
Ir spectral analysis of phlomis salicifolia in the flora of south Kazakhstan. Phlomis salicifolia is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Plomis L. of the family Lamiaceae

Preventive vaccination in the republic of Kazakstan and in the south Kazakhstan region. Immunization is the main component of human rights to health

An important role in the prevention of influenza and acute viral infections is awareness of population about risk factors of infection and development of complications.

Knowlegde of youth about prevention of hiv-infection. HIV-infection is one of the main health problems all over the world

The etiological structure of cases of acute primary meningitis/encephalitis hospitalized in shymkent city infectious diseases hospital in 2017

Merchandising study of turkestan motherwort herb. The article presents the results of the merchandising analysis of the Turkestan Motherwort herb

The article presents studies on the development of a technology for the production of a combined extract of sedative action using the percolation method

Bionic protesthes. mechanism feedback. in recent years, such a direction in science as cyber-prosthetics, combining medicine, neurophysiology, engineering, programming, has been steadily developing

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science