
In this article it is noted that the paradigm of a foreign language as a target acquisition becomes a means of achieving professional competence. The education system in our country is systematically reformed – require­ ments for learning outcomes change, training programs improve, the ex­ perience of foreign universities is adopted; there is also a convergence of domestic and foreign universities according to the Bologna Process. There are also activities for the development and improvement of the state educational standards of higher education in the competency format, the definition and classification of competencies, as well as their content are clarified. All of the above processes in education are a reaction to the phenom­ enon of globalization in the economy and labor market.

Learners improve their speaking by interacting. Communicative lan­ guage teaching based on real­life situations as well as collaborative learn­ ing serve best to reach this goal. By using this method, learners will have the essential opportunity of communicating in the target language. One of the main requirements is that ESL or EFL teachers should create an English speaking environment where students have real­life communication, ac­ tivities, and tasks that promote oral language. This will occur when learners collaborate in small and big groups to complete a task and to achieve a goal. What are activities to promote speaking? Here is a brief description of the majority of these effective activities as well as some problems which the learners meet while learning the target language, and some techniques of solving these problems are given.

Model of cooperation pedagogy is one of the trends in modern language teaching. In the annotated article the authors attempted to use the variant of this model in teaching Russian as a foreign language

This article is dedicated to the study of intercultural communication, its features, as well as the problems and prospects of cross­cultural com­ munication. The development of anthropological paradigm in linguistics at the end of the XX­th century gave new directions for research in the humanities as «person –language – culture», «person – language – think­ ing.» Nowadays, many scientific studies pay much attention to the anthro­ pological factor, as well as to the study of the correct use of the linguistic units’ meanings by native speakers. To consider language and linguistic units in the unity to the human factor and human values in unity is a new trend in modern linguistics today. Problems and prospects of intercultural communication are also relevant today as a new direction in science. In this article we have tried to reveal some aspects of intercultural communi­ cation and to give answers to topical questions.

The article is about to show the role of politeness in the sphere of interpersonal communication. Politeness is studied as a strategy or a set of strategies that is orientated towards achieving positive results in communi­ cation. The choice of one or another strategy by communicators depends on both outside and inside factors such as parameters of the situation, moral and cultural values. The given research extends and systematizes knowledge about the category of politeness as the most significant element of human relations. The theory of politeness of Brown and Levinson has remained the most seminal and influential starting point for cross­cultural and cross­linguistic contrastive pragmatics. Politeness touches on the is­ sues that are crucial not only for the sociolinguist and social anthropologist but also in the life of human beings communications. In the present study linguistic politeness is crucially conceptualized as a social phenomenon. Theoretical account of politeness provides an obvious picture of linguistic politeness in the communication strategies and distinguishes cases where politeness is communicated from those where it is not. It explains the as­ pects of politeness phenomenon. It presents an account of politeness phe­ nomena.

The article deals with the specifics of communicative stereotypes on the examples of certain functional classes, particularly interjections, on the basis of English and Russian materials. The difference in translating the given phenomenon in the present­day language has been pinpointed. It was con­ cluded that linguocultural stereotypes, as traditions, are fixed in mentality of people and are reflected in the language expression.In linguistics, there are two different understanding of the word. The first meaning (linguistic meaning) implies the stereotype is a standard, fixed, reproducible unit of language, using of ready­made blocks in a particular speech situation. Ac­ cording to the second meaning (semantic meaning), stereotypes are seen as sustainable human content of the image, object or event, it means semantic connotations of language units, associated with the main primary impor­ tance. Both definitions have one characteristic: stability. Their difference is what kind of stability we mean: the form or content. In this article, we con­ sider the word «stereotype» in the language rather than in semantic meaning.

The article deals with teaching stylistics at specialized English depart­ ments of higher educational institutions. It is stated that a prerequisite for successful acquiring this academic discipline is a combination of theo­ retical and applied aspects. In addition to studying the theoretical mate­ rial that acquaints undergraduates with the basic categories and concepts of stylistics as a science, an important role is given to practical tasks, the purpose of which is to develop the skills of stylistic analysis of the au­ thentic text which contributes to the formation of communicative skills of students, to developing their cognitive abilities, search skills, creativity, logical thinking and research potential capabilities. The article describes the main characteristics of stylistic analysis of the text, which makes it possible to understand clearly the text semantics and evaluate a particular piece of writing. It will greatly improve the consoli­ dation of the theoretical material and at the same time it will serve as an effective form of control of students’ knowledge.

The article deals with the substantial components of the basic concept of «Time». Universal, national-cultural and individual layers are identified. It holds in-detail description of the «passive layer» of the concept of «Time».

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science