Статьи, год 2013

In modern conditions of globalization this theme is actual, because an interest of the West to South-East Asiat is manifested and continues to grow. This article examines the experience of foreign policy of the Republic of Singapore, which is one of the most attractive countries for world powers like the U.S., China and Japan, due to its advantageous geopolitical location. Also paper analyzes the participation of Singapore in regional integration within the framework of organizations such as ASEAN, APEC, ASEM, etc. Singapore's experience is also important for the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is in similar conditions for the conduction of its foreign policy.

Il lavoro analizza i problemi di comprensione ideologica delle varie fasi della filosofia italiana in quale si riferiscono ad un sistema assiologico della visione spirituale cattolica. Questa analisi è offerta attraverso lo studio del concetto originale del filosofo italiano Giovanni Gentile, che tenta di creare in modo diverso concetti filosofici e religiosi che riflettono la vista spirituale, socio-culturale del mondo. Grande importanza è dedicata all’analisi delle principali categorie di concetti che costituiscono la principale teoria filosofica di base della religione. Attraverso l'analisi del patrimonio creativo di Giovanni Gentile, l'autore va alle generalizzazioni sociali e filosofiche generali, universali, che a loro volta delineano più accuratamente delineano la ricerca spaziale di Paolo de Lucia.

İttihat ve Terakki, Osmanlı Hükümeti’nin Makedonya hususundaki yaklaşım tarzına muhalefet ederek 20 Mayıs 1908’de bir layiha yayımlayarak ilk defa açıkça adını duyurmuşlardır. Bu layiha Manastır’daki tüm konsolosluklara gönderilmiş ve durum protesto edilmiştir. Böylece Cemiyet’in artık Makedonya Sorunu’nu kendisinin tek başına çözeceğine dair kararını meşrutiyetten yaklaşık iki ay önce Büyük Güçlere bildirdiğini anlamaktayız. Olup biten olaylar Padişahı zora sokuyor ve sonunda Sultan II. Abdülhamit Han 23 Temmuz 1908’de “İkinci Meşrutiyeti” ilan eder, Anayasayı yeniden yürürlüğe koyar ve tatil edilmiş olan Meclis-i Mebusan’ı toplantıya çağırır. Meşrutiyetin ilanıyla Enver Bey artık “Hürriyet Kahramanı Binbaşı Enver Bey” olmuştu.

Kıbrıs 1878 yılında egemenlik hakkı Osmanlı Devleti’nde kalmak üzere, geçici olarak İngiliz yönetimine bırakılmıştı. Bu durum Birinci Cihan Harbine kadar sürdü. 29 Ekim 1914 tarihinde Osmanlı Devleti, İttifak Blok taraftarı olarak savaşa katılınca, bunu fırsat bilen İngiltere, 5 Kasın 1914’te Kıbrıs’ı ilhak ettiğini açıklamıştır. İngiltere’nin b tek yanlı ilhakı 1923’e kadar sürdü. Ancak Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ise 1923’te Lozan Antlaşmasıyla Kıbrıs’ın İngilizler tarafından ilhakını kabul etmiştir. Böylece 1960 yılına kadar Kıbrıs İngiliz egemenliği altında yaşayan ada statüsünde sürekli yeni gelişmelere sahne oldu. Yunanistan’ın ve Kıbrıs Rumlarının da çabasıyla adanın Yunanistan’la birleşmesi istenince, Kıbrıs’ta Türklerle Rumlara ve Türkiye ile Yunanistan arasında Kıbrıs uyuşmazlığı ve sorunu ortaya çıkmıştır.

In the article is made an attempt to analyse the international relations after the termination of Cold War on the basis of a foreign historiography and to define influence of Cold War on development of the international relations in the second half of XX – the beginning of the XXI centuries. Also analyzed the influence of such factors as globalization, pluralism, the multipolarity, issued after the termination of Cold War on studying of the international relations. Formation of world economic system in the conditions of Soviet state disintegration, which has finished opposition of two world powers of USA and the USSR is considered. There are traced changes in the development of the diplomatic relations which come to a new level of development and have affected strengthening of the international relations as a whole.

The article is an attempt to analyze the relations between the state and the intelligentsia in relation to religion at the turn of the XIX – beginning of XX centuries. There are defined the role and place of religion in the life of the Kazakh society, formation of the national intelligentsia and its relation to religion. Also in the article are revealed the features of the different areas of national intelligentsia in relation to the religion. Researched changes in the relations between the state and intelligentsia on religious issues at the stage of Kazakhstan accession to the Russian Empire, during the revolutionary events and the dual power in the first years of Soviet power.

The article considers the psychological peculiarities of children in orphanages in science and practice. Defines the essence of the phenomenon of «we» in the orphanage. Presents special psychological problems of children conventional residential institutions and their differences between the pupils of children's homes of family type. A significant place is given to the consideration of the structure of the model orphanage of family type. On the basis of socio-pedagogical activity are identified in general terms, the tasks of the children's homes of family type. Examine the main branches of the correctional-educational work with children and the implementation of the principle of family education.

In this article, the authors make a scientific analysis of the introduced mite of Jumabek Ahmetuly Tashenov in the socio-economic and social-political life of Kazakhstan during his tenure as Chairman of the government. Jumabek Tashenov can properly use your mind, experience and organizational skills for the benefit of the economy and culture of Kazakhstan. Even if he was shot from a higher power, he was given to him by charismatics made a great contribution to the development and revival of the social structure of science and the national culture of the people. In addition, the authors note a large investment of labor Jumabek Tashenova to maintain the integrity of the current territories of Kazaкhstan. It is also the authors take into account the fact that he sacrificed his high position power to the people.

In the USSR the 1930s became the time of industrialization large-scale processes. In Central Kazakhstan riches of natural resources defined its industrial mission. In the region there were no objective preconditions for this purpose: there were neither finances or material means, nor the main thing — labour forces. The Soviet management carried out actions for attraction of manpower from the outside, motivating need for the qualified labour, in such scales, for realization of region industrialization. The local population didn't meet these requirements.

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International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

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