Статьи, город Karaganda

Unless nuclear weapons are not prohibited by international law, unless they are not totally abolished, the threat and danger of nuclear weapons cannot be eliminated. Though the size of nuclear inventory has drastically decreased compared to the Cold War period, the remaining 15000 nuclear weapons can destroy our planet several times over. The NPT of 1968 played an important role to limit vertical and horizontal proliferation.

In 1990, Mongolia had a peaceful revolution like the other countries of the Eastern bloc. These were the ben- eficial changes that occurred in both internal and external environments of Mongolia’s security. Many coun- tries supported Mongolia for transitioning into democratic political system and market economy relations like other former socialist countries did. As Mongolia transitioned into democracy, approaches towards Mongolia from two neighbors changed as well.

Many scholars argue that the success rate of economic sanctions is quite low and as a foreign policy instrument, sanctions are ineffective. If economic sanctions do not work, why do politicians apply them so frequently? This essay claims that the answer lies in a different understanding of the term of «economic sanctions», its goals, its targets, and its effectiveness by scholars on the one hand and by practitioners on the other. This paper also claims that the criteria of assessing the success rate of economic sanctions should be reconsidered. 

This article сonsiders the development of housing, provision of housing for the urban population of Central Kazakhstan in the 1960–1970-s years.The author indicating the growth of population in the cities in connection with rapid development of production determines the problems encountered in providing housing for people.

The relevance of the problem posed in this article is caused by the necessity to understand the essence of human in the situation of contemporary. And it is not just a cognitive issue. This is a guide to action, to solve the global problems of modern society, in which we find unknown trends.

The article discusses the activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of international security within the framework of the United Nations, international organization established to maintain and strengthen international peace and security, development cooperation between States. Analyzes the activities in which the Republic of Kazakhstan is actively involved in the framework of international security. Also authors examined the main directions of the country's activities in this area. 

The article analyzes the ecological movement in Kazakhstan in 80–90’s of the XXth century. On the basis of the study of ecological associations’ Charters there were identified the main directions of this movement.

Determinants of environmental air pollution of any geographic region consist of both natural and manmade factors. Natural factors affecting the course of air pollution include local landscape and topography, and synoptic and meteorological conditions that determine air flow in the region, and affect the conditions of background air pollution. Anthropogenic factors often constitute the main source of environmental air pollution and include factors such as the location of air pollutant emitting facility, its power level, the distribution of pollution in time and space, the type of air pollution, parameters of air pollutant releasing pipes, the type of air-purification procedure, adopted air pollution thresholds, and the extent of environmental protection measures in place.

Environment and the background made by it are the main factors of active influence on human health. Health is considered as a bond of population health level with body abilities [1]. Numerous researches of population health level bond with various factor impacts convincingly show that the pollution of the environment unfavorably influences on population health. Environment factors play considerable role in population health level as a whole and especially in separate age groups as separate groups and categories of population have different sensitivity to various factor impacts [2].

All over the world the market of a foodstuff is flooded by the goods containing genetically modified organisms. In agricultures of many leading countries-exporters of a vegetative foodstuff and vegetative raw materials, plants with the changed genetic code for a long time already are grows up. Production of new transgene plants as yet one of perspective and most developing directions of biotechnology in agro production sphere [1, 2].

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science