Статьи, год 2015

The modern scientific world came to the following cognitive paradox: expanding their field of activity, with the fundamental results of the study in terms complex calculations using advanced scientific equipment, a new methodology of knowledge, including a wide range of activities a number of new phenomena and laws, she, along with all the uncertainty describes a very important phenomena, less accurate in predicting a process of different systems. After a period of classical and non-classical in the evolution of scientific knowledge emerges postnonclassical science major categories which are: «uncertainty», «deterministic chaos», «selforganization» and many others. Statement of the problem of uncertainty in the scientific and social cognition reflects the latest trends in the development of the modern world and, of course, has the objective and subjective social, scientific and philosophical background.

Modern culture declares itself as blip culture. A striking example — klip thinking. Our article is an attempt to examine this phenomenon from different perspectives. From the perspective of semiotics, social, historical and philosophical perspective. We assume that the cognitive foundations blip culture may be related to mythology, utopian consciousnes. In this regard, we propose the concept of such scholars as O. mythology Freudenberg, Radcliffe-Brown. Our view on this issue is somewhat different from the traditional that the problem of social considered in conjunction with the nature of the ideal.

The conceptual principles of formation of Kazakhstan national identity in new social and cultural realities are analyzed in this article. Philosophical foundations and spiritual values that meet the interests of polyethnic and polycultural people of Kazakhstan are discussed as well. The meaning «an interethnic consent» as real social practice is also given. The necessity of carrying out science-based policy in the sphere of interethnic relations aimed at strengthening national unity in society is proved. The importance of national unity as a factor of sustainable civilization development of Kazakhstan is approved.

Creation of the OIC became an important step for the formation of foreign policy paradigm of muslim states. All the steps to create the OIC in international relations as the main organization of islamic countries made within the concept of «islamic solidarity». The article examines as historical so political preconditions for the establishment of the OIC, as well as main objectives and reasons that gave rise to organization of muslim states to create the OIC. In this regard, the OIC under the concept of «islamic solidarity» for the right to occupy a central place in the islamic world and it is a key organ of cooperation of the states with a large number of muslim population.

Fairytales are important part of Kazakh mythology alongside «shezhire» which represents different Kazakh genealogies including legends about origins of tribes and lineages narrated about famous persons of different lineages. The author tries to do structural analysis of Kazakh fairytales using methodology of V.Y.Propp and C.Levi-Strauss to do comparative analysis of Kazakh and Russian fairytales. In the present time researches of the Kazakh mythology are one of the important and priority investigations in Kazakhstani human sciences. There are published «shezhire» of different Kazakh lineages, which are started to reconstruct but these researches have spontaneous and mostly have only a descriptive character. The author had done the attempt of theoretical analysis of Kazakh fairytales, which are the part of Kazakh mythology.

Bu çalışmada kriz kavramı ve krizin turizm sektörüne olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Kriz, yönetim hatalarından kaynaklandığı gibi, bazen de yönetimin doğrudan bir hatası olmadan da üstelik çoğu zaman hiçbir uyarıda bulunmadan veya sinsi bir şekilde gelişerek ortaya çıkabilir. Farklı şekillerde ortaya çıkan kriz, bir taraf için tehdit unsuru iken, diğer bir taraf için fırsat sunabilmektedir. Turizmde kriz, bir ülke turizm sektörünün ya da bazı işletmelerin, kontrol edilemeyen doğal afetler, sosyo-ekonomik değişmeler, terör ve çatışma, yanlış politikalar veya yönetim hatalarıyla büyük zararlara uğramasını, hatta iflas tehlikesi ile karşı  karşıya kalmasını ve bu sorunları çözmede yeni bir organizasyon yapısının arayışı içine girmesi durumu olarak tanımlanabilir. Kriz yönetimi ise doğal afet, terör, politik — ekonomik sorunlar gibi yüksek risk içeren ve öngörülmesi neredeyse imkânsız unsurların yok edilmesi, ya da en az hasarla atlatılmasını hedeflemektedir. Kriz dönemlerinde yöneticiler çok hızlı karar vermek zorundadır.

One of the most difficult problems of the Kazakhstan Bronze Age archeology is the reconstruction of the ancient society. The study of the clan as the basis of the social organization of the population is the important part of this problem. In the article the problem is discussed as to the typology of the clan and community, their essential features and evolution during all stages of the Bronze Age in the Kazakhstan region. Succession in the development of these social institutions in the different archaeological cultures is observed. The analysis of the key socially significant archaeological markers was made on the basis of settlements and funerary complexes. The author of the article proves the thesis as to predominantly matriarchal system of the social connections within clan and community of the Kazakhstan Bronze Age. Also the question is raised as to the existence of the special social unit such as clans of professional metallurgists.

Over the past decade, Kazakhstan's public life has undergone great changes in the public consciousness there is a new life, revived the great traditions, reflecting in particular the spiritual world. Since then, Kazakhstan became a sovereign state and Islamic culture has a very important place in public life. In the context of globalization, the establishment of harmonious relations between different nations, ethnic groups and religious confessions, preserving the unity and confrontation expansive external influences, problems of careful attitude to national, ethnic, and human spiritual values are the actual problem, and Islamic culture plays an irreplaceable role in its solution.

In this article it is described the history of political fight among khans of Golden Orda in the first part of XV century. Especially in this time ulus Dzhuchy started to lose its previous power in the territory of Eurasia. It is shown the fight among the pretenders for khan throne and exactly among the khan Ulug-Mukhammad and chingizids came from different uluses of destroyed Golden Orda. There are marked the features of government of last khans of Dzhuchy ulus, their internal and international policies and was directed to force the khan power and government. Ceaseless civil wars, fight for the throne, demographic and economic crisis lead to fail of powerful state.

In the article it is considered the social and political history of the country Great Orda that is the successor of the Gold Orda (ulus of Dzhuchy). Earlier in the Kazakh historiography this problem was not considered enough that is why this theme is actual today. The policy of Great Orda’s khans had a big role in the world policy. Many European governors were trembling at the power of vagrant tribes of Great Orda. For example, Russian princes continued paying contributions to Orda’s khans. Among all the governors of Orda we should mark Akhmet-khan, a politician whose policy was directed to strengthening the country in the second part of XV century and union of all Turkic-Mongolic khanates of the western part of Dzhuchi’s ulus as: Crimean khanate, Syberian khanate, Nogay Orda.

In the article it is analysed the report of governor-general Kolpakovskiy G. about the ways of Christianization of Kazakh nation. His ways suggested at first to Christianizate the poorest groups of Kazakh population by giving them some lands, equipment and money grants. So poor Kazakh had to become the base to diffuse Christianity in steppe and move from the nomadic lifestyle to settled life. But the plans of Kolpakovskiy could not become true and the report left as the office work historical source showing the attempts of colonial apparatus officials to Christianize and assimilate Kazakh nation.

Today the phenomenon of ethnic paradox is widespread all over the world so the problem of repatriations is one of actual. This article focuses on the social and psychological adaptation mechanisms returnees. The concept of psychological adaptation within the theory of acculturation in modern literature is interpreted as result of researches of cultural shock. Cultural shock — an emotional or physical discomfort and disorientation of the individual caused by hitting into a different cultural environment, encountering with a different culture, unfamiliar place. The problem of cultural shock is considered in the context of a so-called curve of process of adaptation. According to this curve G. Triandis identifies five stages in the process of adaptation visitors.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science