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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Representation of the image of a political leader in men in the modern Kazakh society 

The article deals with the quality of political leadership in this regard, the study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase analyzed the media, with which words were allocated category characterizing the image   of a political leader. In the second phase, also with a view to identifying image of the political leader of  the study were performed on  2  samples of male subjects:  indigenous migrants  from Kazakhstan  and Georgia. It was found that ethnic and cultural stereotypes have a significant impact on the formation of an image of the future in our subjects. But on the political representation of these factors have a significant impact.

Policy in the modern world is one of the leading and most important places in the life of each person. People voluntarily or involuntarily analyzes political life, most take part in the elections, often Comprehending life of their country, society through the lens of key political figures, political leaders. Understanding, giving semantic values of their lives through political leaders allows you to create and build their lives, their future. It is, therefore, our task was to examine, explore, then how is an idea of political leadership in the context of the formation of ideas about the future of a person, what mechanisms influence the formation of [1].

In order to study and obtain objective (quantification) representation of the image of a political leader, formed by the media in the Republic of Kazakhstan we carried out a content analysis of Kazakhstani publications: 1. nationwide, the Republican newspaper Kazakhstan «Kazakhstan truth»; 2. The regional   newspaper «Industrial Karaganda»; 3. The newspaper «Kursiv»; 4. The newspaper «Business Kazakhstan».

These newspapers were selected as  newspapers,  reflecting  and  republican  and  regional  audience, the official press.

Analyzed period for newspapers — period: November 2013 — November 2014.

  1. «Kazakhstan truth». Total views 250 issues of the newspaper, 124 issues of the newspaper published materials involving issues of political leadership in Kazakhstan, the quality and characteristics of the image of a political As the results of the content analysis, often in a printed publication one of the main qualities of a political leader is called: authority — 45.1 % (56 articles), education — 21.7 % (27 articles), oratory — 12,9 % (16 articles) chestnost — 4.8 % (6 items), image, appearance oblik — 4.3 % (5 items), popularity, ability to command by 3.2 % (4 articles), wisdom, sociability, intuition 1 6 % (2 articles).
  2. Regionalnaya newspaper «Industrial Karaganda». Viewed 156 issues of the Of these 115 numbers published information, which contained the analyzed characteristics. Thus, the credibility, reliability traced in 48 articles  (41.7 %),  education, knowledge  in  32 articles  (27.8 %), image  (positive)  in 22 articles (19.2 %), other qualities (oratory, honesty popularity, intuition) in 13 articles (11.3 %).
  3. The newspaper «Kursiv»; analyzed 52 issues of the newspaper (article 132), in their business acumen (which have been associated with the ability to command, to make a decision, wisdom, intuition), education, determination is inextricably linked with the political way in the majority of cases, respectively, 57, 43, 13 articles, which amounted to 1 %; 32.5 %, 10.0 %. In the 19 articles (14.3 %) in total were specified and other qualities — honesty, commitment to family values, ability to make decisions, wisdom, etc.
  4. The newspaper «Business Kazakhstan». 50 issues of the newspaper, which we have reviewed and analyzed (122 articles), special emphasis was placed on education (37 articles — 8 %), and the ability to make decisions (35 articles — 28.6 %), reliability and wisdom (23 articles — 24.6 %). Other qualities: kindness, justice to the criticism were not so significant.

The ideal image of a political leader in Kazakhstan is associated primarily with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. Thus, the article which describes the political activities of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan met in the above newspapers in 92 %, in contrast to the leaders of the capital and regional scale.

In modern societies, there is a request for a charismatic, unique policy, including personal dignity which authority is clearly seen as outstanding achievements, skills of the individual. Primarily for Kazakhstan it is expressed in the determination, activity, «iron» will of the leader. In addition to the «iron character», a political leader must possess qualities such as confidence, decision-making ability, the ability to command. These qualities presuppose thoroughness, commitment to one idea, one line reliability. Such policies can clearly set goals and achieve them. It is this individual and charismatic image of the politician demanded in today's society.

Thus, formed a positive image among the masses policy. Of course, the prevalence of «business» qualities in no  way rejects  and emotional  category image  of  a political leader.  Emotional qualities  contribute to the formation of public attitudes about fair and honest leader.

No less important is the education policy, his mind, his ability to speak eloquently and persuasively, that his oratorical skills.

Thus, most of the articles form the perfect image of a political leader as a wise, educated man, authoritative, decisive, with a fine intuition, honest, popular, able to form a clear idea of the masses to further the development of the state. It is these qualities of a leader, selected as a result of a content analysis were used in determining the image of a political leader in our sample.

According to the results of content analysis was carried out by us as a political group leader. We have identified 4 groups: political, personal, business and moral.

The political, we carried: authority, rhetoric, image, popularity. The structure of personal qualities — intelligence, self-control, sensitivity, wisdom, intuition, sociability. Business qualities — qualities that are needed primarily for policy decision-making, ie ability to command, determination. Moral qualities,  respectively, nepotism, tolerance of criticism, fairness and honesty. These qualities are allocated as a result of media content analysis served as the basis for the formation of scale in the future.

Summarized the results of content analysis, we can note that the political and personal qualities were mentioned more often than business and moral. The totality of all these qualities and forms a highly positive assessment of the political leader of the masses.

In the future, these results were confirmed.

Ranking as the image of a political leader (as modified by us Likert scale) showed that significant differences in men indigenous Kazakhs and indigenous Georgians missing. This can be seen in the chart comparing the ranking as a political leader of men in our sample.

Thus, the most important qualities for a political leader Georgians called education (7.2 points) and oratory (4.5 points), and it is clear that education is the leader among all the qualities of selected representatives of this ethnic group. Native Kazakhs almost equally appreciated qualities such as education and oratory (respectively 4.9 and 4.8 points). Just give them the highest scores in their sample.

The diagram shows that the scale of "education" Georgians estimated at 7.2 points; scale «art of oratory» — 4.53 points; scale «leadership» — 2.73 points; scale «self-control» — 2.23 points; scale  «popularity»

  • 43 points; scale of «goodwill» — 1.9 points; scale «sociability» — 1.83 points; scale «mind» — 2.16 points; scale of «sensitivity» — 2.5 points; scale «tolerance to criticism» — 2.33 points; scale of «nepotism»
  • 56 points; scale «determination» — 1.4 points; scale «image» — 1.73 points; scale of «honesty» — 1.26 points; scale «intuition» — 0.8 points; scale of «justice» — 0.7 points; scale «ability to command» —points; scale «wisdom» — 0.43

 Chart ranking the qualities of political leadership Georgians  

Figure1. Chart ranking the qualities of political leadership Georgians 

These preferences confirming previous findings that the value of ensuring the realization of their aspirations for the future and Kazakhs, Georgians rely on the value of achievements: dedication, commitment to education, competence, success and social approval activities. And it is these qualities of the ideal image of a political leader formed the media.

The diagram shows that the scale of «education» of Kazakhstan was estimated at 3.77 points; scale «art of oratory» — 4.87 points; scale «leadership» — 3.77 points; scale «self-control» — 1.83 points; scale «popularity» — 1.67 points; scale of «goodwill» — 1.77 points; scale «sociability» — 1.8 points; scale «mind» — 2.8 points; scale of «sensitivity» — 2.63 points; scale «tolerance to criticism» — 1.7 points; scale of «nepotism» — 1.47 points; scale «determination» — 1.97 points; scale «image» — 2.17 points; scale of «honesty» — 1.97 points; scale «intuition» — 1.17 points; scale of «justice» — 1.13 points; scale «ability to command» — 0.8 points; scale «wisdom» — 0.53 points. 

 Diagram of ranking the quality of political leadership from Kazakhstani

Figure 2. Diagram of ranking the quality of political leadership from Kazakhstani 

In determining the least important qualities of the ideal image of a political leader and representatives of the Georgian Kazakh ethnic groups have also expressed solidarity. So, the least important qualities for a political leader was the name of the following: equity, ability to command, intuition and wisdom. And the wisdom in this instance, acquired a different meaning in contrast to the mind. The mind is treated as certain show pleasing, perzhde all analytical abilities of the individual, and wisdom — as the ability to apply these skills in certain situations based on life experience. In general, the sample, the mind takes a leading position than wisdom.

So,  the  Georgians  appreciated  qualities  such  as  wisdom  (0.4  points),  the  ability  to   command (0.5 points), justice (0.7 points) and intuition (0.8 points) is very low. Similar positions in both men Kazakhstani: wisdom (0.5 points), the ability to command (0.8 points), justice (1.1 points) and intuition (1.1 points). That shows, in general, a pragmatic attitude to the world, inherent in men as native Georgians and indigenous Kazakhs.

The diagram can be seen the gap in relation to education for men and Kazakh Georgian ethnos, some smaller discrepancies in relation to the popularity of tolerance to criticism and nepotism. Georgians for these qualities are more important than for Kazakhstan. For representatives of the Kazakh ethnic group more important than for the Georgians are oratory, leadership, intelligence, image and integrity.

Thus, the highest ranks were obtained from the Georgians, and the Kazakhs on the scales: education, public speaking, leadership, which shows a similar representation of men in our sample.

Significant differences between the groups in the distribution of the results on the scale of «the ideal image of a political leader» (Mann-Whitney Uemp = 162, at critical values r ≤ 0.01 = 88 and r ≤ 0.05 = 109) had not been received. Thus, the ideal image of a political leader in the increasingly shaped the media than in the images of the future representatives of our sample.

 Diagram of performance ranking as a political leader of men in both groups compared

Figure 3. Diagram of performance ranking as a political leader of men in both groups compared

Comparing the image of the future and the image of the political leader of men in our sample, we concluded that the image of the future in men Georgian nation and Kazakhs are different, but the image of a political leader is similar.

So, most Kazakhs (16 %) appreciate their future, because the future they bind many plans, hopes, intentions. It is full of opportunities and valuable to them. The future for them in an orderly and structured, depends on your own efforts, as evidenced by high scores on «structuring» (HSR = 4.68) and «internal control» (HSR = 4.72).

By the method of Schwartz and the highest rates were obtained from the same values as the «achievements» (HSR = 5.21), ie, for Kazakhstan is very important commitment, respect in the community, competence.

For the Georgians, is now more important (15 %), Georgians sufficiently appreciate the temporal dimensions of their lives, take them meaningful, relevant and important.

The future for them as structured (XCP = 4.38), as well as for Kazakhstan, but to a lesser extent. Because the future is perceived as something very far, it seems that time is running too slow, «still to come», they are not fully aware of the easy or difficult it will be.

The value of the «achievements», «maturity» received higher grades, respectively (XCP = 5.23) and (XCP = 4.42). They also appreciate the authority, education, hard work and dedication.

Image of the future depends on the cultural and ethnic rights, a significant role in the development of ideas about the future is just playing the cultural and social context. Idea of the future life events is not an individual phenomenon, but is determined by the influence of the social environment in which a person develops.

Time perspective man at every moment determined by the characteristics of the situation and individual preferences, the latter are relatively stable and depend on cultural factors and social belonging.

In the process of socialization formed ethnic and cultural patterns of behavior that leads to the formation of the national character. National character — a set of common and recurring in persons of a certain nationality traits as manners, behaviors, ways of understanding reality.

In the process of character education harmoniously integrated and significant for the formation of ethnic and national traits that are considered normative. For Kazakhs — a genuine kindness, honesty, compassion, hospitality, sobriety, patience in suffering transferring And Georgians often become leaders in the team, it contributes to the development of such qualities as formed organizational and communication skills, selfreliance. Also play an important role especially education, in which a boy from childhood orient the importance of men taking care of the younger and weaker. In this case, education (especially boys) are not used prohibitions and punishments, families cultivated a love for the younger Drinking elders, as has been said, respectfully but quite differentiated. If the disposal of the head belonging to other ethnic groups perceived as touches their national dignity, that such an order is resisted.

Despite the fact that both the Kazakhs and Georgians are fairly traditional cultures, ethnic and cultural stereotypes have a significant impact on the formation of an image of the future. But on the political representation of these factors have a significant impact. The image of a political leader is possible to form only at high awareness, in this case the men in our sample as well as the modern information society requires easy access to the diverse nature of the information, including the political. Information everywhere, constantly and rapidly updated.

Experts and authoritative sources, which include the official and the press, are some of the major shaping political attitudes of the population.

These sources of information and allow the participants to form our study quite a number of characteristics of the image of a political leader, especially a positive plan. That is, in a positive way with the political leader pin their aspirations, hopes for the future of men in our sample, giving it qualities such as education, intelligence and composure.

Thus, it is important in shaping the image of a political leader have value orientations of people: wellbeing, the nation, the state, economic or political freedom, strength, equality, social justice, loyalty to the traditions of society, technical and economic progress, social hierarchy, the protection of the environment, democracy and others. For most people, the image of a political leader is on a pragmatic foundation. They relate the policy according to their needs and interests, which are manifested in the present and future oriented person [2].



  1. Абашкина Е., Егорова–Гантман Е. Политиками не рождаются: как стать и остаться эффективным политическим лидером. — М.: Антиква, 1993. — 280 с.
  2. Политическое консультирование. — М.: Центр политического консультирования «Никколо–М», 1999. — 471 с.

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