Статьи, город Karaganda

In this article considered a calm and a peaceful attitude to a life, a death and an immortality, a pursuit to an enlightenment and a deliverance from evil. The life and the death are the eternal themes that exist in spiritual culture of the humanity. Prophets and founders of religions, philosophers and moralists, art and literature figures, pedagogues and medical worker think about these problems. People try to understand the mystery existence of human and to solve such eternal issues as «What is the life? How can we prolong our lives? What is the death? What will happen after death? Can the human avoid the death and achieve the immortality? What is the reigning power in our world: the life or the death?» The death and the potential immortality are the most interesting problems that attract the philosophers, because our everyday life needs to be connected with an immortal life. The human has to think about the death and these thoughts distinguish him from animal, what is mortal but it doesn’t realize it.

In this scientific article the problem of influence of information space on socialization of youth is considered. The comparative analysis of various researches devoted to this area of knowledge is carried out. Skills of possession and use of modern means of communication and technologies in many respects determine the speed and opportunity to achieve a goal to the modern young man. Information space and «gadgets» promote successful adaptation and comfortable existence in all fields of activity. The world wide web and technologization of the majority of spheres of activity do especially important studying of influence of virtual reality on process of socialization of youth. Interaction with information which isn't relating to policy promotes development in youth of the specific knowledge and skills necessary for participation in collective actions. 

This article considers some aspects of cooperation between Kazakhstan and UNESCO in the field of culture, education, science and information. The article also analyzes the activity of Kazakhstan on the implementation of the provisions of international conventions in the above areas, such as the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage, ratified by Kazakhstan in 2003. The authors assess the work of UNESCO in all fields and projects that are implemented in Kazakhstan.

In the article it is considered the functioning of Steppe region’s governmental police officials in the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries. There are considered new archive data for officials of police apparatus of district and regional centers of Steppe general governorship. According to the Steppe’s regulations of 1891 police power were concentrated at the district heads, their assistants, grabs and other officials of colonial power apparatus. On the whole, evolution of administrative government in Kazakh steppe mostly depended on the officials of military and police departments, the central role of which was acted by district heads and their assistants who had both police and civil functions. The purpose of the article is to show the peculiarity of Steppe region’s police apparatus officials functioning during the studied period. 

In this article the relation of the cognitive style of «tolerance-intolerance to an unrealistic experience», motivation and self-regulation of cognitive activity of first-year students is considered. Relevance of research is proved. The understanding of motivation and self-control of educational cognitive activity, and also cognitive style in foreign and domestic psychology is presented. The general characteristic of the studied cognitive style is given. The role of cognitive style in educational cognitive activity of students is shown. The ratio of various levels of motivation, self-control and indicators of tolerance-intolerance of students to unreal experience is revealed. 

One of the central problems of modern society, which is associated with the manifestations of religious fanaticism, is considered in the article. The questionnaire, consisting of 15 questions related to the relationship of students to the manifestation of religious fanaticism was carried out. The results of research show that the relationship of the respondents to this phenomenon, regardless of religion, in general, adverse and negative. Majority of the subjects believe that the most effective way to deal with religious fanaticism is with the help of social and public institutions engaged in the study of the problem of religious fanaticism, and the main cause of manifestation of religious fanaticism is a psychological problem that exists in our society. 

The problem of motivation of educational activity is one of the basic problems in psychology of training. Motives — an obligatory component of any activity. The educational motivation is defined as a private type of the motivation included into activity of studying, educational activity. The educational motivation is defined by a number of factors: educational system, educational institution where educational activity is carried out; organization of educational process; trainee’s subject features (age, sex, intellectual development, abilities, level of claims, a self-assessment) and etc. Qualitative features of development of the motivational sphere of the identity of the student depend on identification of an image I, an image of the world, an image of future professional activity, a self-assessment and a reflection. The deep knowledge and understanding of the motivational sphere can provide success, send activity of the identity of the student to the necessary course of his development.

The article deals with the problem of self-realization of a mature-aged people, which is the most important and urgent in view of the fact that it is in the maturity period, substantial transformation of personal space, most clearly expressed in self-concept, there is a restructuring and rethinking the system of personal, professional, social, meaningful relationship. This issue has important social significance, as self-realization determines the productive orientation of the individual, is the basic determinant of social creativity, and therefore the development of society. Аdulthood period is considered as the most socially active and productive human activity period where people most fully included in the life of society, therefore their characteristics in relation to self-actualization are important for the state of society. 

Die Überwachung der Telekommunikation sowie der Zugriff auf Computer über das Netz sind spätestens seit der Diskussion um die sogenannte Online-Durchsuchung zum Dauerbrenner in der innenpolitischen Debatte geworden. Der Begriff «Quellen-TKÜ» bezeichnet das Überwachen von Telefongesprächen, die nicht über klassische Telefonverbindungen, sondern über das Internet geführt werden. In einem solchen Fall ist das «klassische» Überwachen der Telekommunikation etwa beim Internet-Zugangsanbieter wenig effektiv: Zwar lässt sich dort der verschlüsselte Datenstrom mitschneiden und hieraus der VoIP-Datenstrom isolieren. Doch ist es nur mit erheblichem Aufwand oder — je nach eingesetztem Verschlüsselungsverfahren — gar nicht möglich, die Daten zu entschlüsseln und so die Sprache wieder hörbar zu machen. Die Autoren des Artikels zeigen, dass das ganze Gesetzes System unter neuem Blichwinckel angesehen werden muss und neue Normen zur Regelung dieser Problematik getroffen werden müssen.

The article deals with the definition of the «terrorism» concept, the essence of the problem of terrorism in the work of CIS scientists and abroad. The relevance of the study is substantiated. The authors have attempted to overcome the ambiguity of the term «terrorism». The attention is focused on the complex problem of a single definition of the terrorism phenomenon as a basis for international cooperation. Strategy of fight against terrorism depends on importance of definition of this term. The problem of finding a common definition of the phenomenon of terrorism at the international level is one of the most difficult challenges in the way of an effective response to the threat. Moreover, only a common understanding of the term can be the basis for international cooperation. 

The author of article puts a problem of search of new methodology of social knowledge. The classical paradigm in research of society in the 20–21st centuries began to lose the relevance in many provisions. She found in many respects metaphysical nature, straightforwardness, idealization and even lifelessness as absorbed in itself strictly rational installations in knowledge of society and the world in general. While the world of society which carriers are the people movable not only objective laws of life, but also free wills, including the psychological plan is subjectively diverse, многосложен, and is often unpredictable. It is illegal to dump all variety of social paradigms of research from the account. It is known that truth somewhere in the middle. And it does possible to pass to essentially new methods of social knowledge.

This article deals with the correlation of science and extra sensorial perception of the world. It is claimed the scientific perception of the world radically differs from extra sensorial perception. The science or scientific perception is a sphere of human activity function of which is development and theoretical schematization of objective reality knowledge. And, the extra sensorial perception belongs to the perception forms occurring without participation of sense organs and belonging to area of mysticism. The mysticism is the base of myth perception. The myth or myth perception are parts of culture. The culture is broader concept than science, the «pseudoscientific myths» demand, probably, a double assessment — criticism as the area applying to be science, and the analysis as a part of culture which can't be ignored and which is difficult interwoven into human knowledge.

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Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

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