
Literary text is complicated phenomenon which has many sides to investigate. It can have plenty of differences which are not always corresponded to traditional language literature

In modern linguistic science the discourse is understood as the difficult phenomenon consisting of participants of communication, situation of communication and the text.

O.A. Maltseva defines a verbal portrait art as a means to create an image of a character is to describe his appearance, and including psychological characteristics of the individual parts of appearance

The article deals with the substantial components of the basic concept of «Time». Universal, national­cultural and individual layers are identified. It holds in­detail description of the «passive layer» of the concept of «Time». As the material of description the works of the famous contemporary poet and writer Timur Zulfikarov were considered. The researcher highlights language means that represent the concept of «Time»: lexical units in the literal sense – words with temporal color, metaphorical designations, com­ parisons, epithets, figurative associations, symbolic assimilation. The fo­ cusing on the context of language units representing the concept of «Time» gives an opportunity to reveal the periphery of the concept, to describe the meaning shades that are not fixed in any lexicographical sources, and final­ ly to discover the peculiarities of studied concept in linguocultural aspect. 

The pаper represents different аpprоаches tо the аnаlysis оf pоliteness in lаnguаges. А deep understаnding оf the differences betweenthe cоncept оf pоliteness inKаzаkh аndChinese lаnguаgesаre studied. In this pаper, we prоpоse their principlesаnd origins, which аre helpful fоr crоss­ culturаl cоmmunicаtiоn.Pоliteness is cоnsidered аs аn essential nоrm оf behаviоr,which is used by аgroup peоple in vаriоus wаys. The mаin objectiveоf the givenarticle is tо discuss the originоf pоliteness, аnаlyze the resins fоr interculturalcоmmunicаtiоnаnd summarize the differences in Kаzаkh аnd Chinese cultures, learnthediverse usageоf pоliteness by the peоple with different culturаlbackground.We pоintоut thаt peоple cаn put the pоliteness intо right usageоnly if peоple understandcorrectly the usageоf the pоliteness principles in different cultures.

The notion of language ideology is a useful analytical concept allowing for unified analysis of processes at different levels of social organization as it affords linking large-scale social change

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science