Статьи, город Almaty

The article surveys the results of the historical and comparative analyses of the key components of the political attitude of the student youth in Kazakhstan that enabled the authors to palace and conceptualize them in the context of the common values of Kazakhstan.

L.N. Gumilev's life – at popularity of its main milestones – actually this is a insufficiently developed subject. 

The problem of the use of information – communication technologies in modern education is one of the most urgent. Modern students are in terms of "information" civilization. The role of information problems - very high among the tasks that must be addressed to modern man.

History of Kazakh ornament originates from ancient times. Millennium BC population, living on the territory of Kazakhstan, has received a high level of development of productive forces can be engaged pottery, jewelry making, weaving and other crafts

In this article, the author examines the causes of extremism and terrorism and the role of the civil institutions in combating this phenomenon.

The article shows the characteristics of the national youth policy in developed and developing countries. A review of international standards for national youth policy, global analysis on measures to promote the state youth policy, the comparative analysis of the actions of countries to implement national youth policy.  

World educational space brings together national educational systems of different types and levels vary considerably in philosophical and cultural traditions, the level of goals and objectives and its qualitative state

 We are living in an exceptional time in world history: unexpectedly, the thousand-year old question as to the goal of human endeavor has received an answer that is as remorseless as it is banal. 

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science