This article investigates the importance of the term «concept» in mod­ ern human science. The essence of this notion is considered in the light of different scientific disciplines and approaches. On the basis of generaliza­ tion and analysis of theoretical works, devoted to the problem of concept, the properties and characteristics, the specificity of the artistic concept are revealed. In the process of analysis it was proved that in literary work, this term appears as a fixed option of individual author’s concept, which is accumulated in the semantic configuration of its concept sphere. The study of the artistic concept allows not only to penetrate in the nature of verbal creativity, generating artistic sense, but also to explore the art of communication. This paper examines the contribution of literature to the development of the concept sphere of people. It is stated that in modern philological science, this concept acts as a tool in studying the unity of the artistic world of the literary work and the writer’s national world.

The article discusses the features of conversational vocabulary transla­ tion in prose, as the same lexemes can have different stylistic signs in vvvaaarrriii­­ ous academic dictionaries and clearly demarcated between mentioned in a speech lexemes. Analysis of English spoken language in the text of the novel by Thomas Hardy’s «Tess of d’Erbervilley» in translation from English into the Russian language shows that the translation of stylistically colored vocabulary causes some difficulties because of its national specificity, se­ mantical and emotional richness. In this regard, consideration of methods of translation of spoken and stylistically reduced vocabulary from English into the Russian language also remains topical. Sometimes translators solve relevant issues in the translation process. On the specific examples is proved that the lexical and phraseological units of colloquial style of any developed language reveals not only the specifics of the structural and grammatical organization of the language, but, most importantly, reflect in their semantics process of history and culture of the people. They are fixed and transmitted from generation to generation, culture attitudes and stereotypes. It is also determined that the use of the local language may be due to different geographical factors, as special colloquial phrases, dia­ lects, and sometimes accents in the speech of the characters.

Literature is a mirror of a nation, its reflection, its soul and heart. Literature is an essential part of our daily life. Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material.

In this article author tackles about the relationship between language, human, thought and environment first. Then he mentions about the relationship between culture, language and environment

The purpose of modern education is the formation of an individual possessing comprehensive knowledge, new outlook on the future, and creative thinking. The formation cognitive competence of the students, their desire to strengthen their independence is the basic requirement for the improvement of the level of teacher’s educational activity in a com­ prehensively new direction. This article is dedicated to the methods of developing students’ cognitive skills, as well as the ways of improving the educational process at lessons of Kazakh language. Moreover, a special attention should be paid to the use of innovative technologies in the edu­ cational process in order to achieve good results in activation of cognitive activity of the students. As teaching is a special type of cognitive activity, works carried out in this direction is dedicated to the development of the competences of the students.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science