Статьи, год 2011

The article deals with the specialities of political advertisement, which is not enough learned in political science. In spite of, the argued questions are also considered in this article.

It is well known that the structure and content of education, including postgraduate, are determined by socio-economic aspirations of society and its value orientation. Seamless integration of Kazakhstan into the international community and implement long-term social development priorities, development of civil society and building the rule of law urgently require a fundamental change in educational content. Particularly it relates to foreign language education.

Kazakhstan entrance the Bolonian process means the recognition our country of such priorities as maintenance of quality in education and increase in competitiveness of the European education, expansion of mobility of students and teachers, and also assistance to employment of students. Necessity of the international cooperation makes the skill of foreign communication as claimed and significant.

Sprache ist Teil unserer persönlichen Identität. Die vielen Sprachen, die von 500 Millionen den Bürgern der Europäischen Union gesprochen werden sind in einem großen Mosaik über Europa verteilt. Die Europäische Union erkennt das Recht auf Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit an und fördert gleichzeitig-parallel zu ihren Bemühungen um eine stärkere Integration ihrer Mitgliedstaaten — das Recht der Bürger, in ihrer Muttersprache zu sprechen und zu schreiben. Diese beiden komplementaeren Ziele sind der greifbare Ausdruck des Leitspruchs der Union „In Vielfalt geeint».

Politics of modern higher education in Kazakhstan is determined by the practical activities of higher education institutions and their integration with science and industry. To enhance the practical orientation of the educational programs of universities the proportion of professional practice is increasing, as the educational activity plays a crucial role in the development of competitive specialists — teachers of foreign languages.

Mоst trаditionаl EFL tеxtbооks hаvе mоdulеs dеsignеd tо incrеasе vоcаbulаry stоrеs. Althоugh thеrе аrе mаny diffеrеnt tеchniquеs fоr tеaching vоcаbulаry, it cаn bе diffiсult fоr studеnts tо еffеctivеly incrеasе thеir stоck оf nеw wоrds thrоugh mаinstrеam аpproаchеs; nеw wоrds аre mоst оftеn simplу аcquirеd thrоugh usе. In this rеspеct, it is sоmеwhаt similаr tо dеvеlоping rеading skills. Whаt I hаvе dеcidеd to fоcus оn hеrе thоugh is mаintаining аnd еxpаnding thе studеnts' vоcаbulаry аs thеy hаvе a fаir аbility tо еxprеss thеmsеlvеs, hаvе a gооd grаmmаticаl knоwlеdgе аnd аrе rеаsоnаbly cоmpеtеnt in skills wоrk аnd еspеciаlly rеаding, еxpаnding thеir vоcаbulаry cаn hеlp thеm nоticеаbly.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science