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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

System approach to types and functions of political culture

Political culture takes the special place in the world which is impossible without political and civil life of society, the political relations in the separate states and international scale. Forms, ways and scales of political participation and political behavior of persons, nature of political actions in many respects also depend on level and type of political culture.

Despite the obvious importance of political culture for understanding of the world policy, in scientific literature it yet didn't get due presentation. From the moment of the emergence the policy as one of the main public spheres of life had valuable and standard measurement in which ideas of people of the public benefit, of the most fair society organization were expressed. All arising political institutes, their social mission, forms of interaction of the power and the personality are defined by existing political culture of society.

The political culture includes those elements and phenomenon of public consciousness of one or another country which is connected with social-political institutes and political processes and makes  considerable impact on forms, formation, functioning and development of the state and political institutes, give the direction to political process and political behavior of people. Fundamental values of political culture have primary  value for viability and preservation of continuity, of any social-political system.

It is necessary to tell that the sphere of political culture is political life of society, everything that mentions problems of the power and management, participation of people in policy, and also border areas: interactions  of policy and right, policy and economy, policy and moral. In this regard it is necessary to emphasize fully understand and correctly estimate the political culture, first of all, it is necessary to study types and functions of political culture.

Political culture is difficult and many-sided phenomenon therefore there is the widest range of opinions, positions, definitions, formulations etc. in interpretation as concept «political culture», and its structural components, the contents, types, functions etc.

For reflection of process changing of political culture in the history, specifics of political culture of a certain political community, the concept type of political culture is entered. The type of political culture is the most com-mon features of behavior and political thinking of the people living during one historical time, in one historical environment and possessing the behavior standards, identical reactions to events and political incentives within one or several states. The bases for allocation of such types can be both objective, and subjective factors [1].

It is necessary to tell that there are numerous typology of political culture in a political science. The first deep study of types of political culture was carried out by the American sociologists G.Almond and S.Verba. From 1958 to 1962 they undertook large-scale comparative research of political cultures of Great Britain, the Western Germany, Italy, Mexico and the USA. The results received  during research and the concept  created on their basis was presented in the book «Civil culture». In it three types of political culture were allocated: patriarchal, naturalized and activist.

For patriarchal type of political culture the orientations of citizens to local values are characteristic - a community, a generation, a clan, the village, a tribe etc.. Thus, the individual with patriarchal culture is focused on concrete persons-leaders, shamans. Knowledge of political system at associates completely are absent, political orientations aren't separated from economic and religious. Therefore persons with patriarchal culture have no expectations connected with political system. For example, the patriarchal political culture is characteristic for tribes in Africa which have no specialized political roles where local leaders or shamans have no feelings to the central government, their relation to it isn't defined by any norms. The patriarchal political culture can remain and in industrially developed countries, the outlook of majority of citizens which is limited to commitment to the region, the city etc.

The naturalized type of political culture is a culture of dependence and submission.  The  naturalized political culture is characteristic for societies in which it is known about existence of political institutes, establishments, organizations etc., however, the political power is represented in a look «down from above» of political norms which should be carried out to which should submit of waiting for the benefits or punishment. This political culture takes place in societies with very low level of political activity of citizens. It generally has passive character and the detached relation of the individual to political system. The individual is guided by traditions though it is politically conscious.

The activist type of political culture or political culture of participation differs by active inclusion of individuals in political life. Citizens skillfully articulate the interests and through elections, groups of interests, parties influence to process of development of policy. At the same time they show loyalty to political system, low obedience and respect for the accepted decisions.

However ideal types of political culture don't meet in practice in pure form, they exist and don't force out each other. Therefore, they, according to G.Almond and S.Verbe, in reality are shown in the mixed look. For example, existence in reality of elements of patriarchal and naturalized political cultures causes existence of  patriarchal -naturalized political culture, patriarchal and activist - the patriarchal -activist political culture, naturalized and activist-naturalized-activist political culture.

In Marksist literature, in particular, political culture is subdivided on traditional, class, bourgeois, socialist etc. more often. At the same time there are also other types of political culture in literature: democratic, authoritative, authoritative-patriarchal, totalitarian, and also archaic, elite, representative, political culture of high civilization etc.

Quite widespread types of political culture are authoritative, totalitarian and mass political culture. Having distinctions, authoritative and totalitarian political cultures at the same time have much in common. Therefore they are characterized in literature together. For authoritative and totalitarian political cultures the domination  in public consciousness of representations, ideas, beliefs in special talents of ruling leaders, groups of persons etc., existence of the monoideology being more often the state, on the one hand, is characteristic. On the other hand, such political cultures are characterized by prevalence in political behavior of people and their various community of submission to the dominating leader, group of persons, party etc. For such political cultures at the same time the submission of material, intellectual and other resources of achievement of one purpose, standardization of the relations and actions, personality dissolution in crowd etc. is typical.

The mass political culture in the most general view means production of the cultural values, calculated on mass consumption. At the same time the mass political culture is a set of estimates, values, examples of behavior etc., the people calculated on transformation into passive contemplators of political reality and the consumers who are illegibly realizing ideological "recipes", made for them under market laws. Mass political culture is considered as an antipode of elite political culture, typically for the exclusive sectors of society. Actually these cultures have much in common. Representations of these political cultures, as a rule, in a wrong way reflect reality. Both these political cultures are directly connected with ideas of consumerism, are inseparable from fashion and advertising.

For originally democratic political culture providing and respect of the rights and freedoms of the person, real participation of the people in management of state and public affairs, the statement of original democracy is typical.

On the prevailing mechanism of reproduction of political life it is necessary to allocate the market and statistic (state -bureaucratic) political culture.

The market type of political culture is under construction that the policy is a version of business, the politician is a businessman, whose purpose consists in achievement of the greatest benefit, political decisions are the result of commercial transaction between interested sides, political problems are considered through a prism of the relations of purchase and sale, and all political life is based on system of the mutual obligations rooting in personal interests which are realized through political parties or groups of pressure. The relation to a role of the state is described by a formula: «The best government is that one which governs as little as possible». Owing to this the characteristic features of market political culture are strong orientation to competitive fight and strongly pronounced individualism.

Within statistic political culture the leading role in the organization of political life and definition of conditions of participation in it of individuals and groups is allocated for the state institutes, i.e. the solution of all political problems contacts first of all state activity. It leads to aspiration to establish control and over competitive fight and whenever possible to limit it, to minimize political conflicts, establishing a priority of the state interests over interests of the individual or group. The policy as a whole is considered as a form of activity of the state in searching «good society», which purpose is social justice. The statistic type of political culture is typical, for example, for Sweden and Germany.

Owing to geographical position, historical development, under the influence of important political events  the peculiar features inherent to political culture of only this region or the separate country are formed. For the American political culture characteristic features, for example, are accurate focus of political actions, their secular character, pragmatism of participants of political activity, stable conditions of the competition. In Japanese political culture the combination of traditional valuable reference points with liberal and democratic standards of behavior now is observed. The Russian political culture differs with prevalence of manifestations of political activity through collective organizational bodies, political radicalism.

It is necessary to tell that the political culture of the country or society can't be absolutely homogeneous. A variety of interests of various communities generates models of political culture differing from each other – subcultures which exist in all countries. Subcultures are political cultures of separate social stratums, groups, political representations, purposes, ideas, values and behavior which considerably differ from dominating in society. At the same time, each political subculture includes that general that characterizes political culture of society as a whole, and that specific that distinguishes this subculture.

So, for example, the political subculture of the population of the large cities differs from subculture of country people. By considerable specifics the youth political subculture differs. For youth prevalence of such values in its consciousness, as communication possibility, quality of life and other values is typical.

It is necessary to tell that among the most significant in political science the following types of political subcultures are allocated: regional, socio-economical, ethno linguistic, religious, age [2].

Regional political subcultures are caused by distinctions between separate regions of the country. On political culture of the region essential influence is rendered by such factors, as climate, existence of certain natural resources, economic specialization of this region, its place in the general system of labor division. It generates the economic distinctions influencing the way of people life, the general level of culture and on their political and cultural level.

Social-economical political subcultures are caused by existence in the society of various groups – social stra-tums, the classes having the various economic status and distinctions in a way of life, in the interests playing espe-cially important role in political life. For an enterprise stratum, for example, the most actual political values are economic freedom, stability, control of the state from the side of civil society, participation in decision-making.

Ethno linguistic political subcultures are connected with language, ethnic features of the relevant social groups. On political culture of these groups defining influence is rendered by such factors, as ethnic consciousness and features of national character. Political values, preferences and purposes are secondary in attitude to ethnic factors.

Religious political subcultures arise when the religion acts as the basic penetrating element of the general culture of certain group of people.

Age political subcultures reflect various systems of political values in representatives of different generations. Generally this subculture exists in politically mature societies. The senior generations, which political culture it developed in the conditions of the obsolete political reality, have political views, distinct from system of political purposes of the youth which has not been burdened by practice of old political regime. Age differences have rather smaller impact on political culture of people in stable systems.

It is necessary to tell that value of political culture for society and political system is shown through its functions too. They may be the main and auxiliary, the general and concrete, characterize political activity of individuals and public educations. There are the following functions of political culture in scientific literature: cognitive, socialized, axiological, integrative, communicative, normative, regulatory, educational and others.

Cognitive function of political culture covers all set of the political knowledge focused on carriers of political culture. Cognitive function of political culture promotes understanding of sense of the political phenomenon, understanding of possibilities and limits of political actions, extent of realization of rights and freedoms, policy role in society life, to comparison with other political systems. Within a certain political culture there is a process of creative processing of political knowledge and their accumulation, necessary for practical activities.

Socialized function of political culture forms certain political qualities, ways of behavior, skills for adaptation in this political system and for upholding of the interests in existing system of distribution of imperious powers. Socialized function of political culture is realized through such social institutes, as family, state, political parties, mass media, school, church, mosque, army, etc.

Axiological function of political culture is connected with valuable orientations of people in difficult political reality. By means of the acquired political culture there is an assessment of political situation and conditions of political life, choice of model of political behavior. Certainly, it is necessary to mean that during the different historical periods, various individuals, social groups can have ideas about political values. In borders of this direction it is possible to mark the orientation function characterizing aspiration of the person to choose the corresponding values as an ideal and real means in implementation of the rights and duties, and the motivational function opening the meaning of these or those values for political behavior of the personality.

Integrative function of political culture provides possibility of achievement of consent between various political groups and maintenance of stability of system, focusing on certain way of expression and regulation  of political contradictions. In integrative function of political culture there is a reflection and fixing community of social experience and historical destiny. The political culture promotes to increase the  effective management.

Communicative function of political culture allows to establish connection between participants of political process, and also to transfer elements of political culture from generation to generation and to accumulate political experience.

Normative function of political culture regulates political behavior on the basis of the accepted  values, rules, ways of the political behavior which most part is supplemented with legal fixing of norms in the legislation and the country Constitution.

Regulatory function of political culture consists in formation and fixing in public consciousness of  necessary political values, purposes, motives and norms of behavior. In this process the special role is played by style of the political thinking, steady traditions and views, the most significant political ideologies widespread in society etc.

Educational function of political culture is put in the nature of political culture and reflects its humanistic orientation. The person, having last political experience, modern knowledge in the course of thinking and practical activities, develops skills of their rational using which constantly improves in communication with other people. Thereby he brings up himself as the high-grade subject of policy and influences of others education. Educational value of political culture is shown in unification and converting functions. The first reflects the general, in some extent identical political parameters, the standards necessary for the person for equal participation with others in political life, and the second characterizes creative, changeable potential of the political phenomenon and sphere as a whole which, on the one hand, causes necessity of self-improvement of participants of political activity, and with another – aims them at converting activity for improvement of conditions of implementation of the political rights, ambitions.

It is necessary to tell that functions of political culture have objective character, they take shape during historical development of public systems. However functions, their set in concrete political system can change: under various historical circumstances one functions can disappear, others can appear. All this testifies as complexity of theoretical and practical problems connected with the analysis of function of political culture, and about importance of formation and development of political culture in society life.

Political culture is a product of natural-historical development [3]. Thus a big role in formation of political culture of each country plays such factors, as its geopolitical situation; social and political structure of society; character of the public relations; political traditions; features of national culture and national psychology etc. Therefore, condition of formation of political culture of people is their inclusiveness in political process, interaction with political reality.

In modern conditions the most important ways of formation of political culture are: purposeful, spiritual - ideological, educational activity of the state, political parties, churches, mosques, mass media, political organizations and movements; spontaneous influence at level of ordinary consciousness in the middle  of friends, family, labor collective etc.; involvement of citizens in practice of political life of society. All this not only forms political culture, but also participates in process of its introduction in consciousness of citizens, i.e. in the process of political socialization.

In the conclusion, it is necessary to make conclusion that the political culture is a very difficult and multilayer phenomenon. The political culture is a system of historically developed, rather steady values, purposes, belief, representations, the models of behavior shown in direct activity of subjects  of  political process and providing reproduction of political life of society on the basis of continuity. The political culture of the people makes deep impact on a society condition, its development, stability of system of  the  social relations. It stimulates social, political and labor activity of people, developments of personal civil position. Each social order is interested in formation and development of high political culture of the people corresponding to it. This task is today one of the major for the Kazakhstan society too.



  1. Сидаренко А.П. Политическая культура и ее проблемы. – М., 2010. – С. 35-36.
  2. Александров И.И. Политическая культура на современном этапе. – СПб., 2011. – С.
  3. Ширяев С.Н. Культура и общество. – Казань, 2007. – С.

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