VESTNIK of the South-Kazakhstan medicina academy

The content of heavy metals in different areas of the shymkent city. At present, the problem of soil contamination with toxic compounds, including heavy metals, is becoming increasingly important

It is known that chloride sublimates of oxidizing-chloridizing roasting of lead-zinc ore contain 28.9% of chloride-ions, including 38.3% of ZnCl2 and 6.85% of FeCl2 [1,2]

Tіtanіum dіssolutіon in hydrchloric acіd solutіon

These methods of thermal processing of drilling waste are used to destroy or produce a hydrocarbon component.

Biological methods of refining oil cleaning. Currently, the disposal of waste from the oil and gas industry is becoming important.

Humanitarian disciplines represent the whole system of the sciences devoted to the person and his environment and also the internal nature

The modern world is experiencing a period of globalization - the era of comprehensive unification of humanity in the space of information and communications.

Information and communication technology in stomatology. Up to date there are undergoing changes in the health care system and now the modern automated information technologies are implemented in all area of greater activity

Reading is an interactive process of communication. The interaction between the writer and the reader is made possible via the text.

International standards in quality management education

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science