, in concrete historical conditions (historically accurate exposition, consideration taking into account the development of ideas, views, etc.);
  • the disclosure of social significance, the role of ideas, events, activities, their culturological meaning, and also

The principle of problematics and dialogicality is stated in the following:

  • denial of imposing specific ideas about truth, values as a standard, creation of moral choice; formation of the skill of establishing facts and opinions, arguments and conclusions, plausible false judgments and reliable statements, Encouraging comparison of ordinary and scientific knowledge. The introduction of situations of paradox, unusual;
  • establishment of respectful attitude to the opinion of other people proceeding from the principle of equality of interaction subjects, the ability to take into account the opponents‘ opinion, to make fruitful agreements.

The principle of dialecticality and polysemity is traced in:

  • the formation of skills to analyze, to substantiate each phenomenon from the author‘s, own, from different points of view;
  • the introduction of variability situations (the presentation of hypotheses, opinions, etc.), the use of various information sources, sign systems, dialogue technologies that contribute to the creation of the educational space of the textbook as an open

The principle of personality-centeredness:

  • the personal significance of the material, appeal to important problems for the pupil, the discovery of knowledge by the pupil;
  • study of ways, methods of culturological activity, the transfer of culturological knowledge to the level of personal ideas and beliefs through the organization of educational cooperation, the use of communicative, project and other technologies to determine the pupil‘s position, deepening his experience in uncovering the semantic values of human activity;
  • the formation of conditions for the possibility of creating an individual direction for mastering the subject, developing the person‘s ability to be the manager of his activity (to set and correct goals, to select material, methods of cognition, ).

The principle of meaningfulness and reflexivity:

  • the orientation of the content to comprehension and understanding by the pupil, i.e., not to automatically master the information, but to master the world of culture, the world of man;
  • development of skills of productive reflexive analysis and discussion: to evaluate, critically comprehend ideas, actions, to predict their consequences and influence, to regulate one‘s own views, actions with social experience, moral culturological

The principles of the culturological model of the school text-book content harmoniously fit into the criteria for the conception of the education content according to I. Ya. Lerner, which express the education content in the light of the culturological approach, one of the founders of which is I.Ya. Lerner. For example, the principles of axiologity and empathity determine the content of the experience of an emotionally volitional attitude toward the world, to each other, which is the condition for the formation of a value system in the personality, by the presence of axiological accents in the content of a culturological model and by the expression by the pupil of an emotional value attitude to the world and himself.

It turns out that the principles of the culturological model are closely and completely interconnected with the culturological conception of the education content, and therefore are reliable and valid.

This analysis gives grounds to believe that the principles of the culturological model of the school textbook content are scientifically grounded and have been worked out in accordance with the actual progressive and scientifically recognized norms of the cultuological conception of the education content of V.V. Krayevskii, I.Ya. Lerner and M.N. Skatkin.

The functions of the school text-book define the entire functional base of the text-book itself and are an organic and integral component of the model for creating a text-book. Based on the principles of the culturological model of the school text-book content, we determine the following functions of the content projected through the text-book: axiological (principles of axiologity and empathity), transmitting (the principle of contextuality), ontological (principles of problematics and dialogicality, dialecticality and polysemity) and personal-creative (principles of personality-centeredness, meaningfulness and reflexivity).

The text-book, performing these functions, implements the system of principles of the culturological model, the introduction of which into the training practice actualizes the personality-development potential of its content.

Having worked out modern theories of text-books creating (modeling, projection and construction), based on the requirements for the development of text-books and taking into account the modern challenges of the society, we developed a culturological model of the school text-book content as the core of the conception, ensuring the implementation of the ontological approach. The model for constructing the culturological content of the text-book is expressed in the implementation of:

  • a number of actual pedagogical regularities: public needs and education aims; rates of social and scientific and technical progress; schoolchildren‘s age opportunities; the development level of the education theory and practice; material and technical and economic opportunities of educational institutions;
  • the complex of the content-instrumental principles of introducing culturologity into the educational content: axiologity, empathity, contextuality, problematics and dialogicality, dialecticality and polysemity, personality-centeredness, meaningfulness and reflexivity;
  • a complex of innovative functions of the text-book, actualizing the personality-developing potential of its content: axiological, transmitting, ontological, personal-creative.

The culturological model of the school text-book content in the content of the modern school text-book itself should be reflected in the whole structure of the text-book: as in external, visible (tasks, illustrations, orientation apparatus, etc.), and in internal (style of presentation, context, address to personally significant issues, etc.), ensuring the implementation of the principles and functions of the culturological model of the educational content.

Conclusions on this work:

  • a culturological model of the school text-book content was developed, based on a number of actual pedagogical regularities, a complex of content-instrumental principles and innovative functions of the textbook in accordance with the conception of the ontological approach;
  • three groups of modern principles of the education content development were revealed: modeling, projection and

Thus, the presented culturological model of the school text-book content is universal. Its components serve as a material not only for the content projection (for example, by authors of programmes, text-books, educational and methodical aids, by developers of lessons, etc.), but also for expert analysis of the educational, developing potential of educational materials, of influence on the development of the culturological component of the personality. The text-book is the most important intermediary, the backbone element in the bundle ―the education content the educational process‖, the text-book content largely determines the aims, ways to achieve them and the effectiveness of the forthcoming educational process.



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