Статьи, год 2015

In the former Soviet philosophy touched on these issues, as a rule, only in connection with the analysis of policy areas in the criticism of power and the state concepts so-called "bourgeois" of philosophy,

The article aims to present trends in agritourism development in Poland. The growth of agritourism can be divided into three stages. The first one, at the beginning of agritourism, involved renting ordinary rooms of a low or even very poor standard with no additional services and amenities, most often offered by farmers whose living conditions were below standard

There are many assumptions about the sacral symbolics of number seven, as well as many of the facts on which it could be argued that seven at one or another nation is sacred. The article deals with the semiotics of the number sevenin the epos «Alpamys».

This article covers the optimization of the application of innovative techniques and technologies in teaching reading in English lessons. The use of problem teaching methods and technologies of critical thinking e nters learners to reading texts in a foreign language because it expands students‘ educational horizons and forms their critical thinking

Dans les années soixante, les « Trente glorieuses » symbolisaient l’accès à un monde nouveau, en perpétuel transformation pour un confort toujours accru et des promesses de lendemains encore plus mirifiques1

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science