In the article the questions of environmental policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in modern conditions, ensuring environmental safety. Environmental policy of Kazakhstan is largely dependent on the influence of subjects environmental globalization.The real environmental policy reforms meant greening the economy, greening of the legislation and the greening of society. Greening of the economy at the present stage is realized by the transition to a Green economy, However, the author notes, about the low effectiveness in our country's environmental policy, ongoing pollution, predatory use of natural resources.
Globalization as a new condition of the modern world makes powerful impact on development of all mankind and all separately taken states, and this influence can have both a positive and negative orientation. But anyway global influences create essentially new conditions for realization of national interests, for carrying out policy by all states. Globalization significantly strengthens solidarity of mankind in its approaches to environmental problems. But the world isn't so integrated that it was possible to underestimate features of the certain states, their national interests. Connection in concrete policy «global» and «national», from the point of view of interests and influences, is represented difficult administrative process. It is especially difficult for Kazakhstan because of formidability of its own ecological sphere which is directly connected with world ecology, but in the presence of the responsible problems which aren't quite coinciding with universal tendencies. Therefore the environmental policy which isn't contradicting world tendencies of development, but providing reliable protection of national interests is sharply necessary for our country. However the environmental policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan pursued now is still ineffective. In any case the suspense of many nature protection questions, important for the country, and the proceeding deterioration of an ecological situation in extensive territories testify to it. The state activity in the ecological sphere obviously doesn't provide requirements of the population and protects interests of the country insufficiently.
To policy issues of Kazakhstan in the sphere of ecology scientists pay a certain attention, including to those its aspects which arose in the conditions of globalization. It speaks as the accelerated processes of globalization of the world, and their amplifying impact on planet ecology, on environmental policy of the states, including Kazakhstan. However so far it is impossible to call a condition of its readiness thorough or complete even in separate elements. In modern Kazakhstan practically all global impacts on the ecological sphere are on a substantial scale shown. Especially as it possesses huge natural space, and it does environment and powerful and vulnerable at the same time. Here special value has also perception society of ideology of anecologies and responsible environmental policy of the state. Especially noticeably ecological positions of Kazakhstan are influenced by such global factors as rapid development of productions on the basis of modern technologies, activity of financial and economic structures (the IMF, multinational corporation), the international ecological law, an all-planetary state of nature. However, as well as for any sovereign state, more important impact on environmental policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is made by its national interests. And, first of all — ensuring ecological safety, preservation and improvement of environment on territories of the country, rational use of natural resources in interests of own people, introduction of ecologically safe productions in domestic economy, education of ecological culture of the population. In some positions national interests coincide with global, and in some — significantly disperse. Environmental policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan already in the course of the formation got the characteristics uniting national and global requirements of the present. On many positions its contents has not only the Kazakhstan, but also planetary scale. Its theoretical basis is the ideology of a global ecology, and the concrete directions and priorities, the proclaimed tasks reflect interests of the country, but also a globalism tendency.
The foundation of the state environmental policy was laid in the first years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the form of standards of the Constitution [1; 31], the rights of citizens for life, for health protection, for protection defining need of protection from the state favorable for life and health of environment. Along with the rights in the Constitution a duty of citizens to keep the nature are put and makes thrifty use of natural riches. These constitutional norms became for many years a basis not only the ecological legislation, but also all strategic and program documents in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. Real reforming of environmental policy meant greening of economy, greening of the legislation and greening of society. As a matter of fact these directions defined association of the purposes of economic, social and ecological spheres of social development that now was transformed to policy of transition to Green economy. Consecutive implementation of the Concept of ecological safety (the main document of the environmental policy) approved by the Decree of the President of Kazakhstan in December, 2003 [2; 2] allowed step by step not only to reduce rates of environmental pollution, but also to stabilize, and even to begin reduction of total amount of emissions and dumping of the polluting substances at unprecedented GDP growth and productions of industrial and agricultural output, when attracting to Kazakhstan more than 160 billion dollars of foreign investments [3; 26].
The ecological legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan [2; 2] is generally harmonized with the legislation of the European Union. Global challenges of the XXI century define for Kazakhstan and its environmental policy new tasks and the new directions of their decision. Strategically and conceptually they are defined in new Strategy «Kazakhstan-2050» [4; 2] which predetermines new transformation of environmental policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It should be noted that the majority of the global challenges defined in Strategy «Kazakhstan-2050» in one way or another concerns questions of environmental policy, such as questions of preservation of environmentally friendly territories, search of the solution of problems of deficiency of water and other natural resources, inclusive access for all population of Kazakhstan to power sources and water, to education systems and health care. Kazakhstan has to become a source of the environmentally friendly food for many countries of the world. And modern scientific and technical achievements can provide not cost intensity, but an economic benefit of similar actions. Taking into account global challenges the general Kazakhstan model of development as a basis of a new political policy and, according to it, new environmental policy is built. The main objective of environmental policy at the present stage has to be based on the main idea — prosperity of Kazakhstan especially as the prosperity purposes as well as possible is suitable for our unique nature. Along with the nature the main target group there is all population of Kazakhstan and each resident of our country separately. That is environmental policy is based on a social and economic pragmatism, a sustainable development and balance of interests as much as possible of a general population. Therefore ensuring ecological safety, along with other directions of national security, still remains an obligation of the appropriate government bodies, organizations, irrespective of forms of ownership, officials and citizens according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Along with ensuring ecological safety Kazakhstan everything participates in the solution of global environmental problems of climate change, reduction of a biodiversity, fight against desertification, regulations of the address of dangerous chemicals and waste more actively. Kazakhstan actually already became the financial sponsor of the international ecological movement. It is shown by the actions of the world value which are carried out in the last years and planned with direct financial support of Kazakhstan, such as Conferences of ministers of environment of the countries of ESCAP of the UN and UNECE where the initiative of RK
«Zelyony Bridge» [5; 2], and the International EXPO-2017 exhibition «Energy of the future» gained the international recognition. Greening of economy at the present stage is realized by transition to Green economy. In recent years the mankind came to understanding that preservation of ecosystems of the Planet and transition to the Sustainable development are impossible by simple balancing between economy, ecology and the social sphere. The new paradigm of development at which future generations will be provided with resources for the Sustainable development for many centuries is necessary. Such paradigm of development at the World summit of Rio+20 determined Green economy. Concrete mechanisms of Green economy depending on temporary conditions can undergo changes and be improved, especially aside the increasing use of purely economic mechanisms, such as ecological taxes, tax privileges and preferences, redistribution of subsidies and the state investments, a transfer of innovative technologies. According to emergence of innovative technological and technical solutions also the structure of priority branches of transition to Green economy can change. That is only those branches of economy where already there were green technologies — more economically both socially favorable and ecologically safe have to be involved in such transition. First of all, to us it is necessary to continue, along with toughening of ecological requirements, to reduce bureaucratic procedures. For this purpose it is necessary not only to finish harmonization of the legislation of Kazakhstan with the international legislation and the best samples of the developed states, but also its further liberalization. The considerable step in this direction is taken in Kazakhstan at a release of the Law «About Permissions and Notices» [6; 2].
This principle needs to be introduced in domestic environmental policy of our state. The state, business and the population have no antagonistic interests; all are interested to live in economically developed state and environmentally friendly environment. The state control has to be replaced gradually with audit, and not necessarily state, for the purpose of not search guilty, and for the purpose of the help to the enterprises and organizations to normalize the activity, to bring it into accord with the legislation, to liquidate consequences of emergencies and to provide transition to the best innovative accident-free and waste-free technologies. Examples of such audit already are in the European states. At us in Kazakhstan a good example is introduction of an energy audit according to the Energy saving-2020 program [7; 4].
Again created power service companies (ESKO) will help the enterprises and the population not only to fulfill standard requirements, but also to receive a real economic benefit. The same mechanisms of audit could be introduced concerning water saving and the address of industrial and household wastes. It is necessary to pass to delivery of ecological permissions and according to development of an assessment of impact on environment (EIA) only for those enterprises which carry out ecologically dangerous kinds of activity (by an example of the European Union). It will allow to reduce bureaucratic procedures approximately for 80 thousand enterprises, mainly small and medium business, and also to reduce the corresponding function in local executive bodies [3; 29].
Also our standard system needs to be brought into accord with recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) that will allow reducing costs of cleaning of dumping to the level «is purer, than in the nature». Not the fiscal problem of filling local and the republican budget, and a problem of stimulation of investments into innovative environmentally friendly technologies have to become the main task of economic instruments of environmental policy. It is separately necessary to tell about work with NGO. Kazakhstan signed with one of the first countries and ratified the Orkhussky convention on access for the population to ecological information, decision-making and justice in the field of environmental protection. In Almaty in 2005 at direct sponsorship of Kazakhstan the 2nd conference of the parties of this convention was held. Practically all provisions of the Orkhussky convention are implemented in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. However work in this direction should be continued. It is necessary to change radically relationship between NGO, government bodies and business, to construct them on mutual aid in achievement of the general for all the purpose — ecological safety. For this purpose environmental agencies have to work in full contact with public environmental assessment and public environmental control, on the basis of providing full and reliable ecological information, on the basis of the full accounting of public and personal reasonable offers and interests of citizens and protection of their violated rights. It is quite possible that Department of environment and water resources has to become an example not only the maximum transparency and availability to public control, but also an example of the translation of all the functions to the sphere of the state services, and then to the sphere of the social order and social business of non-profit organizations. The principle of an economic pragmatism underlain in our strategic and political documents defines need of the predictable, gradual and planned toughening of ecological requirements. In the developed countries of the world this approach is realized by establishment of target indicators of quality of environment for a long time. In the conditions of Kazakhstan such approach is successfully realized by introduction of obligatory production programs on full utilization of associated gases at oil production. This successful example is set by need of introduction of the program principle for reduction of all harmful issues in environment, and also for reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases. At the same time separate structural parts of environmental policy demand more careful and detailed accounting of national interests of Kazakhstan in the sphere of ecology, easing of dependence from the globalists of accents in nature protection activity and, on the contrary, strengthening of communication between the put-forward ecological tasks and their resource providing, development of national economy and a standard of living of the population.
We will emphasize that process of formation of environmental policy of Kazakhstan happened in a specific transition period when the political and economic system of the country was transformed. The most important characteristic of a condition of the country unavailability to world processes of globalization, both political, and economic structures. The chosen type of modernization almost inevitably brought environmental policy of Kazakhstan under influence of subjects of ecological globalization in many respects the Government of RK, making concessions to the western investors, seeking to expand attraction of the foreign capital, directed development of the state on the way of developing countries and transfer of Kazakhstan to category «the countries — harbors» for which decrease in environmental control and lack of tough environmental policy is characteristic. Kazakhstan didn't become an exception. In our opinion, throughout 90th and still environmental policy of Kazakhstan in many respects depends on influence of subjects of ecological globalization.
This judgment is confirmed by real policy of the state which was pursued actually, being arranged under needs of formation of new economy. Very eloquently it is confirmed in the analysis of questions of political and administrative character environmental policy of RK is still ineffective, the directions of the state activity planned in it often don't coincide with really happening processes. Complex problems which slow down carrying out environmental policy in life have a different origin. Low level of ecological consciousness, characteristic for the majority of social groups of the population, including government officials, has roots in national traditions, in the general and ecological culture of the people of Kazakhstan. It is especially negatively reflected on the way to nature protection activity, carrying out actions for protection of the nature, behavior of people in life. Here it is necessary to add to the bases of cult urological, mental character also a factor of social injustice in use of natural resources which was widely shown in the conditions of transition to a private property and the market relations. Substantially negative attitude to the authorities which adopted these laws especially as not all elements of the ecological legislation of RK are directed on interests of broad masses of the population affects rejection of laws. Are the reasons of insufficient financial and resource ensuring environmental policy also objective shortage of means because possibilities of the country obviously don't correspond yet to that scale of ecological actions which are undertaken by the state in many respects under the influence of global factors and nature protection political practice of the rich and economically more developed western countries, but also and feature of administrative activity of the state.
Perhaps, on the same basis there are continuous reorganization of the operating structures in the nature protection sphere, and mechanisms of administrative activity unite not only democratic and is administrative — authoritative methods, but also the shadow, closed from society methods of acceptance and implementation of solutions of the state level. The most serious problem of realization of environmental policy is its administrative aspect. It is the general relation of the state to environmental issues as to the minor sphere which is shown in structural and technological actions, in financing, in the general attention of power structures. It is still poorly developed ecological legislation which is quite often missing specific questions not reflecting various processes and the phenomena of ecological character. It is unstable, often and unfairly changing system of the government nature protection bodies, bad interaction between them and the public ecological organizations. It is universal use of inefficient administrative technologies and mechanisms, some of which transfer a state policy to the category antisocial, shadow, and is frequent also corruption activity. Only overcoming of such administrative problems is capable to provide effective realization of environmental policy in national interests of Kazakhstan.
At the same time, it should be noted that to speak about low efficiency of the environmental policy which is carried out in our country. Large-scale environmental pollution proceeds. Natural resources are injuriously used. The accepted programs of restoration or protection of concrete natural objects (Aral, Balkhash, forest parks, etc.) aren't carried out in necessary volumes. The ecological law of the country is systematically violated. There is a set of the political, administrative, resource and economic, moral and legal problems which are negatively influencing realization of environmental policy of Kazakhstan. Instability and corruptibility of the government administrative institutions in the nature protection sphere. Closeness of decision-making process, an assessment of the carried-out activity, and distributions of the financial means allocated for nature protection actions. Legal nihilism of the population in combination with a legal lawlessness of bureaucracy. Accurately expressed preferences of the Government to the financial benefits received from operation of natural resources it is frequent to the detriment of ecology.
The financial means allocated by the state for nature protection actions don't correspond to the global tasks containing in its environmental policy, don't provide all scale of the Kazakhstan nature. And, of course, big uncertainty in the maintenance of modern political system of Kazakhstan which is in a condition of transformation unites elements of democracy, administration, authoritarianism. Such of political system does it closed and torn off from society, unstable and ineffective. In impact of political system of Kazakhstan on the ecological sphere of the country these characteristics prove out.
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