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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Humanitarian aspects of Internet development in Kazakhstan and Germany 

The article is dedicated to research deflected as the Internet on change a way of life of youth influences. Among the hypotheses of the research, there was a suggestion that the Internet has a socializing effect of any institute depends on the time spent in it besides; we may speak of the Internet influences the behavior and the structure of personality. As a result of globalization in the modern world changes the structure and functions of traditional institutes and processes. Occurrence of the Internet and access complication to it of various strata of society, especially youth, became the reason of radical changes in many spheres of life of a society and in structures of human identity.

When we talk about social problems related to the development of new information communicative means, first of all we pay attention to how changes everyday life of individuals. Now, of course, the acquisition of goods, works, information, communication, communication related to access to cyber world. These processes, usually we focus on development of storage media. But at the end of the twentieth century, people no longer discuss advantages of new computers and programs but challenges of changing social qualities of users, their communities throughout social system relations, which are based on new forms of computer communication and communication. The question raised traditionally about changing technology contributes to changing forms of work with it today topical issue of a change in the processes of communication and social relations on the basis of new information technologies. By other words, the new technical environment creates a new social order. It is possible to speak about the global community of users the Internet system in developed countries and in the local networks of users and users in countries with lower levels of computer equipment.

Umberto Eco in his famous book «Eyes of Duce» wrote about himself and his time: «In those years, when I was born, the State man was a myth, the Televisional man became a myth of today’s epoch». Paraphrasing the great Italian it is possible to say about the young generation of Kazakhstan, that the Virtual Man became a modern myth for them. In the environment of young people and even after its limits a phrase «If you are not in the Internet, then you, probably do not exist at all» has wide circulation. The internet from the simple means of communication outgrows in something greater, and not only we use the Internet but also the Internet uses us, affecting us, changing our social look. The sociological research «The Influence of the Internet on the change of way of life of young people in Kazakhstan and abroad» was devoted to the study of the influence of the Internet upon the life of modern people, some results of which we offer to your attention. Foremost, it is necessary to mark that the research was being conducted during several years in three countries — Kazakhstan (Karaganda State University named after Buketov), Russia (Saint Petersburg   State University) and Germany (University of Erfurt).

Modern social cognition uses a special term to refer to the community of Internet users — social network the Internet. In network realized specific kind of intercourse and communication. With mass using of computer means communication process occurs transformation society, the process of change  routine (See Table).

When we consider community of computer users how network social, you can analyze social relations in the process frame this new online community and their impact on changes in society as a whole. Which as a community formed around him and the reality appears to man? Network Community acts as a communicative and interactive partner for the individual. Association of users on the Internet has led to the formation of a qualitatively new social space where a variety of ways possible communication and interaction partners who situated thousands of miles away from each other in different social environments and systems, but at the same time could start in relations within the current new communicative system. The first   characteristic of the virtual space is a place localization of networking. At what point social localization area cyber world? Answer is logical response to assume that network world is not associated with any particular area, which means in turn that communication the network does not depend on the spatial localization of communicating people. Selecting communicative area, in essence, is the only form of binding to the train, for example communicative spatial localization. The second important characteristic of the new social network is synchronism\asynchrony communication in communication. Most forms communicative means e-mail  and www runs asynchronously sender leaves a message, which will be semi-Chenoa at another time partner communication, was read, and processed. These types of e-communication combine the advantages of writing (reliabilityin reaching a destination) and benefits telephone communication (speed). Synchronicity is achievable communication in chat rooms, newsgroups, etc. 

The time spent by working in Internet in Kazakhstan (percentage) [1]

 The time spent by working in Internet in Kazakhstan (percentage)

The third characteristic of the virtual space is the immateriality of the partners in the communication process, the immateriality of their impact on each other. In reality, of course, the partners have corporeality, but in the network field as they meets communicates partners which are can never stand before each other in own corporeality. In the cyberspace no physicality communication. In a form of communication, there are certain incorporeal advantages. No bodily pressure excluded form physical control by other persons, rule out the possibility of bodily violence, here we are referring to the influence of bodily signs on adequate decoding information. Described of the above communication process cyber world can be far-reaching forecasts. In traditional social relations education of social groups and communities is a prerequisite for certain forms of violence or physical control. Forms of violence or control optional time-out deal with direct forms coercion, to forms of violence can be attributed to the need to defined social restrictions in compliance rituals in the process of communication, and others.

The fourth feature is that the world computer networks to express them limited by content of text and graphics. Hypertext is becoming one of the most important forms of self-representation of the individual in the network, on the one hand very limiting its resources of expression, on the other — allowing you to realize fantasies, dreams, role compensate fell short of expectations.

The fifth feature of the virtual space — the anonymity of communicating partners, the lack of status positions. Distance communication partners allow them to communicate without status and social area, for example communication takes place on the exchange level meanings. For researchers of social relations, this fact is of great importance, since distance communication can remove many social problems. For example, in the process of direct intercourse between children and parents have rang and area barrier status can prevent not only understanding, but also in certain environments and conditions obstructs getting students necessary information, often hinders the formation of independent critical discussing ability. The status barrier also prevents interpretation personal information received. Communication without rang can be called unstructured in the sense of the traditional forms of social relations. Thus, in the assessment of networking partners each other through evaluation of the content interaction. Social power is canceled, performance criteria is the speed of typing and conciseness of expression. However, although «the web, all users are equal», because there is no communication virtual social status indicators that appear in physical form, and the status in the online community will only affect telecommunications skills (including the ability to print) in online communities are sometimes formed social hierarchy. This suggests that the trend of socialization of the virtual space — it institutionalization of certain structures, hierarchies, etc.

Anonymity — another attractive property for agents interaction of the virtual space. You can talk endlessly long under a pseudonym (nickname), you can choose the floor and age, sex, profession and others.

Thus, the virtual space is formed around and among Internet users and the new information and communication technologies. However, agents of the virtual space are parallel to the actors of social space — reality. This ambivalence gives rise to a new, interdependent trend of social development in the era of computer technologies — virtualization of social processes and socialization of the virtual space.

For the purpose of scientific study of new phenomena and trends in the development of society and man in modern sociology successfully applied the idea of virtualization Society (Ivanov D.V.) [2].

The position of the supporters of this concept (Buhl A., A.Crocker) based on difference   understanding «real / virtual» as a metaphor. About virtualization applied to society can speak so far because society becomes like a virtual reality, can be described by the same characteristics [3].

In the universal properties of a virtual network space can distinguish three particular characteristics:

  • Intangible exposure (depicted produces effects that are typical for real);
  • Conditional parameters (artificial objects and changeable);
  • Ephemeral (freedom of entry / exit provides opportunity interruption and resumption of existence). Virtualizations in this case are any substitution opportunity its simulation / way — not necessarily c using computer technology, but are sure with using the logic of virtual reality. This logic can be seen and where computer not directly used. For example, the virtual economy can be called and the one in which economic transaction conducted primarily through the Internet, and one in which profiteering in the stock market is dominated over the material production. Virtual policies can be called strife for power and means of agitation c via web-pages or press conference on the Internet, and through advertising.

Applied to society as a whole virtualization appears not as a single process, but rather as a series of diverse but similarly aimed trends in different spheres of life. «Network and virtuality» allows to analyze not only social change, but also features changes of individual and group identity and communication. So sociological studies show what «social reality» virtual space in the active Internet users. Important is that it is subjectively perceived as a space that is manifested in the language of self-descriptions of active users. Not to mention traditional «input» and «output», many of them describe their working the Internet as a «journey», saying that they «roam» on Internet or «go» somewhere. Spatial metaphors on the Internet — such as «worlds», «region» or «rooms» are very common. The term «cyberspace» thus reflects the perception of the Internet as a space.

To sum up, to draw some conclusions: one of after effects development of Internet technology is the emergence of network social, whose members are:

  • have their own interests in c using the Internet;
  • ready to defend those interests;
  • have a sense of collective identity, based on the use of special jargon normal communication, sharing common values and

Findings of the investigation showed: the development of the Internet and features of its affecting the users in Kazakhstan has specific differences with other countries.

  1. The development of modern fibre-optics connection in Kazakhstan does not have large potential, because the country possesses enormous territories and subzero density of population. Cost of traffic of the Internet in Kazakhstan is considerably more expensive, the quality of service is worse and experts in this area explain this situation by the variety of reasons from which it is possible to distinguish the monopoly of Kazakhtelecom in rendering this service and the absence of competition environment in this sector of economy.
  2. Digital The internet entered our life so widely, that part of young people that does not have the opportunity to use this technology in full by reason of absence of monetary resources or in connection with the technological backwardness of region of their residence(rural areas) undoubtedly will be less competitive in life as compared to their peers. For instance, if the group of youth fond of on-line games is the children of the Establishment in Kazakhstan so in Germany according to the pursued researches such kind of leisure vice versa is a lot of less educated and poor strata of the youth.
  3. Correlation of the personal and public space. For the vast majority of young people in Kazakhstan the Internet is a sphere of the personal life, the basic type of the virtual surfing that is Internet-acquaintances, Internet-communication. Social networks «Class-mates», «Vkontakte», blogs is a method to have a virtual friendly acquaintance that often transforms into If in Germany the attitude to the Internet is utilitarian (prevailing such operations as electronic shopping, looking for a job), we have often emotional and uncritical attitude to it.
  4. The influence on self-consciousness. Maybe, the Internet gives unique ways for self-realization and the implementation of that by means of the real life can be impossibly or uneasily to Maybe indeed the Network gives a few time for communication and work in the off-line mode i.e. in the real life. But in my case personally it (at least now) gives an opportunity in real life to feel a little bit more confident too. Due to the Internet I have learnt English, and I have known the lifestyle of my peers abroad, and found the place of my study.

Certainly, the Internet, undoubtedly, has enormous prospects. Now, when plans on introduction of Internet-technologies in everyday life are clear (the decision of the government of the Republic of  Kazakhstan «About the convention of forming and development of informative space and Kazakhstan segment of the Internet», it is possible to expect more radical changes in how a man works, studies and has a rest in Kazakhstan.

However, informatization of society has contradictory character. From one hand, this process has a stabilizing influence upon the socio-economic and political spheres of the society, and on the other hand, assists the destruction of public structures, and as a result — possible destabilization of society.

Everybody underline the compensatory function of the Internet — under the conditions of development of processes of atomization in post-soviet union society communication by means of the Internet and going away to the virtual world — games — is the result of compensation of the devalued basis of the social values.

There exists the process of convergence of constant networkers who positively evaluate tendencies of globalization in the modern world having all the feelings of the globalizing mankind.

It is especially necessary to pay attention at the emancipating function of the Internet. It is contradictory. From one hand, relevant information allows the users of the Network to adapt to the continuous changes in an optimal way, on the other hand, the pressure of the last jointly with the intensions of technocratic optimism of regular users, inevitably violates fragile balance between traditions and innovations, simultaneously with it increasing the valued divergences with the rest part of the society.

From the sociological point of view the Internet for humanity is a factor of self-organization.

The part of netters has chosen the way of the informative consumption, and the part of action development, i.e. the complexification not only of the knowledge and the language but also the productive skills. Subculture of the network habitants will qualitatively and quantitatively feed the productive and professional elite. Modern sociological approaches usually describe the passive subjects formed by the active environment.

Very seldom sociology describes active subjects in the active environment, and the phenomenon of the Internet gives the example of such a system of social relations. The masses no longer have extraordinary interest to it, do not require it up to the determination and explanation.


Список литературы 

  1. Об использовании информационных бытовых и коммуникационных технологий в Республике Казахстан, — [ЭР]. Режим доступа: http://stat.gov.kz/getImg? id=WC16200013055.
  2. Иванов Д.В. Глэм-капитализм. — СПб.: Восточные исследования, 2006. — 176 с.
  3. Инджиголян А.А. Социология Интернета. — Караганда: Санат, 2006. — 153 с.

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