
In article advocateship is a voluntary professional organization of the citizens who are carrying out protection on pretrial investigation, inquiry, in criminal court judge in an order established by law, besides, carrying out representation of interests of claimants and respondents in civil cases were given. Advocateship is a public self-coping organization urged to provide a legal assistance to the population and organizations by consultation on legal questions, any drawing up documents and official papers on the basis of law.

This article is devoted to the problems of legal regulation of GMOs introduction. The study lies in comprehensive research of modern ecological and legal problems on the basis of analyzing international, foreign and national legislation in the field of legal regulation of GMOs and use of chemicals in agricultural production. In this regard, proposals to improve and fill gaps in the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan are worked out.

Some peculiarities of the transferring rights according to bill of exchange are considered in the article. There are also some controversial issues in bill of exchange circulation dealing with legal effect, arising the transfer rights on bill of exchange in accordance with volume and content of transferring rights, committing by different types of endorsement, considered by the legislation on bill of exchange. Also in the article attention is paid to the issues dealing with the parties’ responsibility of bill of exchange liability.

This article examines the legal regulation of the Kazakhs return to their historic homeland. It is concluded that the main cause of immigration policy is the demographic situation. The problems arising from the adaptation of repatriates in the host community. Proved that the resettlement of ethnic Kazakhs from abroad to the Republic of Kazakhstanis a complex process. This process requires a balanced approach. It must take into account the financial and economic capabilities and interests of the republic, as well as international law. system of migration laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan is investigated. It is proved that the qualitative improvement of the legal framework is necessity for the successful implementation of the repatriation program.

In this article, the author describes the main stages of development of insurance legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was stated that in ancient Rome laid the foundation of the insurance mechanism. Formation of the insurance legislation in the territory of present­day Kazakhstan has its origins in the Soviet period. Together with the stages of development of domestic insurance, described some features of the development of insur­ ance activities in foreign countries. We used the works of local authors as Mynbaeva NB, and the authors of the Russian Federation and the Far East.

This article is devoted to questions of legal regulation of joint property of spouses. Currently, Kazakhstan has expanded the scope of property rela­ tions , especially in the transfer of rights to immovable property. Joint prop­ erty of the spouses is any acquired by them during the marriage movable and immovable property. In connection with the mandatory registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with it in practice, registra­ tion authorities, the question arose about the order of registration of the right of joint ownership of the spouses. The article describes the procedure of registration of rights, if the immovable property acquired in the name of one of the  spouses.

In this Article its authors claim that the notion of a corporate law does not represent a purely new concept for Kazakhstani legal system and they highlight main stages which modern corporate legislation in Kazakhstan underwent through the Soviet­time period until today. Their view con­ cerning the essence of so called corporate relations and their nature as primarily private­law relations is offered. The authors also make their pro­ posals in connection with the most urgent aspects where current corporate legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan calls for improvement and further development. Special attention is paid to the idea of  an  enterprenearial code for Kazakhstan (which the authors do not agree with) and importance of drafting Principles of Civil Legislation for the EAEC for development of Kazakhstani  corporate  law.

In this paper, the author discussed the principles of insurance law, which are the basis to conduct insurance business in the Republic of Ka­ zakhstan. Disclosed the principles of protection of property, the accumula­ tion of public finances, reducing the risk of unexpected losses. There was also a system of principles of insurance activity. We used the works of for­ eign authors: Baysalov SB, DL Baideldinov As scientific works of scientists of the Russian Federation: Krokhina Y.A., Alekseev S.S., Smirnov M.B., Denisova I.P., Shikhov A.K. 

The aim of the articles is to study theoretical and practical aspects in improving legal culture of judges in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Particular attention is given to the aspects of the legal mentality and establishment of the professional legal awareness of judges. In this article influence of globalization on development of legal culture of Kazakhstan society opens up also. Methods of research: historical, comparative­law, structural­func­ tional,  logical, technical. 

This article examines the situation when the government of the UK de­ lays the adoption of the CISG. Furthermore, some economically strong or­ ganizations are against implementation of the CISG. Moreover, businesses do not support ratification. However, English law could not ignore the CISG, as it was ratified by a large number of states. Non­ratification of the Convention might be un­ fortunate to English law, asforeign traders would practice solving problems under the CISG. It was justified that the CISG could not regulate some areas and, there­ fore it might be pointless to implement such Convention. Furthermore, the current legal system was developing for decades and regulates most of the issues of the English trade and any changes to the system might bring unpredictable consequences. Moreover, ratification of the CISG could not support uniformity. Finally, the CISG has regulations, which are foreign to common law.

The significance of delocalisation theory in international commercial arbitration is of paramount and copious importance. ‘Delocalisation’ refers to the possibility that an award may be accepted by the legal order of an enforcement jurisdiction whether or not the legal order of its country of origin has also embraced it. The parties are not only free to choose the applicable procedural and substantive law in international arbitration, but also they can detach the arbitration from the national law, and lodge it to international  law  so  as  to  be  «a­national»,  «supra­national», «detached», «stateless», «transnational», or «floating» arbitration. 

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International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

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