Kazakhstani foreign language education policy as the policy of the whole world educational community has shifted a focus from simple communicative competence which was a goal of foreign language education for over three decades in FLT (1970-1990) to intercultural communicative competence, as a simple acquisition of purely functional use of language didn’t satisfy the needs of learners as well as teachers in the conditions of necessity of constant interactions on the international level. Therefore the aim of this article is to reveal the ways of developing foreign language learners’ intercultural communicative competence in the conditions of Kazakhstani educational system on the base of defining the notion and structure of intercultural communicative competence, determining the main factors of developing this quality and consequently to work out some scientific and methodological recommendations.

Statistical software are specialized computer programs for analysis in statistics. As quantitative research grows, application of statistical software (SS) becomes a more crucial part of data analysis. Researchers are experiencing a transition from manual analysis with paper to more efficient digital/electronic analysis with statistical software (SS). In this article the authors examine the program in terms of efficiency of use in the humanities.

This article discusses various ways to control the competence of oral communication of foreign students, analyzes the use of conventional and real tests, makes recommendations to verify the results of verbal communication. The problems of the control of speaking foreign students studying, analyzes the results of psychological preconditions teaching speaking. Prominent among the tests needed to monitor speaking given to testing and their components. Not every test can not display all the real-world results, it is therefore proposed test interviews showing the results of speaking, imitate real voice communication. In the article on the test guidelines, corresponding to different stages of testing. The attention is focused not only on the linguistic forms of expression, but also on the content. To test the results of speaking are invited to use interactive forms and dialogs polylog. Test presented in the article helps kontrolivaniyu results of oral communication.

The article considers the problem of foreign language learning proficiency evaluation. An evaluation component is an essential part of educational process; practically it is part of everyday learning process. Before starting teaching a foreign language we should take a decision how we are going to measure outcomes and make clear for ourselves the role of assessment and its instructional value in language acquisition process. Assessment occurs in many contexts and is done for a variety of reasons. Depending on the aims of the tests there are proficiency, placement, diagnostic, and achievement tests. As a rule our students are exposed to all these tests.

The present article deals with the problem of professionally-oriented reading. The role of synthetic reading, i.e. reading without using a dictionary has been determined. A number of exercises based on the authors’ experience have been suggested. The criterion of selected professionallyoriented texts has also been determined. Some rarely used grammatical phenomena which could be understood without translation have been distinguished. Glossary organization based on frequently used derivative models has been offered as well. Special attention is paid to some typical mistakes when translating professionally-oriented texts. To avoid these mistakes students should master some skills of synthetic reading. As a result that contributes to the development of intuition and logical thinking. The development of professional communicative competence of students studying the discipline «Professionally-oriented foreign languages» has been touched upon. The role of professionally oriented reading has been under consideration.

Consideration of this issue in the article is defined with goals and objectives of teaching the practical disciplines «Professionally-oriented Russian language» and «Culture of speech and language communication» in Kazakh groups. It is required to improve the methodological techniques, to develop and consolidate students’ skills in oral public speech, the need to train them properly to make the selection of materials for speech, reports, research papers, participate in problematic discussions, speak to the audience, to acquaint with the peculiarities of public speeches and presentations, master the technique of speech, oratorical skill and culture of speech.

Being an average teacher does not mean only lecturing grammatical rules, getting the students to practice some certain structures, speech patterns and dialogues, and also evaluating the students by their performances and competencies. We think just these classroom activities and eduucccaatttiiooonnaaalll processes do not provide expected and required outputs uuunn-less the classroom management factors, parameters and concerns applied appropriately. If there is insufficient motivation, satisfactory teaching and learning do not occure. Especially first-year teachers’ biggest problem is motivation of the students that we think is classroom management’s main concern. An average teacher should keep the balance between tolerance and being over strict. It is mentioned in almost all resourses that teachers should acquire the required skills, knowledge and have the intuition about how to manage the class and teach the students to manage themselves. Being aware of the students’ and teachers’ roles not to cause problems appear in classroom management is crucial.

The article touches upon the peculiarities of sport news texts published on the Internet and determines some specific features of the language of the web media in the given area

Мақалада ағылшын тілінде қолданылатын бейвербалды қарымқатынас құралдары мен дене қимылы арқылы қатынас орнатуға мүмкіндік беретін бірқатар етістіктер қарастырылады. Бейвербалды қарым-қатынас тілдік қатынасты толықтырып, адамдардың бірін-бірі дұрыс түсініп, қабылдауына ықпалын тигізеді. Бұл өзге мәдениет өкілдерімен қатынас орнататын шет тілін менгеріп жатқан студенттер үшін өте маңызды болып есептеледі. Қарым-қатынаста шет тілін түсініп қана қоймай, сонымен қатар, адамдарды толыққанды түсіну үшін олардың сезімі мен эмоциясын ұғына білуі қажет. 

Combining science and humanitarian clusters of special educational programs within the elective course seems to be one of the most promising innovative techniques that can harmonize and significantly expand the professional competencies of graduates. The integrative approach in this case regard the study of language and literature in the aspect adopted Programme «Cultural Heritage» in the country, initiated by the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev and carried out by specialists of different industries and activities With this purpose in the educational program of a number of humanitarian and natural faculties of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University introduced an elective course «Kazakh language and literature», the aim of which is related to the direct needs and challenges of today. One of the priorities of the discipline is to acquire knowledge of international experience on environmental issues of cultural heritage. The base foundation course program is based on sections on the totality of the material and spiritual cultural achievements, the national heritage of the Kazakh people, first of all – the oral poetic tradition.

This article discusses the problems of formation of terminological lexicography and its features in the professional sphere. As the object of study was chosen terminology in the field of logistics, as there was not unity of special lexis in the sphere. The article discusses the professional vocabulary, in particular, the formation of terminology in the field of logistics in Kazakhstan and problem use of borrowing in the professional vocabulary. Authors point out that most of terminological system in logistics consist of borrowings, especially from English. The practical analysis of existed terms in the logistic sphere of Kazakhstan gives the opportunity to classify special words according to its formation in Kazakh and Russian languages. Moreover, while studying and analyzing all the procedure of borrowedlogistic terminology, authors highlight phonetic, semantic, grammatical problems of term formation and its perspectives to study as a scientific issue.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science