Purpose – the aim of the study directed to develop the directions to improve energy audits in building that will affect the efficiency of enterprises and allowed to earn more profit.
Methodology – In this article the methods of descriptive and comparison analysis of development of education system, based on empirical data, synthesis, induction, and deduction were used.
Originality/value – energy audit of industrial enterprises or buildings for other purposes is carried out to give a realistic assessment of the level of consumption efficiency, identify existing reserves, development of organizational and technical decisions directed relation between necessary for the implementation of these measures of investment and potential savings, as well as the forecast of savings in financial and physical expression.
Findings – the author suggested the definition of an energy audit, energy audit provides a methodology, developed energopasprot of enterprise. Energy audit of buildings more sophisticated way, using special measuring sensors and instruments, allows to obtain a more detailed picture and to provide additional data records which will more accurately choose the necessary measures, as well as improve the quality and efficiency.
The energy crisis in the present day world has led us to the design of new energy efficient buildings. However the existing buildings consume a lot of conventional energy and minimizing them will help us to conserve them for future. Moreover it would help us to meet the Energy Efficiency standards.
The capital costs for this conversion would be very high, but lower energy bills over a long period of time would offset them and helps to achieve significant profits for the industry as well as the environment. Energy audit involves the systematic collection and analysis of energy data from a particular facility for implementing energy conservation measures.
An energy audit establishes both where and how energy is being used, and the potential for energy savings. It includes a walk-through survey, a review of energy using systems, analysis of energy use and the preparation of an energy budget, and provides a baseline from which energy consumption can be compared over time. An audit can be conducted by an employee of the organization who has appropriate expertise, or by a specialist energy-auditing firm. An energy audit report also includes recommendations for actions, which will result in energy and cost savings. It should also indicate the costs and savings for each recommended action, and a priority order for implementation.
As per the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Energy Audit is defined as “the verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of technical report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption”.
An energy audit is a comprehensive review of your dwelling, its systems and its occupants performed by a qualified energy auditor who determines how energy is being used. The auditor provides suggestions for lifestyle changes and written recommendations for the most cost-effective energy efficiency measures that will save energy and money while improving comfort and ensuring safety. The most important consideration when deciding on an audit is the auditor's training, certification and experience. The term "energy audit" appeared in the early 1990. And its popularization has been associated with the development of such international programs as TACIS and USAID. Energy audit an analysis of the enterprise to determine the energy efficiency of production, the search options to reduce energy costs and their feasibility.
In the design of industrial buildings, professional planning with the latest lighting technology can achieve significant energy savings. The same applies to portfolio properties where renewing the lighting system can save up to 75 % in energy. In general, lighting accounts for up to 80% of the power consumption in logistics centers. Since the energy costs devour around 70 % of the total costs of a lighting system, energy-efficient lighting solutions can provide the greatest levels of saving. Switching to energy efficient lighting is the most frequently implemented method of saving in the area of technical building equipment. The amortization times are in the order of three to four years. In many cases they can be reduced to less than two years, depending on the cost of electricity and the regional device and installation costs.
He purpose of energy audit work is to analyze the energy use of the premises being audited in order to find out the potential for energy savings and to present proposals savings measures for calculating profitability. Energy audits also help clarify the possibilities for the use of renewable energy sources. In addition to the energy savings potential, the audit report presents an estimate of the impact of the proposed measures on CO2 emissions. In order to carry out energy audits for the service, industrial and energy sectors clients can apply for support from the Ministry of Employment and the Economy. An audit model has been developed for the energy audits of apartment blocks. Support for carrying out energy audits of residential premises can be applied for from the Ministry of the Environment’s residential premises energy assistance support. Conveyor chains’ energy audit involves a comprehensive inspection of commercial transport conveyor chains. The audit especially benefits the procurement industry of transport services, the business sector and municipalities. From the perspective of conveyor chains, energy audits can intensify energy use, cut costs and reduce CO2 emissions. In addition, an energy audit provides the tools for improving the logistics of transport services provided by businesses. The energy audit of conveyor chains focuses on reducing the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of the transport of raw materials and products by industry, commerce and municipalities.
An energy audit is a collection and processing of information about energy resource use in order to obtain exact information on the volume of energy resources consumed, energy efficiency indices, and detection of possibilities for energy saving and enhanced energy efficiency with showing the obtained results in the energy passport.
The major result of an energy audit should be the program for implementation of optimal energy maintenance of the object in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Concerning Energy Saving and Enhanced Energy Efficiency."
Energy audit (energy inspection) collection and processing of information about the object in order to obtain reliable information on the amount of used heat-and-power resources (fer), size and character of their losses on energy efficiency, to identify opportunities for energy conservation and energy efficiency with the reflection of the received results in the energy passport.
Energy saving implementation of organizational, legal, technical, technological, economic and other measures aimed at reducing the amount of used energy resources while maintaining the useful effect from their use (the volume of production, works, services).
LLC «Instroytek» conducts energy audits of existing and construction of buildings, technological processes, equipment, finished product metering of resources used. According to the survey, our company develops a list of standard or individual measures for energy saving and energy efficiency with the calculation of their cost. The survey results are recorded in the energy passport of the object of the survey according to the prescribed form with the description of the developed actions.
Before performing the survey, our specialists visit the site to collect data on the basis of which is developed and agreed with the customer:
- technical task;
- the scope and program of energy inspection (energy audit);
- calendar
Depending on the customer's goals of LLC «Instroytek» performs various volumes energy surveys of consumers:
1. Express survey (Express-audit).
Held under the reduced program, as a rule, with minimal or without the use of instrumentation equipment. Limited in scope and time of the character. This may be an evaluation of efficiency of use of all or any of fuel and energy resources (electric or thermal energy; solid, liquid or gaseous fuels, secondary energy resources, the functioning of a particular group equipment (separate unit) or specific indicators of energy efficiency etc;
2. Full instrumental examination.
Are carried out on all types of energy resources with instrumental measurements, the amount of which is determined by the power auditor in accordance with the approved programme of the energy survey;
3. Comprehensive examinations.
Surveys that combine different purposes and combine different types of audit (energy and environment, energy and certification according to the system of voluntary certification, ecological and certification and other);
4. Survey of technological processes.
LLC «Instroytek» conducts a variety of timing energy surveys of consumers:
- The Conducted in regard to consumers of energy resources, previously have not been energy surveys (energy audit) or conducted a survey of more than 5 years ago;
- The Held at least once in five years in scheduled manner to compare current performance with parameters determined previous inspection, certification consumer of fuel and energy resources in the system of voluntary certification, changes in the energy passport etc.;
- Held:
- detect consumer growth of volumes of consumption of energy or reducing the effectiveness of using energy resources;
- growth of production costs and the fuel component in it, emissions etc;
- in the case of the consumer of fuel and energy resources in the public authorities for provision of benefits associated with the use of energy resources;
- when checking the legitimacy of technological losses of fuel and energy resources, assessing their components;
- when changing the type of fuel used regardless of the number of consumed energy resources;
- if necessary creating a backup power system, involving other fuel and energy resources;
- increasing needs for energy and fuel resources of more than 25% of the established, including in case of significant increase of technical and economic indicators of the building (add-ins, extensions and other).
- Pre-operational. Held:
- before the start of operation of the equipment of a consumer for determining the primary energy efficiency performance and compliance with the passport, design, normative rates for main energy equipment of the generating equipment and equipment in the power supply systems.
- when replacing energy-using equipment, capital repairs, changing conditions and modes of Today, Kazakhstan is among the group of states with huge reserves of hydrocarbons, which have a significant influence on the formation and the state of the global energy market [1, p. 104]. Currently, the state is trying to stimulate economic growth and poverty costs the companies in many ways. One of them recently became a requirement of the rules of the energy efficiency. To date, the implementation of energy audits, as the procedures for collecting and processing information about the use of energy resources, certainly including, for
companies consuming energy resources amounting to more than 10 million tenge per year.
The global economy is increasingly showing its dependence on energy resources [2, p. 2661]. New constructed and (or) reconstructed (including old design documents following the entry into force of stories on energy audit) buildings, structures, constructions except for temporary structures (service life of less than 2 years), auxiliary buildings, buildings of less than 50 and so forth., must meet the requirements of energy efficiency.
Indeed, it is not permitted commissioning (including preparation of project documentation) of buildings, structures, constructed, reconstructed, recently overhauled and do not comply with the energy efficiency requirements of equipment and metering devices used in their energy resources. The last requirement applies to all owners of buildings, structures and facilities put into operation today.
These activities are carried out by the developer selection of optimal architectural, functional and technological, structural and technical solutions and their proper implementation in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul.
Activity in the energy audit is entitled to exercise only those who are members of self-regulatory organizations in the field of energy audits. According to the results of the energy surveys are conducted his face is the energy passport, which must contain the information set, and transmits it to the person who commissioned an energy audit. Energy performance certificates for buildings, structures, facilities, put into service after the construction, reconstruction, repair, may be made on the basis of project documentation. Such a passport is compulsory for all companies that have at their disposal electric industry.
It is noteworthy that the planned inspections of compliance of energy conservation and energy efficiency can be carried out two or more times in three years, with the general rule: 1 test every three years.
It should be noted that the legislator attempted to work out the issues in sufficient detail energy audits, including through amendments to other legislation. But, of course, the mechanism is still not in place, and therefore, there are a lot of questions and problem situations. Indeed, the implementation of energy audit is not a small (two to six months on average), which increases the procedure for the preparation and coordination of project documentation, the financial costs of construction (reconstruction of the property). Directly legal problems, in addition to technical issues (concord) character, difficult to isolate specific to the issue and the lack of a developed practice.
But, in our opinion, it is already necessary to assert the benefits of energy audits for professional approach, from the selection of professional energy auditors to the preparation and implementation of the provisions on energy audit company personnel. Thus, according to independent experts, the savings organization with proper approach is tens of percent.
The aim of the study is to improve energy audits in building. Tasks:
- define the concept of an energy audit,
- propose methodology of the audit,
- development of Energy Performance Results:
- the author 's definition of an energy audit,
- the technique of the audit,
- a energopasprot
Result 1. The author 's definition of an energy audit. Energy Audit an assessment of the company related to the cost of energy of various kinds, fuel, water and some other energy sources, aimed at identifying costeffective opportunities to optimize energy consumption [3]. (Energy audit) a comprehensive assessment of the enterprise efficiency in fuel costs, energy, water and some energy (for example, compressed air).The main purpose of the energy audit analysis of efficiency of use of energy resources and the development on this basis effective measures to reduce the costs of the organization. Energy audit of the enterprise is a complex comprehensive examination aimed at the production of safe and high-quality solutions for energy efficiency experts and engineers qualified energy auditor with operational staff and experts of the customer. Due to rising energy audit rational use of energy and technological resources, taking into account characteristics of individual industrial enterprises.
There are energy audits of buildings, facilities and installations. Energy audit of buildings is a complete energy audits of buildings, which includes obtaining the required raw data, analysis of the technical and financial information, drawing up a balance of consumption, energy distribution, revealing losses of targeted development of energy-saving measures, the recommendations [4]. The survey provides some basic steps the collection and processing of information on the use of the energy resources of the object under study, obtaining objective information about the volume of consumption, data on the level of energy efficiency, identifying opportunities to save energy consumed, drawing up an action plan for optimization:
- getting results on the amount and quality of energy resources used;
- determination of energy efficiency indicators;
- development of the results of energy audits and energy passports report containing, inter a list of measures for energy conservation and energy efficiency;
- reduction of specific energy consumption;
- reduction of installed capacity through the introduction of energy-saving technologies;
- minimizing the loss of energy to a level justified from an economic point of view;
- justification and protection of tariffs for companies that carry out regulated activities [5].
The documentary result of the energy audit is an energy passport. Energy passport a standard document that reflects the balance of consumption and containing performance indicators used in the course of economic activities of the organization, as well as a plan containing measures to improve energy efficiency. Indeed the energy it is the foundation of life of any society. Human civilization there, while there is fuel for cooking, space heating, the movement of people and goods [6, p. 76].
Performance audits should focus on the development of specific recommendations for the improvement and implementation of programs of activities of scanned objects, aimed at improving the efficient use of resources [7, p. 153].
Energy consumption at the beginning of the twenty first century shows a steady growth trend in all regions and countries of the world. For thirty-five years, energy consumption has increased by more than 2 times. Only in the last 10 years it has increased by 11% [8, p. 184].
Today, the development of any country can not go without and use, have become the world heritage, advanced technology [9, p. 204].
GDP and labor productivity in the sectors of Kazakhstan's economy lags behind some industrialized countries more than 7-10 times. In Kazakhstan, the production of one dollar of GDP spent almost 2.8 kilowatthours, in countries such as Britain, Germany, Italy and Japan, the figure is 0,22-0,3 in the United States, France, Turkey, Koree0.4-0.6, Canada and China 0.8-1.2 kilowatt-hours [10, p. 66].
According to some researchers, there are many factors that determine the importance and usefulness of energy audits, explaining why energy users to trust its results [11-15]. A particularly important aspect of the audit is an additional benefit from the fact that a study carried out by a qualified technician, not a random employee of the company. Most often, the confidence of the leaders of the recommendations are a professional consultant, not the Staff Council.
- The technique of the audit.
Experts identify two distinct types of audit. When conducting an energy audit of a simple type is taken as a basis for the actual energy consumption over a certain period of time. For this method does not require a special test equipment and instruments, all relevant information can be obtained from the bill sent by the inspection agency to pay for energy consumed. This type of energy audit makes it impossible to create a complete picture of the energy balance of a particular building, it is its major shortcoming.
Stages of the energy audit.
Preproduction: This energy audit carried out at the beginning of operation or immediately before the commissioning of the equipment to determine the primary characteristics of energy efficiency, as well as regulatory, design and passport indices. In addition, the pre-operational audit conducted at the change of regime and the operating conditions, major repairs or replacement of the generating and energy consuming equipment (more than 5% of consumption-type ER), which is part of the power system. Primary: inspection of objects (consumers ER) for the first time or when the last power plant surveys conducted over 5 years ago. Priority: This energy audit conducted to compare the current figures with those of energy efficiency indicators that were identified during the previous survey, make changes in the energy performance certificate, pass a voluntary certification. The next audit goes as planned no more than 1 times in two years, not less than
1 time within the statutory period of five years.
Extraordinary: This energy audit need to hold it there with the growth of more than 25% of needs identified in the course of a routine inspection; when switching to another type of fuel consumption; in monitoring and evaluation components, announced the approval of tariffs and technical losses; when applying for benefits for the consumer in the state authorities. Also extraordinary examination is carried out in cases where the consumer showed an increase in consumption, the fall of the effectiveness of energy saving, increased emissions and so forth.
In terms of the work carried out energy audits are divided into. Quick Survey: identifies areas where irrational use, improve energy efficiency businesses by identifying priority areas to reduce the costs allocated to the necessary energy. Such an energy audit is usually conducted on an abbreviated program, using a minimum of equipment (or at all without it), and the evaluation can be carried out both in all types and only one of them (electricity, gaseous and liquid fuels, etc.). There may also be assessed the effectiveness of the use of secondary, the operation of a single unit or a group of them and so forth.
Full instrumental examination: it is necessary to analyze the consumption of the current period, as well as the modes of operation of the equipment; identify the reasons why the power supply is accompanied by excessive losses.
Local survey: energy audit of enterprises, implies a certain energy flows, technological installations and processes in individual departments. The purpose of the survey identify at selected sites problems associated with energy consumption and development needed to address them recommendations.
Under the law provides for an energy audit in the survey of office buildings, public and residential (including apartment buildings), as well as industrial facilities.
This energy audits of buildings and structures is mandatory in cases of:
- putting into operation after major repair, reconstruction or completion;
- surveys to be supervised by a public authority building control buildings.
Given that these examinations are conducted in order to implement energy-saving technologies into practice, thereby improving the energy efficiency infrastructure and reduce costs, the legislation establishes mandatory for its passage of the following organizations and businesses:
- public authorities and local governments;
- organization of the municipality;
- companies with regulated activities;
- organizations realize the extraction, processing, production, transportation of oil and oil products, coal, electricity, gas and water;
- organizations, the total cost of which energy consumption is above 10 mln. tenge / year;
- organizations that receive funding or local budget. Energy survey conducted voluntarily on such objects as:
- religious buildings and structures, as well as objects of cultural heritage;
- temporary buildings with a useful life of less than 2 years;
- supporting facilities.
- The measures to improve the accounting and control of expenses of energy enterprises. Methods of energy audit can include the following components:
- Organizations to be energy audits. Energy audit of the following organizations:
- public authorities, local governments, rights of legal entities;
- organizations with the participation of the state or municipality;
- organizations engaged in regulated activities;
- organizations engaged in the production and (or) transportation of water, natural gas, thermal energy, electricity, natural gas, oil, coal, production of petroleum, natural gas processing, oil, transportation of oil;
- the organization, the total cost of which the consumption of natural gas, diesel and other fuel, oil, heat, coal, electricity exceeds ten million rubles per calendar year;
- organizations conducting activities in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency, financed wholly or in part at the expense of the federal budget, regional budgets.
- Organizations that have the right to conduct energy audits. Energy audit a specific kind of work that can perform specialized organization with trained professionals, appropriate methods, instrument park and experience in the energy
Figure 1 – Method of Energy Survey
- Scope of work and the procedure for energy
In conducting energy audits conducted analysis of the state of power supply systems, heating, water supply, maintenance of the park enterprise (object), assessment systems and tools (instruments) excluding energy and compliance with statutory requirements, the identification of unreasonable losses, assessment of the state system of regulation of energy consumption and energy use, check the energy balances of the enterprise (facility), the calculation of specific energy consumption for manufactured products (or types of works), assessment of the feasibility of basic energy-saving measures to be implemented now, the formation of energy passport of the enterprise, in the scope of work includes:
- Assessment of the volume of work. Collect baseline data.
- Harmonization of technical specifications and
- Conclusion of the agreement to conduct energy
- Step-depth
- Ordering of the source data and analysis of project and technical documentation.
- Implementation of the survey instrument and drawing up a balance of all types.
- An in-depth examination of the sectors with the largest energy infrastructure
- Development of the program of energy saving measures to small and medium-payback period by sectors with the highest losses.
- Development of the program of energy saving measures on the project as a
- Preparation of the energy performance certificate and the technical
- Approval of the technical report by the
- The final
- Examination of energy
- Approval of the energy performance certificate in the
- Develop Energy Performance Company. In the energy passport is recognized:
- Brief description of the construction
- Fundamentals of energy efficient
- Technical equipment and production
- Modern architecture and energy
- Energy efficient refurbishment of residential buildings: benefits for tenants and housing management of multi-storey buildings on the example of (a round table with representatives of housing enterprises).
- Building and physical examination as a component of an energy audit of external structures of buildings (including building to detect construction defects).
Energy efficiency enables getting energy passport which is one of the conditions for a variety of benefits that will be applied in the future. Modern facilities under construction are governed by this rule.
As far as measures are concerned, energy efficiency implies measures applied for the purpose of reducing energy consumption. Whether we talk about technical or non-technical measures, or changes in behaviour, all measures imply the same or even higher degree of achieved comfort and standard.
Most common measures taken for the purpose of reducing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency are:
- replacement of non-renewable energy with renewable
- replacement of non-efficient energy consumers with efficient
- insulation of a heated space
- replacement of over aged joinery in a heated space
- installation of measuring and regulatory instruments for energy consumers
- implementation of metering systems by distributers that will encourage energy saving
Figure 2 – Sections of energy certificates
Energy audit of buildings more sophisticated way, using special measuring sensors and instruments, allows to obtain a more detailed picture and to provide additional data records which will more accurately choose the necessary measures, as well as improve the quality and efficiency.
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