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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Role of NGO in formation of the social state

In the modern world non-governmental the organizations (NGO) in the conditions of democratic modes are integrate, a component of the constitutional system, the state and sociopolitical life. Their activity is settled in constitutionally-legal order. As a result of it NGO get the political-legal status allowing them to function in high-grade and carry out the problems assigned them society and state. Thus, NGO develop their activity in sector  of social  services  more  actively and  can  work together  with  state  structures and  local governments.

Participation of citizens in NGO, carrying out the social projects, financed by the budget, promotes  the principle realization of transparency works of state bodies, creates openness and trust atmosphere in society, promotes stability and forms a culture of a civil society.

The non-governmental organization is a concept means independence of the organizations from the state, at least, in ideology sphere. The name is a literal translation from English language (non-governmental organizations). There is no exact definition of NGO till now. According to definition of Department of the public information of the United Nations, «the non-governmental organization (NGO) is any voluntary noncommercial union of citizens (non-for-profit, voluntary group), organized on local, state or international level. the non-governmental organizations which focused on achievement of concrete results and headed people, incorporated by general interests, solve the various problems and carry out many humanitarian functions».

In the domestic scientific and publicistic literature the given type of organizations is called as «the nonstate noncommercial organizations», «not political noncommercial associations», «civil organizations» «public organizations», «voluntary organizations» etc. Also for the characteristic of these associations the term «the third  sector»  (in  comparison  with  the  state  and  commercial  sector)  is   quite  often  used.  Thus  the  term «noncommercial organizations» is fixed in Kazakhstan legislation, and the concept «non-governmental organizations» prevails in the international legal acts.

The term "non-governmental organization" means the absence of official representation of the governments or official bodies. This circumstance distinguishes NGO from other public organizations. First of all, this term is present at the United Nations Charter that gives the right to experts to affirm that the recognition status is concept gets since 1945 when the United Nations Charter has been accepted. In article 71 of the United  Nations Charter the reference to the non-governmental organizations is resulted: "Economic and Social council is authorized to carry out appropriate actions for consultation with the non-governmental organizations interested in questions, entering into its competence. Such actions can be fixed with the international organizations and in case of need with the national organizations after consultation with an interested member of the Organization" [1].

NGO is defined by complex of reasons. The most widespread definition has been developed within the limits of the international research at University of John Hopkins (Baltimore, the USA). It lists 5 the most important reasons of NGO.

The organizations concerned to III sector, are characterized:

  • organizational structure and formal registration;
  • structural independence from the public authorities;
  • non-profitable character (work on public principles);
  • the sovereignty and autonomy (self-controllability);
  • voluntariness of participation [2].

In wide understanding NGO covers very diverse organizations of citizens. They are:

  • funds;
  • public associations and their unions;
  • federations, coalitions of public associations and funds;
  • political parties;
  • the organizations operating on the basis of separate laws, in particular, the hunting clubs (the Hunting Union), League of Defense of the Country, the Red Cross, the Union of Voluntary Fire Service, parental committees and parents advice, public committees (for example, public committees of a construction of roads, water pipes );
  • trade unions;
  • the unions of employers;
  • the self-administrative organizations of various trades (for example, branch chambers, shops, craft chambers), except those that membership is obligatory, as Chamber of Doctors or Lawyer councils;
  • the religious organizations conducting secular activity, including the member organizations (for example, the Catholic action, the Brotherhood of orthodox youth), public religious institutions (e.g. schools, trustee establishments, editions, publishing houses), groups, such as clubs of micro districts, support groups, self-help

And narrow definition NGO means public organizations and funds.

NGO are created by the most active citizens of society and are approached to public interests, more mobile, than enormous structures of the state. Human rights, ecological, female, youth, etc. NGOs solve specific tasks on  socially  significant   problems,   however   each  of  the  organizations   has   things  in  common with  state structures. The age of civil sector of Kazakhstan is about 20 years. This time is when there was a quantitative and qualitative growth of the non-governmental organizations, donor agencies are actively worked (basically – foreign), the legislative base was formed. Currently NGOs have passed some stages of the formation, have saved up a certain experience, both in sphere of the target activity, and in the field of development of a civil society as a whole. Many trainings, seminars, conferences are spent with leaders and participants of NGO, brochures, magazines, books are published.

In the West NGO use four basic sources of means for social projects: own means, budgetary, from business and from the donor organizations. And our country till recently received the means for projects of NGO from the western donor organizations, now the situation changes, the state transfers a number of social functions for performance of NGO. As Kazakhstan researchers mark, questions of interconditionality of  new  social  institutes in the conditions of socially-oriented market relations of social partnership and business  become  more and more actual and pass to a practical decision of specific missions. The social partnership generates special space of trust between people, forms so-called «the social capital» which is a base condition of a stable development of a civil society. Therefore, N. Shahanov considers that non-governmental organizations are one of the central elements of market-oriented models of political modernization of the country that  form a tradition of social business in political space and reduce the level of social adaptation and dependant moods in  a society. The complex approach planned by state structures from practice of command-administration managerial control to market model of development of political space demands serious organizational and constitutional strengthening of non-governmental or "third" sector of Kazakhstan [3].

In this connection in Kazakhstan at the state level the following laws, decisions and the concepts regulating activity NGO have been passed:

1991 – the Law of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic «About Public associations»;

1996 – Law of RК «About Public associations», making active structural and organizational formation of NGO and development of a state policy concerning non-governmental sector;

2001 – Law of RК «About the noncommercial organizations», defined organizational-legal  forms and  kinds of noncommercial legal bodies, their rights and a duty, order of creation, reorganization and the activity termination;

2001 – Governmental order of RК «About the statement of rates of due for the state registration of legal bodies» (changes by Governmental orders of RК №18 on 15.01.03, №221 on 10.03.05 and №1324 on 30.12.04), softened registration conditions to some categories of NGO;

2002 – the Concept of the state support of NGO of RК;

2002 – Governmental order of RК «About the plan of measures on realization of the Program of Government of RK for 2002-2004»;

2003 – the Program of state support NGO for 2003-2005; 2005 – Law of RК «About the state social order»;

2006 – the Concept of development of a civil society in RК for 2006-2001

In Republic Kazakhstan the cooperation of NGO and the authorities has got system character. According to the concept of development of a civil society in RК for 2006-2001, it is possible to allocate following mechanisms of cooperation of state structures and institutes of a civil society:

  • specialized committees at Parliament and Maslikhat;
  • branch systems of cooperation (cooperation in the course of the decision of socially significant problems within the limits of any branch, for example: projects on water use with participation of NGO, the Ministries of Agriculture );
  • participation of NGO in development of new mechanisms of cooperation of a society and the state for the decision of social problems;
  • participation in working out of mechanisms of public control over activity of public authorities of various levels;
  • working out of mechanisms of report model of power structures before the public;
  • direct realization of public control over realization of government programs [4].

Councils of interaction with NGO have been created at Akims, in the ministries of the social block in the country which have received real levers of holding of social policy in partnership with «the third sector». If originally for realization of socially significant projects within the limits of regional programs it has been allocated over 173 million tenge, and in the area of the ministries is about 300 ministries. In 2009 for financing of activity of the non-governmental organizations of Kazakhstan within the limits of the state social order it is allocated by 1 billion tenge.

At present time there is an increase of role NGO in realization of various socially significant programs in the Kazakhstan society, as employment assistance, micro crediting, business development, charity, social support of needing groups of the population, rehabilitation and correctional work to the people  having  physical, and also psychological problems, work with incurably sick people, risk groups (addicts, alcoholics, homeless children), protection of human rights, ecology and others. For example, from the non-governmental organizations of Kazakhstan involved to research with Association of development of a civil society in 2006 which carries out social projects, it has appeared that 19% interrogated protect the rights of invalids, 20% – the rights of women, 27% – the rights of needy and jobless and 34% work in other directions, namely with such categories of the population, as: Nar codependent, the HIV-infected, convicted, migrants, pensioners, consumers, children and youth etc. 93% from total number of respondents carry out the activity directed for protection of the rights of the target group, basically, in the form of information-consulting activity (41%) and carrying out of edvokasi-campaigns (33%). 16% of the interrogated organizations cooperate with trade unions with a view of service of interests, requirements of workers of the enterprises and the organizations [5].

Development of democratic values in Republic Kazakhstan assumes strengthening of institutes of a civil society as one of conditions of development of mutually advantageous cooperation between the non- governmental organizations, business and society. For formation of socially responsible business, charity development as it is necessary for integral part of culture of the Kazakhstan society to unite potential of NGO and business with a view of realization of strategy of social development of Kazakhstan. For this purpose it is important to strengthen a role of civil institutes in a society where it is promoted by activity of a republican Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan. The alliance is presented by business structures and the most successful regional NGO. The civil Alliance of Kazakhstan transforms the formula of partnership "NGO – power" to the formula " NGO – business – power". For today the analysis of interrelation of business, power and non-governmental organizations shows that there are accurate cast in joint actions created between them, and also mutual duties and responsibility for their performance: for the last decades there were «essential changes in quantitative parities between three types of the organizations which were accompanied by great growth of commercial structures, formation of independent non-governmental movements and modification of activity character of  the state organizations [6].

For today there are the non-governmental organizations all over the world. Their basic attributes are independence of the power, democratic principles of construction and accurately certain programs of actions removed from politicians. The main feature of the non-governmental organizations is self-organizing. On the practical level it means that the organization is created at the initiative of separate citizens or group of citizens, instead of the government or state structures.

In spite of the fact that uniform definition was not developed, nevertheless, it is possible to allocate a number of criteria on which accessory NGO is defined. First, such organizations are created not on the basis of the interstate agreement that shows their independence of the states possessing the sovereignty. Secondly, activity of NGO should be noncommercial in character. Thirdly, the organization  shouldn't  use  or propagandize violent methods, thereby the liberation movements which are risen party and other armed groups are excluded from circle NGO. Fourthly, NGO shouldn't take part in the politician for the purpose of power achievement, i.e. political parties and oppositional associations are excluded from NGO.

Thus, the non-governmental organization is any voluntary union of citizens organized at local, state or international level, not having the object power achievement [7].

By its active and purposeful activity the non-governmental organizations not only express public opinion and influence its formation, but also have positive influence to peace development by solving of socially- humanitarian problems, and in certain cases by influencing to internal and foreign policy of the states.

Concluding, we will mark that the solution of a problem of effective NGO cooperation and of states assumes maintenance of a harmonious combination of NGO interests and the authorities, overcoming of a stereotype of domination of the power in relations with civil sector, divisions of responsibility for in common realized social projects. Thus the principles of the partnership must be as leaders based on analytically all-  round, scale understanding of essential problems of the population of region in a context of national, nation- wide problems. There is the domestic model of mutual relation of the state and non-governmental sector in social policy sphere is formed and approved in Kazakhstan. NGO participants became recognized subjects of sociopolitical process, and it has led to increase of their status on a political field of Kazakhstan. Many state structures delegate NGO and a part of the functions connected with social designing. The state social order becomes all extending field of activity of NGO not only in quantitative development of material means, but, first of all – in performance of the unique projects directed on development of the human capital.


  1. United Nations Charter and the Statute of the International court // the Official site of the United Nations //http://www.un.org/russian/document/basicd oc/charter.htm.
  2. osektorze.ngo.pl.
  3. Sahanov SH. Politological analysis of activity of the non-governmental organizations as institute of a civil society in Kazakhstan: Abstract … candidate of political sciencis – Almaty: 2004. – p. 15.
  4. Concept of development of a civil society in the RК 2006-2001 / http://www.goverment/kz.
  5. Potential of interaction of NGO and the states in – Almaty: «Publishing house» LEM2, 2006. – p. 32.
  6. Absaljamova Н., Kazantsev To cooperate for the general purpose / Kazakhstanskay pravda. 2005. 13 September.
  7. Aujelgasina T.K. Besonderheiten der politischen Personlichkeitssozialisation im heutigen Kasachstan // Sozialphilosophische, politische und rechtliche Aspekte der Modernisierung – Berlin. 2012. – S. 95-101.

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