Статьи, год 2015

The article presents the results of survey of two groups of male students (mean age 20 ± 2) from the Department of Physical Culture and Sports as well as the biology and geography departments. The heart rate variability was examined using a computerized complex «Varikard» (Russia). Estimation of heart rate variability was performed using mathematical statistics method of R.M.Baevsky. Cardiovascular system’s fitness was estimated by determining the type of response to the diving reflex using the method of cold-hypoxiahypercanic effect (CHE). There was a substantial stress and strain of regulatory systems at the majority of students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, what shows a decline of adaptive reserves of the body, caused by excessive loads.

The questions on the ecological projects with use of methodology of an estimation of risk and economic efficiency are surveyed at acceptance of the decisions about unhealthy industrial emissions. Thus it is  necessary to give attention to systems of long-term observations including: research of spatial — temporary distribution of chemical substance; optimization of a network of observation; optimization of parameters and agents of observation; automation of system of monitoring; organization of flows of the information reports. 

The article analyzes the literary publications devoted to the research in recent years. The nature and level of accumulation of metals in various biological fluids of man reflects the degree of pollution in the natural anomalous geochemical provinces, and allows us to study human impacts. The situation which has developed in Kazakhstan, complex multifactorial causes environmental effects on public health, which creates the need to carry out actions aimed at the adoption of specific solutions to control the state of heavy metals in the environment in the «habitat — a man.» According to the literature, there is a relationship between the accumulation of metals in the environment and their accumulation in the human biological fluids.

Studying of specific structure and condition of green plantings at the territory of industrial centers of the Karaganda region (Karaganda, Temirtau, Balkhash, Zhezkazgan) is carried out. The specific structure of wood flora on the surveyed points is presented by 13–18 main species. Vitality of wood plants made from 1 to 3 points. On a scale of the characteristic of environment by means of the fluctuating asymmetry, wood plants have got five marks on all research sites, which ecosystems were in areas with extraordinary anthropogenic pressure.

The article discusses the issue of the protection of rare populations of Incarvillea semiretschenskia in Chu-Ili mountains, which are left unattended. The authors of this article studied the relic plants, which primarily due to human activities is now threatened with destruction. Incarvillea Juss. — the only genus of herbaceous plants in the family of Bignoniaceae. According to I.D.Illarionova 9 species of inkarvillea grow in Central Asia, one of species — I.Potaninii Maxim. It is endemic of southern Mongolia. Endemic of Kazakhstan Inc. semiretschenskia goes beyond the East Asian type of habitat and is found in the eastern part of the ancient, heavily destroyed Chu-Ili mountains. Saving the rare species of flora in Kazakhstan will help in achieving the main goal — deciphering the phylogeny and development of the concept of the final race. Now especially relevant issues of unique populations are inkarvillei semirechensk in Chu-Ili mountains and generic complex of Incarvillea in Asia.

This article is devoted to the value of laws of composition at professional computer training of the future designers. One of the principal means of professional formation of project designer is culture in the educational process of the university and the core objective of which is to create specific, conceived artistic effect and consistent with the functional basis of the system by visual subordination components and parts.

The article deals with the problem of interaction of the teacher and the pupil, and its dependence on the pedagogical skill in today's education system. Main characteristics of pedagogical interaction here are mutual understanding, mutual learning, relationships, mutual action, and interference. The article discusses the pedagogical interaction, which can be represented as an individual process (between the tutor and pupil) sociopsychological (interaction in the team) and as an integrated (combining various educational impact in a particular society). 

In the article actualized the questions of the foreign language education, particularly, teaching German language as foreign language in the higher education system. Buketov Karaganda State University comes forward with the basis of the research, where the first time educational practice of the Master's Degree students from the Europe was organized as part of the academic mobility. Realization of the academic mobility, one of the most important characteristics of the Bologna process encouraged realization of the collective researches in area of linguodidactics, acquisition of new knowledge and the exchange of experience.

The paper discusses the views of philosophers, scientists and educators on law and legal education of the individual in different historical periods. The authors reveal that the system of legal education is determined by the character and policy of the state and that the right in a democratic society is treated as an important element of the citizen education. The emergence of the issue of law education and the variations of its solution is associated with the extensive process of social development. Accordingly, legal education in the history of educational thought is often seen as part of civic education. These areas of education have much in common, but legal education focuses to a great extent on the conscious discernment of legal laws, regulations and responsibilities.

The article deals with the efficiency of acmeologic approach in developing creative potential of novice foreign language specialists’ for professional training in higher institution. Methodological-theoretical relevance of training would-be-teachers and determining new priorities in higher education system that will meet social and economic changes in modern community.

The article reveals the author's approach to the organization of the process of formation of students informational competence under credit system. In this article the nature, structure, functions, development of informational competence of students were revealed and the methods for designing and pedagogical conditions were provided. The content of process's technological providing, which include the model and pedagogical technologies were proved. It is noted that the credit system of education has been recognized worldwide as one of the most important areas of integration of education with production, and as the essential component of the continuous educational system. And today it is necessary to form the elements of the new informational technologies.

The purpose of the present research is to compare the effectiveness of game-based and traditional teaching in learning and retention of the 7th grade biology concepts. The population of the research consisted of female and male students of the Boarding School for gifted children named after N.Nurmakov. The participants were selected using cluster sampling and were randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group (20 participants in each group). The participants in the experimental group were taught according to gamebased teaching and the participants in the control group underwent traditional teaching. The learning test and the retention test were conducted one week and four weeks later after teaching each method. Data description was done and after analyzing the results some conclusions were made.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science