
The given article examines the role of cognitive styles of students in the process of their educational-learning activities. The urgency of researches in this direction is proved. Understanding of cognitive style in foreign and Russian psychology is presented. The general characteristic of cognitive styles such as «Field dependence- field independence», «Impulsiveness-reflexivity», «Tolerance-intolerance to unreal experience» is given. It outlined the main approaches to the study of cognitive styles — analytical, integrative and structured. The role of each style in the process of educational-learning activity of students is shown. In this research the correlation of the given cognitive styles is revealed.

The article considers the psychological peculiarities of children in orphanages in science and practice. Defines the essence of the phenomenon of «we» in the orphanage. Presents special psychological problems of children conventional residential institutions and their differences between the pupils of children's homes of family type. A significant place is given to the consideration of the structure of the model orphanage of family type. On the basis of socio-pedagogical activity are identified in general terms, the tasks of the children's homes of family type. Examine the main branches of the correctional-educational work with children and the implementation of the principle of family education.

The article deals with the problems of religious extremism. Key concepts: ‘religious extremist’, ‘religious extremism’, ‘belief’ and attitude of the people under test to these concepts. The research has been carried out to study the attitude of the youth to these concepts. The research results show that there is no difference in attitude to religious extremism between young believers and atheists.

This scientific article is devoted to the problem of the psychological aspects of such an important social problem as extremism.Extremism — is a complex phenomenon, despite the fact that its complexity is often difficult to see and understand. Today, all of us know about the nature and the reasons of extremism few. In this article the main theoretical approaches to definition of concept of extremism are considered. One of forms of manifestation of extremism is the terrorism. In article psychological aspects  of  terrorist activity, psychological factors the mechanisms inducing to membership in the extremist organization, specific features and psychological inclined to extremist activity are considered.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science