Статьи, год 2016

The article reveals the idea that Jokes as the way of teaching can be used in various ways. The basis for every nation's humour lies in its historical, socio-cultural and linguistic background. In order to get to know a nation's sense of humour one is forced to search much deeper. The article assumes that Jokes can be modified into compositions, essays, translations, poems, pictures, dramas, role-plays, games, questions and answers etc. in order to make lessons both interesting and smart.

The article is devoted to the features of using teaching materials in studying foreign languages in the educational process. There were determined the problems of using teaching materials in foreign language lessons, specified the methods of using teaching materials that form ability to independently acquire knowledge, gather the necessary information, thus the key conditions for the effectiveness of this process is to give more opportunity for the teaching materials development. It was also revealed that one of the important features is the adaptation of learning materials depending on individual capabilities of students and their level of training, which further helps in forming communicative culture of the student contributes to his overall speech development and the expansion of horizons and raising of his feelings and emotions.

Article deals with the specificity of teaching foreign language speech skills to young  learners. Authors studied and analyzed works of Kazakhstan and foreign scholars on research problem; identified factors of ensuring successful learning and mastery of foreign language speech skills by young learners; also in accordance with their psycholinguistic and age peculiarities reasoned the necessity of beginning  teaching from speaking and listening, followed by writing and reading skills.

Early foreign language teaching is a widely discussed phenomenon. Its importance increases in the Kazakhstan context and with the ideas of multiculturalism and multilingualism. Despite many positive sides to standardizing early English language teaching in Kazakhstan many problems still remain to be tackled. The necessity of using communicative games in teaching English to primary school children is substantiated in the article. Complex of games for different stages of learning are described. Factors affecting communicative competence development are analyzed.

It is noted that today there are no uniform views concerning the criteria and methods for assessing the effects of innovations. The attention is paid to the classification of effects of the innovative activity. The effectiveness of costs for the innovative activity is considered. The possibility of cost accounting and effect types of work in the field of science is revealed. The necessity of the use of the system of estimated indicators of innovations’ efficiency is justified. Methodical bases of the organization of the analysis of the innovative activity’s efficiency are stated. 

The formation of the economy in Kazakhstan based on knowledge is impossible without reviewing the role and functions of classical universities according to modern ideas about their role in the innovation process. World practice shows that key role in the innovative development of the country now belongs to the research (innovation), universities, that embody the best scientific potential, prepare a new generation of professionals able to bring new knowledge and ideas into the final competitive innovative products. The article examines the views of domestic and foreign researchers on the role and functions of universities in the innovation economy. The basic indicators characterizing innovation activity and innovation environment of university, compliance with which can attribute university to research (innovative) type are determined. The complex of measures at the macro, meso and micro level to transform the classical higher education establishment into the research one within the «triple helix» concept is determined.

There is given a definition of the innovative conflicts in relation to social system. There is listed the characteristic of the constraining forces of innovative processes. Factors of potential resistance to innovations are described. The special attention is paid to measures for overcoming of resistance to innovations in the organization (enterprise). There is provided the value of the six groups of market subjects,  actively influencing on the effectiveness of innovation. It is considered the tasks of the CEO to neutralize innovation resistance.

At the present stage of development of the national economy a human capital plays an important role. Without involving it the transition to an innovative path of development is impossible. Thanks to the development of human capital, a competitiveness and economic growth, production efficiency can be increased. The article is devoted to theoretical approaches to the definition of human capital. The article is based on a method of comparative analysis. The authors have analyzed different definitions of human capital and summarized the views of the researchers in this field. The basic approaches reflecting the contents of the examined category are singled out.

The necessity of the study of innovative human resource capacity issues, revealed his particular form, shows the role of training to a new level, for the successful implementation of the State program of industrialinnovative development of Kazakhstan for 2015–2019 years, in line with international standards, the formation of innovative human resource capacity. The authors examined the current state of development of training for the innovation economy of Kazakhstan, thus noting that training in the education system of Kazakhstan meets the requirements of innovation management in conditions of innovative development of the economy, having solved the narrow task of improving the internal organization of the education system to the labor market and the real economy. In the article the structure of the institution of continuous education and comprehensive training center that will prepare highly qualified specialists of the world level on the basis of educational process in science and industry.

The article examines the main trends in the innovation development policy in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Analysis of current state and the main problems of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the role of state authorities in its development. Classified conditions and factors affecting the innovation development of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan Republic. Identified the main priorities for the development of innovative processes in agro-industrial complex of the country.

The article considers the foreign experience of stimulation of innovation activity in the business sector. The direct and indirect incentive mechanisms are considered. The great attention is given to the analysis of tax incentives, such as tax privileges and the tax credit. They play an important role in enhancing the innovative activity of enterprises, because provide a choice of priorities of innovation to the private sector and do not require large administrative costs. Methods of indirect incentives are widely used in the USA, Canada, Japan and most European Union countries. Each country forms its own combination of these mechanisms depending on the requirements of the economy and the priorities of innovation development.

In the article the concept of commercialization of innovations was investigated. The classification of the participants of the commercialization of innovations was presented. The stages of the process of commercialization of inventions: assessment and selection of the most lucrative ideas for removing them on the market; accumulation of financial assets; securing the rights on created innovative products or services; organization of development innovation, its introduction into production were examined. Highlighted global trends in innovation activity that define the process of commercialization of innovations, among them: the growth of the activity level of research patent information character; increasing the degree of motivation of innovators and analysis of personnel innovation sphere; increasing emphasis on project-based approach to the  management of innovation; the organization in the innovative companies a systematic process of internal audit; the formation of co-operation in the field of R&D; the development of institutions of supporting the innovation activity of the enterprises; increasing the speed of innovation processes and the expansion of the area of their implementation through the active use of information technology. 

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science