Venture capital is an significant source of funding for start-up and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that have a limited operating history. There is no access to capital markets for SMEs. A venture capital firm (VC) typically looks for new and small businesses with a perceived long-term growth potential that will result in a large payout for investors. The formation and growth of small and medium sized enterprises is recognized as one of the most important factors for economic growth. Access to equity capital (Venture capital) is often emphasized as a critical conditions for SMEs and new venture start-ups to be able to pursue growth opportunities.

Kazakhstan tourism industry’s development prospects are highly dependent on increase of governmental regulation of tourism sector on the national level, which must be combined with a modern promoting strategy of regional tourism products. Over the past decade has seen increased interest from the government to the tourism industry. This is confirmed by the following facts:

In this paper the current state of the development of sports tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan was shown. Statistical analysis of the main indicators of the development of sports tourism in the country was shown, in particular the number of sports organizations and institutions, the staff of sports tourism, the number of sports facilities and ski resorts were shown. Regionally reflect the development potential of sports tourism in Kazakhstan — denotes the number of people regularly engaged in physical culture and sports.

It is noted that dollar domination in the international allowances and transactions has its drawbacks. It is emphasized that at this conjuncture it is necessary to raise a role and use of SDR as the international reserve asset. Feasibility of a binding of national currency to SDR, instead of to dollar or euro is proved. It is specified that to provide the increased stability of the real effective exchange rate. In work it is in detail described important benefits of the offered world currency.

For quite short time after obtaining independence, economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan promptly goes forward. In the message of the president «Kazakhstan–2030», besides development of production of natural energy resources, special value is allocated the tourism industries. According to the concept of development of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is capable to render three positive effects on national economy: first, to provide inflow of foreign currency and to have positive impact on such economic indicators as the balance of payments and cumulative export; secondly, helps to increase population employment; in the third, promotes development of infrastructure of the country. This research is devoted to study the branch of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan with use of the one-factorial dispersion analysis.

Hospitality is an integral part of tourism industry development. The state and level of development of the hotel industry affects the level of the flow of domestic and inbound tourism. In this article the main directions of development of the modern hotel business has been analyzed in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article discusses the relevance of hotel industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the segmentation of accommodation and categories. the competitiveness of hotels. In this article the basic performance of the hotels in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been identified. 

It is specified that today the destiny of the main monetary unit of a planet excites all people of the world. It is noted that recently the dollar endures a difficult period of the existence. It is emphasized that in many countries, for leaving from risks of the American bank notes, started talking about need of creation of uniform national currency. It is described that the reason of crash of domination of the American dollar is existence in world economy of internal tendency to periodic financial and economic crises. The conclusion that extremely safe (evolutionary) version of the solution of problems of the world currency system testing today a stressful condition is necessary is drawn. The offer that the right of further issue of the American dollar to transfer to Economic and Social Council of the UN is made. Locates that transfer of a right of emission of dollar to special body of the UN for all countries of the world will bring definiteness in new world financial architecture. 

Scientific article it is devoted to identification of a trajectory of state’s institutional genesis. In the article locates the dialectic interrelation between the political and economic parties of the state, being shown in that specific of the state as the special economic subject is defined by its directivity as political and legal institute. The analysis in work shows that an economic institutionalization of the state is dualistically: its subject component consists in a social and institutional form of personification of society as agent of relations of production; functional features are defined by system nature of participation at all stages of reproduction process by realization of productive, investment, transfer, transactional and consumer impulses.

The modern hospitality industry represents global on the scales the complete, integrated and dynamic branch of the services sector which is entirely based on the principles of market economy, objective regularities of the international division of labor and production internationalization. Growth of the hotel economy was outlined in the Republic of Kazakhstan only with town planning development after its joining to Russia. After October revolution by development of production and non-productive spheres construction of hotels approached to their modern shape in Karaganda and Almaty the majority from which functioned in the conditions of planned managing began. In this article is used the method of the ABC analysis for more exact consideration of a condition of the hotels services market in present conditions of economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The transformation of the institutional system of tourism in Hungary, the establishment of the multi-level TDM system is expected both by professionals and the public to lead to a significant improvement of the competitiveness of the tourism of Hungary. As a first step of this process, the structure of local tourism destination management organisations has been gradually built out since 2008*. In our paper we analyse the position of the TDM organisations working in Hungary, on the one hand, and also seek the signs of differentiation which may serve as a basis of typifying, on the other hand.

The characteristic is given to the Ural state economic university (USUE) as to the higher education institution which is dynamically entering into world educational system. It is noted that at university there is a model of USUE as Euroasian scientific and educational international corporation. It is specified that students of USUE have the strengthened program in the field of the learning of foreign language, calculated on 4 years. It is described that USUE is one of the centers of scientific and sociocultural journalism in the segment: economy, management, finance. It is proved that USUE is the recognized Center of the Euroasian youth movement. Is shown that in USUE the system of websites as sites of the international Centers of scientific and educational and public work develops. The conclusion is drawn that USUE is today at a stage of real practical inclusion in a network of the international university education as its Euroasian segment.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science