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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Application features of group work in the conditions of educational process 

The article discusses the relevance of the problem of using of innovative educational technologies in the professional adaptation of young specialists, graduates, independent analysis and innovative forms of learning students, the authors give the examples of influence on the formation of groups and the students’ competence. Special attention is paid to innovative technologies the organization of the educational process of higher school as critical thinking, group work, dialogical training and work with gifted and talented children. The innovative technology of the educational process in high school the authors consider the dialogical learning. Based on the best practices of the Cambridge teachers the authors share their experience of using new technology as part of teaching the curriculum for their specialty.

We began the article with words of the British historian, philosopher of history, the culturologist and sociologist Arnold Joseph Toynbee «There is no achievement above, than to make indiscernible a side between work and game». Arnold Toynbee considered that it is necessary to organize working process so that the person liked what he does and it should be attracted by the purpose of the activity, and process of work brought pleasure. Game as anything else bewitches the person, brings him pleasure and attracts the person at any age.

Game is a development tool of the child as persons. Each child trains at school where learns the world, studies, brought up and matures. As well as game activity is necessary for the pupil of school, for the student, and for any adult. One of the most productive forms of the organization of educational process where there are game elements is group work.

Many years in student teaching used actively ideas of cooperation. Collective forms of work, group and pair forms of the organization of cognitive activity of the child in educational process (Dyachenko V.K., Shchetkin M.P., etc.), different approach to training (Guzik N.P.), adaptive system of training (Granitskaya A.S.), training individualization (Unt And., Kirsanov A.A., Schukin M.R.) for the purpose of the maximum development of the pupil.

Practical experience shows that in this plan cooperation, collective, group, pair forms of the organization of cognitive activity are very productive though development of the student in itself isn't the end result of training. In collective cooperation motives of the person play nearly a paramount role as a lot of things define in readiness to a compromise, work in adverse conditions, etc. Therefore if the higher school sets the task of training of the pupil for life, for work, it has to think of a solution of the problem of motivational training of the pupils.

In order that motives became the original engine of educational activity, it is necessary to change professional — pedagogical position of the teacher in educational process, by keeping its information function (however not as the leader) to develop ability skillfully to operate cognitive activity of pupils. It means,   the organization, the analysis, control and correction have to be entered into procedures of activity of the student, using for this purpose various tutorials and stimulations directed on that the student himself designed such system of actions which would support his informative motives in an active state. It is for this purpose important that the student on each occupation passed through all psychology and pedagogical stages of educational process from perception before systematization, controllers the activity not only at some concrete stage of a lesson, but also in the course of studying of all subject.

Group work — is a way of the organization of joint activity of students in small groups at the mediated management and in cooperation with the teacher and other students.

Group work allows:

  • to give each student emotional and substantial support without which at shy and weak children develops school uneasiness , and at leaders distorted character formation;
  • to give each student the chance to be approved themselves;
  • to give each student experience of performance of functions of control and an assessment, later — a goal-setting and planning;
  • to allow the teacher additional motivational resources to involve students in the content of Meanwhile group work is a full-fledged independent form of the organization of training; this technology bears the lines of innovative training: independent getting of knowledge as a result of search activity. Efficiency of group work is that students solve objectives, for children are created favorable conditions for educational self-determination , there is a formation of skills of organizing work, and, perhaps, the most important, that in the course of group work are formed the reflexive abilities of students .

Work in group assumes collective thinking, in the course of it students uses the communicative qualities, learns to oppose, protect the point of view. And it allows using group work in educational process.

Special attention demands at the organization of group work of the question of selection of students in groups. There are some options of completing of groups:

  1. Optional, when students are distributed on groups and unanimously elect the leader of Such way of formation of groups, we consider, the most convenient for students, but for the teacher who needs to be able to open each student, this way the least productive.
  2. In a random way. For example: a lot, association by means of «forfeits», etc. The group is formed on the basis of chance, and in the same group can join the students who in other circumstances could not interact with each other, or even hostility. This reception of formation of groups for collaboration develops ability to adapt to various conditions of activity and to different business partners at
  3. On a certain For example: on the first letter of a name, from time to time years, on zodiac sign etc. This way of division is interesting for, on the one hand, can unite students who or seldom interact with each other, or in general feel emotional hostility, and with another – initially sets some general sign. Children in one group have something that they are made related and at the same time separate from others.
  4. Selection of group according to the leader. In this method of formation of group or the teacher gives to a certain student a role of the leader, or students elect the leader and form group when each previous person chooses the
  5. By the choice of the teacher. The teacher has the right to elect the leader of group at discretion, thereby to create equivalent groups and to give the chance to all students to show Thus for participants of group the choice of the teacher can be unclear and be perceived negatively.

The organization of group is the first and very important stage in group work. At this stage it is possible to cause negative attitude to group in students or on the contrary to allow them to reveal in group.

After groups are created to the teacher it is necessary to explain a task to group and to give the roles. In group can cast as well as the teacher, and participants of group. Existence at the student of a certain role gives it the chance to reveal, feel the importance and need for work of group. Also not less important stage in group work is development of rules of interaction as well as between members of group, and rules of interaction between group and the teacher.

In any forms the studying there are the pluses and minuses as work in group is also form of education, it means and in this form there are both positive and negative characteristics. In our opinion, treats the main pluses of a group form of work:

  • activity of students;
  • convenient rate of work;
  • presence at group of mutual aid;
  • lack of direct control of the

To an obvious lack of work of group belong:

  • students in groups cannot always fully and deeply sort a training material;
  • students can choose not the most economical and rational way of studying of this or that In group work the students are formed the following processes:
  • Self-determination process. This process assumes that each participant of group understands the importance in group, shows all the opportunities and talents. The purpose of this process — to gain self independence and ego-trip in
  • Research process. Each participant of group and all groups in general investigate this or that problem or carry out an objective and by that independently cover all interesting
  • Process of a goal-setting. This process is directed on understanding of a task and conditions of its performance.
  • Process of thinking. As we speak about group work, and process of thinking is considered as group or collective. The purpose of this process is — to make the uniform decision, having listened to the points of view of all participants of

All above-mentioned processes are very important for development of the student, for process of training and education. After all not only at school, in higher education institution people take part in group work, but also further, in process of a growing, the person faces collective (group) in which it needs to interact and show themselves.

Group work is innovative technology of training. In the course of group work the teacher departs from traditional introduction of occupation. For example: at a traditional lesson the teacher asks a question, and the student answers it, during the work in group the teacher asks a question to any student, and all group, and having conferred the group gives the answer. In group work it is possible to capture the widest range of knowledge of this or that subject, so for example, one group can consider positive sides of this or that problem, and the second group — negative. Summing up the results on this problem, we can draw a conclusion that group work one of the most productive forms of the organization of educational cooperation. The essence of group work distinguishing it from other general forms of education is expressed, mainly, available direct interaction between pupils.

As the teachers of discipline «Social and pedagogical work with a family» and «Foreign language» we conduct lessons with students of  3d and 1st courses speciality «Social pedagogics and self-knowledge»  and «Foreign language: two foreign languages». The lessons on which we planned to use a technique of group work were focused on all subjects. The purpose of use of group work with students was to develop ability to work in common for the solution of the set educational tasks since this important quality for future social teacher who directly has to work in the sphere of formation of self-knowledge of pupils which isn't imaginable without cooperation and interaction.

On the lessons were intensive group communication which became necessary attribute of educational activity, and a subject of communication became:exchange of results of cognitive activity, their discussion, discussions.

As a result of interpersonal communication increased the motivation:

Student A: «there is a personal responsibility, content from publicly endured success on occupation». All this forms qualitatively new relation to a subject, feeling of personal participation in common cause what is a joint mastering knowledge at students.

For application of group work we planned the following stages of work:

  1. So we divided group into microgroups for the solution of the specific educational objectives which are a component of an all-group task: to draw a poster «My representation of a family», to make cinquain on the subject «Love».
  2. Each group received a certain task (identical). Uniform group work assumes performance by small groups of students of a task, identical to all: «To make cinquain». During work joint discussion of the course and results of work, the request for council to each other was allowed to members of
  3. The organization of a workplace of a school desk moved so that could work together on 5 people and to separate one group from Before work in common developed criteria of estimation of results of work which fixed on stickers and glued for work: the poster has to be clear, correspond to a subject, etc.
  4. We went on working hours of groups on audience, watched work of groups, whether it managed to group to find the most rational solution, whether were formed what mistakes, in case of difficulty got into work of
  5. In each group was allocated the «emotional» It helped «to adjust» students on joint activity. The student of «B» when faced misunderstanding of performance of a task by the student «S», began to explain quickly what to do: creative matrix.
  6. During the group work activity amplified the interest and level of the gained knowledge, developed the ability of communication, interaction with others: in games, in work on
  7. The organization of group work arose a number of difficulties: so that group work was interesting, it was necessary to consider individual abilities of everyone, on it we had no time; students answered in monosyllables, didn't develop the thoughts from the professional point of view, were afraid to be

But students were convinced of advantage of collaboration, mutually communication, rallied among themselves, learned to work in coordination and harmoniously, having feeling of group responsibility for results of joint activity. The group form of the organization of work on occupations allowed including actively students in the atmosphere of coauthorship, to create motivation of training, to stimulate personal perception of material. Students appear in conditions when they want to speak because in microcollective everyone feels the personal importance, belief in the opportunities and force. The group form of the organization of work, besides, does obvious efforts and abilities of everyone that is natural incentive of healthy creative competition. Results of collaboration of students in groups, as a rule, are always much higher in comparison with performance of the same task by everyone individually. The main effectiveness is that students help each other, to bear collective responsibility for results of members of group.

Productive team work is the consolidation and improvement of student’s knowledge. After explaining the material offers students several examples to solve together. In the course of solutions we find out all the strange questions. After this work to give students a task for the independent exercise, which helps them to reproduce acquired knowledge. Analyzing the issue, students listen to concerns everyone. The first students expressed with low educational opportunities. Unfolding process of discussion, during which secured the material studied.

The group form of work pays off, and the repetition of previously learned material. The work of students in groups at this stage of training improves their activity. Repeat the process turns into a reproductive and search activity can form an in-depth knowledge of all students. The group used a form of academic work and in identifying the knowledge and skills of students. To carry out mutual control of knowledge in educational groups in the structure of the lesson stands out for 5–7 minutes. We write questions on the board in advance, in response to which the students report to a group and how the learned material. Listening to the answers comrade, they corrected it, clarify certain provisions. At that time We watch them work, figuring out inaccuracies in knowledge. Various types of mutual knowledge test groups allow students to develop effective self-management skills in training activities. Mutual control contributes to the improvement of operational control from the teacher of the quality of students mastering of knowledge and skills, it allows the teacher to get quite accurate advance information about the level of their training, to organize smooth operation of all students significantly improve their performance.

Collective jobs make the lesson more interesting, alive, educate the students conscious attitude to school work, stimulate mental activity, allow many times to repeat the material helps the teacher to explain and to constantly monitor the knowledge, skills and abilities at students of all classes. We see that students increased levels of development, training and education. The teacher is able to really carry out an individual approach to students: take into account their ability, the pace of work; by dividing the class into groups, give assignments group differentiated by the difficulties on the volume of educational material.

We note that the collective form of training places high demands on the teacher. It is, above all, must be proficient in the discipline of students. This form of training requires special organizational effort. Working groups should be in the field of view of the teacher. The teacher should encourage students to work together. It is necessary to master the method of determining the tasks for group work, ably guide the work of the students. In the course of this work it is necessary to carefully monitor the progress of cooperation in different groups of pupils, their behavior in different situations of the educational process. The teacher must act as an arbiter in all disputes, directing training activities in the progressive development. The teacher needs to ensure that a position is occupied by students in groups with low educational opportunities. They must include vigorous activity in the study of new material. Master students should be encouraged to cross check done.

Mutual checks, interviews always produce a collision of different points of view. This promotes thorough analysis of the content of educational material.

Change of requirements to result predetermines need of changes of educational process. Now it is necessary to refuse completely idea of educational process as process of information transfer. The main role of the teacher is to become the organizer of cognitive activity where the student becomes the main character. The teacher has to organize and operate educational process.

Formation of key competence in educational process can be provided, first of all, with change of educational technologies. Use of innovative pedagogical technologies allows getting to the teacher new opportunities to influence traditional pedagogical process of training and to increase its efficiency.

For mastering the discipline «Innovative technologies in the educational process at school», which is taught in the 4th course, you must have knowledge of techniques teaching self-knowledge, pedagogy, introduction to the teaching profession.

The knowledge and skills acquired in the study course «Innovative technologies in the educational process in the school» can be claimed in the study of special subjects such as methods of teaching selfknowledge, use of TRE in the classroom, new technologies in education. The purpose of the special training course «Innovative technologies in the educational process at school» to equip the teacher knowledge and skills needed to work in the school, vocational and technical schools.

Objectives of the course to familiarize with the theoretical basics of methods of teaching chemistry, with the latest achievements of modern pedagogy and their applications to the teaching methodology of selfknowledge.

Learning outcomes:

Upon completion of the course of future chemistry teacher should know:

  • theoretical foundations of teaching methods;
  • education, educational and developmental goals in the learning process;
  • the content of programs, textbooks and teaching aids, regulatory documentation;
  • advanced learning technologies most frequently used in teaching;
  • to be able to make plans, summaries of various types and kinds of lessons, analyze lessons to use pedagogical

For example: Subject. Barriers to training: teaching and learning according to the age characteristics of students. Pedagogically effective tools: learning how to learn.


  1. Identify barriers to learning. Selection and specification of pedagogical approaches in order to overcome barriers to learning, including — age
  2. To be able pupils and a positive attitude towards learning. The essential characteristic of learning and teach how to
  3. Actions for the mastering teacher’s skills and students learning how to
  4. Concentration and educational efforts on the personality of each student; assist students in learning how to
  5. The concentration of attention and effort on the methods and approaches of learning how to

Subject. Pedagogically effective tools: the use of information communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning.


  1. The objectives of the use of ICT in teaching and
  2. Method of using ICT in the classroom, in order to improve the quality of

Subject. Assessment for learning and assessment of  learning. The purpose of the evaluation process.

The essence of assessment for learning (EAL). Preparing for the assessment of teaching and learning.


  1. Method of EAL in the planning process of
  2. Method of EAL in the classroom.
  3. Preparation of teachers for assessment (performance setting) teaching and learning processes during the implementation of interventions /

Subject. Education of talented and gifted students. Pedagogically effective tools: the dialogical conversation and learning.


  1. Using the appropriate approaches in the classroom. Individualization of learning in order to enhance the talented and gifted
  2. The essential characteristics of dialogical
  3. Methods of using the conversation in the classroom in order to ensure the quality of Subject. Pedagogically effective tools: critical thinking.


  1. The essential characteristics of critical
  2. Using critical thinking in

The central moment is change of the organization of process of training. It is necessary the introduction of such forms and methods of teaching which are based on own responsibility of students. The shift of the teachers’ emphasis is from activity to the independent doctrine, responsibility and activity of pupils, representation the results of activity.

It is possible to carry to active methods of training what are constructed on communicative interaction and independent getting and application of knowledge by pupils: brainstorming, method of projects, training, research method, business games, etc.

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