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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Replace the existing socio-economic development and environmental protection

Thus, the presence of a cluster allows domestic industry to maintain its advantage, and not give it to those countries that are more inclined to upgrade. The presences of a cluster of industries accelerate the process of establishing the factors where there is a group of domestic competitors. A cluster is a means to overcome the isolation on domestic issues, inertia, intransigence, inflexibility, and collusion between competitors that reduce or completely block the beneficial effects of competition and the emergence of new firms. All firms in the cluster of related industries are investing in specialized, but related technology, information, infrastructure, human resources, leading to a massive emergence of new firms. By now, it should be clear that our environment is becoming ever less capable of sustaining the growing impact of our economic activities.

Recently there has been increasing talk about tourism in a green economy, about green tourism, about adapting to and mitigating climate change in relation to tourism, about the green market, green programmes and so on.

Thus, national competitiveness is largely dependent on the level of individual clusters. This fact is a great importance for public policy and strategy [1; 90]. Generally, previous studies in numerous service disciplines have shown that customer satisfaction measures how well a customer’s expectations are met and customer loyalty measures how likely customers are to return and to spread positive words about destinations to others [2; 1115–1122].

The founder of the theory of cluster development is M.Porter, who has studied this problem by examining the competitive position of more than 100 branches in the different countries. M. Porter pointed out that the most competitive on an international scale the same industry firms usually do not haphazardly scattered in various developed countries, and tend to concentrate in the same country, and sometimes even in the same region of the country [3].

Competitiveness extends up the processing chain. Businesses make up the cluster quality of delivered them semi-finished and, thus, forcing their suppliers to also enhance competitiveness. Competitors of the cluster leader settled in a bitter struggle on the domestic market and have gained experience of successful counter the strongest companies in the world, created a competitive product compared to its products. So fierce competition of the cluster of firms in the domestic market and  abroad poured into the joint  expansion. Firms of cluster, because of the mutual lapped, become to carriers of the same «business ideology» and, leaning on her, win overseas aliens. World leading market large companies and firms are need of a large number of technologies adapted to their equipment, materials, etc., which creates a large market for small companies with innovative orientation, which in the future becomes a  generator  of  competitive  advantage. The cluster provides employment and a host for small firms — suppliers of simple parts, that is structure of the cluster, in principle, copies the structure of the national community of companies, but with one important distinction: it contains the country's business elite, which determines the international competitiveness of the nation.

In the core of the process of cluster formation is the exchange of information about needs, techniques and technologies between industries — customers, suppliers and related industries. The competition between companies of the cluster can affect to the exchange of information, since each of them wants to use it yourself. The fact that the mutual exchange gives profitable terms to all local firms in their competition with foreign rivals does not eliminate fully the concerns of his own position in the market. The mechanisms that contribute to the exchange between the clusters are those conditions that contribute to an easier flow of information and coordination of the interests of both horizontally and vertically related firms. Factors determining the coincidence of objectives and compatibility within the clusters: family or near family ties within the cluster between firms (which  is  especially important for countries in the  Asian mentality) common  ownership within the industry group, equity participation in share ownership, the interaction between the directors of companies; national patriotism.

These factors collectively form business environment. Business environment, as such, is the total of all external forces, which affect the organization and operations of business. The environment of an organization has got internal, operational and general lives managers must be aware of these three environmental levels and their relationship and importance. The term 'business environment implies those external forces, factors and institutions that are beyond the control of individual business organizations and their management and affect the business enterprise. It implies all external forces within which a business enterprise operates. Business environment influence the functioning of the business system. Thus, business environment may be defined as all those conditions and forces which are external to the business and are beyond the individual business unit, but it operates within it. These forces are customer, creditors, competitors, government, sociocultural organizations, political parties national and international organizations etc. some of those forces affect the business directly which some others have indirect effect on the business. Business environment as such are classified into the following three major categories, they are: Internal environment, Operational environment, General/external environment, Both internal and operational environment are the creation of the enterprise itself. The factors of external or general environment are broad in scope and least controlled and influenced by the management of the enterprises. Now we discuss those factors in details as below: Economic dimensions of environment, Economic environment refers to the aggregate of the nature of economic system of the country, the structural anatomy of the economy to economic policies of the government the organization of the capital market, the nature of factor endowment, business cycles, the socio-economic infrastructure etc. The successful businessman visualizes the external factors affecting the business, anticipating the prospective market situations and makes suitable to get the maximum with minimize cost. Social dimensions or environment The social dimension or environment of a nation determines the value system of the society which, in turn affects the functioning of the business. Sociological factors such as costs structure, customs and conventions, cultural heritage, view toward wealth and income and scientific methods, respect for seniority, mobility of labour etc. have far-reaching impact on the business. This factor determines the work culture and mobility of labour, work groups etc. For instance, the nature of goods and services to be produced depends upon the demand of the people which in turn is affected by their attitudes, customs, so as cultural values fashion etc. Socio-cultural environment determines the code of conduct the business should follow. The social groups such as trade unions or consumer forum will intervene if the business follows the unethical practices. For instance, if the firm is not paying fair wages to its business in indulging in black marketing or adulteration, consumer’s forums and various government agencies will take action against the business. Political environment the political environment of a country is influenced by the political organizations such as philosophy of political parties, ideology of government or party in power, nature and extent of bureaucracy influence of primary groups etc.

The tourism industry is highly competitive due to the globalization of markets and the rapid changes demanded by consumers (San Martín 2005). In order to compete effectively, destinations must design and implement appropriate strategies and marketing initiatives to position themselves in their target markets (Hawkes & Kwortnik 2006; San Martín 2005) [4].

While maintaining a high level of competitiveness in the industry is the result of a well-functioning «golden section» of the economic system, is rarely so that, the whole system existed from the beginning. Taken separately favorable factor often gives an initial impetus to a particular industry, often — around a single firm. Sometimes the important role played by the case [5].

Tourism clusters are formed on the basis of tourism assets in the region and consists of enterprises of different sectors related to the servicing of tourists, for example, tourist operators, hotels and catering sector, producers of souvenirs, transportation companies and others. The purpose of creating of the tourism cluster to improve  the  competitiveness  of  the  territory  of  the  tourist  market  through  synergies,  including improving the efficiency of enterprises and organizations belonging to the cluster, stimulating innovation, promoting the development of new

Definition of species, specific resources determine the demand for tourism products and indirectly — on the formation and maintenance of the entire tourist infrastructure. Identification of the tourist resources allows for determination necessary elements for the cluster [6].

There are currently a number of international programs for  the  implementation of  sustainable tourism. One of them is a program of integrated coastal zone management (Integrated Coastal Zone Management), which has the status of the Code and adopted by most countries in Europe, intensively developed in America, is    relevant    for Russia. The    purpose of    this     program:     accounting of     specific  social and environmental conditions of marine coastal life in the organization and management of coastal zones. European training program Integrated Coastal Zone Management funded by the European Union.

The phenomenon of the cluster as an object of economic agglomeration of interconnected companies in a certain territory, known since the days of handicraft production. But only since the last quarter of XX century, industrial clusters have begun to show itself as an important factor in regional economic development. Among the economists in the world is becoming increasingly recognized view that the regions in which clusters are formed, are leaders in economic development [7].

There are two basic categories of clusters formed in the spatial and functional axes. When the distinction between clusters of functionally-related systems, which are less strictly limited to certain regions, coinciding with the original definition of Porter (1990, see Tabl. 2), usually related to industrial clusters. Spatial grouping of similar and related firms and industries related to regional clusters [8].

Clusters — the zone of growing new model for regional development decisions. These technology packages that are created in the cluster can be replicated in different parts of the country, forming a regional strategic employment sites, including through the involvement in the country, who left earlier from her staff.

Thus, one way to enhance and improve the innovation environment in the region can be considered as the cluster approach in the implementation of innovation policy [9]. The heterogeneity of levels of socioeconomic development makes it necessary to develop the differentiated regions, the actual consolidation of their role in the economy of the district and territorial structure of the economy. The process of creating clusters of innovation must take place with the specific regions: the levels of regional innovation capabilities, financial support of regional budgets, innovative activity of enterprises in the region, levels of industrial development [10].

Innovation processes take place in international and national control systems of tourist activity, the development of new technologies (e-commerce, the creation of virtual travel agencies); forms of marketing, creating a tourist product.

Methodology of the research were the fundamental works of foreign scholars devoted to the tourism, clusters, innovation management, the fundamental scientific principles of the regional economy, the cluster theory of innovation and innovation, research domestic and foreign scientists, set out in the periodical literature, proceedings of scientific conferences, theses and monographs, revealing patterns of innovation areas at the regional level.

In the declaration, «Peace and Tourism» it was proclaimed: «We aim to promote cooperation in the exchange of knowledge, information, technology and human resources related to tourism areas between developed and developing countries; to cooperate to make knowledge-based tourism industry and to fill the missing links in the economic, social and cultural environment and technology; also to contribute in the social development and prosperity of mankind».

Sustainable tourism development requires an adequate participation of all stakeholders which are relevant to this field and needs the strong political leadership to the same extent to ensure wide participation and attainment of consensus. The attainment of sustainable tourism is a continuous process requiring constant monitoring of the environmental impact by introducing, if necessary, appropriate preventive and / or corrective actions [11].

Clustering can provide a number of obvious advantages of the regional economy:

  1. Regional
  2. The convergence of basic science and practice of integrated development, which leads to the emergence of new types of products and improve the conditions of production of the
  3. The development of industrial infrastructure through the introduction of

In addition, the formation of clusters and a number of advantages to companies forming part of the clusters. Experts identify the following mechanisms acting on all companies within the cluster:

  1. cost-distribution (allowing optimal use of capacities of all firms within the cluster, to ensure the sharing of information and production resources);
  2. credit co-operative (provides mutual lending participants in the cluster, as well as the possibility of mutual guarantees and warranties);
  3. tax-optimization (includes various methods of reducing the tax base);
  4. innovation (technology transfer grace);
  5. information (provision of benefits for each brand of the cluster members, as well as the formation of a common information space in order to ensure effective communication) [12].

Since 1993, Kazakhstan is an active member of the World Tourism Organization. The governments of many states consider Kazakhstan a promising partner with great potential for tourism and the number of bilateral and multilateral agreements on cooperation in tourism is increasing from year to year.

In 2011, the number of tourist companies continued to grow i, in particular, the number of tourist firms increased from 1252 (in 2010) until 1515, of which 808, that’s, the majority located in Almaty city.

The number of visitors served fell in 2011 to 135,237 compared with 157,988 in 2010, indicating that the crisis phenomena in the industry, including in Almaty decline occurred almost doubled (from 30,604 to 17,249).

The measures taken by government regulation, development of tourism in the RK is very slow. The existing legal framework regulating the tourism activity is not complete and perfect.

The main causes inhibition of tourism development are:

  • lack of an integrated system of state regulation of tourism in the regions;
  • subordination of tourist accommodation facilities, spa, fitness and recreational facilities to various ministries and departments, as well as other bodies of executive power;
  • slow growth of investment in the development of material base of tourism;
  • discrepancy between the vast majority of tourist facilities to international standards and require significant investment;
  • insufficient supply of qualified tourism professionals;
  • lack of state support and an integrated approach to advertising of the national tourism products in domestic and international tourism market;
  • lack of methodological, organizational, informational and material support to the tourism industry of entrepreneurs from the state;
  • tendency to reduce the number of hotel enterprises;
  • high taxes;
  • unsatisfactory state of tourism, service and information infrastructure in the areas of highways and international transport

To solve the identified problems need a program of reforming the travel industry and its transition to sustainable development, which should include the following elements [13]:

  • improvement of the existing legislative framework and the establishment of effective mechanisms for its implementation;
  • training of skilled and responsible professionals;
  • development and implementation of financial and economic instruments for sustainable tourism development as a priority;

The development of national tourism can not be based solely on market mechanisms, because tourism is not only an economic phenomenon, but also deeply social, spiritual and cultural. Therefore, a public policy of tourism development in Kazakhstan. Also important is the need to establish mechanisms to facilitate the construction of new facilities and renovation of existing tourist and resort infrastructure. Need to create a system of tourist information centers — an element of tourism industry, the creation of tourist offices abroad. Significant role in the implementation of these tasks can play a cluster approach.

By now, it should be clear that our environment is becoming ever less capable of sustaining the growing impact of our economic activities:

  • Damage to property and infrastructure. Sea-level rise, floods, droughts, wildfires, and extreme storms require extensive repair of essential infrastructure such as homes, roads, bridges, railroad tracks, airport runways, power lines, dams, levees, and
  • Lost productivity. Disruptions in daily life related to climate change can mean lost work and school days and harm trade, transportation, agriculture, fisheries, energy production, and tourism. Severe rainfall events and snowstorms can delay planting and harvesting, cause power outages, snarl traffic, delay air travel, and otherwise make it difficult for people to go about their daily Climaterelated health risks also reduce productivity, such as when extreme heat curtails construction, or when more potent allergies and more air pollution lead to lost work and school days.
  • Mass migration and security threats. Global warming is likely to increase the number of «climate refugees»—people who are forced to leave their homes because of drought, flooding, or other climate-related disasters. Mass movements of people and social disruption may lead to civil unrest, and might even spur military intervention and other unintended
  • Coping costs. Societies may find ways to prepare for and cope with some climate impacts—provided that we do not let our carbon emissions continue unabated. However, even a partial accounting of these measures suggests that coping is likely to be more costly steps to reduce carbon emissions thereby reducing associated climate

For example, farmers might need to irrigate previously rain-fed areas, cool vulnerable livestock, and manage new or more numerous pests. Local and state governments that taker early steps to ensure that houses are more energy efficient, and build early warning systems for heat waves and disasters and add emergency responders are more likely to cope with extreme events. Governments may also have to build seawalls, contain sewer overflows, and strengthen bridges, subways, and other critical components of the transportation system.

Rebuilding after disasters strike is likely to prove even more costly than these preventive measures, studies show. And these costs do not include those stemming from lives lost and other irreversible consequences of allowing heat-trapping gases to accumulate unchecked in our atmosphere [14].

In such conditions, there can be only one way of maintaining the habitability of our planet and that is by setting out methodically to reduce this impact. Unfortunately, it is the overriding goal of just about every government in the world to maximize world trade and create a global economy.

Recreational resources, cultural and historical potential of Kazakhstan can find its niche in the global tourism market and to achieve rapid growth tourist industry in the country. This extensive growth of the tourism market will boost employment and income of the population involved in the tourism industry, as well as development related to tourism industry and most importantly, increase the flow of investments into the Kazakh economy.

Understanding the role of tourism in the economy and well-being of the population growth, tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the national level is recognized as one of the priority sectors of the national economy. The Programmed of Strategic Development of RK tourism industry’s as one of the priorities of economic development, prominently.

The tourist industry is allocated to one of the clusters in the system of national clusters, among which along with tourism are oil and gas engineering, food and textile industries, transport logistics, metallurgy and building materials. These sectors are paramount and that they hoped-as a means of avoiding raw material orientation of the country's economy.

At the same time, the beginning of the state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan tourist branch has not been the principal structural and content changes. No attention was paid to the integrated forecasting, long-term planning and territorial organization of tourism and non-tourist structures. Moreover, the situation in the tourism sector is particularly adversely affected the systematic reorganization of the government, were responsible for the development of tourism and a reduction in funding for their content. Obstacle to development in the industry was the failure to recognize the priority of tourist activity on the part of local government, despite the fact that the majority of revenue comes from tourism to the local budget.

During the development of tourism industry’s in the Republic of Kazakhstan from 1991 to 2013, observed the following trends in the tourism sector:

  • The growth of the firm engaged in tourist activities;
  • The reorientation of domestic tourists to outbound tourism to the domestic
  • Increasing the volumes of inbound tourism;
  • Increase the number of strategic international agreements on cooperation in the tourist industry;
  • Reorganization and improvement of the state structures of tourism management;
  • The development and successful use of the State Program of development of the tourism industry;
  • Kazakhstan's continued participation in international tourism exhibitions and conferences;
  • Modernization of the legislative framework in the regulation of tourist

Thus, during the years of state independence of Kazakhstan, a number of important measures to promote national tourism industry’s of the Republic, signed 22 international agreements on cooperation in tourism, with huge potential of social efficiency. At the same time the development of the tourism industry is fast enough, in recent years has stagnated for a number of indicators. All this makes the actual development of the tourism cluster in the Republic of Kazakhstan, especially in the area of Shchuchinsk-Borovoe.

Of course, measures could be taken to ban or at least limit activities that are particularly destructive — and channel economic development into those areas that are less so. But with the development of the global economy, even this is no longer possible — for by its very nature it must be controlled by increasingly stateless, unaccountable and ungovernable transnational corporations, that have set up, via the World Trade Organization, a new international legal system that is designed to make it virtually impossible to adopt environmental controls that could increase their costs and thereby reduce their competitiveness.



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