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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

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Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

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Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Kazakhstani model of inter-ethnic relations

The article considers the issues of successful build inter-ethnic relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan.   The The former USSR was a multinational state, which were very popular ideas of internationalism. The multi-ethnic as inherited from the USSR became characteristic of all post-Soviet countries. After the collapse of the USSR not always managed to maintain ethnic harmony. Unfortunately, there was a conflict that took the lives of many people. Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, Transnistria, Abkhazia and other regions have become a place of inter-ethnic clashes. In the post-Soviet space began to appear in the new States, the recognition of the sovereignty which seems to be quite problematic. Moreover such unrecognized pseudo-folk of the Republic violate the basic agreement within the CIS, threaten the system of European and international security. It seems that the best solution for all parties would not be available to the deaths of people, the creation of a common house for all General state and not attempt to create a state for one of the titular nation. Therefore, the post-Soviet countries have to learn from the experience of other States, where international relations are built on a peaceful, mutually acceptable basis.

In several of these countries can be called and Kazakhstan. Among post-Soviet countries Kazakhstan occupies a special place as an example of successful inter-ethnic relations. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan proclaims itself a democratic, secular, legal and social state whose highest values are an individual, his life, rights and freedoms. The fundamental principles of the Republic are: public consent and political stability, economic development for the benefit of all the people of Kazakhstan patriotism, the most important issues of public life and democratic methods, including voting in the Republican referendum or in Parliament [1].

Basically the law States declares that the only source of state power is the people. While the word «people» refers to all citizens of Kazakhstan, representatives of all nationalities and faiths. Unlike some postSoviet Baltic republics of Kazakhstan did not divide their people in their own and others, did not leave nonKazakhs without citizenship. The law adopted on 20 December 1991, it was said that «citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan are persons who: permanently resided in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the day of entry into force citizenship law (i.e., 1 March 1992); born on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and are not in the citizenship of a foreign state; has acquired citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the law on citizenship [2]. In Latvia as citizens were defined as those who had the citizenship of Latvia until June 17, 1940 (before the date of entry of the Soviet troops in Latvia), as well as their descendants [3]. In addition, the Latvian citizenship law contains a long list of persons who cannot be admitted to the citizenship of Latvia, a former Soviet military, employees of the Soviet state and party organs, persons who have spread the ideas of communism, etc.

Ethnic issue shows such a thin matter is the sovereignty and integrity of any state. Attempts of Scots, Basques, Catalans, Kosovo Albanians, Kurds in Iraq to gain independence show how fragile the modern state. If  the  parties  had  a  long  and  bloody  civil  war,  it  is  likely  no  chance  to  remain  a  single state. It should be noted that it is impossible to divide citizens into different grades, do not try to allocate the titular nation. An example of sufficient successful solution to the ethnic question in the post-Soviet space are Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The citizenship law should be simple and clear and should not contain any discriminatory or separate standards. For example, the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be acquired and terminated in accordance with the law, is uniform and equal, irrespective of the grounds of its acquisition. Grounds for acquisition of citizenship should not assume any hidden advantages for some and restrictions for others. Such restrictions exist in the laws of some post-Soviet Baltic republics, in particular in Lithuania law on citizenship. Some standards Shine through provisions on the failure of citizenship in connection with the political views of the person. In the former USSR citizen could be deprived of his citizenship for political reasons. As for Kazakhstan, the citizen under any circumstances, be deprived of citizenship, the right to change his nationality, and is unable to be expelled from the territory of Kazakhstan. Now for a citizen of Kazakhstan does not recognize the citizenship of another state, although according to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1993 and this was possible.

It is very important to maintain the country's real political pluralism, to tolerate political opponents. Unfortunately, in some post-Soviet countries last Communist regime almost equal to the fascist. Lithuania believes that it was occupied from 1940 to 1990. Few post-Soviet countries are quite tolerant to various political ideologies. In the Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes ideological and political diversity. There are dozens of political parties and socio-political organizations, including a number of parties with the Communist ideology. The General rule is that prohibited the establishment and activities of public associations whose goals or actions are aimed at violent change of the constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the Republic, undermining of state security, inciting social, racial, national, religious, class and tribal strife, and the establishment is not provided by the legislation of the paramilitaries.

One of the problematic issues in international relations is the question of languages. Infringement on the grounds of language is one of the severe forms of discrimination. The attempt of some forces in Ukraine to limit the use of the Russian language led to the split of the country. In any multi-ethnic country, the question of languages is the most painful and policy responsibility is to come to him. In the world there are countries where there are multiple official languages. While respecting the interests of all major ethnic groups. Kazakhstan is a multinational country, where the share of Russian according to the census of 2009 amounts to %. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in state institutions and local authorities along with the Kazakh Russian language is officially Through the use of the Russian language, which is largely distributed in Kazakhstan, expanding the opportunity to explore the cultural, scientific and technical achievements of the world. As noted by the President of RK N.A.Nazarbayev «the Russian language we all need to know... Kazakhs through the English language came to world culture. It is impossible to lose the wealth that you have. And the more languages knows, the cultured he is. Besides, English is a great language, great writers» [4]. There is another words of the President of Kazakhstan: «All the science in the world is translated into English and Russian. If we did not know the Russian language, where we took knowledge?» [5]. Also in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan stipulates that the state shall promote conditions for the study and development of languages of people of Kazakhstan. In the Constitution of Kazakhstan States that everyone has the right to use their native language and culture, to free choice of language of communication, upbringing, education and creative expression. The law on languages spoken: «in the Republic of Kazakhstan is not permitted the violation of the rights of citizens by language» [6].

One of the main points in the preservation of interethnic harmony is the provision of good-neighbourly relations with neighbouring countries. For example, the error of the new Ukrainian authorities were attempts to join NATO, thus was created the threat of Russia and the CSTO. Also the Association of Ukraine with the EU did not take into account the interests of countries of the Customs Union. Kazakhstan respects the principles and norms of international law, pursues a policy of cooperation and good neighbourly relations between States, their equality and noninterference in the internal Affairs of other States, the peaceful settlement of international disputes. may 25, 1992, the heads of Russia and Kazakhstan signed the Agreement on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between Russia and Kazakhstan, the Agreement about the use of the Baikonur cosmodrome. Later on 22 October 1992, our countries established diplomatic relations. Cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan is rapidly developing, it becomes multidimensional. This political, economic, cultural relations, scientific and technical cooperation, defense, security, law enforcement and much more. In Kazakhstan freely broadcast Russian TV channels and radio stations, spread free Russian Newspapers and magazines. This proves the vast freedom of information in Kazakhstan. Our country was settled in the international Treaty of the state border. Between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation signed agreement on friendship and cooperation in the twenty-first century. The purpose of the agreement is to further strengthening of the Kazakh-Russian strategic partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation in political, trade-economic, scientific-technical, energy, transport and transit, environmental, humanitarian, cultural and other fields. According to the agreement, the parties develop their interaction with each other as equal and sovereign States on the basis of mutual trust, strategic partnership and comprehensive cooperation.   The parties will not participate in any blocks or alliances directed against any of them, and will not assist third States when the armed conflict between the States and the other party [7].

For ethnic harmony is important for the equality of all before the law and court. In the Constitution of Kazakhstan stipulates that no one may be subjected to any discrimination on grounds of origin, social, official and property status, sex, race, nationality, language, attitude to religion, convictions, place of residence or any other circumstances whatsoever. The Doctrine of national unity of Kazakhstan said put forward the principle of «Different origins — equal opportunities: «the main principle of our national unity, is equality of opportunity for all citizens, regardless of ethnic or other origin, religion or social status» [8].

In the Constitution of Kazakhstan States that everyone has the right to determine and indicate or not to indicate his national party and religious affiliation. In the Constitution of Kazakhstan States that freedom of speech and creativity is guaranteed. Censorship is prohibited. Everyone has the right to freely receive and disseminate information by any legal method. The Russian-speaking population of Kazakhstan is free to obtain information from Newspapers, magazines, radio and TV channels in Russian. It should also be noted that in Kazakhstan at the expense of the state published many editions in different languages of people of Kazakhstan. The only condition is that propaganda or agitation violent change of the constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the Republic, undermining of state security, war, social, racial, national, religious, class and tribal superiority, as well as the cult of cruelty and violence.

The diversity is in many cases also implies as multyconfessional. In Kazakhstan Constitution enshrines the right of everyone to freedom of conscience and religious freedom. The exercise of the right to freedom of conscience must not specify or limit human and civil rights and duties before the state. In Kazakhstan there are about 3434 religious associations, representing several dozen major religions and denominations, Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Buddhism and others [9]. In 2001 was the official visit of Pope John Paul II to Kazakhstan. Also in Kazakhstan on an ongoing basis and the congresses of leaders of world and traditional religions. The first Congress was held in September 2003 in Astana. The forum was attended by representatives of 17 religious institutions of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Taoism and other faiths from 13 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East [10].

In the sphere of political rights of citizens of different nationalities and religions have equal rights. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan have the right to freedom of Association. In Kazakhstan, there are dozens of national-cultural centers of different ethnic groups, supported by the local authorities. The country has many public associations representing different nationalities. All citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan has the right, peacefully and unarmed, to assemble, to hold meetings, rallies and demonstrations, processions and picketing. The exercise of this right may be restricted by law in the interests of national security, public order, protection of health, rights and freedoms of other persons. All citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan have the right to participate in the management of state Affairs directly and through their representatives, to appeal personally and also to submit individual and collective appeals to state bodies and bodies of local selfgovernment. All citizens of the Republic have the right to elect and be elected to state bodies and bodies of local self-government, as well as to participate in the national referendum. The President may be elected to any citizen by birth, not younger than forty years old, fluent in the state language and living in Kazakhstan for the last fifteen years. Fifteen members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Republic taking into account the need to ensure representation in the Senate of the national-cultural and other important interests of society. All citizens of the Republic have the right to equal access to public service. In the public service and among the deputies in the Parliament represented many nationalities.

In Kazakhstan, there is a unique state body — the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, «whose main task is the implementation of the state national policy, the maintenance of political stability in the Republic of Kazakhstan and increase the efficiency of interaction between state and civil society institutions in the sphere of interethnic relations. The Assembly of people of Kazakhstan has the right to vote in the Majilis nine members, which significantly increased the socio-political role of the Assembly. 9 deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament from the people's Assembly of Kazakhstan, represent the interests of all ethnic groups of the country. Over the years of its existence, the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan has passed a long way of development, having a consolidating and intellectual potential and transformed into the Institute of public diplomacy. Thanks largely to the work of the Assembly in our country has created a unique model of interethnic and interreligious harmony, a special atmosphere of trust, solidarity and mutual understanding, when every citizen, regardless of ethnic or religious affiliation, possesses and enjoys full civil rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution» [11].

However, all this is not to say that in Kazakhstan there are no problems. Just trying to decide in advance. Either they are quite small scale. «Small ethnic clashes in Kazakhstan were before, but Russians and other European ethnic groups in the country didn't participate in them. The absence of conflict «Slavic component A.Shustov explains the fact that Kazakhs and Russians, as a rule, occupy different economic niches, high complementarity (L.Gumilev) two ethnic groups. The lack of serious mass inter-ethnic conflicts, Kazakhs and representatives of the Korean, Tatar, Bashkir, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Belarusians, Ukrainians and other nationalities have in Kazakhstan the Diaspora, as well as the complete absence of conflicts with the Russians and Germans after 1991 rather proves the low level of nationalist ideas among the Kazakhs in contrast to the neighboring Central Asian republics. This level of tolerance of the Kazakh people was due to prolonged stay in the multi-religious and multi-ethnic country, a large percentage of Kazakhs, who speaks second language in addition to native Kazakh language» [12]. Tolerance of Kazakhs is long. This is one of the kind of life principles of the Kazakh people. Historically, for more than a century on the territory of Kazakhstan was inhabited by the representatives of many nationalities. During the great Patriotic War of Kazakhstan has adopted a large number of refugees from the European part of the USSR, were deported to Kazakhstan, representatives of many peoples from different regions of the USSR. In the 1940-ies Koreans, the Germans, Karachays, Chechens, Ingush, Meskhetian Turks and other peoples were deported to Kazakhstan. It should also be noted that the older and middle generation of Kazakhs in the Soviet times it was brought up in the spirit of internationalism. The current Kazakh young people generally adheres to the principles of internationalism. The lack of international education some young and middle generation in some post-Soviet countries such as Ukraine, the Baltic republics can have quite negative consequences. Currently when there are new threats to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of some States, ensuring ethnic harmony is brought to the forefront and becomes the most important and decisive factor. Only the unity of the people, the understanding and respect of the Nations in the country is able to ensure the safety of the state, its sovereignty. It will take a little time when you drop these threats and the world will move on in a more peaceful period.

Kazakhstan «as a country with its rich culture and practice of international communication can make a huge contribution to the accumulation of experience of interethnic and interreligious communication. A significant portion covered by the Kazakhstan way — this is a unique history of ethnic and cultural interaction of its peoples, penetrating essentially in all spheres of life — language, way of life and thinking, mentality. It is tolerance that became the decisive factor in ensuring peace, stability and economic progress of Kazakhstan. The principle of tolerance for Kazakhstan is not only the norm of political culture and state principle. Kazakhstan has developed a system of maintaining ethnic harmony, the main principle of which is the dialogue between society and the state. For multi-ethnic States, such as Kazakhstan, strengthening of interethnic consent is essentially the main value for survival, the most important part of progress towards democracy, a necessary condition for the development and success of ongoing transformation» [13].

According to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the distinctive feature of the Kazakhstan model of tolerance, which could successfully be adapted to the specific conditions of other OSCE participating States, is the number of provisions. First, the basis of the Kazakhstan model were assumed characteristic of the long history of the Kazakh people tolerance and patience, hospitality, respect for other peoples, cultures, and religions. Kazakhstan found at the intersection of different religions and all it took for granted, taking with understanding the needs of other ethnic groups and peoples. Secondly, in terms of sovereign Kazakhstan tolerance has become not only the norm of political culture, but also a key principle of state policy. In addition, Kazakhstan's policy of tolerance initially includes both internal and external measurement. Due to this fact the policy of Kazakhstan on issues of tolerance is consistent, predictable and free from double standards. Not accidentally Kazakhstan is perceived by many OSCE States as a possible mediator in resolving the frozen conflicts. Fourth, Kazakhstan is an active supporter of inter-civilizational dialogue. Our country actively promotes the dialogue between the Muslim world and the West, is a member of the group of friends of the Alliance of civilizations [14].

In General, the experience of Kazakhstan to create their own model of stable inter-ethnic relations is indeed unique. Not by accident during the ethnic conflicts in different republics, many refugees have sought and seek to live in Kazakhstan, where more stable environment, tolerance and economic growth. Kazakhstani way to some extent based on their own work, and somewhere on a method adopted from other countries successful experience. The stability and harmony in inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations largely contributed to the economic spurt that made the country. Also in Kazakhstan are gradually and political reforms. Kazakhstan model of achieving inter-ethnic accord proves that this is possible and in other former Soviet republics, where now there are tensions and conflicts. As noted by the President of RK N.A.Nazarbayev «human rights in Kazakhstan provided wider than in some European countries, where they begin to be laws against it along ethnic lines. In Kazakhstan, there are 100 Nations and peoples, they have the same rights, protected their languages, culture, and school work in 18 languages. Forty denominations operate freely, built and mosques, and synagogues, and churches, and so forth. That is, thorough, major human rights — to work, to have the freedom to live, to have a roof over your head, to be able to live well — that's what we  all provide»

 The example of Kazakhstan in ensuring ethnic harmony and tranquility in the country is deserving of close attention and study from many other countries of the far abroad, authoritative universal and regional international organizations. It would be quite interesting distribution of the Kazakhstan experience through the UN. Kazakhstan could become the initiator of a representative of the international conference on interethnic harmony in the world. Currently, there are many flashpoints, many of them on ethnic and religious basis. Many Nations and States have a dream to have the same stability, harmony and peace in Kazakhstan. To achieve this you only constant work of the whole people, of all Nations in the country, permanent unity through dialogue and mutual respect. Need to celebrate the General public and special events of individual Nations and faiths, to learn the culture, customs, literature and languages of each other. In his speech dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Head of state N.A.Nazarbayev noted that the new 2015: «first, will be the event of the Year, the people's Assembly of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of the national Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These are the main foundations of our statehood. The second, we will celebrate an important anniversary of national history and culture — the 550th anniversary of formation of the Kazakh khanate. The third, together with the CIS countries and the world we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory over fascism in the great Patriotic war. For us the memory of the heroes of the war generation is Holy at all times. We are the people, at all times in regards to their past with gratitude and forgiveness. Our perception of historical past should always be solid and positive. It must unite all of the people and not divide them»



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  9. Религиозные объединения Республики Казахстан // [ЭР]. Режим доступа: http://www.din.gov.kz/rus/religioznye_ obedineniya/? cid=0&rid=1638
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  14. Назарбаев предложил странам ОБСЕ казахстанскую модель толерантности // [ЭР]. Режим доступа: http://www.diapazon.kz/kazakhstan/kaz-politics/29555-nazarbaev-predlozhil-stranam-obse-kazakhstanskuju.html
  15. Назарбаев: Этнические и религиозные права в Казахстане соблюдаются лучше, чем в Европе // [ЭР]. Режим доступа: http://www.zakon.kz/4673199-nazarbaev-jetnicheskie-i-religioznye.html
  16. Независимость Республики Казахстан — Великая история Мəңгілік Ел. Выступление Главы государства Нурсултана Назарбаева на торжественном собрании, посвященном Дню Независимости Республики Казахстан // [ЭР]. Режим доступа: http://www.kazpravda.kz/articles/view/nezavisimost-respubliki-kazahstan—velikaya-istoriya-mangilik-el

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