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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

The content and essence of the teaching and educational value of the ideas and works of M. Zhumabayev

The article deals with importance of teaching ideas of outstanding representative of Kazakh people M. Zhumabayev and significant benefits of his teaching ideas in education and training process. The main part covers M. Zhumabayev’s pedagogical works and works of poetry and educational values in continuing educational system which includes the concept of education and educational areas. In addition, the structure of his legacy of teaching and educational ideas is shot into the content of the composite components and characteristics that are represented in the table. Finally, opportunities of implementation of the poet-teacher’s idea in the sphere of education are touched upon in conclusion. 

1.  Introduction

From the point of today's education paradigm, outstanding representative of Kazakh people M. Zhumabayev’s importance and relevance of teaching ideas is that it can be treated together with continuous modernization of the education system. Considering pedagogical ideas as the content basis we rely on the modernization of current education system of a number of scientists. Therefore, in order to develop a favorable environment which is aimed at improving the skills of teachers and students, we acknowledge that to complete the structure of the course "History of Education" with new materials as the time requirement.

Currently, according to the radical changes in the field of education to improve one’s own skills, especially within the framework of the national pedagogical thought, which is the necessity caused by the requirement of time arisen in the period of opportunity for increasing education on the basis of national ideas.

Therefore, in order to study the Kazakh-specific pedagogy, it is necessary to focus on the following tasks.

  • to explain purpose and harmony of M. Zhumabayev’s works in the field of pedagogy today;
  • to use M. Zhumabayev’s pedagogical viewpoints as a Kazakh language and literature teaching tool;
  • to give an explanation about the importance of using M. Zhumabayev’s teaching ideas as a tool for discipline in education;
  • to create ways of using M. Zhumabayev’s pedagogical ideas to teach discipline and to introduce it into practice.

As a result of the implementation of the mentioned problems planning organization of students' cognitive activities’ forms according to M. Zhumabayev’s pedagogical viewpoints, it is possible to improve competence while teaching lessons.

2.  The Main Part

Scientists of our domestic pedagogy, sociology and political science has been discussing for a long time about the necessity of creating a national model of education. It is known that M. Zhumabayev’s works are considered as the foundation of Kazakh psychology and pedagogy that appeared at the beginning of the XX century. That is, to create a national model of education cannot exist without the works of the founders of the national science.

Therefore it is necessary to develop ways of using M. Zhumabayev’s pedagogical ideas in the classroom works and to put into effect his pedagogical works’ value and significance in the field of pedagogy. The necessity to develop ways of using their pedagogical ideas in the classroom. It is closely connected with the work of professional and personal competence of teachers. Today works in the field of psychology and pedagogy resonates with the purpose of education and teaching focuses on ways to use the idea of learning activity.

Changes in the paradigm of modern education is one of the main subjects of the learning process is focused on the personal and professional qualities of the teacher training. In this case, it is worth to focus on the opinions of scientists-educators about training teachers. One of the first researchers of pedagogy in the early XX century M. Zhumabayev’s work "Pedagogy" the author touched upon a teacher widely who is the main subject educational activity. This opinion is very important today. It is justified as:

"The teacher is thought to spend a lot of effort to teach child to study rightly. And if the tutor doesn’t lead the child correctly then he will be accustomed to comprehend the concept, make a decision wrongly or simply misunderstand some ideas.

... While teaching a child to classify the objects, scenes into groups teacher must not forget starting from light to heavy.

... I knew the teacher skills in educating a child not so quickly, but to teach step by step. "(Zhumabaev, 1992). Such opinion confirms this idea.

The degree of teacher training and qualification role is important in shaping the identity of the student.

Professional service oriented person must accompany the product in the direction of a teacher:

  • The lesson to be learned should be based on each student's individual subjective experience and knowledge assessment should be taken into account when the materials are consolidated;
  • Student will choose the type of work in the classroom, taking into account the situation on the lessons of the day can be re-created quickly;
  • Didactic handouts, manipulative materials are sorted out according to the specifics of individual students;
  • The dialogue and conversation is organized involving participation of all

It is necessary to pay attention to the culture of speech while assessing actions and methods of the teacher in the classroom. Such teachers don’t usually explain the lesson but understand (Why not? How do you?), coordinate, respect the opinions and arguments of people also. The teacher should be able to take into account all the individual characteristics of each student, student's desire to answer (whether a student wants to answer from the seat or at the blackboard), weather the student wants to tell orally or describe something or wants to draw and etc.

In this context, M.Zhumabayev noted: "A teacher should be very close to a child. They should not be remote from each other. There shouldn’t be any misunderstanding between them. Educators should share the joy of the child and to be a close friend whom he share his secrets also. Only then a child can trust him fully. If a child doesn’t conceal anything from his teacher then the child will never lie which is considered as unfavorable feature" (Zhumabaev, 1992), the relationship between the teacher and pupil was revealed from open pedagogy and social point of view.

Such competence of professional qualification skills of a teacher is formed for many years. Modern educational content and technological changes in the field of social value is caused by the revaluation of many valuable things. All of the educational process in the classroom teaching elements: the purpose, content, tools, methods, organization and management are reflected in the service. Its result is one of the requirements of student's mastering knowledge. At the same time, professionalism of a teacher during the lesson is one of the great importance. Effective and well-organized lesson is the key to the effectiveness of the educational process from methodological, pedagogical and psychological, didactic point of view. In this case M. Zhumabayev said the following: "Educational objective is not to resemble a child as an educator, but to create an individual who meets the requirement of time," and "get to know their child's education when moving away from the familiar heart tied to the old knowledge transfer of new knowledge".

Zhumabaev asks to be careful with actions which you do during the lesson: "... child sitting in class with fatigue depends on his quick cognitive work, being bored or doing nothing, especially on air disorders. Therefore, if children in the class began to lose attention during the lesson, the teacher should immediately release children running and playing out of the class and air the room" also as well as" children cannot always sit idle, it is necessary to give him always useful activities. Only then child will be used to run into the useful life. Otherwise, the child gets accustomed to do something unfavorable or bad things will be used to "shed of the same will. That is, children educational fronts to make life smarter for people who deal with words. A person who can solve very complicated problems is the aim of an educational process. It means that such people can support not only themselves but also can assist the whole society. In order to create such person teacher should do his best; use all efforts and experience, knowledge persistently" (Toktaganova, 2009).

Magzhan Zhumabaev as a lyric poet and translator of dozens of poems, hundreds of lyrical verses was not limited in poetical and literary sphere, but also worked as a teacher-scholar, wrote the first educational textbooks. Together with his above-mentioned work "Pedagogy" (1922), "Elementary school mother tongue" (1925), "Be literate" (1926), these textbooks on pedagogy and methodology is a great contribution to the science. Having read Russian and Western scientists’ opinions as well as taking into account the specific features of the national education M. Zhumabayev describes the position of writing a textbook as following: I tried to choose view points of scientists (I mean Russian and Western scientists). I tried as much as I could adjust them to Kazakh mentality. Due to lack of terminology, it was very difficult for me to find appropriate words. Owing to great assistance of teachers who studied in courses, I transferred Russian words into pure Kazakh. However I even didn’t make any effort to translate terms into Kazakh". Indeed, then there was not any Kazakh pedagogical terms. M.Zhumabayev invented and introduced hundreds of new pedagogical terms into our language. 

Table 1. M.Zhumabayev pedagogical works 

Works and writings


Pedagogical value


"Pedagogy" (1922), (Orenburg, 1923)

One of the first Kazakh pedagogic textbooks. Thus, the Kazakh classical training, mental training, edu-cational psychology concepts, education, etc. issues are considered.

Primary school native language" (Tashkent, 1923)

The textbook for children

"Essence of teaching native language in Primary school" (Moscow, 1925)

Touched upon the importance of education in their native language in elementary education provided by the methodical nature and opportunities

"Be literate" (Moscow, 1926)

Methodological approaches and major pedagogical basis and etc. taken into account during the literacy teaching.

The first part of the textbook is devoted to pedagogy. According to his viewpoint, field of education is divided into four parts. They are: physical, emotional, mental training and beauty and ethical behavior. There are several other educational activities. Author’s special focus on four types of education field is closely linked with time requirements. Nowadays economic, environmental and legal education was less urgent then (1930).

The author gave detailed explanation to these four types of education and he said the following: "If these four types of education were given to young men fully, then he had his entire education. If child is a solidstate, has a common sense who settles problems rightly then he is smart, beautiful, listens to magical music, enjoy the beautiful species, if his soul is good, he is considered to be a real well-educated person. Any individual who wants their child to be a man, my son, that the parents should teach their children these four types of education". By creating a person, meeting requirements of time M. Zhumabayev defined the purpose of education. Author’s program on educational direction targeted a rich heritage of his native people. "Nation's education which has been tested since the first days, each tutor must be familiar with nation’s upbringing and follow the nation’s long road upbringing” he wrote.

It is not difficult to notice that Magzhan’s pedagogical ideas coincide with ideas of the world's outstanding teachers. New approaches to education of children, anthroposophical doctrine out of the stereotypes into a new opportunity is similar to ideas of R. Steiner. If R. Steiner showed, "typical of the entire world" as it is a known philosophical question, "typical inner spirit," shows that they can be identified and explained about its necessity to study in various ways. R. Steiner believed in that our knowledge of human civilization doesn’t possess science about a human being" There are theories, but no understanding of human life and the world (R. Steiner,1992). "Education and teaching must always be the basis of a person's ability to recognize," and that each person’s perspective, comprehensive education: is the course to get to know the appropriate places, body, soul, spirit (R.Steiner,1994).

The representative of the French Enlightenment, Jean-Jacques Rousseau criticized the nature of the nonlife teaching the portrait. The child's educational process and student’s interest in the activity seems to be the need of self-education. Work for the achievement of the child's experience in the development of independent thinking, stressed the need to give more attention to education. Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s idea was a new character (A.I. Piskunov, 2006). As well as the education of young children, the very impressive system and the best in the world famous attractions of the Italian philosopher, psychiatrist and psychologist, teacher and humanist pedagogy of Maria Montessori phenomenon: people from the path of development of children and try to eliminate any pressure on the authoritarian nature of the unlimited trust. Montessori created her method by observation of normal children in their natural environment (Montessori, 1993).

It would also make a comparative analysis of the M. Zhumabayev’s teaching ideas with these outstanding individuals’ opinions and thoughts on the education of children.

Magzhan also looked at Kazakh national upbringing critically and appealed to differentiate old ones from new ideas. “As the house has harmful side there is a benefit also” he wrote. The matter is to keep a child at home and there is a fresh air, and children in dire need of fresh air ... with the movement of cattle, Kazakh children who grew up with a very sensitive education so Kazakh child's education does not agree compatibility with Kazakh life” he says. In other words, children learn from an early age, and they need to be taught life.

The author told “Kazakh cradle is made very carefully. All integral parts of the cradle help the child to be in comfort” however, he suggested to improve the structure of the cradle (not to tie so hard hand, foot straps and make them wider).

Magzhan’s “Pedagogy” consists of fourteen chapters. There’re ten chapters deal with national psychology, where all manifestations knowledge of reason, or suspected of attention, consider the courage of the separation of three parts. Their natural combination he connected with Abay’s concept of “smart and strong”, and keep the same heart, then that portion of the country will be able to spot the mind (brain) and the will, are called persistence.

External feelings: vision, hearing, smelling, good swipes (meat consciousness) are considered separating five of their activity, gives a description of the specifics. Provide ways to improve them correctly. This performance improvement based on national traditions, for example, horses laugh, sheep bleat, educating a camel through the ability to distinguish roar. M. Zhumabaev: "The love of beauty treatment is the deepest sense of hearing" says his opinion with regard to Greek Orpheus’ thoughts and concludes with Korkyt’s music.

Focusing on the role of fantasy in human life M. Zhumabayev noted that “A person who didn’t develop his fantasy is a dead man ...Fantasy develops person’s thought. You must tell your children fantastic fairy tale from an early age, and ask them to retell it to you”. While emphasizing the role of fantasy development Magzhan defined that: "In language of the nation appears character, history, and customs and the place of the nation... Decrease of nation's language means the nation will be lost ... the beginning of fall”.

As “а grandfather” of Russian pedagogy K.D. Ushinsky, Magzhan studied the meaning of pedagogy connected with psychology. “Therefore, he is considered as the first creator of the theory of pedagogy of science and the founder of the national scientific research in pedagogy” says the scientist S. Kaliyev(Kaliyev, 2004).

Magzhan’s first poems were written in educational note. It was clear. Magzhan, who lived in a difficult time of political and social themes, replied that, in the previous ideas of Chokhan, Ibrai, Abay dominated the literature of that period. Abay’s, Ibrai’s and Sultanmakhmut’s education character works appealed to science education, behavior, discipline and promotion of culture to be in the nature of poetic verses. Magzhan wrote poetry in Abay’s tradition continued the pattern of his great teacher.

Generally, Magzhan Zhumabayev’s poems are very meaningful; themes are rather broad and look like an education and knowledge tool. Generally Magzhan’s poetry has a high educational importance. He touched upon various areas of human education. Therefore, M. Zhumabayev’s poems cover the following spheres of education:

  • invitation to education and scienceintelligent culture;
  • love to motherland – patriotism matters; 
  • beauty – aesthetic culture;
  • to form national outlookethnical education;
  • to appeal to love labor – labor education;
  • to form citizen’s credo – education of an

Magzhan’s poetry with high educational meaning that starts from family, pre-school institutions, schools, colleges, Higher Educational Institutions meets the requirements of functional characteristics of Continuing Educational System Programs and is of high educational importance. 

Table 2. Educational value of works of M.Zhumabayev’s poetry 


Educational value

Educational directions

"Summer Morning", "Art education Rediscover the" courage", "Summer Morning"

Invitation to education and culture

Intelligent culture

"The Prophet", "Rising Sun", "Turkestan," Fire "," Wave ".

Love to Motherland

patriotism, patriotic education

"Freedom'',"I remember ... let the sun rise"," Batyr Bayan ".

The independence of the country

Ethnic education

"Ural Mountains", "Last days."

The formation of a national outlook

"Mother." "Grandma," "Lullaby" and "Parents blessing", "I" miss ".

Respect for parents

"Who am I?", "I hope young people".


Education of an individual

"Love, saulem", "You are beautiful", "Star rings, the board of the Moon fire", "Sholpy".

 the awakening of love to beauty

aesthetic education

So, let us to describe the structure of M.Zhumabayev’s poetry:

  • The first creative steps of M.Zhumabayev. He started to develop ancient Kazakh poetry tradition and his writings were more advanced educational direction: “Redistribution of the Arts and Education”, “Poor Kazakh", “Summer Morning”, “Proud” of
  • Poet educational, propaganda-oriented and focusing on critical realism, were written about victims of the old custom, usually brides which solved for money, wanted to give liberty for Kazakh women by his “Towel”, “Wish”, “Deceived beauty”
  • Magzhan includes poetryin political and social issues. Poems describing the challenge of time and reflecting the spirit of the modern as “Freedom”, “Rising Sun”, “Broken person”, ‘To the prisoner”.
  • Poet’s research in the poetical world. He wrote poems imitating symbolist poets as Balmont, Brusov, Merezhkovsky, Sologub, and Block. Life and death philosophy in his poems: “I missed”, “Nowadays life and death is mine”, “To Berniyaz”, “Life”, “Cradle me death”.
  • Love lyrics of Magzhan. In his poems “Love me, my darling”, “to N”, “You are beautiful”, “It’s true that I love”, “to Miss Gulsim”, “Let me make you star ring and moon necklace” sole and body’s harmony is described in dialectical unity. He also found similarities with Hafiz’s poetry (M.Zhumabayev, 2002).
  • Magzhan’s poetry devoted to children and publishing textbooks. Textbooks “Mother tongue at primary school” (Tashkent, 1923), “The essence of teaching mother tongue at primary school” (Moscow, 1925), “Pedagogy” (Orenburg, 1923), “Be Literate” (Moscow, 1926) and poems “Snowman”, “Grandmother”, “Grandchild and grandmother”, “Shepherd boy and little dog” (M. Zhumabayev, 2006).
  • Creating poems based on history and legends of Kazakh people as “Hero Bayan”, “Zhusypkhan”, “False fairy tale”, “Korkyt”, “Koylibay’s Kobyz”.
  • Poem “Hero Bayan”. It characterized of hero Bayan and Abylay Khan. It’s a tragic love history. Some contrasts in the character of Abylay Khan. Bayan’s death. Influence of Russian Literature in the
  • Poem “Zhusypkhan”. There’re characters like Abbaskhan and Zhusypkhan in the poem. Symbolic meaning of Zhusyp’s character. Proving the characteristics of Stalinist periods based on
  • “False fairy tale”. Formation of the poem’s plot on convention. Revolt of mice against cats. Negation of the philosophical concept of making rich of the rich is God’s
  • “Ninety” legendary epos. Symbolic meaning of the word “ninety”. Praising the poor by the author, expressing his love to his native people in the
  • Magzhan’s translations. Author’s great skill in the area of translation that are shown in the following works: “Forest king” (Goethe), “Sunset”(Heine), “If the harvest waves”, “Prisoner”(Lermontov). Author’s translation of Russian writers’ works as Gorky, Ivanov, Mamin-Sybiryak and their characteristic features (M. Zhumabayev,1992).

The content of the education system of the present scientific knowledge, skills and abilities to raise the level of the system shows that its basic principles: education and national cultural treasures in the direction of civil linking cultural heritage, the national language, culture and the importance of linking the language and culture of international relations, etc. that appears to show the level of education in the context of education, culture will prevail.

It is known that we reveal Magzhan’s pedagogical ideas content based on his creativity. If so, covering topics of the poet are following:

  • education and science, culture applications;
  • love and respect to the country and motherland;
  • esteem of precious heritage and history;
  • the courage and heroism, great principles of the protection of the country;
  • the potential impact on the recognition of the beauty and its influence on the sense;
  • the popularization of human qualities and moral idea;
  • honor and respect to mother tongue;
  • stay away from bad habits, keeping healthy lifestyle;
  • preservation of national values;
  • trust to young people, and formation of civil principle;
  • Family education – educating generation according to gender and

Main principles of Magzhan Zhumabayev’s pedagogical heritage that considered education as the basic idea of his creativity, which started from pedagogical service, are:

  • education and art as promotion of a universal value;
  • courage and bravery as a model of development of young generation’s quality of patriotism;
  • the necessity of being guided by the ideas of moral development of the young generation;
  • exemplary deeds of the national historical figures in promoting of continuity;
  • need of moral ideas for receiving to the life management and in preparation the younger generation
  • influence of art in comprehensively proportional development and in the management of aesthetic education of the person;
  • the adults’ sample and care for actions and behavior of young people;
  • тo inform to the younger generation that the family relationship is the pledge оf national traditions and culture;
  • to make national essentialsof the national education basic idea;
  • increasing role of natural beauty in the upbringing of generations;
  • educating youth strengthening the bonds of friendship and honest love,

The following principles of research topic will disclose the content and essence of the subject matter guided by educational ideas the of poet’s works. 

Table 3 Structure of the educational ideas of MagzhanZhumabayev’spedagogical legacy 

Сomponents of the content

Content characteristics

Оbjective laws

-    Poet is a teacher for current and future generations.

-    A person who has shame and conscience is a noble person.

-  Fairness and honesty are the most expensive characteristics of the person.

-  Family is a birthplace of freedom, justice, morality.

-    Blessing and sample of parents.

-    A son links with your future generations, a daughter will continue humanity.

-    If there is no wisdom degree is widowed; if there is no education experts are widowed.

-    Only hardworking generationwill develop their homeland.

-  Love is a great force eligible to make old people youngand connecting far with you.

-  Beauty will save the world.





-     to achieve success independently;

-     to love the land and people and respect the history;

-     to popularize courage and bravery, patriotism;

-     to create good be careful and kind;

-     to be honest in friendship and love.

Major idea

the main idea to teach the young generation in the society in which he lives to serve the aims and tasks of the new requirements to be guided by moral and humane education



get rid of the past methods in education of generation and meet the requirements of current time, to understand the essence of life, to direct for development of human in harmony with valuable qualities;




-  continued development of the mind;

-  self-acknowledgement;

-  self-improvement;

-  selfassessment;

-  cope with life problems:

-  recognition of life reality.


Toeducate generation of the nationguided by the idea of universal human values and the nation, based on morality and good behavior and actions of cultural relations.



-    special "Pedagogy" textbook;

-  interconnection of art and science;

-  poetry, prose fiction language;

-  books.




-    methods of training and education;

-    parableandpropaganda;

-    criticism;

-    model and praise;

-    training, mentoring;

-    challenge the call.



3.  Conclusion

As a result, the content of the teaching ideas in the works of the poet-teacher guided by the idea of universal human values, morals and welfare based on the behavior and actions is to educate nation’s generation at the level of higher education and cultural relationseducation.

A popular poet-teacher’s cognitive ideas, poetic heritage of pedagogical traditions in promotion of highquality real human relations as friendship, respect, honesty, integrity, modesty and humility, welfare, etc. were aimed human qualities basis.

A talented poet, a great teacher and educator of Kazakh people died as a victim of the political system, despite the early departure left behind him a rich legacy. Finally, we studied, analyzed and concluded conceptual thoughts. The basic of pedagogical idea of poet-teacher’s works guided by love for people, land and nation is to serve the aims and tasks of the society in which a young generation live within the framework of morality and humanity which is the major principle of education.


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Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science