
‘Tarikh-e-Rashidi’ is a book written in Persian by the ruler of Kashmir, Mirza Haider Dughlat. The writer of the book was the cousin of Babur, the founder of Mughal dynasty in Indian subcontinent in the first half of the 16th century AD.

Nowadays critical thinking is really one of the relevant present­day topics. The problem of how to teach students to ask questions about some situation or phenomenon

The article deals with modern Tatar publicism in Kazakhstan. The novelty of the research is related to the fact that the authors of the paper have identified the most significant figures among contemporary Tatar publicists

The given article presents the needs assessment project for ESP course conducted in the framework of «E­teacher Scholarship program». The needs assessment included such aspects as target situation analysis, pres­ ent situation analysis and context analysis. The needs assessment project is conducted in order to design the syllabus for the students of the specialty«Thermal engineering». The article reveals the goals of the discipline «Eng­ lish for specific purposes» for students with account of their professional distinctiveness. The data are taken from the materials collected at students’ questionnaire, observation, interviewing «Thermal engineering» teachers. The article also considers ESP challenges faced by university teachers. The absence of the placement test, poor English language competence of con­ tent area teachers conducting the lesson, few practical hours influence the quality of material acquisition.

The aim of this work is a linguistic description of phraseology units in Kazakh and English, including geographical names. This aspect of the study of phraseology is of particular importance, because in many ways it can help to understand the culture, history and everyday life of the people. Most of the phraseology units were borrowed from the fiction in both lan­ guages. This article provides information about the origin of some Kazakh and English idioms or phraseology units, which contain geographical names of towns, villages, rivers, mountains, etc. Since cities and other settlements from the beginning of its existence have played an important political and economic role, they are the centers of cultural and social life of nations. The article gives examples of some phraseology units that are associated with many significant and sometimes funny events from the history. For learners of English as a foreign language this layer of the language presents a difficulty in mastering, but the knowledge and meaning of phraseology units helps to understand the English language perfectly.

The article deals with the early (1919­1932) works of classic Kazakh literature M. Auezov. These works are informed about creativity and growth, formation of the literary style of the writer. The main issues ad­ dressed in the article: pistaelya early stories, stories devoted to heavy past life; trends and themes of the first journalistic, scientific papers; social dif­ ferences, the role of women in society.

The article examines gender peculiarities in printed advertising texts in modern English and Russian­language journals. Gender linguistics is young and not completely explored area of science, and in this paper we are try­ ing to see one of its aspects, which is very relevant in today’s society. Advertising texts as means of speech manipulation are used ubiquitously, and the stereotypical male and female images imposed by advertising are recorded in the language and behavior of people. Our purpose is to con­ sider how linguistic stereotypes in English and Russian differ for men and women, and to show whether there is a difference between the texts for male and female audience in the studied languages.

The article analyzes the possibilities to optimize the translation pro­ cess using modern methods of using the system of language corpus. Cor­ pus Internet technologies can be used effectively in teaching translation, as well as in educational and methodological work of the teacher of higher education institution. The ability to access the meaning of the word in its contextual use is provided by systems of the language corpora, which are seen as a necessary complement to the translator toolkit to enhance and develop the translation competence. The advantages of concordances, translation memory programs, which are to improve the productivity of a translator’s work are considered.

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International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science