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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Some aspects of personal fulfillment in adulthood 

The article deals with the problem of self-realization of a mature-aged people, which is the most important and urgent in view of the fact that it is in the maturity period, substantial transformation of personal space, most clearly expressed in self-concept, there is a restructuring and rethinking the system of personal, professional, social, meaningful relationship. This issue has important social significance, as self-realization determines the productive orientation of the individual, is the basic determinant of social creativity, and therefore the development of society. Аdulthood period is considered as the most socially active and productive human activity period where people most fully included in the life of society, therefore their characteristics in relation to self-actualization are important for the state of society. 

In recent years, the economic and political stabilization of Kazakh society gradually replenished the «gap» in the area of motivation. Priority in work motivation at the modern stage takes commitment in professional development and professional advancement. There is a huge demand for highly skilled, socially active people who are initiative, have got organize nature and creative opportunities.

In the «Development strategy of Kazakhstan till 2030» had been noted that the leading factor in economic and social breakthrough in the coming century is «people themselves, their will, energy, perseverance, and striving to development».

Concepts of professional advancement and improvement are associated with concepts as «selfactualization» and «self-realization» of personality. First of all it explained the fact that self-actualization is viewed in psychology as a Necessary condition in the development of the individual and progressive development of society as a whole. Self-realization is a necessary attribute of vital function. Interest to this topic has been increasing, but this phenomenon remains largely unrevealed.

The problem of self-realization in adulthood is the most important and significant in the view of fact that in adulthood happens substantial transformation of personal space, most clearly expressed in selfconcept. Re-thinking and restructuring of personal, professional, social and meaningful relationships that are intrinsic occur in that particular age group.

Adulthood is the longest and least studied phase of the life cycle. The border of adulthood in developmental psychology vary and are «fuzzy». If you use periodization by L.S. Vygotsky and D.B. Elkonin, based on three interrelated criteria (social situation of development, leading activity and central age neoplasm), the mature age will be determined within the limits of 30 and 60 years.

The mature age is the central stage of the course in the life of the personality. As pointed by Vygotsky, the criteria of socially mature person can be:

  • The ability of constructive solvation in one's problems of life;
  • Effective use of one's knowledge and abilities;
  • Adequate perception of the world around and oneself in

Maturity is a period called the most striking manifestation of all human qualities. At this time, a person can discover their abilities, to realize the opportunities in blossoming of his individuality. It is the formation in his professional plan, he moves to a new level of communication with people realizes itself in the role of wife (or husband) and parent.

Self-realization, self-development, self-actualization, as well as other «self», there are facts that appear real and widespread. In psychology are fixed and they are described, but not adequately explained. The fact is that the «self» implies something coming from inside, something self-causality, and controlled from within impelled. But the mind does not own will, it connects the needs, opportunities, aspirations, desire, the desire of man to the fact that the external acts as the conditions for their implementation.

The phenomenon of self-realization has many aspects of research, both theoretical and practical plans. In modern psychology, notions of self-realization are considered in the context of philosophical, sociological and psychological approaches.

The scientists are attracted by the ideological nature of self-realization in the first approach, cultural models of the life and the life prospects of the individual. The main part of the issues relates to selfrealization within the second approach relates to life-purpose and valuable orientations, their dynamics and the development of self-consciousness. Within the framework of scientific and theoretical knowledge the problem of self-realization has been long considered as purely psychological problem.

In psychological science the most famous conceptions of self-realization are by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Also, we can mention works of Russian and Western psychologists as A. Adler, K. Levin, G.B.   Ollport,   X.A.   Abulkhanova-Clavskaya,   A.V.   Petrovsky, V.A.     Petrovsky,  S.L.   Rubinstein, G.I. Chudnovsky, V.A.Yadov, etc.

At the present stage problem of self-realization is in the center of scientific interest of N.K. Baklanova, Yu.A. Boguslavsky V.E. Klochko, L.G. Brylev, V. Govorukhin, A.N. Ephraim, R.A. Zobov, A.A. Idinov,

A.K. Isaev, N.E. Kravchenko, V.N. Kelasiev, D.A. Leontiev, I.V. Morozov, L.V. Ryabova, G.K. Cherniavskaya, E.I. Yaroslavtseva, etc.

Among scientists of Kazakhstan axiological problematics of self-realization is investigated by A.K. Abisheva,     B.A. Adilkhanov,     O.V. Kayrambaev,     X. Kurbanov,    V.D. Kurgan,     N.N. Musaliev, K.J. Nugmanova, etc.

The problem of self-realization is considered in the writings of many researchers In Western psychology. For example, A. Adler’s concept of «self-realization» is used in his works. According to it, people primarily seek to excellence, as a fundamental law of human life. Adler understood meliority as achievement of the highest possibility. Such desire is innate, because it is life itself. According to Adler, the man himself creates his own personality. With creative I, he puts before himself the goal and identifies the ways to achieve it. However, the goal is subjective, it exists «here and now» and can be unobtainable fiction. Nevertheless the goal, is a real incentive. Through creative I is interpreted experience of the organism and, above all, seek out experience in the realization of life-style that is unique to humans [1; 118].

The representation of self-realization is contained in the works of Erich Fromm. First of all, a true human orientation Fromm understands commitment to being as a productive use of their abilities in unity with the world.

According to him, self-realization is inherent in every person and assumes productive activity. «Understanding human soul must be based on the analysis of human needs, growing out of the conditions in existence» [2; 31]. Such needs E. Fromm calls the need of communication establishment, the need for transcendence, the need for roots, the need for identity, the need for a system of orientation.

Thus, self-realization, by Fromm, as well as by Adler, has a social deterministic disposition. An essential attribute of self-realization, by Erich Fromm — is «productive self-realization», suggests «to be» in place of «to seem» and «to have» («to possess»). This is coincide with the views of Maslow that the tendency to self-actualization assumes leadership B-values (existential values metaneeds).

This position is close to Adler’s views that a man strives for a meliority as an achievement of the highest possibility. According to Maslow, it is the highest levels of needs: the need for self-esteem, the need to achieve higher meta values (Truth, goodness, justice, beauty, etc.), as self-actualization — i.e. realization of man's desire to be, as what he can become — to reach the top of the potential.

According to Maslow, self-actualization — it is a man’s desire to be who can become, that is to reach the top of their potential. Self-actualization must not necessarily to take the form of creative effort, expressed in the creation of art works. Self-actualization it is a high level of the hierarchy of human needs. All people need in internal perfection and are constantly searching for it. Some people do not aspire to self-realization because they can not see their potential, they are simply not aware of its existence or do not see the benefit of self-actualization. Maybe social and cultural environment suppresses the tendency of self-actualization [3; 196].

In such a way, the idea of self-realization in foreign psychological theories of (A. Adler, Carl Rogers, Erich Fromm, K. Goldstein, Maslow), in a greater degree serve a descriptive (phenomenological) the nature and are based on a humanistic approach. They are based on philosophical conceptions about self-realization and do not represent the actual essence of psychological understanding of self-realization characteristic for level of modern psychological science. There is no psychological categorical constructions, because the task was not to create of theoretical and methodological developments. It is peculiar to all of them Understanding of self-realization (self-actualization) as congenital property of the human.

Sources of ideas about self-realization in the psychological theories of the Soviet era can be seen starting from introduction of the concept of «personality» and studying of the driving forces behind its development, and also with attempts to answer on associated with this concept of key issues. V.M. Bekhterev during the formation of psychology as a science is also approached to the study of personality, the conditions of development and health, disagreeing with her understanding of the study subjective aspect as a passive side. In his work «Consciousness and its borders», published in 1888, Bekhterev regards the mutual relations of conscious and unconscious realms. Considering the immortality of the human personality as a scientific problem, V.M. Bekhterev probably believed that it's the highest degree of self-realization [4; 116].

The notion about self-realization as realization of man of his capacity is not directly considered, but surreptitiously there was in the psychological literature for a long time. On the concept of human potential accessed V.N Myasischev, B.G. Ananiev, B.F. Lomov. Stressing the of key importance concept of the potential, V.N. Myasischev noted that the core of personality is a system of human relations to the world and himself. Conception of Myasischev was based on beliefs about the psychological reality of student

V.M. Behterev — A.F. Lazurskii. B.G. Ananiev, following the tradition of V.M. Bekhterev and developing an integrated system approach to man singled hierarchical, superordinate levels of mental organization of the person (individual, personality, individuality). The concept of the potential, Ananev included the human development as individuals and as a subject of activity, noting that in the relationships of features related to the natural properties of the individual's personality develops individuality («depth» personality) [5; 317].

Self-realization — adequate for a person endowed with consciousness, a way of self-development is a sign of the inherent nature of the whole, not just human nature.

Almost it is widely believed that the self-realization of personality most clearly represented by its ability to be creative. DA Leontiev understand creative self-realization, the pursuit of her as one of the driving forces behind the development of personality, encourage and guide its activities. So he connects selfchallenge with questions about the origin, nature and character of the creative powers of man.

D.A. Leontiev identifies three levels of analysis problems of self-realization. The most common philosophical level one on which addressed questions about the nature of man, the essence of the process of selfrealization. On the sociological level are solved questions about ways and means of self-realization in specific socio-cultural conditions of its existence. The object of consideration here is the society, the specific social structure. On a psychological level analyzes personal qualities and specific environmental conditions that allow this person productively to realize him. It examines the motivational basis of self-realization, the inverse effect of objective and subjective of efficacy self-realization on the identity and activity of the subject, thereby raises the problems of self-esteem, level of aspiration, psychological age, etc. [6; 85].

When considering self-realization in Soviet psychology have focused on life's journey, choices of the meaning of life, life-creation and destiny, spatio-temporal models of life's journey, shown in a cultural aspect, using the principle of heterochrony in the ontogeny of human functions.

L.S. Vygotsky, for the first time in domestic psychology put a sense problem, he noted existence of dynamic semantic systems. A.N. Leontiev developed the concept of meaning with respect to activities (life's meaning) and for the individual (personal meaning) materialize in such a manner, transfer problem of the meaning from the plane of consciousness in the plane of real life relationships of the subject and its activities. A.N. Leontiev developed the concept of meaning with respect to activities ( meaning life ) and for the individual (personal meaning) network, so the transfer problem of the meaning of the plane of consciousness in the plane of real-life relationship of the subject and its activities. Drawing attention to the coherence and sense motive, A.N. Leontiev introduced the concept of the semantic motif , calling such motives motivations to work and giving it personal meaning. Subsequently B.A. Sosnowski studied motivational sense of education, their place and role in the psychological structure of the personality and activities. 

In such a way, the motivational aspect of meaning, because of significant importance, should be taken into account when considering the concepts of self-realization.

In modern psychology, the concept of self-realization is considered in the certain way. Self-realization, according by L.A. Korostelyova is implementing development opportunities «I» through our own efforts, cocreation, co-activity with other people (near and far surroundings), society and the world. The process of self-realization is the innate human potential. Similar to the concept of «self-realization» is the concept of «self-actualization», «self-realization» and «implementation of its features». Theoretical and methodological basis of research of psychological problems of self-identity is a basic psychological concepts of the regulatory role of consciousness in human activity. Activities serves as the main conditions for selfrealization of the individual. Motive provides an incentive, a guide, are significant and catalytic function. There are two types of motivation: external and internal. Extrinsic motivation is accompanied by an external locus of causality, that is, the causes that determine human behavior, are considered as being outside it. Man attaches importance to the objective conditions, explaining, on the basis of them, their behavior, especially self-actualization, is repelled by external causes [7; 15].

V.E. Klochko defines self-actualization as a property of systems, rather than their individual components (psyche, personality, activity). Self-realization in general is property of the system, and not only of the internal, not having the opportunity to assess where, when and how exactly can be made self-realization, or of only one external, which in theory which reduces the mental to the reflection, understood as the reason in relation to the internal which, in this case only acts as a condition by which the external causes implement itself [8; 161].

S.I. Kudinov research polysystemic model offers personal fulfillment. The basis of this model provides a systematic approach. Gives a review of self-realization in terms of conditions, forms and types. Among the conditions that promote self-actualization, according to the author, should be considered psycho-ecological, physiological, psychological, educational and social [9; 39].

Form of self-realization can be external — aimed at individual expression in different spheres (profession, art, sports, arts, academic, political and social activities) or internal, which provides self-improvement in human physical, intellectual, aesthetic, moral and spiritual aspects.

Among the types of self-realization S.I. Kudinov allocates activity (self-expression in a variety of activities, including professional), social (related to socially useful activity), personal (promotes spiritual growth and development of personal potential).

The proposed approach allows us not only to present the self-realization as psychological education, but also to reveal the various inter-level communication.

Most clearly manifested in the process of self-realization of adulthood. It is closely related to social challenges facing the person at this time. According to some researchers, B.G. Anan'ev, K.A. Abul'hanovaSlavskaya, A.A. Bodalev, L.S. Vygotskiy, D.I. Fel'dshtein and others for mature social objectives are:

  • the achievement of a mature civil and social responsibility;
  • achieving and maintaining a purposeful living standards;
  • satisfying the selection of leisure activities;
  • to help children become responsible and happy adults;
  • strengthening of the personality aspect of the marital relationship;
  • adoption of the physiological changes of midlife and adaptation;
  • a device to interact with aging parents [10; 33].

In the context of addressing these social problems may be self-realization of human adulthood. Sequence subjective importance of solving various social problems, as well as the possible presence of unique, individual tasks determines the direction — vectors self in adulthood. Personal fulfillment comes through personality life choices, her self-determination.

Self-actualization adulthood — a complex psychological phenomenon, which is a purposeful process and the result of positive changes in the value-semantic sphere of the individual, and depends on the positive dynamics of the relationship of women to himself, to his family, to others, to the profession and the world as a whole.

At maturity the fore the need for the realization of their potential, in the accomplishment of their vocation, that is self-actualization. During this period, people are more fully included in the life of society, therefore their characteristics in relation to self-actualization are important for the state of society. 

Updating the society directly depends on the creative possibilities of the individual, his samostoyatelnosti, initiative, entrepreneurial spirit, the ability to manage their zhiznyu. changes taking place in society place high demands on these qualities of the person, so it is now to the fore the problem of optimization of all means of personality development.

K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya introduced the concept of life strategy (trajectory close to the concept of life), which describes the features of self-realization in adulthood. Formation of life strategy assumes that each person builds his life on their own. The strategy has three main features: the choice of the main destinations for human, way of life (the definition of its main goals, steps to achieve them); resolution contradictions of life, achieve their life plans and goals, creativity, creation of values of his life [11; 71]

Highlighting signs of life strategy of the person, the researcher identified the key points of the mechanism of self-realization of the individual. First, this process can only occur when an individual chooses the main directions of the self, thereby forming a personal lifestyle. Secondly, to resolve the contradictions of life Self-determination is required, which involves adequate consideration as external to human conditions for solving problems and bringing them into line with domestic needs of the individual. Third, this may not only «appropriation» internalization regulatory prescribed previously known, but also the creation of new priorities in life, the search for new life goals and meanings.

According to K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, there is no criteria and standards by which to assess a person's life from the outside. Nevertheless, he has the unmistakable evaluation criterion satisfaction or dissatisfaction with life. According to the scientist, life satisfaction «it's difficult, but always a generalized feeling of implemented or not, successful or unsuccessful life». Its difficulty lies in the fact that, facing the frustration of something, man consoles himself other achievements. Satisfaction reflects the sense of loyalty, truth of his life.

Personal development in the mature (employability) age occurs in employment, which is a big part of adult life. Professionalization involves not only the proper functioning within certain performance requirements, not only continuous learning of the profession, but at the same time and the need for personal development and fulfillment.

In this connection, V.V. Panteleeva and E.O. Tamm noted two aspects of the problem. On the one hand, for the actualization and realization of higher potentials of personality needed «good condition». Such conditions can create an employer through the organization of work and enabling the successful implementation of employee career plans. It should be noted that the severity of the motive of self-realization is associated with job satisfaction in general and on parameters such as type of work satisfaction, the organization of labor, hygienic conditions, wages, administration attitude toward work, leisure and domestic workers, relationship with colleagues.

The presence or absence of external conditions for professional growth and self-realization does not play a leading role. Many people are not looking for such conditions as may be worked all his life in a position that does not require self-realization. Higher levels of motivation structure of personality they are involved in a minor degree, and are actual need to be protected in a stable condition and the need for communication and involvement in the group. This fact is partly explained by the fact that one of the main obstacles to self-actualization is a strong negative impact that the need for security. Growth process requires a constant willingness to take risks, make mistakes, to abandon old habits. Therefore, anything that increases the fear and anxiety of man, and also increases the desire to seek safety and protection. Implementation of the same needs for self-actualization requires openness to new ideas and experiences.

The authors also note that there is another category of workers who are seeking to implement yourself to grow. They find the possibility of building of one's career in the structures do not always give the desired level of protection and do not always satisfy the need for respect and recognition. But it is in their desire for self, accomplishments, willingness to take risks and excessive activity are not uncommon. In such a way, the obvious importance of the process of selfdetermination is also an internal need of the personality [11].

In such a way, on the basis of theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific data on the problem of the study, the following conclusions. Self-realization is the implementation of development opportunities I have through our own efforts, so-activity, co-creation with other people, society and the world at large. True selfrealization is possible in the case of internal motivation, means freedom of choice and self-realization ways. Providing self-motivation in the system is determined by health need and the image, the recognition of the need, and it also has a secondary dependence on the needs of self-affirmation, of the body of culture, education and public recognition. 

Self-realization involves balanced and harmonious development of various aspects of the personality by applying adequate efforts to disclosure of genetic, no individual and personal capacities. Self-realization in middle-aged people through their professional, creative activities, personal growth, namely through the selection of socially useful activity in which they can realize their full potential. In the arsenal of methods to promote self-actualization can include improving the sociopsychological competence through seminars on psychology, assistance in self-knowledge through the application of methods of psycho-diagnostics, encouraging professional growth, selfcorrection and psychological assistance in adaptation, conducting appraisals of employees, advising on career building (development and other related disciplines, new technologies, etc.), the skills of self-organization and self-regulation, the use of methods of psychological and special education, to harmonize individual and overcoming barriers to personal development. 



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  12. Asmolov A.G. Personality Psychology: cultural and historical understanding of human development, Мoscow: Akademiya, 2007, 225 

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