International relations

The article allocates one of the threats for security of Central Asia called the Afghan knot, which tied many of the existing problems in the region and the world.

In late 2007, the new President of the Republic of Korea was elected Lee Myonbak, and for 25 February 2008, in his inaugural speech as the new political trend in North Korea, he proclaimed a pragmatic approach based on co-existence and co- prosperity.

This article explores the deep history of Afghanistan that shapes the perceptions of the country. Through an overview of Afghanistan’s history between the 1963 and 1973 years the author asserts that common beliefs about Afghanistan’s history are refuted by careful consideration of the realities of long years of peace and stability.

This article stresses the role of information in the modern society, points out and analyzes the problems of information security. Today, information has tremendous potential as it can be used in positive way but also as the powerful weapon because of the development of modern technologies.

Project management uses different methodologies. They are based on the concept of project management through a group of standard processes, reflect a significant correction of the methodology towards interactive techniques,

These days, around the world the electric power is one of the most valuable resources used in many needs of mankind. So, it is necessary to understand that the electrical power balance around the world has extremely precarious position.

National identity is that identity which a separate, independent and sovereign country has for defining its people. This identity gives a single dimension to all the inhabitants of a country as one nation

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science