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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

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Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

The religious extremism and terrorism is the basis of interethnic tensions

This article deals with the problems of religious extremism and terrorism in the modern society. Within the article are characterized social and legal consequences of this negative phenomenon. Noted that the violence is the main tool for extremists. The cause of religious extremism and terrorism is seen in the unresolved social and political problems. The author focuses on the fact that the collaboration work of all level organizations is necessary in fighting against religious extremism and terrorism in modern conditions. 

Terrorism gives rise to the modern human mind a social phenomenon, such concepts as negative looks. For a long time the notion of terrorists in the minds of the people was recognized as revolutionary, anarchist, the man that fight against social injustice. Of course, it was due to the tragic events in history.

Terrorism creates fear in the life of society, that’s why this phenomenon proves that it is the epidemic of the twenty-first century. In the last 50 years in many countries of the world have been a lot of acts of terrorism and these acts changed in a root the concept about terrorism. It was clear that the terrorism of the twentieth century was the strongest weapons which promote and protect geopolitical, internally-political, ethnic and ideological interests. In socio-economic, political and legal issues, the terrorism is the most important and dangerous problem. International community in accordance with international norms and standards produce the Programme of Action in the fight against terrorism. it is necessary to bear in mind the international practice and standards in improving the legislation of the fight against terrorism. At the same time, the National Security Committee, the Ministry of internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan, special services, and other governing agencies make efforts in combating terrorism prevention and improving the legislation of the fight against terrorism. The modern legislation of the fight against terrorism is the way to protect from the acts of terrorism in the country and abroad. But it depends on the visionary and competent national, economic and cultural policy. We can achieve our goal just when all the countries will work against terrorism. Here the value of the prevention and the fight against terrorism.

In definition of terrorism as the phenomenon menacing to members of society, it is necessary to know the amount of time and space of formation and development of terrorism. The prerequisite for the effective fight against this phenomenon is researching causes of terrorism and its formation. There should be other factors which influence for formation and development of terrorism. In this regard, what is terrorism?

Warning factors of terrorism in the modern world are available in all spheres of public life. Terrorism is widely used differently and it is dangerous phenomenon because it is difficult to it assume about it in advance. Therefore, it is very difficult to study the phenomenon of terrorism. First of all, the concept of terrorism is directly related to the absence of a comprehensive concept in common. This rule requires integrated and comprehensive actions to warn of terrorist threats. From the methodological point of view it is necessary to find the main emergence source оf terrorism. Various social contradictions, including religious,   national, political, economic and ideological, in recent years, information tools is also included. All these lead to a local, national and global level of social conflicts. The above-mentioned factors, from the long-term and negative ways of development create favorable conditions for the emergence of terrorist views.

The only one aspect of it that all of terrorism is — manifestation of force. Even the ideologists of terror agree that violence and terror is the manifestation of force. People violence is often used in the history of mankind and the world still does not refuse from it. Therefore, terrorism is a form of war. However, using such method of war and terrorist acts is very effective and efficient to people who stand behind all these actions. Terrorism as a constant companion of mankind, by using various forms and methods become very dangerous. The result of terrorist acts leads to the victims of the mass of humanity. Psychological pressure on the people, the elimination of cultural and material values, trying to exclude the value and purpose of life. It creates inter-ethnic conflict between social groups and pulls down destiny of people.

The manifestation of force or the solution by force is known that it is not a special form to solve modern problems. According to a terrorist attack it does not lead any action on the basis of news. Unlike the other elements of terror, it gets out as single way of reaching the define goal. Terrorism as the mass and a political phenomenon, by criticism and doubt of political illiteracy of the state and the individual members of the group from legal actions, wish to justify the illegal acts. Many criminal groups through terrorist acts want in the first place to eliminate competitors, secondly, to create fear in the society, and thirdly, to influence the government. So may be involved any person as victim of conflict situation of terrorism.

One of the most common definition of terrorism, «the terrorism is the political purpose and its motivated violence», violence is one of the main service of terrorism [1; 7]. In the XIX century Russian ideologists said that it is the most necessary form of terror. In addition, one of the legal questions is why the violence plays an important role in justice establishment? This will require to find a solution to the question on the ontological and axiological form. This idea is rooted in deep. Therefore, the question is in how terrorism and society understand about justice. If a single person or a group of persons have the right to be fairly active actions aimed at changing the society, which is carried out according to their terror justified. It is the most important and dangerous risk of terrorism.

The level of specific forms of terrorism, on the other hand, shows the community's legal and political literacy and efforts from the state and society in the solution of problems in terrorism.

War is a continuation of the policy, as well as terror the form of re-creation of society using illegal means.

Today, the main driving force of the terrorism is a variety unresolved issues. The difference between the various countries in the development of developing countries than in developed countries, poor living conditions, poverty, unemployment, corruption, illiteracy, the top of the developing countries, the government seeks to keep power in any way that it will eventually create favorable conditions for the emergence of terrorism. However, there is no justification of terrorism by social and economic factors.

The terrorism by cultural point of view is nihilism, the denial from general ethical standards. As mentioned above, terrorism and religious extremism, cannot be addressed only through social and economic factors. At the same time, it is an error approach considering it as a phenomenon specific only to developing countries. All of them one of the reasons of terrorism.

It is the delusion to consider that terrorists make terror acts because of conditions of distress and with despair or because of a hopelessness they took the weapon in hand.

The transition time is built upon the foundation of extremism. Thirst of historical tradition, and people within the framework of the reconstruction of the psychological situation, find themselves in a state of frustration. If it reaches its logical level, it will be a radical ideological currents. For example, in Ukraine, Vietnam, Mongolia, Japan, the US, France, Russia, etc. there is a wide range of the process of modernization of the ideology of fascism. Growing number of people who visit it. Turn of the legendary feat of the population, a symbol of traditional values and the psychological, carried out through worship. Or condition of the Islamic culture of xenophobia, opposition to the process of globalization and modernization of culture leads to the block.

Favorable condition for extremists is the process of globalization. It requires people in front of their resources. It will be difficult to control the migration process. It changes the ethnic and demographic structure of society. «Mostly terrorists economic failure, political repression and social inequality refers to as a precondition to justify their bloody shares. It is known to all situations. However, they can not justify the acts of psychological violence to peaceful people» [2].

An analysis of the terrorist activities in different parts of the world prove that it is a more diverse and multi-faceted phenomenon. There is no definition of the concept about terrorism in international law. Therefore, in order to understand the essence of terrorism let’s carry out in the explanatory. Terrorism is closely related to the concepts as «terror», «terrorist act». «Terror» (terror), translated from the Latin, means «fear». There is no the most popular or the literal definition to the concept «terrorism» in legal environment. Through the systematic use of terror policy or the use of force it identified as the solution the political problems. But it does not open the full significance of the concept. From ontological point of view it accepts as a concept related to the politics.

It is displayed in a separate terrorism, but can also be mass terror. Therefore, it can not help to explain the whole concept of terrorism. In another look at the dictionary, says: «Terror efforts to push through the measures of political opponents, harassment of policy states» [3; 505]. The «enemies» shows the word of mass terror.

Well,  the  definition  of  terror  in  a  «military  encyclopedic  dictionary»  will  be  very  strict.  It says:

«The terror means of action to eliminate political class enemy» [4; 621]. But all this show in a local forms, because political opponents live in a certain manner at all times. For example, in the government, parliament, within the framework of the official structures and institutions. Therefore, mass terror which was explained from the end the twentieth century to the beginning of the twenty-first century still does not meet the definition.

However, the analysis by comparing the different definitions of terrorism and terror we notice that it has the discrepancies between the above concepts and does not meet the present and the difference can be observed. There are the differences between the words «terrorist act», «terror» and «terrorism». Hence the sense of these words will come to confusion, because «terror» is a mixture of different content. For example, terror has the confusion with the word terrorism. Performed as well as terror confuse with the methods to strengthen the policy. Let show the types of terrorism:

  • Political terrorism;
  • Social terrorism;
  • The national terrorism;
  • Regional and separatist terrorism;
  • Approach to terrorism;
  • Criminal

Therefore, the adoption of terrorism as the phenomenon of a one-sided is a delusion.

So, a clear definition of the concept of terrorism, specified in the Law «anti-terrorist action»: «Terrorism is the ideology of the use of force to intimidate the population and the individual, society and it is using of force aimed at inflicting damage to the state, state authorities, local self-government bodies or international organizations to influence decision-making practice» [5]. And, in Law, which was adopted in 1999: «Terrorism is a violation of the security of the state, the state in order to influence the decision-making bodies of the criminal action. They are such actions: strategic and vital facilities, government communication, to ensure the people of the State of property and other material objects or an attempt on the life of public figures, representative of a foreign country or international organization employee assault, threat of physical force or show of force against individuals, entities or related to the seizure of hostages» [6]. The above definition of this crime to terrorism is a social evil and it is all human disease.

To understand the essence of terrorism, first, satisfy its elements.They Are:

  • Act of terrorism;
  • Terrorist action;
  • Terrorist activities;
  • Terrorists;
  • Terrorist methods and tools;
  • A terrorist

Terrorist act is a key element of terrorism. Act of terrorism — created to achieve the objective of terrorism. Such actions are explosion and theft of an aircraft, industrial sabotage the organization, and or other actions. Terrorist acts are really will not be able to achieve the objectives of an official statement. In most cases, it uses to specify their requirements and capabilities. After the terrorist attacks in most cases, its organizers and performers will be able to take public responsibility for the execution of it. Therefore, the main objectives is not enough, they need an intermediate goal.

Terrorist campaign — which aims to achieve the objectives of terrorism and terrorist offenses actions.

The central element of terrorism is the terrorist act. In this regard, the Republic of Kazakhstan in the law «On Combating Terrorism»: «terrorist act — any of the following actions:

  • act of the terrorist organization, planning, preparation, financing and implementation;
  • incitement to commit a terrorist act;
  • illegal paramilitary designed for the purpose of making the act of terrorism, criminal association (criminal organization), the organization of an organized group, as well as participation in such institutions;
  • terrorists tempting to attract, arm, train and use;
  • organizing, planning or preparation of terrorist acts, with the help of informational support or otherwise;
  • to promote the ideas of terrorism, disseminating of terrorist material, including with the using of mass media or telecommunications networks;
  • implementation of activities of terrorist activity or a terrorist organization to terrorists, aware application, in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the activities of terrorist organizations recognized   as   a   financial,   legal   aid   or   other   assistance   "as   defined   in  [7]. It includes the following steps:
  • spreading the ideology of terrorism,
  • organizing terrorist shares, planning, preparation and doing;
  • provocating terrorist actions;
  • calling the efforts for terrorist purposes;
  • in order to do terrorist shares to organize the criminal organization or illegal paramilitary structures;
  • financing of terrorists and terrorist organizations;
  • involving into the

The terrorists — are the person carrying out terrorist actions and terrorist acts. Terrorist divided into initiators, organizers and performers.

The terrorist methods — are methods of carrying out a terrorist act. Such methods may be different. For example, some terrorist organizations attack to the life of political members, and some of them may cause an explosion.

The terrorist organization — is an organization where two or more individuals unite in order to do terrorist shares. For example, an individual who is the subject of terrorism (fanatic and extremist), and the special terrorist organization «Al-Qaeda» and «Hamas» and «Islamic Jihad» and even in many countries, some Islamic countries, the Taliban (Taliban) in Afghanistan may be in the mode.

One of the above mentioned terrorism items related in one another. This is proved by the following conditions: If there is no a terrorist not a terrorist act, and no terrorism itself.

Terrorist acts are really will not be able to achieve the objectives of an official statement. In most cases, only the terrorists specify their requirements and capabilities. After the terrorist attacks in most cases before the majority of its organizers and executors of the terrorist attacks and is responsible for the performance of the same or adhered to, as well as, in some cases, acts announces the termination of contracts.

Therefore, the main objectives is not enough, they reach an interim goal: it is a well-known and respected organization, it will be said, it will be settled. As «advertising» logic of the terrorists at present time, even if it does not attempt to hurry to take responsibility for   themselves. For example, the Chechen terrorists Raduyev and Japanese «Red Army» terrorist organization in the United States in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, used this

Terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001 the general approach to terrorism has completely changed. As of this at the beginning of the twenty-first century is a public property and, as a result of which mankind has gradually come to terms with the local terrorism. Even in Ireland, Spain, Israel and Palestine for decades of terrorism in these countries and regions, which are considered as local issues. The main fact of the present world, from the above-mentioned local real recognition of the international form of terrorism. The main need is to understand this phenomenon as soon as possible, the main problem is the possibility of eliminating terrorism in everyday life.

In addition, might be the signs of terrorist acts in the following.

  1. The use of the most brutal forms of violence or threat of danger;
  2. The purpose of the terrorist attacks as a result of his sacrifices and destruction exceeds the
  3. The purpose of the terrorist acts by persons who are not direct victims of psychological impact is achieved
  4. The importance of their actual victims of terrorism, rather than symbolic value is Terrorist acts in the following cases, the international rating crime will be considered an offense if:
  • A person suffering as a result of terrorist and terrorist acts or are citizens of different states, but the crime is committed outside the territory of the state;
  • If the act of terrorism directed against persons in the field of international protection;
  • Preparing for a terrorist act on the territory of one state, carried out in the territory of another State;
  • Carrying out terrorist acts in the territory of one state on the territory of a state other than the terrorists to hide and keep it if the

Without interrupting the current description of terrorism in our time is bad, perfected their methods as soon as possible. Antihumanistical principles of the fast rise in terrorist acts are on the one hand, is the mass, on the other hand, is a result of violence. Islamic fan, shakhids against terrorist attacks to the United States on September 11th, 2001, showed the following. Terrorism, organized into a force in the world, in terms of his victims, he has achieved a level of constant war action.

To know the reasons for the source of terrorism and terrorist purposes and helps in the prevention or elimination of crimes. Of the Republic of Kazakhstan «The fight against terrorism» because of terrorist activities and the Law of the identification and elimination of the state, the main objective of the fight against terrorism does not appear to be random.

The world of science There are two ways that affect the nature of the cause of terrorism:

  • Biological providers value the efforts of the people, ie, people who pose a threat to the interests of another person;
  • Social cause social But here it is demonstrated by the following example: terrorism stable societies in autonomous operation [8;8].

For example, the separatist organization in Spain, Japan, the revolutionary Red Army, the Taliban in Afghanistan, etc. Combining the general public at a scale of terrorism, such as the idea that the law required them to be. Make sure that the people of the law, that they are happy with the liberation of his people and abroad, is to show themselves in a better sides.

According to O.M Khlobustov and Z.G.Fedorov, the emergence of terrorism affects the  growth of crime [9; 92]. M.V. Nazarkin related the underlying causes of terrorism is the social conflicts [10]. V.L.Vasiliev provides for the development of the terrorism origin phenomenon: «There are many historical, ethno psychological, political and other factors, the result of the interaction» [11; 172]. V. Malison and Malison believe that «the plenty of terrorism causes are the main injustice and offend the ordinary people rights» [12; 71].

According to the researchers, all of these social contradictions in fact, the basis of all social conflicts and the first complex reason. But this is not taking into account the specifics of terrorism. Analysis of the situation shows that modern terrorism, political and religious direction. They appear to be based on a number of international and domestic political, social, economic, historical, regional, national, religious and other factors are causing tension. In this context, the most dangerous terror in their use as a method of achieving the objectives of the Islamic extremist fundamentalists shares and increase achievement.

Thus, the emergence of terrorism, the following factors: The country's economic crisis;

  • Political instability;
  • Authorities, law enforcement agencies and the weakness of the judiciary;
  • State nationalism, chauvinist, extremist, separatist views on growth;
  • The prevalence of corruption;
  • Special low level of professional activity;
  • Ethnic bad situation;
  • Easy ways of acquiring arms and explosives;
  • Decreasing of migration’s observation;
  • Political parties and organizations in the country, power struggles;
  • Geopolitical factors, etc.;
  • Occurring ethnic, religious, ideological conflicts;
  • Decreasing in the standard of living, psychological discomfort, vulnerable, exacerbation of life of hardship;
  • The state and its institutions in general structural crisis;
  • Destroying Historical, cultural, behavioral, humanistic values ;
  • Collapsing of the authority of government, rule of law and reduced confidence in him;
  • Foreign terrorists, religious, nationalist-radical and etc. organizations, the birth of the interests of other states.

The mass form of modern terrorism is associated with «Islamic factor». Islam as a religion for mankind's salvation, the use of violence is a religion. Therefore, Islam is not the reason for terrorism. I think it can be explained as follows: Islam during his first, it was necessary for the distribution of military expansion. Here, the value of this peaceful religion in the world when it came to the fore. Therefore, at this stage in the history of Islamic fundamentalism is the most aggressive wing of the basic Islamic terrorism seekers «open» to the cause of this. This should be in-depth and objective study of the issue, as well as its two sides use intentionally to the trade. So I agree with the opinion that the President cannot be used. After all, Islam or Christianity cannot be used for political provocation. As evidenced by the following examples: of the 56member Organization of the Islamic Conference of Muslim countries condemned the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 was barbaric strictly charge and informed Islam does not approve in terrorism. At the same time, two factors are necessary for the survival of terrorism. First of all, one of the gaps in the security of the state.

This may be related to the undeveloped legal framework and the absence of a unified Counter policy; financial, border, immigration and other ineffective control systems; weak law enforcement and intelligence authorities, the inability to resolve the tensions in the output stage of the authorities or other reasons,submit the desire. Secondly, some of the military potential of transparency, ie, the First Human Resources: mercenaries, professional murderers and military personnel; the second — new types of conventional weapons and weapons, the possibility of the creation of training camps.

In identifying the answer’s options we must remember that people go to terrorism for various reasons.Therefore, the short-sighted policy to keep all of these reasons, it is necessary to take measures to combat. But no cause justifies terrorism. 



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