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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Spirituality of word tradition in sagacity of nation

As the spiritual mediator role of generation sequence which gained the sagacity of the thousand years experienced nation. It did not just surprised with a help of wise and attentive ability of the nation in foreign lands, but also it believed to the happy future of nation which jumped to the new level of its history in spare country. The action of great figures which concerns the necessity of the nation could put conscious opinions to everybody who brought wide scope to the national perception and to the spiritual life. Civil history of our nation is researching according to national aims from ancient times till nowadays and could take significant researches.

It is necessary to praise the national spirituality in order to keep spiritual values of our ancestors keeping national pequilarities. Here, the sourse of nation existensy renews from ancient times as a factor which determines the national values and its actuality. And it is one of the main factors which begins from national foundation.

The thing that defines and establishes the complexed history of our nation is the national consciousness. In order to define and analyze the values which purposed to the national existense and consciousness is — the active and influental role of correlational generation which can flock, inspire and unite people’s values and nowadays it becomes relevant.

Perpetual monument which is dedicated to the aged history, to our anscestors, to the great sons of our nation and to their honorable ideals comes out similar. Indeed, the revelation of deep historical heritage’s content testifies historical justification. Spiritual heritages of our nation include relativity of generation and time harmony. This is a indicator which teaches generation to respect the spirits of our anscestors and to be patriots of your fatherland. The world civilization keeps going forward, that is why it is really important for the future generation.

«Kazakh nation could take the opportunity to realize the individuality, national dignity of each person. But this is only opportunity: it should be established in consciousness of every kazakh citizen» The Leader of Nation — N.A. Nazarbayev’s statement has sense [1; 3].

A life that takes its beginning from the national history and the responsibility to the anscestors and their spiritual heritage stlil remain important. That is why there is a constant traditional tendency in the individual pictures of national spirituality which correlates with the history of nation. Traditional tendency forms in the national consciousness, and the national consciousness forms in in the national culture». In any cultural society it is possible for them to implement their strivings and purposes. Values and dignities of national consciousness measures in the levels of culture. National traditions of culture arise from: the capacity to work, habbits and politeness of societies, living together in peace, respecting memory of anscestors, preserving cemeteries, monuments of anscestors, realtionship between parents and children, striving to the best, struggling for happines and justice. The problem of national culture is complicated and allusive. National  culture is a factor which passes on moral values and national spiritual experience. It means, national culture — is a core of the antional consciousness [2; 62].

First of all, a quality that must be in a man is individuality — through the man there can be seen its spiritual quality and through the consciousness its culture. It means that the man and the culture develop in close connection. The man is a core of culture because it is a spiritual existence of the man. The culture on the base of spiritual formation, historical develpoment of the human should not be differentiated between them. The individuality of the a man is defined by his inner world. The spiritual existence of the man, i.e. developing his culture comes out the meaning of his world.

The culture — is defined as an initiation of existence quality which is in the inner world of the man. It means, humanity, genteelness and existence of the man can be seen through the spiritual creativity and activity or in a one word, through the culture. In other words, the man’s existence can be defined by its cultural sensitivity, creative possibilities, talents or other specific capabilties.

In this case, the spiritual existence which developed in high level is — an evidence of cultural sensitivity of individuals.

Through the enormous qualities of the humanity and the spiritual existence of the intellegent men we can see their cultural sensitivity. That is to say, it proves that their cultural sensitivity locates in high position. The width of outlook, spiritual image and whole life are full of humanity, intellectual heritage of upbringing come out as a valuable treasure. Nowadays, writings of great men that teaches us to be humane and cultural is the main fenomen which helps us do not loose our existing origin.

The thing that was the basis of formating philosophical opinions of unique individuals is a heritage of ancestors. It is known that ancient literary-cultural heritage makes nation to be nation, people to be people. The basis of oral literature that comes from ancient time influenced to the culture that changed to world outlook.

There is a notion «interrelation» in the stream of history which spread orally during many centuries and keeps continuing this tradition. The periods which passed developing the wise examples during many centuries never were forgotten.

The continuation of generation which absorbed millenarian wisdom of the nation is important as a spiritual dealer. The nation which not only surprised other nations through its capabilities, but also believed to the future of his nation. Activities of great persons who contributed many wise opinions to the intrerest of nation, influenced to the national belief and to the spiritual life. Civilian history of our nation is researching since ancient times till nowadays and with a help of this, there was made big research.

Spiritual reins of the nation did not lose its unity and national consciousness, now it moved to the reign of artistic words. Ancient heritage which helped to save its spirit and motivated to the future made nation to be intelligent. The burden of national spirit was on these leaders. It is obvious that ancient heritages play significant role, raising spirituality of the past history. Because it was the lesson which encouraged the power, braveness of ancestors and our national spirit. Tradition of artistic ornaments, social opinions, and philosophical attitudes of activists that show their accomplishments — was formed according to demands of this time. If you look to not only what he has said, but also what he has done for people’s goals, anyway it will be looked unique.

The existence of wisdom showed its influence in each work of great person through the meaning of person’s past life and the excitement about future life. In order to make individual person to be intelligent, it is necessary to let him feel the soil of his native land, breath of the living and the meaning of this life. Under the each problem’s conclusion that was discussed, there are observant, philosophical and deep rooted thoughts. It means that their real world view secret is connected with it. Individual — is not common person, he must be unique who can posses the language skillfully and is able to put his trace in his own writings.

Great persons are conciliators who can join together state with state, nation with nation and civilization with civilization. It is known that great person is a wide reaching notion in human existence and consciousness.

The beginning of high-minded merits of men is based upon spiritual heritage. Noble minded spirit of any Kazakh who can contemplate every situation was a guarantee of the state intactness.

All these things showed its importance in philosophical, social and political ways which were formed in different times. The existence of human, civilian merits was originated from the traditions of ancestors.

Today, the new wave teaches young people not only to be efficient, intelligent, but also to be patriot who can help to his Motherland in the future is the spirit of our nation which spread its influence everywhere. Through spiritual search and historical connection we know the historical core of our nation that was formed during many centuries. Of course, persons who have wide world outlook and high ability to learn always show his intelligence.

The system of logical perception can be seen through the concept of summarizing the thoughts that was taken from the life experience. Description of logical, significant meaning of thoughts can be defined from the content of dialectical and existential samples. Historical tradition lessons, educative advises play its part to develop spiritual world of human.

If we consider history lesson within a framework of today’s standpoints, destinies of activists can be under the base of complicated world outlook. Big ideas that were originated from these traditions and bright scenes which raised nation freedom — were appeared from the understanding people’s dreams and interests.

We can see the forms of philosophical living of any nation and its historical periods of philosophical thoughts. The thinking development of Kazakh nation was shown in consistent scene. Because philosophical thoughts can be given through wise sayings, morals, proverbs, legends and poetries. Craftsmen of artistic words could show life phenomenon, the relationships between people through traditions,  spiritual life, dreams and interests that were formed during many centuries on the base of people’s world outlook. These philosophical thoughts, wise suggestions were concerned to society, world, nature phenomenon, important event which happened with someone.

Their one more direction is that the wisdom of consciousness about the values in a human being is interrelated with the great desire and long-cherished goals. The art of eloquence and spiritual poetry flowing like a mountain stream which became as spiritual benefit of a human being stem from the very ancient world history and became a valuable treasure of the peculiar world view of the folk wisdom. Folk wisdom gave life to national being and the spiritual legacy that have been continuing ancestral traditions from generation to generation. Life manner and spiritual legacy of any people which formed in days gone by are the by-gone way of living’s evidence of that people. We need only to be able to understand and distinguish it. All of them are in the depths of history. That is a history period or a history example. Consequently, understanding the interconnection of the cultural and spiritual legacy which continue up to the present day is a task of philosophy and its history, history, literature and the other sciences.

«By narration of antecedent the history serves to the present time and future life». The valuable treasures, the latent secrets retained in the memory of the people are only just becoming welfare of the people. The history of our nation, taking stocks, is a history of struggle on the way towards living in peace. As M.Kozybayev said «...Kazakh people is a nation which came through trials of history... History of Kazakh nation is very long and large, its homeland at one time was deserted. Today we have our courageous dzhigits who worthily outlook from afar, immense recourses and rich soil» [3; 42], our three great bis (in ancient times — judges) — Tole bi, Kazybek bi and Aiteke bi who lived in XVII-XVIII centuries, ruled the country and showed the way of powerful and smart eloquence to their descendants, and who became the motto of wisdom and gifted nature were such personalities. This time was a period when along with total formation and strengthening of Kazakh khanate the devastating offensive blows of the foreign enemies became strained too much, and when their fate was tried at those rugged times the silver-tongued speakers sent out and directed the leaders in order to put fresh heart into their people and support them, it was time when the art of speech was of paramount importance. As the phrase goes, each person is a descendant of the time at which he lives, the wise men of that period were advisably estimated as the statesmen.

Ability to sense this life is always come through by breathing of the epoch. With respect to the different social problems taking place in the nature an individual cannot remain neutral against dictates of times, we every when see in their creations social, philosophical motives of the period. Because a person always develops according to the unique objective laws. In this connection, we bear in mind the works, services done for the benefit of destiny of the people and dear land of the great names of history who soared up to the highwater mark of oratory by their spiritually pure being, and who lived in the troublesome diverse times. Such historical and cultural continuity of generations who follow the example of ancestors, on the whole, facilitate to clear up the steady future of our national culture. Because only be means of looking narrowly into the national ideological views of each people it is possible to understand depth of the level of requirements of that people.

Kazakh man in his spiritual life strived to recognize and learn the endless and immense universe and this earth observing them mentally. He tried to learn and recognize himself owing to the whole world. Therefore a Kazakh person resigned himself to wisdom, beauty and refinement and venerated their power.

Consequently, in connection with revealing the truth of life, in philosophical sense its range with implication of the world truth, which is connected with the present life, shall be very considerable. Thanks to the ability of the beautiful view of the great steppe mental outlook of national being, dignity and merit, talent and ability is developed, sense of art of speech is «lighted up» and originality of world outlook’s existence became clear. General spiritual intellectual wealth, great mentality, ability to sense by means of his inner world helped to understand the immense mental outlook of artistic consciousness that will continue for many centuries. Moreover, we can realize spiritual search enriched and inspired by influence of feelings, and experience of life. Here first of all it is revealed sharp necessity of good soul which can be felt by the inner world, thoroughly understanding the secrets of life according to their explanations, also that is analyzed by mind and, pondering over, the conclusion is drawn.

It seems that skills of thinking in the form of considering the fact of matter and understanding as a peculiar feature of cognition talking about changes of world phenomenon by the reasonable and justified words, inspired and formed personal views.

Consequently, tradition of using the intelligence of our bis and spokesmen who were men of wisdom and leaders of eloquence, heroes, and bis whose fame spread all over the whole Kazakh people is known since olden times. Here only sober mind, spiritual value in due time could lay the basis to form the system of thinking by logical method, bright intelligence and which solves the problems with the help of lateral thinking, weighting up each idea in mind, and which especially can feel everything by the inner world. The following brilliant thoughts of the great philosopher al-Farabi seem to be told concerning to that: «Quick wittedness is a good quality of humanity»... To be faithful to his honor and to be sincere emerge because of the person’s good quality towards himself, and his good deeds» [4; 11, 12]. These are benefaction, innocence, the qualities which occur through a person’s knowledge, his edification gained from another one, highness, wealth of his mental world, and good sense. «Knows not the one who studies, but the one who learns» say Kazakh people. Wise persons are plentiful for a character of noble frame; a man is humane, ethical, in a word, for him in developing of brilliance, being noted for his wisdom, along with influence of his own environment, he himself, his intelligence, understanding, above all things, his sense of conscience is a number one concern for him. Experience of a wise man that he comprehended from his life is various and diversified. In other words, each event happening in the world is analyzed, shown up, summed up and is formed as his life experience. Wise men hand around this wealth for the others, use it to the benefit of the people. Only mastering the diversified variety of wisdom’s secrets, its words magic is power, generous spirit. All of them eventually were considered in close connection with education of the future descendants, and conscious life which is based on such distinguished qualities as honor, intellect, courage, knowledge and learning. If a cherished dream is silly, can be seen in unbeatable might it comes into being and becomes the people’s benefit.

That is to say, it is a natural regularity. History independently recognized vitality of the national spirit from long ago. Only by virtue of learning, and analyzing the great individuals of their days can be given an unbiased assessment by their people. «Really objective, dialectical and scientific views  towards history means worthily appreciation of the individuals who made an impact on development of history» [5; 11]. The idea of nation is great by his youth. Continuance of such proverbial wisdom — it shows accordance, harmony, sympathy of a man and his people.

As A.Kekilbayev said, wisdom — it is «a rare talent which is met as a fine gold,...the child of the Eart Motger whom she weeping over and feeling sad by a narrow margin, eventually, finds». For this reason, in the foodful flat land among Kazakh brilliance of the broad plains like Saryarka the grand names of history like Alatau are the rarity in our nature who can be noticeable. Among them there is Kazybek bi who is high and mighty, from either side doesn’t concede misstep and courageous and strong-willed as a great ruler [6; 295].

One of the main qualities of the individuals with the great character and high spirit is evidence of their heroism. It would be appropriate if we compare our people’s specific being, which is different from the others, with the following M.Auezov’s philosophical comparison of a man’s evolvement into the hero with hardening of extra-fine steel. «When blue steel is cooled in the water after flame heating, than tempered in the flame after cooling it is hardened and becomes extra-fine steel. At first when it exits in its sharp acute spike there is bluish-brown rust, it was its very cold power which his hot and cold origin gave for the battlefront. Undergoing examination, being tried and tested, cutting the hard, chafing your hands, once its glittering spike and its sparkling steel body will be revealed. White extra-fine steel of different origin is clearly noticed at that time» [7; 60]. The great land hereby realized harmony of power and courage. Eloquence of the individuals, their courage and sense are well-spreaded all over Kazakh land. There are many recollections that are treasured up in memory of the people. We can see that in proceedings of Shokan Ualikhanov estimation with respect to that Abai said is succeeded those recollections, this is an example for that. Along with controversy decision of youth in the disputes among people, the attending to the moments when they compensated people’s losses is very appropriate. It is known for all of us on the basis of which story there is a powerful truth. Consequently, it can help us fully understand the truth of epoch, events in the capacity of significant and most reliable stories. Both historical and cultural sense of the legends and the stories is meaningful. They on their side help us learn deeply and in detail the truth of those hostile times in the XVIII century. Such legends and storied which do not very much deviate from the historical written data are used instead of the valuable recollections which can contribute to study the real look of certain events and people. The legends describe actions of the distinguished people of that time, the memorable words which are passed on from mouth to mouth among people, concluded and processed are very valuable as the people’s reminiscences [8; 55, 56]. …Then these data undoubtedly can become description of the heroes which are not fixed on paper but help to learn the truth [8; 59].

The estimated folklore data on the basis of comparative source study method amplify the general sphere of cognition. In due time E.Bekmakhanuly in his investigations paid attention to these problem too, and comparing lagans with historical data, he drew his attention to necessity of their advantageous usage [9; 3739]. Because in the course of comparing the circumstances among themselves for lack of correspondence to each other of written data and verbal data which are preserved among people or showing some moments too impressively and so, we should know as a natural phenomenon which is characteristic for folklore, and pay attention to that it is very important to use the patterns of the national folklore profitably which are the source of abundant data in the process of investigation of our people’s history. The great poet of Kazakh people Sh. Ualikhanov considered the folklore as a means of understanding not only artistic world but also history of the people [10; 76]. Consequently, the legends are the people’s legacy which gives information about national history and the notion cognition. Summing up abovementioned, we got to now that the legends are based on a certain event, than artistically describes it by traditional folklore pictures, changes and all over again manifest it with the new meanings. The legends as ethnical works which eulogize and describe life of the known heroes and individuals, and their activities widely use romantic praising and complex artistic collection at describing the image of a character. S.Kaskabasov wrote about that the following one: «The event or information described in the legend doesn’t give rise to doubt, because their base is historical truth. This is firstly. Secondly, there are mentioned the names of the lands, famous figures or name of season as the data which confirm content of the legend. Thirdly, the manner of legend retelling is steady, it is always narrated in third part and in the past tense. The basic and core meaning of the legend is a well-known fact of life» [11; 121]. It concerns to all legends and stories about the individuals which took pride of place in pedestal of history.

Kazakh people are nomadic nation who beginning from the early world history have been correlated sustainability of values and achievements of the individual cultural civilization in their development path. Our national culture is an interlink which connects to each other the dignity systems of the national characters’ being which have been formed for many centuries. Kazakh brought to birth spirituality and world view which are characteristic to their own existence. This is a quality which is inherent to Kazakh set of mind, in other words, it is a form of world cognition peculiar to Kazakhs, peculiarity of life perception in their own way. It, in its turn, is the picture of national consciousness. Its «mentor and interlink» is historical influence. Peculiar characteristic, from the time our people formed as a nation, exists along with sense, consciousness and feelings which were developed together with national quality individualities of our nation.

Our ancestors never forgot taking care of growing generations even for a moment. The evidence for that — our ancestors even in the early ages made the young generations to memorize the legends, tales, sagas, and remarkable eposes. In such a manner, they influenced on spiritual development and mastering the wise philosophy and cultural and ethical consciousness of the people. On this basis ability of a Kazakh person to survive, recognize and understand life formed since olden times. They could learn the folk songs, tales, and heroic epos from very young ages. Oral historiography, national legacy — oral literature was the source which formed its own worldview, and spiritually supported it from the first cradle song to the great way of wisdom. It is the truth of events and historical fates which are in harmony and draw up with the legends about dear land, motherland which develop in a person the most heart-blood benevolent qualities with mother’s milk that passed over people’s despondency, pleasure and troubles, hope for future and dreams. Consequently, each of the works which peculiar to many oral literatures by which a son of an outstanding bi satisfies his thirst from very childhood, paved the way for his future life. All of them are welfare which were the support for wisdom in the way of becoming the great bi who made wise suggestions, and spokesman, the heroes who came out against enemies for the benefit of the dear land, the leaders who settled a dispute. Consequently, to gain knowledge from the oral literature which is a source of art for each of us from the childhood is a natural phenomenon.

As said M. Auezov «Wisdom of Kazakh people which they gather and develop from the earliest times gain very much knowledge from the people’s oral literature», thereby thanks to the quick-witted and clearsighted inner world there were formed genius and oratory skill. Cradle song and a large number of the tales of Kazakh people, also heroic eposes go in path with unquenchable inherent talent of that nation. Probably this is wisdom — people’s legacy. National philosophy is based on wisdom. In the history each of the wise person is contemporary, prominent individuals in the words and deeds, humane and mode of life there were not any divergences. They by existence and being spent their whole life, talent and might, own possibility, duty and responsibility to designate their very civil duty. In consequence, first of all individual qualities of our distinguished personalities with generous spirit who reached the peak of wisdom made a major impact on formation and development of their philosophical views. Wisdom is seen in the words, actions and in  whole existence of a person. Consequently, wisdom is harmony and correspondence of the words and deeds of individuality. Their purpose set is to understand people’s wish and desire, their essence and to spiritualize them. It is clear that historical looks of the individuals who were able to present the concept of spirit, which deeply took roots into our history, are the direction that indicates the way to the future.

They also possess professional psychological skills to recognize the inner world, character and nature of a person at the first time of seeing. In other words, they strived the each word to be told whole hearted and to reach the heart. They did not get tired of blessing and to pass their education and instructions, allocutions to the purposeful youth who shed tears over for beggar hood, poverty of the indefensible people who suffered violence of well-heeled people, and the youth in the eyes of which there is a blaze, and the hearts have the light of hope. It is a picture of our ancestors’ wise which was an excellent mentor corresponding to assembly of individual peculiarities of our ancestors. We can see in all of them wisdom which was improved by experience of years. The thoughts, evaluation preceptor and instructive edification of which is unlimited is manifestation of its wisdom. As regard not only to their words, but also actions performed for the sake of the people’s wish — a wise man stands out by his individualism.

The evidence of that is proximity of nature of the great individuals in the nomadic world, the main wonders of the principal idea which commoved the inner world of logical train of thoughts, traditional education, the fact that the great heritage will always be the everlasting program. Their existence, fundamental objective for which they devoted whole life, dreams are the future of humanity, future of our generations, their amiability and national identity.

Birth and dying of the great people is historical phenomenon. They still exist not only in our genealogy but also in memory of all human being. Fate of the great individuals whose names are in memory of people has become the heart and amiability. Sovereignty did not come out of a clear sky. The great individuals who embody independence, heritage having moral powers which were created by tradition of ancestors recorded as target people’s freedom.



  1. Nazarbayev N.A. In the flow of history, Almaty: Atamura, 1999, 296
  2. From Kazakh nationality to Kazakh people / Collective monograph, Almaty: Atamura, 2010, 80
  3. Kozybayev M. World-wide meeting of Kazakh people, Almaty: Sanat, 1993, 210
  4. Al-Farabi. Socio-ethical treatise, Almaty: Gylym, 1975, 418
  5. Rysbekov T. History of native state, Oral: Рolygraphy, 1997, 184
  6. Kekilbayev A. The Dialogue with epoch: thoughts and discussions, Almaty: Zhazushy, 1996, 592
  7. Auezov M. Collection of works in 20 volumes, Almaty: Zhazushy, 1984, 15, 328
  8. History of Kazakh folklore: pre-revolutionary period / Editor-in-chief R. Berdybayev, Almaty: Gylym, 1988, 432
  9. Bekmakhanov E. Kazakhstan in 20–30 years of XIX century, Almaty: Sanat, 1994, 416
  10. Berdybayev R. Clear spring: articles and researches, Almaty: Zhazushy, 1989, 360
  11. Kaskabasov S. Kazakh national prose, Almaty: Gylym, 1984, 272

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