Статьи, год 2015

The  article,  basing  on  The  Message  from  the  President  of  Republic  of  Kazakhstan  Nazarbayev   N.A. «The new Kazakhstan in the new world» attempts to examine the factors and basis of polylingual education in Kazakhstan, the problems of polylingual education in Kazakhstan, theoretical foundation of polylingual education and the cultural project «The unity of three languages» in Republic of Kazakhstan. So, according to the Message from the President, Kazakhstan must be accepted as a highly developed country where the population speaks three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.

In article are considered century was characterized by new trends that allow us to see well-known phenomena in a different light and to explain the interest in learning the «language in action», that brings to the fore the problem of language functioning in society, various aspects of the use of language as a tool for human communication, learning the ways of reflection language changes in public opinion, in society, changing cultural and social values — in other words, the problem of the actual use of language in a social context. In this regard, the study of euphemisms when learning a foreign language is of considerable research interest because they are thin, sensitive indicators of cultural and linguistic traditions of social preferences of native speakers, fix and replace traditional methods of registering the most minor, short-term changes, reflecting the characteristics of public evaluation of the phenomena of reality.

The article presents a method for the formation of younger students core competencies in math class. The essence, structure, functions, development of competence of younger students, provides methods for designing and teaching conditions. Emphasizes the importance of building students' skills of academic work rational organization of. Discloses a general training and skills and their combination provides a reliable basis for further training of pupils cognitive activity, they determine the acquisition of deep and tight knowledge. It is told about the feasibility of competence in mathematics lessons in elementary school. The question of the students key competence formation of students is regarded with the means of innovative educational technologies. The methods for facilitating, are presented, as the effective formation of the primary school students competence.

My contribution discusses the question of whether the study of cultures of remembrance can be implemented in language teaching, especially German language teaching, what the benefits of such attempts are, and how they can be most fruitfully undertaken. To clarify the key term, the concept of ‘culture of remembrance’ sig- nifies a ‘collective term for all non-scientific uses of history in the public sphere’ (1; 16). As this necessarily includes a multitude of rich and varied material that can be brought to use in language teaching, I argue that the discussion of cultures of remembrance is particularly suitable in order to make language lessons more at- tractive. Furthermore, I suggest that dealing with cultures of remembrance offers three specific positive learn- ing outcomes that all combine the acquisition of ‘knowledge’ and ‘transferable skills.’ 

The article outlines the different approaches of the definition of intercultural competence. In the context of the internationalization of education and science the formation of intercultural competence of future professionals is especially important for high school, which includes the ability to navigate in the phenomena of another way of life, consciousness, system of senses, to perceive and understand the facts of a particular culture, to compare them with their own worldview and cultural experiences and to find the difference and similarity between them.

This article deals with the tendency and role of bilingual education in modern school in Kazakhstan. Nowadays the interest in bilingual education grows in Kazakhstan. The purpose of such education is formation of the bilingual persons capable freely to carry out communicative operations in two languages in all without exception life situations. In comparison with many other countries where there is an acculturation of the personality, in Kazakhstan both languages are demanded and fully function.

The article discusses the features of the development of critical thinking in children in the process of learning English as a second language, its essence and its stage of development at English lessons. The article reveals the development of critical thinking through listening and speaking. Using foreign language lessons, some methods of formation of critical thinking, students get a lot of satisfaction from the learning process itself and on its results. 

The article reveals the concept of «form of address». The main attention is paid to functioning of components of the informal address in syntagmatic aspect. Forms of address are considered as integral part of communica- tive strategies and tactics used in real communication. Lexemes in the form of personal names, the lexicon connected with differentiation of persons on age, relationship names, etc. are considered. Theoretical results are illustrated by examples from modern literature.

This article considers some of the major questions about access and accessibility, advantages and disadvantages of using e-books and online learning. The author discussed the way of designing resources for teachers, some requirements for teachers in their using or making e-books have been revealed. The modes of operation of electronic textbooks were presented in the article. As a result, important considerations were identified for the design and facilitation of electronic books.

The article examines modern processes of globalization which have a significant influence on the development of higher education around the world. Distinguished such notions as «globalization» and «internationalization of education» as the problem of the ratio problem of economic and cultural correlation in the development of modern higher education. Analyzed the process of internationalization which in the current sociocultural reality becomes more convex and intercultural interaction of education systems in controversial circumstances increasing diversity and cultural unification.

Article discuses the topicality and efficiency of leadership development quality as one of the way of teachers for formation to their self-development and show it as effective method to involve students in educational process. Author analyses European and American program for teachers leadership developing and make conclusion that nowadays it isn’t enough just to be educators or teachers. Teacher has to be more aim-oriented, goal-seeking, far-sightedness, concerned. There are the abilities to look far into the future with regard to their company, class, team or department. Author considers that teachers need to have external and inner selfimprovement, assessing the society changes, environmental forces and competitor activities. 

Transformation of university education is a problem which has an essential character. The purpose of this article is an attempt to trace the transformation of the European education system on the local example of the Czech Republic. Undoubtedly, this country had the historical features which affected this problem, but at the same time as a part of the European continent, it couldn't but reflect on itself common features of the development of university education in Europe. Authors made an attempt to analyze the modern situation which is closely connected with Bologna Process, and therefore having wide scale.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science